Congress Takes On Hollywood •Trapp OM at CC-Houston •WAAF's Controversial "Locobazooka" www.fmqb.com /7 / ROCK September 15, 2000 APrey' Ith Ediso Arbitron Internet • rtei %as ' Using The Internet For What You ,tot\se Beyond erke Me Me he e»eii(Z lo 64 -J4 - ei c7ee ega - Publisher/Owner Kal Rudman 11 Exeçutive VP/GM red Deane fdean @fmqbmail.com VP/Ex cutive Director aul Heine Se ember 15 2000 •ISSUE No. 1210 pheina @fmqbmail.com iI I Man ging Director/ O Moder Rock Director hael Parrish parri [email protected] upfront dmin strative Director 3 Caught In The Research Web: udy Swank Using The Internet For Music Research The Internet has proven to be an indispensable tool for radio sta- jswan @fmqbmail.coin tions, but what about using it for music research? fmqb talks to Ass ciate Director companies and programmers using the 'Net to get opinions on new music. ay Gleason lr *gleas •[email protected] 9 What You Need To Know Beyond Arbitron Demos Progr ssive Director To keep pace with what people are really thinking and doing, you Sbit McGuire need to look beyond the latest sweep and get a jump on the buzz mcgui [email protected] around you. Here are some of the most salient lifestyle trends. 3 rogr sive Specialist/ 12 Programming to Win: dverti ing Coordinator A Preview Of The Fifth Edison-Arbitron Internet Study evin Boyce Edison Research founder Larry Rosin previews the results of the kboyc @fmqbmail.com largest research project ever performed about the Internet and radio. oder Rock Specialist Ike Bacon mbac @fmqbmail.com theweekinm usic 13 Stats Summary Metal adio Specialist B mTeitelman 14 New Music Page teitel [email protected] 18 Rock Charts New edia Specialist ndy Gradel 16 Airplay Analysis agrad [email protected] 19 Regional Call-Out Research Scores Res:- rch Specialist athy Wagner musicn ew s kwagn [email protected] 20 Page/Crowes Cancel Remainder Of Tour... Deftones Head "Back To rt Director School"... Pumpkins Release Final Album Online... Rage Record Live Jan Drialo-McArdle Album After Bassist Gets Arrested. jmcar [email protected] mustr ea d esigners 28 Station Snapshot ancy Green CFNY/Toronto. Lslie Crawford ma LaMaina departments EW RUCK inda Steere 30 Active KRXQ and WZTA announce Halloween concerts. Pro ction Assistants 102 usan Adcock 31 Progressive Trry Benedetti Progressive Picks: No shortage of quality in the fourth quarter erry Ehrhart new music onslaught. ditoria Research Assistants 36 Metal nielle 8 ield Brad Maybe Downset gets "Together" with #1 Most Added record. heresa Maire Kevin McManmon harmaine Parker Ginny Reilly Ruth Watts 37 Modern Co tributing Editors II Pittsburgh X-Files 2000 Local Music CD from WXDX. Tom Barn .Dave Beasing Ted Bolton, John Bradley, nnis Constantine, Bob Davis. Tim ".s. vis. Alex I ers. Greg Gillispie. Mike Henry, Liz covers to r y Janik, Chris ennedy, Randy Lane, Dave Lange, Terry Marsh I. Mark Ramsey. Larry Rosin, Paul Cover Story I Sexton. Den y Somach Productions. Pat Welsh 48 4a Where Radio's Heading On The Internet: Six Perspectives Exec tive Mews. F-36 With one eye on the bottom line and another on the Internet. the radio 1930 ast Marlton Pike industry is beginning to address the unprecedented opportunities that Cher y Hill, NJ 08003 await on the Web. To help take stock of where radio's heading on the (;6) 424-9114 Internet, fmqb spoke with six individuals helping lead the charge, from Fax: (856) 424-6943 researchers and radio executives, to techies and entrepreneurs. mail: f qbelmqbmail.com C,2000 "dal, Mon pnu Qua, lei back Albuin R port Inc All rights reserved. Printed ad host published in V&A. ' I51 gr. I XM Satellite Radio Congress Takes On Hollywood Opens $65 Million A report released Monday (9/11) of targeting youth groups such as Broadcast Facility 12 . AL IRE We 'V by the Federal Trade Commis- the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts. sion stated that the film, music Fifty-five music recordings that and video industries market carried the explicit content labels A11 VISIRY1 4100, Ale.' adult-themed material to chil- were all marketed to children MUM VRIM dren. Although the entertain- under 17, the report says. ment industry has placed warn- Responding to the FTC find- "The recording industry ing labels on music and video ings, President Clinton, along shares the Committee's concern games and rates each movie for with presidential nominees Al about the impact of culture on its content, the FTC says the Gore and George W. Bush, our youth," Rosen said. "From products are nonetheless market- asked the entertainment industry what Ican tell, the FTC's find- ed to children under 17 years old. to police itself. The study was ings can be summed up in afew tr* One of XM's 82 state-of-the-art The FTC cited material sub- ordered by Clinton after 1999's sentences. Parents are satisfied broadcast studios. mitted by the industry, which Columbine massacre. Gore run- with the industry's rating system showed intentional plans to mar- ning mate Joseph Lieberman, a to the extent that 74 percent said WASHINGTON, DC — XM Satellite ket products to underage chil- longtime critic of the entertain- so, but the FTC is not." Radio threw open the doors to its dren. One document disclosed ment industry, testified before a Disney has said that it will $65 million, 150,000 square foot, still- that an M-rated video game's pri- Senate Commerce Committee make changes in the company's under-construction broadcast com- mary target audience was boys hearing on the FTC report on marketing and advertising prac- plex to journalists and VIPs aged 12-17. In addition, amarket- Wednesday (9/13), as did Lynne tices. The company will not allow Wednesday (9/13). Headquartered in ing plan for an R-rated movie Cheney, wife of Republican Vice theaters to show trailers for R- arenovated, century old brick build- was geared to "make sure every- Presidential candidate Dick rated movies before aDisney ing in Northeast Washington, the one between the ages of 12-18 Cheney. film. This policy doesn't include state-of-the-art facility includes 82 was exposed to the film." Defending the music industry films by Hollywood Pictures, interconnected, prefab, digital studios, Of 44 R-rated movies, the at the hearing was RIAA Touchstone, and Miramax Films, aperformance studio large enough to FTC found that 80 percent were President Hilary Rosen, BMG which are all under the Disney accommodate afull orchestra, 21 ter- marketed to youngsters — with Entertainment President/CEO umbrella. Disney's ABC TV net- abytes of audio storage capability, one company document saying Strauss Zelnick, and Artemis work will not accept any adver- and 120 miles of fiber-optic cabling. the goal was to find the "elusive Records President/CEO Danny tising for R-rated movies during In addition to touring the com- teen target," while another spoke Goldberg. continued on page 7 plex, guests were played sample channels, from "Fine Tuning" (adven- 99X/Atlanta Cops A Buzz With Marvelous 3... Details in Modern Crossroads on page 42. turous orchestral Rock) to "The Bone." Later, at aposh Union Station reception, the Mayor (in person) and the President and Vice President (via Caught In The Research Web: letters) delivered proclamations and congratulations, before Aretha Franklin and her orchestra paid their Using The Internet For Music Research "respect" to the new satellite broad- caster. rihe lelemet--based- Since the Internet has come of age, its users are now While the first of its two geosta- musk testing, able to do everything from finding a date to shopping to tionary satellites won't be in the air ponceptual Wedback becoming certified as a reverend, all with the click of a aud until December, the company has mouse. In the realm of radio, the 'Net has done a great email »doting successfully conducted end-to-end job of brand extension, as well as improving the process s?stno for signal testing and begun chipset ridio steam of show prep. As for the nuts and bolts of running a radio station, several online companies manufacturing. have surfaced that specialize in audience research. Among them are Radioresearch.com "XM is aseries of 100 individual, and Pickthehits.com, two companies that are capitalizing on the Internet's technology and living, breathing radio stations," VP of ease of use to get user feedback on music. Programming Dave Logan said. Both companies offer tools that program directors can use, but each works in different "We're building astaff of passionate ways. As theft name suggests, Radioresearch.com focuses on actual research. lunatics. without dumbing it down continued on page 8 continued on page 5 fmqb september 15, 2000 "CONGRATULATION SONG" ON YOUR DESK NOW! GOING FOR ADDS SEPTEMBER 191 FROM THE NEW STUDIO ALBUM "AMERICA'S VOLUME DEALER' AMERICAS VOLUME DEALER IN STORES OCTOBER 10 111 ! THE DEBUT RELEASE ON SANCTUARY RECORDS! Sanctuary Records A Drvis,on Of Sanctuary Records Group upfront 25-54: Still The Demo For Boston 'Bazooka Blow-Up WAAF/Boston's September 17 by playing the show, they could Advertisers Locobazooka concert has touched put down a$2,000 deposit for 100 off amild controversy among tickets, valued at $25 each. If the Despite falling five percent over the last five years, the coveted 25-54 demo Boston's local music scene. At the band ended up selling all of the is still —far and away —the most desirable demographic for national adver- center of the issue is an allegation tickets, they would make $500.
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