R&R's Last Minute Edition Featuring reviews of Casino, Red Hot THE CHRONICLE Chili Peppers, and the GZA. See R&R. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1995 IE ONE COPY FREE DUKE UNIVERSITY DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA CIRCULATION: 15.000 VOL. 91, NO. 64 Analysts approve Clinton's plan Professors cite America's unique responsibility By MISTY ALLEN Clinton's reasons for interven­ we're'going to have to send In the wake of President tion, citing America's unique re­ troops—as much as we find that Clinton's Monday night address sponsibility as the world's sole distasteful," he said. to the American public concern­ remaining superpower. Herbert Kitschelt, professor ing the dispatch of 20,0U0 Amer­ "I think he's making a rhetor­ of political science, underscored ican troops to Bosnia, University ical nod to the public's sentiment Eldridge's statement by saying students and professors have ex­ about not wanting to be the that the United States has a pressed opinions ranging from world's policeman, but at the strategic interest in the Balkan tactful criticism to tempered ap­ same time saying that if we war because of its vested inter­ proval. don't do it, then who will?" said est in the stability of Eastern By all accounts, the speech Peter Feaver, assistant professor Europe. "I think that this is the was a crucial one for Clinton, of political science. He was only way to attain peace in the whose administration promised speaking to the distinction be­ region. The United States' [pres­ military support to the warring tween unilateral and multilater­ ence] is an essential element," Balkan factions in the sweeping al military action, a longstand­ he said. peace agreement initialed in ing tension in .American foreign Eldridge noted, however, that Dayton, Ohio, last week. Al­ policy. heightened U.S. involvement though the president, as com­ The United States has the re­ would result in American casu­ mander-in-chief, does not re­ sponsibility to help bring the alties—a point of growing public quire the approval of Congress three-and-a-half-year Balkan concern. In his speech, Clinton ALEX BELSKIS/THE CHRONICLE to deploy military forces, such conflict to an end, said Albert El- accepted responsibility for the cooperation can be vital from a dridge, associate professor of po­ potential danger to American 'I'm a lumberjack and I'm okay' political standpoint. litical science. "If the U.S. is lives that the mission could Graduate student Carlos Paction delivers a tree at the University professors special­ going to continue to play an ac­ pose—a move that Feaver said Forestry and Environmental Management program's tree sale. izing in foreign policy supported tive role in foreign policy, then See BOSNIA on page 3 • Experts predict move Students to communist Russia discuss By CARRIE DAYMONT tary elections in Russia, vot­ A three person panel dis­ ers will choose between 43 cussed Wednesday night the parties, which, according to ethnicity possibility of Russia reverting the panelists, include one to some form of communist highly organized communist By JUSTIN CEPELAK government, a change that party and others which range Nineteen people gathered might be realized in part by widely in ideology. last night in the Mary Lou Russia's upcoming parliamen­ These elections are impor­ Williams Center to discuss as­ tary elections. tant because they will help to similation in American society Gennady Gerasimov who predict the June 16 presiden­ and what ramifications it has served as Russia's ambas­ tial elections. for ethnicity in the United sador to Portugal and Mickiewicz cited a recent States. spokesperson for President survey which found that 25 Sponsored by Alpha Phi Mikhail Gorbachev, joined po­ percent of Russians said they Alpha, Psi Upsilon and the Jew­ litical science and public poli­ were identified with the Com­ ish Campus Service, the "Dis­ cy professor Ellen Mickiewicz munist Party. Sixty percent of cussion on Assimilation" cen­ and James B. Duke Professor these people said they will tered on issues of race, culture, of political science Jerry vote in the upcoming elec­ sexuality and religion and how Hough in discussing Russia's tions. one's identity is influenced by so­ future. Because all seats in Rus- ALEX BELSKtS/THE CHRONICLE cietal pressures to assimilate At the Dec. 17 parliamen­ See RUSSIA on page 5 • Political leader Gennady Gerasimov discusses Russia's future. See ASSIMILATE on page 5 • Students doubt policies' ability to curb heavy drinking This is the third installment in a Closer to home, the threat of a simi­ Safety. Of the 34 cases of alcohol-relat­ pointing to potential negative effects of four-part series looking at the ramifica­ lar tragedy was a motivating factor in ed arrests since Jan. 1, 1995, all but the changes while commending safer tions ofthe new alcohol policies. Tomor­ this year's tightening of the Universi­ one have been made this semester. alcohol consumption by some students. row's story will examine the possibility ty's alcohol policies. The policies have influenced a mar­ of an increase in drunken driving due Three months after implementing New Alcohol Policies, ginal number of students "in the gray to the policy changes. the changes, Public Safety officials say area between binge drinking and occa­ By JED STREMEL Unresolved Issues that campus safety has improved, but Student Survey 'Alternative Options • sional drinking," he said. When University of Iowa freshman some students are questioning whether Excessive Drinking • Drunken Driving Students who would have ordinarily Matt Garofalo died from choking on his heavy drinkers have truly altered their * drunk so much as to require a trip to own vomit after drinking heavily at a behavior. But like many students, Trinity ju­ the emergency room, however, are Ul fraternity party this September, ad­ Increased enforcement of the Uni­ nior Takcus Nesbit, Duke Student Gov­ probably still prone to drinking dan­ ministrators and greek leaders versity's policies has played a large role ernment Vice-President for Student Af­ gerous amounts under the new policy, promptly issued a temporary moratori­ in determining their effect, said Lewis fairs, qualified his support for the he said. um on alcohol at social events. Wardell, Assistant Director of Public changes in student life as "50-50," See DRINKING on page 4 • THE CHRONICLE THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1995 World and National Newsfile Associated Press Congressional bill reveals lobbyists' role Gingrich questioned: The Fed­ By ADAM CLYMER their government." killed last year by a Republican fili­ eral Election Commission Wednes­ N.Y. Times News Service About 6,000 people are now regis­ buster in the Senate, and this year day released hundreds of new docu­ WASHINGTON — Congress com­ tered as Washington lobbyists. Rep. Canady had to overcome House Repub­ ments which suggest that GOPAC, pleted action Wednesday on the first ef­ Christopher Shays, R-Conn., estimated lican leaders to get the bill to the floor a political action committee former­ fort to regulate lobbying in 49 years, as that anywhere from three to ten times and past a hurdle of amendments that ly headed by House Speaker Newt the House voted to require thousands of that many would have to register after might have crippled it in a House-Sen­ Gingrich, violated federal law by in­ lobbyists who escape existing law to re­ the new law takes effect on Jan. 1. ate conference or invited a presidential tentionally hiding its role in 1990 port who pays them, how much they are Rep. Charles Canady, R-FIa., who veto. congressional races. paid and what issues they work on. managed the bill, said: "This is a his­ Some supporters said Wednesday's The vote was 421-0, a result that, in toric day. It shows things really have vote, following earlier adoption of rules Secret weapon revealed: The a cheery cloud of political virtue, changed in the Congress." Canady barring gifts to members of Congress, U.S. government recently conducted masked preliminary opposition and pointed to bipartisan cooperation that could provide important impetus for ac­ experiments with Bay Area re­ delay. The House's action followed a 98- got the bill passed, citing Shays and two tion on campaign finance legislation searchers to determine whether to-0 vote for the legislation by the Sen­ Democrats, Reps. Barney Frank of next year. Rep. Linda Smith, R-Wash., "psychic spy tools" could be used ate on July 25. Massachusetts and John Bryant of said: "Campaign reform is now. It's against the Soviet Union and other President Clinton, who had already Texas, for their persistence. countries. Psychic spies were used going to be one of the greatest fights, to locate Moammar Gadhafi before indicated that he would sign the bill, But in fact Democrats gave the bill greater than the budget, greater than the U.S. bombing of Libya in 1986. said on Wednesday night that it "will more support at critical stages than did Medicare," because of its personal im­ help restore the trust of the people in Republicans. Similar legislation was pact on members of Congress. Renoir seeks owner: A Renoir painting stolen by the Nazis during World War II has gone on show in Tensions rise in Haiti, may threaten peace Nice, in search of its long-lost By LARRY ROHTER military might restored to power in an owner. Painted in 1905, the paint­ stration outside the National Palace on N.Y. Times News Service ing is estimated to be worth about effort to rebuild democracy in Haiti, Wednesday morning, using a Creole $600,000. PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti—Even as has gone from showcase to headache. word that means both "foreigners" and the United States prepares to send Relations with the Aristide govern­ "whites." troops to Bosnia, the Clinton adminis­ ment are deteriorating, political vio­ Now Washington may also have to tration suddenly finds itself struggling lence has re-emerged, the economy is contend with a resurgence of the "boat Weather to prevent the unraveling of a fragile on the skids and Haitians have begun people" problem that provoked the U.S.
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