E288 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 7, 2006 funds for the Pension, the Health and Welfare achieve a partnership that would enable ex- derstand the great importance of this organi- plan. These advancements have not only pectant mothers to have their umbilical cord zation and the immeasurable service it pro- helped to significantly improve working condi- blood publicly banked at no cost. The Brady vides. tions; the language and monetary conditions Kohn Foundation will be the leader in edu- f were also greatly increased. cation, awareness, and promotion of this Larry has represented Local 342 countless project, inspiring expectant mothers to bank ‘‘WHITHER THE SIX PARTY times at conventions of the California State their cord blood in hopes of saving the lives of PROCESS?’’ Pipe Trades Council, the United Association, others. Christiana Care is an excellent choice the Western States Pipe Trades Council and for this project as they are home to approxi- HON. JAMES A. LEACH the Western States Pipeline Conference. He’s mately 7,000 deliveries per year. Of the cord OF IOWA also served on the Executive Boards of these blood collected, roughly 60 percent will be IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES associations as well as the Contra Costa and banked and used for medical procedures such Tuesday, March 7, 2006 Alameda County Building and Construction as bone marrow transplants, while the other Trades Councils. In 2001, Larry was appointed 40 percent will be used for research that has Mr. LEACH. Mr. Speaker, on September 19, by the UA General President to the prestigious the potential to heal countless diseases in the 2005, China, Japan, North Korea, Russia, Laws Committee at the UA Convention in future. South Korea, and the U.S. signed a Joint Miami Beach, Florida. On October 26, 2001, I recognize the struggle that the Kohns have Statement of principles under which North Larry was honored as Labor Leader of the gone through to reach their goal of providing Korea committed to abandoning all nuclear Year and recognized by the Contra Costa a public umbilical cord banking system. I weapons and existing nuclear programs. In Central Labor Council, the Contra Costa Build- would like to thank Carolyn, Andy, and all contrast to the hopes surrounding that pledge, ing and Construction Trades Council and the those involved with this valuable project. I am the intervening 6 months have brought no California State Senate and Assembly for his certain the new public cord blood banking sys- substantive progress toward that end, and the service to the community and to working men tem will have a tremendous impact on many Six Party process is beginning to appear mori- and women. lives in my home state of Delaware and bund. Larry not only worked tirelessly for his broth- around the United States. This circumstance is particularly regrettable because time is on no one’s side. Every day ers and sisters of organized labor, he also cul- f tivated friendships within the community. of the status quo is another day for the North Some of the community projects he has been TRIBUTE TO MEDICALERT Korean regime to produce additional fissile a part of include, Camp Okizu, the building of material, and another day that the people of the Shepard’s Gate home for battered women, HON. GEORGE RADANOVICH North Korea fall further behind the remarkable the Mother Wright Foundation and the North- OF CALIFORNIA economic and social march of the rest of Asia. ern California Special Olympics. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES At the same time that the malfeasance of the North Korean government has brought us to Upon retirement Larry will now have more Tuesday, March 7, 2006 time to devote to his wife, Debbie, sons Don- this impasse, it remains in the interest of the ald and Keith, daughter Dorothy, stepchildren Mr. RADANOVICH. Mr. Speaker, I would U.S. to initiate additional dialogue, even if Derrick and Andrea, as well as grandchildren like to take this opportunity to recognize prospects for its success are uncertain. Stephanie, Marshall, Amber and Curtis. MedicAlert, a company founded by Dr. Marion Alternatively, to continue to maintain a reac- As we wish Larry a fond farewell, we can and Chrissie Colling of Turlock, California in tive approach—such as placing unrealistic rest assured that he has left Local 342 finan- 1956. The MedicAlert system provides identi- conditions on high-level contacts and other cially strong, cultivated a strong symbiotic rela- fication and medical information in emer- forms of meaningful engagement with the tionship with the Local’s contractors, and gencies, alerting emergency medical profes- DPRK—cedes too much control to hard-liners helped strengthen the ties with Sister Locals sionals to preexisting medical conditions such in a regime that does not yet feel sufficient and other branches. Larry’s honorable toil has as diabetes, heart conditions, implanted de- pressure or incentive to denuclearize. helped cement a positive place within the vices, and allergies to medications. We must continually test the intent of North community for the brothers and sisters of MedicAlert utilizes identification bracelets Korea and not miss any opportunity for Local 342. We are all beneficiaries of his hard and the E-Health Key, both of which are to be progress, however improbable. We are also work and we salute his efforts. Cheers to a carried at all times in case of emergency. A obligated to consistently demonstrate to the happy and healthy retirement. 24-hour Emergency Response Center can be other parties in the region that the intran- f reached by calling a phone number on sigence impeding progress is not ours. Both of MedicAlert bracelets, allowing direct dialogue these priorities presuppose dialogue. TRIBUTE TO THE BRADY KOHN with nurses who have access to patients’ Because we control what we say, we ought FOUNDATION Electronic Health Record. The emergency not fear additional discussions or supple- contact information available in those records mentary avenues of discussion. Conversation HON. MICHAEL N. CASTLE helps make sure that patients’ families are is never concession if one is speaking the OF DELAWARE contacted in an emergency. MedicAlert pro- truth, advancing the national interest. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES vides free training pertaining to the use of At all levels of human interaction, including MedicAlert bracelets and E-Health Keys for the international strategic level, there exists a Tuesday, March 7, 2006 emergency response personnel and the public significant psychological dimension: Between Mr. CASTLE. Mr. Speaker, it is with great safety community. nations, as between people, the stronger party pleasure that I rise today to pay tribute to the Now in its 50th year, MedicAlert is endorsed has greater strategic confidence and thus ca- Brady Kohn Foundation and its founders, by the American Red Cross, the National Insti- pacity to take the first conciliatory steps when Carolyn and Andy Kohn. The Kohns began tute of Health, the American College of Emer- intransigent differences arise. Given the enor- their foundation to honor a wonderful little boy, gency Physicians and the American Pharma- mity of the stakes at issue, it behooves the their son Brady, whose life on this earth was ceutical Association. Over 100,000 medical U.S. to take advantage of the greater flexibility all too short. The work of this Foundation cen- professionals recommend MedicAlert to their we possess to creatively explore possibilities ters around the use of umbilical cord blood, a patients. MedicAlert currently receives 3,500 for resolving the challenges posed by North safe and painless way to retrieve valuable emergency calls a year. MedicAlert has grown Korea. stem cells, which can be used to save the to have affiliates in nine countries: Canada, One has the sense that due to understand- lives of many Americans. I welcome the initia- the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, able frustrations relative to past North Korean tive taken by the partnership of Christiana Cyprus, Malaysia, Iceland, South Africa and actions, including cheating on international Care Hospital, the The Elie Katz Umbilical Zimbabwe. commitments, the White House has given ex- Cord Blood Program at Community Blood I am very proud to congratulate MedicAlert ceedingly constrained options to our nego- Services, and the Brady Kohn Foundation to on the occasion of its 50th Anniversary. Over tiators. But clear-headedness about the nature publicly bank cord blood. This is the first step 80,000 people credit MedicAlert with having of the North Korean regime should not cloud into truly cutting edge medical research. helped saved their lives in an emergency, and the mind about devising techniques and proc- I am very familiar with the dedication of The I wish this amazing organization many more esses to overcome differences. Brady Kohn Foundation’s founding members. years of growth, increased awareness, and We have many assets, not the least of Carolyn and Andy have worked tirelessly to success. Four million members worldwide un- which is our professional diplomatic corps. VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:57 Mar 08, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A07MR8.019 E07MRPT1 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with REMARKS.
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