*~tW^^ jf ^in ^i '.">>/ tr IMTf 1 Independent Daily I I m*8nmmmutt-mm J SH 1.0010 \1r\1 at Vir» 117 Iuu*4 Otlly. Mona»y throum *T1iJ«y. •nitrad •• Kcond Clan Miner RED BANK, N. J., FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 1961 7c PER COPY Se PER WEEK VOL. Ho, INU. !•}/ BI tb* Pert Olfie* tt flxl Bank, N. J.. undar U» Act 01 March *. 1178. BY CARRIER PAGE ONE Word Due on Mitchell; Seen as a Candidate Ask Reversal WASHINGTON (AP) — Secre- Mitchell, 60, has been working the defeated GOP presidential tary of Labor James P. Mitchell behind the scenes in recent weeks candidate. of Little Silver, N. J., may apparently to sound out what sup- One source said Mitchell plans •merge soon from known behind- port he might have if he entered to see the President again before the-icenes maneuvering to be- what is shaping up as a free-for- the week is out. come a candidate for the Re-all primary battle. Reports of his possible can- Of Suspension publican gubernatorial nomin- He has met twice with Sen. didacy brought a mixed reaction ation in New Jersey. Clifford P. Case, R-N. J., during from some New Jersey Demo- There were indication! Mitchell the past week and has discussed cratic congressional quarters. would announce his candidacy the New Jersey political scene A congressional aide said Mit in a statement he said he would with President Eisenhower and chell's announced candidacy Laotian Air Strikes Georgia make public within a few days. Vice President Richard M. Nixon, would certainly cause the Demo- crats to re-evaluate their cam- paign strategy. "He's a. strong candidate," the source said. In 3d Straight Day Probes McGann Rejected But another Democrat pre- dicted that if Mitchell enters the VIENTIANE, Laos (AP)-The The planes were resorted at- race, he will withdraw before the Laotian government's tour new- tacking in the area of the Nam As Union Beach Attorney April primary because of the stiff ly acquired planes from the Unit- Lie River, 70 miles north of Started competition he would face. ed States pounded the pro-Com- Vientiane, where two companies UNION BFACH - Borough Would Run Third munist rebels' artillery positions of government forces were re- Council, by 4-2 vote, last night 70 miles north of Vientiane today ported engaged with a lebel force MACON, Ga. (AP) — A rejected Mayor Harvey C. Erik- This source said Mitchell would for the third straight day. of about the same «ize. legal move seeking read- •en's reappointment of Patrick J. run third with state Sens. Walter McGann, Jr. as borough attorney. Jones, Bergen, and Wayne Du No reports were available so mission of two Negro stu- mont, Warren, in the race. far on the damage inflicted in Mr. McGann was also rejected dents to the University of Jones, Dumont, and state Sen. the first three days of air at- at the Jan. 2 reorganization Sunday Law Charles Sandman, Cape May, are tacks. But military experts said eorgia was planned today meeting. the only announced candidates the Laotian pilots — trained in as the FBI and the Georgia Leg- Voting against him were Coun- for the GOP nomination. France and Thailand — probably Suit Hearing islature opened separate investi- eilmen William J. Langan, Jones, the Democratic source would need several ilavs more gations into rioting on the uni- Frank Raccioppi, Bernard T. said, has the nomination vir- of flying to sharpen the accur- Is Scheduled versity campus. Marciniak and Robert Holland. tually sewed up. IATTLING ILAZE — Allenhurst firemen pour water from acy of their aim. NEWARK (AP) — A three- The students were suspended Voting in favor were council- He noted that Gov. Robert B. Hook and Ladder tower on blaze which twept $100,000 So far there was no sign of following an anti-integration men William F. Rodgers and air retaliation from the Soviet judge U. S. District Court will Meyner won the Democratic home of Philip Batehker at Dtal last night. demonstration in which stones Paul J. Smith. nomination in 1953 by carrying Union, Communist China or hear Jan. 19 a suit seeking a per- manent injunction against the en- and firecrackers were thrown Mayor Eriksen holds the ap- only Hudson, Mercer and War- North Viet Nam, which support and police used tear ^as. They pointive power for 30 days (until ren counties. the Pathet Lao rebels. forcement of New Jersey's .Sun- day closing law. were taken from the campus at the end of this month). After "Just substitute Bergen for But Western intelligence sources Athens early yesterday and re- Named as defendants in the that, the council itself can make Hudson and Jones is in," the reported an old model Soviet turned to their homes in Atlanta. $100,000 House Is suit were state Attorney Gen. appointments. source said. spotter plane, an AN2, was ob- Mrs. Constance Motley, an at- Another appointment left un- His reasoning goes like this: served directing rebel artillery David D. Furman, prosecutors of torney for Charlayne A. Hunter, filled was that of building inspec- Jones is strong in Bergen which fire on Monday, the day before nine counties and police chiefs of 18, ind Hamilton E. Hoimos, 19, tor. is more Republican than Hudson the United States delivered the 13 municipalities. Destroyed by Fire The attorney general's office, promptly asked federal court in The Langan faction has of- County is Democratic; Jones can four propeller-driven T6 trainer- Macsn ts reverse th: sunpcr.sisr,. fered the name of Michaei Patrick J. McGsaa, It. also carry Hudson County in a attack planes the government which will represent the defend Resignuolo but, to date, council Republican primary, get an even DEAL—Fire of undeterminediroof lighted the shore beach- forces are using ngainst the ants, was to file its brief with In over-ruling her oral mo- has been unable to determine break in Essex County and perorigi- n last night destroyed the front with a hue that could be rebels. the deputy clerk, U. S. District tion, U.S. District Court Judge whether the appointment can beSmith Nixes haps lose Union County to Mit-$100,000 oceanfront home of seen" from a distance of at least The intelligence sources said Court, Camden. W. A. Bootle suggested a writ- made without a Civil Service chell in close race. Philip Batehker, 101 Ocean Ave. three miles. the nationality of the pilot fly- Plaintiffs in the suit are Vorte- n motion be filed. The judge exam. Mr. Batehker, an engineer, The house, called a Deal land- ing the plane spotting for the nado, Inc., of Garfield; the Jaun- conferred with Mn. Motley and Case The Key At present, John Scoras is RegionalHigh said that a substantial part of mark, was unoccupied. rebels was not determined. ty Dress Shop, Inc., of Neptune; attorneys for {he state and then listed as "temporary" building Case appears to be the key tothe value of the three-story, 22 The Batehker family resides at Each of the American-supplied the Alfar Shop of Neptune, Gar- said court would reconvene at 2 inspector by Civil Service. Mitchell's candidacy. The senroo- m stucco-frame dwelling was T6s is armed with two 30-caiiber field and North Bergen; Edward p.m., today. Seek Clarification School Idea ator has said he would announce in its ornate furnishings and Another Picture Page S machine guns and has racks for Reiff of Wharton, a Vornado em- Attorney Gen. William P. Rog- The borough clerk was in- his position early next week. He tapestries. ployee, and Joseph Monteleone, ers disclosed in Washington the LITTLE SILVER - Neil G. two 100-pound bombs and two structed to write, again, to the lied published reports t an employee of Bargain City, Justice Department was "initi- Smith, president of the Board Seen For Miles 109 Phillips Ave. in the winter. 2.36-inch rockets. Use of the state Civil Service Department U. S. A. in West Depford Town- ating a preliminary investigation of Education, last night said he (See MITCHELL, pg. 2) Flames flashing through the Patrolmen Richard C. Ross and planes for attack missions, in- for clarification on the matter. ship. of reported mob action at the was not in favor of forming a Frank Barry discovered the blaze stead of just for obfiervition. As for special policemen, Mr. Vornado, Inc., is the parent University of Georgia to ascer- regional high school district with on routine, patrol duty at about raised fea/s among British and Eriksen said those appointments company of 2 Guys From Har- tain whether or not federal law Shrewsbury and Holmdel Town- 7:30 p.m. and summoned the fire French diplomats here thai the would be made at the next meet- rison. The other plaintiffs lease violations occurred." ship. Thompson Leaving department. Russians or Red Chinese in re ing, Jan. 26. space at 2 Guys From Harrison Fire Chief Sam Santanello di- taliation would supply combat T» Begin Hearings Mr. Marciniak, chairman of fi- He said such a move "would stores. rected fire fighters who were on Dlanes for use against the anti About the same time the Geor- nance, announced that he is re- be much more expensive" than Communist forces. Among those named as defend As Little Silver School Head 'he scene more than three hours. gia House of Representatives turning "several" unsigned paying tuition to Red Bank High ants, along with Furman, are named a special five-man sub- vouchers to the fire department. School. LITTLE SILVER — Charles A. 40 years. His wife, Mrs.
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