tin VOL. LXXn NO. 1 WICHITA STATE UNIVERSITV FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1967 ksU Irst re- Comedian Gregory To Lecture De- fin 4 a At Free riorum Board Program to :s- Dick Gregory^ comedian, author, new book "Sermons'* for Double­ of television, stage and motion an lecturer, actor, will q»eak at the day, looks to be an even bigger pictures. He has toured the con­ 00 Field House on O ct 2 at 8U5 success. tinent, become an international of p.m. in this free admission pr<v leader, starred on Broadway and gram sponsored by University But^ more than a commentator, on the major television shows. Forum Board. an author, and a comedian, he Is He has also made a motion pic­ a soldier in a war against hate ture debut in "Sweet Love, Bit­ Gregoiy is a man with a mes­ and bigotry. te r ." sage a message o t freedom and equality not only for the Negro His weapons include a complete but for the entire human race, personal dedication of his talent according to the American Pro­ and a razor sharp sense ofhumor. gram Bureau, Gregory's sponsor. His home Is in five suitcases, He has spent more time in a garment bag and a tape re­ southern Jails, marched in more corder. demonstrations, prevented more He lives en route, stopping to racial violence and worked harder play countless benefits, deliver for die rights of the N ^ro than church sermons, lobby In Wash­ HXtriBLft tP IA R S -l«. Milk 0. HlM ili till m All URimrtItr any other entertainer in America. ington and speak at colleges and O m v m m Im M llM ie t 9 1 M l m r aiilM t M i war la Vlaiaam. His autobiography, ''Nigger**, universities all over the country. has become a best seller and his Named as the man most hat^ by the Ku Klux Klan he quips, "They're so out of style, I think they are the only people In the WSU Convocotion Hears Hatfield country who aren't using colored sheets.'* A dynamic and communicative CrHicism Of Vietnamese Policy man, his message is vital to the fight for equality In this country and his experience is first-hand. with 600 men on an advisory front the probing of every alternative through the present. to fighting. Gregory, in addition to being One shouldn't be fearful of hold­ the great leader in the Negro's DICK QRBQORY WSU students fhculty and mem­ Backing his statements up with ing dissenting views according to fight for equality, Is a top star bers of the Wichita conummity a list of statistics, Hatfield quoted Hatfield. "A t a recent governors' didn*thear h ew '“The StudentLoolm Secretary of Defense Robert Mc- conventioo, a motion was presented at 1 9 ^ ^ , m rather liatedadf tQ N toarti> v PtatamidM^'. ^ "United to support the present administra- Sen. Mark O. Hetfleh^ tU -O n Sditea' Is m Viediiffi to provide non. Many governors told me diat Freshmen Candidates report on Ms dwn war agahlst tAMliiki we mve no mtoMlon of tfady didn't agree with supporting the wiar in Vietnam at the all« briiigiiik in massive troops.*' it, but it w ( ^ be political sui­ UniTersIty cbnrocation held in the Urtng several instances he cide to do otherwise," stated Ib t- Must File By Oct. 6 Field Houee BlndBy night sought to demonstrate statements fiern. Ihe vote at the convention The newly elected senator was made by the present administra- Was 49 to 1 with the other go­ Filing deadline for all candi­ The election ccnnmlssloner sta­ the first speaker of a serleswUch tien were not accurate. One exam­ vernors giving blind endorsement dates for freshman class offices ted that no campaign publicity shall will be sponsored by the Univer­ ple was the secretary of defense's is Oct. 6 at 5 p.m. AH signed be made subject to public notice sity Fonun Board. IBs sul^t statement, shortly after which Hatfield offered a three-pronged declarations are to be in the SGA before 5 p.m. Oct. 4. It shall not was announeed in hia introduction President Johnson dl^ntching a alternative to the administration < ^ ce atthattlme, announced Brian be necessary for political posters as «*The Student Looks at 1968," large number of troops, presently policy that gives neither victory Sullivan, election ccunmlssloner. to be registered before belngpost- but upon taking the podium the amounting to 500^000 men. nor solution in Vietnam. He felt ed, as provided in the campus senator said that It was the first that settling the Vietnam conflict Elections will be held Oct. 13 s i^ code. he had heard of the topic. Hatfield challenged the L B J ad- on the military frtmt was improb­ from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the north Quoting Midisoo, "People must ministratton that it must be honest able. lounge o i the CAC. Offices to be arm themselvea with the power and forthright regarding the Viet­ filled are president, vice-presi­ that knowledge g iv es," Hatfield nam Ibct sheet a s the people have Hie first step would be to "de- dent, secretary, treasurer, and Congress presented to the audienee of a right to know. Americanlze" the war, eqiecially sergeant at arms. University col­ more than 1,500 an administrative on the military ft-ont. Hien aid' lege has two positions to be filled. IxAicy "balSDee sheet" of invest­ Two immediate re^Mxilsibilities the diplomatic front so that Aslan ments and results. which Ifatfield felt he and the countries can solve their own University college freshmen and Schedules federal government should con­ pn^lems. presidents have voting prlvlt^^s Hatfield traeed how the charac­ sider Important were support of in the congress. ter of the War has changed frtxn the men in Vietnam, through ap­ "We must prepare for when the Meeting the Eisenhower administration propriation of material needs and fighting will eventually stop. Ihelr Forms for declaration of candi­ dacy may be secured from the SGA economy must be strengthened Ihe organizational meeting of possibly through a Southeast Asia Mmiday, Sept. 25. To be a candi­ date. a student must be taking a the Student Government Associa­ Common Blarket," said Hatfield. tion will be held Ihesday at 6:30 South Vietnam wants the United minimum of nine hours. Endowed Faculty Chair p.m., in Alibi Rm. 2, In the CAC. States to become more involved militarily and they want to par­ ticipate in more pacification pro­ AU campus organizationsdesir- Established Bv Bank Paid PosHions Ing SGA allocations must have the grams. Ih e sduHon to the pre­ sirous of aiding in the furtherance requests in the Student Government A grant from The Fhurth sent problem must provide that the office, second floor of the CAC, of these iMademic goals and In Vietnamese take the initiative and Natiohal Bank and 'Trust Company Now Avolldble by Sept. 30b ki order tobeellgible. of Wlddtn rdceotiy produced Wl- recoenitton of the dlflleulty a uni­ help fight the war for themselves. versity has lii maintaining^ as Well eUta SMte Uhtveraity's ftrkt «n^ The Sunflower will accept ap­ Registration forms from all or­ a s iniMroving;^ its posititm In the The wara ''in this phase of d o M MeaHy lehiiir. plications for the position of man­ ganizations are also due on Sept. cominunity of tmiversiiies,*' Kin- develoDmenit*' has cost $55 bil- cade said. aging editor. Posts of copy edi­ 30. Forms were distributed last 'liie Fourth Itotlanal Bank Dls^ UoiU mtfield ^ d , "a s well as tor and staff writersarealsoopen. spring. If any organizatloh failed 18a6D0 dead^ 75,000 wounded and ^^M w d PrtJtbssorship in ^ e y to receive the forms they are will be establlsbed fit accepting the grant, WSU l , 2sOO r airplanes worth |4 billion. ** Application forms can be ob­ available in the SGA officesO a ac- in jk 6 ts departoent of Ptoaident Eino] 7 Lindquist said, '■We are pleased to add this en­ tained In Wilner Aud. flrom the cording to Lee ’IhompsttlL CMir-I WSU'a ^ of. Business_ affec- Journalism department 8:30a.m. to five Ang^ IlN i dowed climr to OUT tteulty re­ man of theSGAorganlattohseofii- sources. it is through these kinds HauiMwIai 4:30 p.m. or in the afternoons mittOe. Ikn Hink^k mmdatlon wUllUl con-vuu— iTom the newspaper located in the 1 j trtfaUto IM Od tta |2<jk600 of mvastmedts from oUr com­ munity that additional outstanding basement of Wilner Aud. SGA President Bob Shields wUl poaitii»i ihb uhivarsi^ win A meeting of all people In­ preside over the meetii^. He will the balanea of the position. peopld will be engagbd and Iremain to mlUm their finbst contributions terested in Homecf^ng will biterviews will be held by the outline goals and oiiahlttlUohal "F o r iiiany yearsi we have be held Monday at 3 p.m.^ Rih. Board of Student PubliMtlans In plans tor the coming year. looked with pride on WicUta Sttte a s members of oUr community, 'ikis is one beiot’ among others 209 of the CAC. the near future fbr those apply­ if Univeratty," said bank board One member frmn each stu­ ing for managing editor. Other Cabinet officers include cbAirman, Arthur Kincade^ "and in fashioning a fruly fine univei> sity." dent orguiiaatlon participating Brain ^vai^ !! w6 believe the quality of edUcatlan in Homecoming is requested to Other staff positions will be Lee 'Ihompson^ treaaurer afid An provided and the research accom­ attend Ihe committee chairman filled by the executive editors.
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