Journal of the Senate Number 22—Regular Session Friday, May 2, 2014 CONTENTS Guide and bless our Senators assembled, that they may enact such laws as shall please you to the glory of your Name and the welfare of this Bills on Third Reading . 1040, 1099, 1102, 1110, 1121, 1127, 1129, people. In the time of prosperity, fill our hearts with thankfulness, and in the day of trouble, suffer not our trust in you to fail; all which we ask 1133 through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Call to Order . 1039, 1099, 1109, 1129, 1132 Conference Committee Report . 1103, 1105, 1138, 1141, 1142, 1145, . 1147, 1148, 1149, 1164, 1377, 1389, 1392 PLEDGE Executive Business, Appointment . 1394 Senate Pages, Rashad Bailey of South Bay; Maddie Ayers of Tampa; Executive Business, Reports . 1102 and Allison Beaty of Tallahassee, led the Senate in the pledge of alle- Executive Suspensions . 1396 giance to the flag of the United States of America. Executive Suspensions, Reports . 1395 House Messages, Final Action . .1398 House Messages, Returning . 1047, 1101, 1109, 1138 DOCTOR OF THE DAY Motions . .1124 The President recognized Dr. Melvyn Joel Katzen of Port Charlotte, Point of Order . 1099, 1127 sponsored by Senator Hays, as the doctor of the day. Dr. Katzen spe- Point of Order Ruling . 1103 cializes in radiology. Resolutions . 1039 Special Guests . 1040, 1044, 1099, 1121, 1127 Special Order Calendar . 1099, 1106, 1113, 1127, 1129, 1133 ADOPTION OF RESOLUTIONS Vote Preference . .1132 On motion by Senator Montford— Vote, Disclosure . .1124, 1145, 1164, 1377, 1394 By Senator Montford— CALL TO ORDER SR 1766—A resolution recognizing Deputy Robert Lundy, of the Taylor County Sheriff’s Office, for his swift and courageous response to The Senate was called to order by President Gaetz at 10:00 a.m. A an assailant at Timberland Ford in Perry. quorum present—40: WHEREAS, on February 5, 2014, Steinhatchee native Robert Lundy, Mr. President Flores Negron a deputy with the Taylor County Sheriff’s Office, stopped at Timberland Abruzzo Galvano Richter Ford in Perry to have his patrol car serviced, and Altman Garcia Ring ’ Bean Gardiner Sachs WHEREAS, within minutes of Deputy Robert Lundy s arrival at Timberland Ford, an employee of the car dealership crashed his vehicle Benacquisto Gibson Simmons through the front of the building and opened fire on those in the deal- Bradley Grimsley Simpson ership, and Brandes Hays Smith Braynon Hukill Sobel WHEREAS, without regard for his own safety, Deputy Robert Lundy Bullard Joyner Soto immediately responded to the shooting, exchanging gunfire with the Clemens Latvala Stargel assailant, who later died, and Dean Lee Thompson WHEREAS, Deputy Robert Lundy was one of three people shot by the Detert Legg Thrasher assailant, suffering a stomach wound and eye trauma, and Diaz de la Portilla Margolis Evers Montford WHEREAS, Deputy Robert Lundy was transported to U.F. Health Shands Hospital in Gainesville, where he spent several weeks in a coma, PRAYER and The following prayer was offered by Mother Abi Moon, Assistant WHEREAS, throughout the ordeal, Kelly Lundy was by her husband’s bedside, making the roughly 3-hour round trip drive each day to en- ’ Rector, St. John s Episcopal Church, Tallahassee: courage and support him, and O God, the fountain of wisdom, whose will is good and gracious, and WHEREAS, on April 11, 2014, Deputy Robert Lundy returned home to whose law is truth. We humbly ask you that we may always prove Steinhatchee a hero, recognized by the Taylor County Sheriff’s Office ourselves a people mindful of your favor and glad to do your will. Bless and local residents for his quick and life-saving response to the tragic this land with honorable industry, sound learning, and pure manners. attack in Perry, and Save us from violence, discord, and confusion; from pride and arrogance; WHEREAS, Deputy Robert Lundy faces a long recovery in regaining and from every evil way. Defend our liberties, and fashion into one the ability to walk unassisted and is permanently blind in one eye and united people the multitudes brought here out of many kindreds and suffers from vision loss in the other, and tongues. Endue with the spirit of wisdom those to whom in thy Name we WHEREAS, the residents of Taylor County and all Floridians owe a entrust the authority of government, that there may be justice and peace debt of gratitude to Deputy Robert Lundy for his service in the law at home, and that, through obedience to your law, we may show forth enforcement community and his sacrifice in the line of duty, NOW, your praise among the nations of the earth. THEREFORE, 1039 1040 JOURNAL OF THE SENATE May 2, 2014 Be It Resolved by the Senate of the State of Florida: WHEREAS, Florida maintains and values its sister-state relationship with the Republic of China (Taiwan), and That Deputy Robert Lundy, of the Taylor County Sheriff’s Office, is recognized for his swift and courageous response to an assailant at WHEREAS, April 10, 2014, marks the 35th anniversary of the en- Timberland Ford in Perry, which avoided further loss of life. actment of the Taiwan Relations Act, codifying in law the basis for continued commercial and cultural relations between the United States BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be pre- and the Republic of China (Taiwan), and sented to Deputy Robert Lundy as a tangible token of the sentiments expressed in this resolution. WHEREAS, the Republic of China (Taiwan) is Florida’s eighth largest export market in Asia, Miami’s fourth largest trade partner in Asia, and —was introduced out of order and read by title. On motion by Senator the Port of Miami’s sixth largest export country, and Montford, SR 1766 was read the second time in full and adopted. WHEREAS, sisterhood relationships exist between the State of Flor- SPECIAL GUESTS ida and the Republic of China (Taiwan), Miami-Dade County and New Taipei City (formerly Taipei County), and the Port of Miami and Port Senator Montford introduced Deputy Robert Lundy of the Taylor Kaohsiung, NOW, THEREFORE, County Sheriff’s Office and recognized him for his heroic action at Be It Resolved by the Senate of the State of Florida: Timberland Ford in Perry, Florida on February 5, 2014. Deputy Lundy was present in the chamber with his wife, Kelly Lundy, and Taylor That the Florida Senate expresses its appreciation for the sister-state County Sheriff L.E. “Bummy” Williams. relationship between the State of Florida and the Republic of China (Taiwan). At the request of Senator Bullard— BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be pre- sented to the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Miami and the — By Senator Bullard Office of the Governor of the State of Florida as a tangible token of the sentiments expressed herein. SR 1158—A resolution designating October 13, 2014, as “Lancelot ” Jones Day in Florida. —SR 1742 was introduced, read and adopted by publication. WHEREAS, born in 1898 on a 22-foot boat in Biscayne Bay, en- trepreneur and farmer Sir Lancelot Garfield Jones prospered by sup- plying the nation with Key limes and was an expert fishing guide sought SPECIAL GUESTS by five presidents, numerous senators, influential industrialists, and other cultural icons eager to experience the beauty of the bay’s wildlife, Senator Hays introduced his granddaughter, Madison Phillips, who and was present in the gallery. WHEREAS, Sir Lancelot Garfield Jones lived most of his 99 years on BILLS ON THIRD READING the island of Porgy Key, which was first settled by his pioneer father and Bahamian mother in 1897 in an area long associated with African- CS for HB 977—A bill to be entitled An act relating to motor vehicle American maritime history and which is now on the National Register of insurance and driver education for children in foster care; creating s. Historic Places, and 743.047, F.S.; removing the disability of nonage of minors for purposes of obtaining motor vehicle insurance; amending s. 1003.48, F.S.; providing WHEREAS, often referred to as “the Sage of Caesar Creek,” Sir for preferential enrollment in driver education courses for children in Lancelot Garfield Jones became an educator of schoolchildren and a foster care; providing an effective date. conservationist whose resolute values toward the preservation of Bis- cayne Bay greatly contributed to the establishment of Biscayne National —as amended May 1 was read the third time by title. Park, which was created to preserve and protect area wildlife for the education, inspiration, recreation, and enjoyment of present and future On motion by Senator Detert, CS for HB 977 as amended was passed generations, and and certified to the House. The vote on passage was: WHEREAS, Biscayne National Park is home to a rare combination of Yeas—39 terrestrial, marine, and amphibious life in a tropical setting of great natural beauty, which annually draws an average of 500,000 visitors, Mr. President Flores Montford contributes more than $34 million to the state’s economy, and supports Abruzzo Galvano Negron 422 jobs, and Altman Garcia Richter Bean Gardiner Ring WHEREAS, the invaluable efforts of Sir Lancelot Garfield Jones to Benacquisto Gibson Sachs preserve the land he loved and to ensure that future generations would Brandes Grimsley Simmons delight in its beauty and abundance have resulted in significant eco- Braynon Hays Simpson nomic, ecological, and cultural contributions to the state, its heritage, Bullard Hukill Smith and its future, NOW, THEREFORE, Clemens Joyner Sobel Be It Resolved by the Senate of the State of Florida: Dean Latvala Soto Detert Lee Stargel That October 13, 2014, is designated as “Lancelot Jones Day” in Diaz de la Portilla Legg Thompson Florida.
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