A market in need of new solutions Interview of George Benos, Sales & Marketing General Manager page 12 Value added products page 22 Water: Responsible management in practice page 28 Biodiversity enhancement program page 32 INDEX 10 A market in need of 28 Water: new solutions Responsible management in practice 16 Innovation is about paving new ways 32 Biodiversity enhancement program 22 Value added products 34 Greek painters in the Heracles calendars 1956 - 2009 Published by the Heracles Communication Department Please contact us for comments and ideas: tel: +30 210 2898548, +30 210 2898111 Fax: +30 210 2898251 [email protected] MANAGING EDITOR Angelica Patrouba EDITOR Elia Kolla PRODUCTION & PRINTING 4 reasons L.T.D. PHOTOS Media Library Heracles PA G E 2 | HERACLES MAGAZINO | 2 0 1 1 AT A GLANCE HERACLES took part in the one-day confer- LAVA took part in the 25th Conference of the In the context of an informative visit, 14 ence on “Maintenance Management in Greek Society for Horticultural Science with students and professor Ch. Papakonstantinou Modern Businesses” co-organized by the two presentations on research projects where from the Civil Engineering Department, Uni- Technical Chamber of Magnesia, the LAVA pumice is used. During the 1st session on versity of Thessaly, were offered a guided tour Hellenic Maintenance Society, the Association Vegetable Culture, on 1 November, there was a around the Volos plant and were briefed about of Industries of Thessaly & Central Greece, the presentation on “Optimizing irrigation manage- the production process and its key stages. University of Thessaly and the Hellenic As- ment in cucumber culture with three different A discussion followed about our Company’s sociation of Mechanical & Electrical Engineers pumice types”. On 4 November, in the 2nd ses- products, principles and actions. of Magnesia. Vassilis Kambanis, Maintenance sion on Floriculture and Landscaping, there was Manager was member of the Organising Com- a presentation on “The effects of substrate type A visit with guided tour at the facilities of mittee, and Alexandros Siganos, Phd Methods and depth and irrigation quantity on the growth Volos plant was paid by 35 students and 5 Manager at the Volos plant, delivered a speech of the self-sown species Dianthus fruticosus sub. teachers of the 1st Vocational High School of on “Maintenance Best Practices... in practice”. fruticosus”. Karditsa (Mechanical-Electrical Engineers & Structural Engineers Departments). After the Panagiotis Pantalakis, Heraklion Terminal tour, the students were briefed by plant people Supervisor was awarded a prize by the parents’ who responded to their questions. association of the Rodia nursery and primary school for our company’s contribution to the A conference by the Technical Chamber of school. Western Crete on the “Sustainable Manage- ment of Aggregates” was held on 16 May in 19 students and 3 teachers of the Construc- Chania, Crete, within the framework of the tions Department, Vocational High School of SARMA European project. Invited to speak N. Ionia visited the Volos plant on Thursday 17 was George Restemis, Halkis plant quarries February. Students were offered a tour around Supervisor, who made a presentation on “The the site by our engineers Eleftherios Moustakas Konstantinos Cholevas, Supply Chain & IT cement industry as a lever for sustainable and Nicolaos Anestis. They visited the plant General Manager, was a speaker in the 9th development”. laboratory where they watched a mechani- annual Corporate Social Responsibility cal strength test demonstration by Dimitris conference organized by the Hellenic-American Anastasios Manos, Logistics & Terminals Mouratidis. Chamber on “Building Responsible Companies Manager, participated with a speech at the – Maximizing Benefits through a Sustainable 15th Panhellenic Logistics Conference which Supply Chain”. Konstantinos Cholevas was held in Thessaloniki, on 11 & 12 November participated in the session on “Responsible 2011. A. Manos’ presentation was on “A Road Management of Supply Chain Product Safety Initiative and Supply Chain Optimization Manufacturing builds relations that make a Program of HERACLES for the Transport of Bulk difference”. Cement throughout Greece”. Vassilis Kambanis, Maintenance Manager at A comfortable and pleasant waiting room Volos Plant, took part in the 7th Maintenance was created in June for bulk and bagged ce- Forum and presented the “Best maintenance ment truck drivers on initiative of the Halkis practices in modern industry”. His presentation plant. In this area drivers can wait while titled “Best maintenance practices in modern supporting documents are prepared and after A First Aid Seminar was delivered by Red industry» focused on maintenance methods, they return from their transportation tasks. Cross at the Rio Terminal in October. It was the strategy and functions, tools and best prac- The room was arranged in an existing area of a 20 hour program attended by 4 employees, tices in the maintenance of a cement plant, as the plant and it is to become a model for waiting who were then certified as qualified rescuers. well as their implementation in practice. rooms for drivers in all our BU. On the International Coastal Clean-up Day on Konstantinos Cholevas, Supply Chain & IT 17 September, Volos plant took part in clean- General Manager, participated in the conference up of the coast located across the plant. “Technology as an Economy Enabler” which focused on the Greece’s development after the crisis. 2 0 1 1 | HERACLES MAGAZINO | PA G E 3 HEALTH & SAFETY CRITICAL BEHAVIORS CAMPAIGN “Key to our safety” Recognizing that the key to Safety at Work is making the employees adopt safe behaviors, we have launched the “Critical Behaviors - Key to our safety” program, which aims to develop an integrated campaign for the communication of critical behaviors. The innovation of this campaign is that groups of the employees them- selves are actively participating in the entire campaign, from its conception stage up to its implementation, taking up a leading part in the promotion of safety matters. Recognizing critical behaviors as the key to With the employees in the leading roles A campaign for all employees our safety The teams proposed specific means of com- By the beginning of 2012, all teams will embark Eleven teams from all three plants and 112 munication as well as an action plan for 2012, on a coordinated effort to communicate the employees in total took part in the workshops including presentations, discussions, interactive critical behaviors to their colleagues, engaging of the first stage of the program, from June to installations and creative interventions in the in highlighting the keys to safety assigned to October 2011. The major critical behaviors were premises. The material and the actions are de- them and discussing with their colleagues at identified, as resulting from the analysis of the veloped in cooperation with the Communication their workplace. The material created and the most recent incidents in each plant. Then, each department. The employees participate in the relevant initiatives of the employees will be team was assigned one “key to our safety” - one creation of the materials, while in the case of disseminated throughout the organization, with of the critical behaviors - and they all worked photo- or video-shoots, not only do they suggest the teams from each plant communicating the together in order to suggest ideas and actions the main concept but they feature themselves critical behaviors to their colleagues at the other and to communicate their own “key” to all their in them. plants. colleagues. SCHOOL PROGRAM Thousands of Paths but Only One Life! An educational program under the general title 18 October, by LAVA S.A. together with the “Panos “Thousands of Paths but Only One Life” was or- Mylonas” Road Safety Institute, under the auspices ganized at the Conference Center of Milos, on 17 & of the Municipality of Milos. The program was attended by 128 children from the high-school of Milos and was aimed at raising awareness and informing the pupils on road safety issues. The pupils watched the special presentation on the significance of safe driving, while, divided in groups, they participated in experiential activi- ties on distraction of attention, they rode bicycles in a specially constructed park and drove a small remotely-controlled car with low lighting. In the framework of this campaign, the participants received a brochure created specifically for the “Thousands of Paths but Only One Life” program with useful advice regarding safe behavior on the road. PA G E 4 | HERACLES MAGAZINO | 2 0 1 1 Port facility safety exercises Improvement projects at the Halkis Plant The annual port security exercise of the Volos plant was successfully carried out on 13 VOLOS PLANT Plant improvement projects have been October, under the supervision of the Hellenic launched from the end of September with the Coast Guard. The plant’s port facilities come demolition of the idle preheater and the ho- under the International Ship and Port Facility Training mogenization silos of line B at the Halkis plant. Security Code (ISPS Code), while the annual These projects will contribute to the improve- security exercises are aimed at the coordination seminar on ment of the layout and the visual footprint of the of particular actions in case of an emergency. plant. This was a tabletop exercise, attended by the port safety Harbor Master of Volos, Commander Konstanti- nos Ganotis, representatives of local bodies and authorities, while the plant was represented by members of the management team. At the three-day training seminar on port safety that was held at the Volos plant A Port Facility Security Exercise was carried the port facility operating manual was out at the Halkis plant on 17 October 2011 introduced, which constitutes the written with the support of the Halkis Central Port framework governing the ship - port relationship based on international laws Authority, the Halkis Traffic Police Department, and rules.
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