Bergen County’s Tricentennial Pages 1-A To 20-A Commercial "Keahcr and SOUTH BERGEN REVIEW i . Second Class postage paid at Rutherford NJ VOL. (1 NO. 47 § THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1983 Pushed at 251 Ridge Rd Lyndhurst Subscription J8 00 Published Weekly Edwina K• Lee Makes Dancer Fined $ 3 0 0 Outstanding H.S. Record Muncipal Court Judge consult their attorneys to little girl, a first-grader at James A. Breslin handed settle the case of visitation Columbus School, missed down his delayed verdict rights of the father to his By A m y 75 days of school last year Divine in the case of Cynthia children Mrs. Friedrichs testified Edwina K. Lee is one of Carlucci, 436 Lake Avenue Haydee accused her the outstanding students in her daughter had a strep on Thursday afternoon. former mate of coming to the 1963 graduating class throat and an ear infection The girl was accused by pick up the children while at Lyndhurst High School and ran high fevers many Lyndhurst detectives of he waas under the in­ She is listed with the six days which caused her to lewdness and obscenity fluence of alcohol and that students attaining highest be kept at home after they witnesssed a she feared to let them go Attendance Officer academic rank and gar­ p e rfo rm an c e at A ldo’s, with their father. Pauline Szymczak told the nered the highest number Marin Avenue, in which She said that on May 1 judge that many of the o f awards for her the girl danced in the nude she felt her former hus­ child's absences were not academic and extracur­ Detectives James explained by a doctor s ricular work at the school. band had been drinking Mileski and Richard before he cam e to get the certificate as should be On the honor roll every O ’Donnell testified they youngsters and refused to done marking period, Edwina witnessed the act on Janu­ permit them to. go with John J Wagner. 123 Il­ received awards for lead­ ary 26 after which they him ford Avenue, North Arl­ ership and scholarship, ex­ filed charges of lewdness George left her house ington, pleading guilty to cellence in history, service and obscenity as the girl the charge of criminal to the school for which she and then called her she danced, in front of the bar said “six times " and trespass on property on received fhe Pearl L for at which liquor was being Freeman Street, Lyn­ over 75 points, the Penick "threatened to report her sold "at higher prices than dhurst as charged by Ptl Co. $500 award and the sister to the authorities” usual because of the per­ Louis Bihs on May 18, was Emblem Club $1000 schol­ after which she called po­ formance,” according to fined $150, assessed $25 arship for a student pursu­ lice and accused Fonseca testimony. They also said costs of court and a $25 Donna M. Rubinetti ing a m edical career. She of harassment. Carlucci m ade gestures contribution to the Violent also won a New Jersey Breslin told the man, they considered indecent Crimes Bureau, as this F o r d h a m G r a d u a t e State tuition scholarship. who testified he had called it was disgusting,” said was the youth's second of­ D onna M Rubinetti, dhurst High School She In her junior year only four times, that this Mileski at the state's pres­ fense daughter of Mr and Mrs majored in media sciences Edwina was elected to the time he would find him not entation of the case before Ray Wilson. 160 Forest Roger Rubinetti of Summit and received high honors National Honor Society guilty of the charge but Breslin on April 28 Avenue, was ordered to Avenue, graduated Magna for excel 1 ence in Media and was a member of the insisted that if the divorce clean up a lot on which Cum Laude from Fordham and Journalism Carlucci admitted she court judge set visiting Studies folk-singing group in addi­ heavy equipment is stored University in New York Edwina K. Lee danced in the nude but de­ times for the father at nine She worked for an ad­ tion to serving as business since building inspector City nied making the gestures to five every day in the vertising agency and at director of the High School med studies She i m not ment at New York In­ Frank Robinson c o m ­ Donna attended the Lyn­ described by the detec­ week he should consult his various TV stations as part Nutrition Club, acting as yet decided at whic. medi­ firmary Beekman-Down- plained of unsightly vehi­ dhurst elementary schools tives attorney about enforcing of h e r training at manager of the basketball cal school she will com­ town Hospital. Her father cles on the Droperty. and graduated from Lyn- The case is also being the permission Fordham team, and participating in plete these studies. is restaurant manager at Judge Breslin reserved reviewed by the ABC. volleyball and trade. Edwina, 18, came to Lee’s Hawaiian Islander, He told Mrs Fonseca, decision in a case which Last week Carlucci’s at­ As a m em ber of Girl Lyndhurst from Queens Lyndhurst, but is no rela­ "You can’t use the police lasted from 3 P.M. until torney, Anthony DiLella, Scout Troop No. 967 the three years ago with her tion to the owner. Her deparment as supervisor | 35 P M which involved a asked that the charge of parents. W«* Ling and brother, John, 15, has com of your ex-husband’s visit­ Lyndhurst youth and his ing rights." Lee and began fredlfftlft yeai1 1 W UWpJj&i and sister accused of various at Lyndhurst High School ^ lhe complaint of lewd ing her m erit badges. her Sophomore year at Steve Jackson, 113 offenses including assault ness be considered by Kearny Avenue, Keamy, At LHS Edwina's favor­ Lyndhurst High, enrolling Edwina s ambition to be­ on a Lyndhurst youth in Breslin accused by his wife. ite subjects were science in th e College P re p come a pediatrician no Rutherford, assault on Course. , and m ath and her hobbies doubt results from her in­ The judge acceded to Suzanne, Summit Avenue Rutherford police officers Lyndhurst, of assault, not include attendance at soc­ Shy and modest, Edwina terest in science and her this request and found the and driving while on the appearing, Breslin ot- cer and softball games. became immediately pop­ love of children. She looks defendant guilty of lewd­ revoked list, for the youth dered a war ant for his ar Edwina s great ambition ular with faculty and stu­ forward to achieving her ness in the light of testi­ A total of 11 persons or is to become a pediatrician dents alike because of her ambition, though it will mony by the detectives rest issued with bail set at businesses paid fines in and it was her essay on her willingness to help wher­ take 10 years of study and and by the girl, who had $150. Suzanne told the Court Clerk Alex Paluzzi's desires in this area in addi­ ever needed. hard work, four of college, testified that "the more judge the Kearny police office on various motor vi tion to her record of Before taking up her four of m edical school and she took off the higher the had refused to arrest her olation complaints Total achievement and service studies at Douglass Edwina tw o years of training tips she received.” Breslin husband and Breslin re­ collected is $670 at school which earned her will spend part of the Sum­ beyond that, but all who imposed a fine of $250 and plied, "It is up to the Lyndhurst the Emblem Club's medi­ mer as counselor at a “Y” know her are certain she costs of court of $25 and an Kearny police to arrest cal scholarship camp near Harriman, will accept the challenge additional $25 contribution him .” W om an Is Edwina has been ac­ N.Y. a n d become the fine to the New Jersey Violent Two complaints filed by cepted at Douglass College Edw ina’s mother works pediatrician she aims to Crimes Bureau Jackson against his wife Yale Graduate where she will pursue pre- in the radiology depart­ be. were dismissed because of DiLella said he would lack of prosecution Mary Ann Favjan. file an appeal of the ver­ daughter of M r and Mrs A Letter Of Thanks Mr and Mrs George dict Breslin reminded the George Fa j van of Liv­ Friedrich, 754 New York To: Mayor James Guida, many emergency calls attorney he has ten days in ingston Avenue, Lyndhurst Again, through Lt. Settem­ Avenue, promised lo see Lyndhurst, coming in, trying to calm brino and our Municipal which to do so. - recently graduated from that their daughter gets to Linda Rush Beenstock Ronald Bogle, Comm, of irate citizens with blocked Y a le University, New Court Clerk Alex Paluzzi's Breslin told George school every possible day Police, driveways, citizens arriv­ efforts, the impossible was Fonseca of Passaic and his Haven, with a Masters until school closes, since Chief W illiam Jarvis, ing to sign complaints, Lt. Degree in Forest Science G raduates W ith Honors accomplished again, one ex-wife Haydee of Lyn­ charges were brought by Chief Lyndhurst P.D. James Settembrino and week later. But they did it dhurst that they should attendance officer that the Miss Favjan is a 1977 M r s Linda Rush dfii City.
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