, The Weather Serving the State caelUl,. .u ......IDa University of Iowa eolclu tocla,.. hIr .... Cam'pus and eool WtdJlelda,.. Rlcll .... daf. 45; .... n. HId Iowa City 01 owan Mondaf. 5%; low. !S• . Gel Est. 1868 - AP Leaserl Wire - Five Cents Iowa City, If)wa, Tuesday. Dec. 9, 1952 - Vol. ~, No. 53 ago's < \ " Contest Winner to Date 'Miss X' .. ~eipts I Bulletin , ABERDDEEN, Wash. (.4') - The eout luard said Monday a. 7,000- tOD Liberty ship had run alround In heavy seas off the north Gray~ Bloody Morocco- Riots Kill 50; Harbor Jetty and the crew had no Iplans to a.bandon the v~el, The shiP, Calmar Steamship eorporaUon's Yorkmar, no led arroand early Mond.y afternoon approximately 1 \1! miles north /If \be north jetty and one-hali ml~e ,"shore. The harbor mouth IB Zt Ike, Advisers View U.S. Policies miles due west of here. The coast luard said hea.vy seas wuuld forestall any rescue at­ Eisenhower Autographs Photo tempt Monday nlrM. The seas Air Domestic, Senator Rips Troops, Police allo prevented use of the York­ IUl'S own lifeboats. Foreign Aims Acheson Note Try to Quell 5 Appointed On Way Home On U.S. 'Reds Shouting Mobs WASHINGTON (IP) -Sen. Her­ ABOARD USS HELENA, En­ bert O'Conor (D-Md.) said Mon­ CASABLANCA, Morocco .4')­ To Faculty, oute to Hawaii (Jl» - The dnec­ day night he considered Secretary Morocco's bloody two·day Na~ tion of U.S. foreign and domestic of State Dean Acheson's attitude tlonalist-ledr riots that h a v e policies atter next Jan. 20 was un­ on American Communists In the bro~ht death to more than 50 A TEN-CENT COpy OF MAGAZINE X and "twenty-five words or der formal consideration by Presi­ United Nations "disappointing," persons verged on open armed re­ Hancher Says less" will win some SUI male student a paid date with this coed dent-elect Dwight Eisenhower and as well as "faulty and open to bellion Monday ni,hl. Appointments of five new fac­ who Is Malulne X's mystery pin-up of the month. The contest date eight key advisors Monday as the criticism." Police evacu.ted French citi­ will take place Dec. 18. The evening berlns with dinner at CUrt ulty members at SUI and the cruiser Helena knifed tbrough O'Conor bued his statement on zen. from one sector of Ca. a· granting of two leaves of absence Yocum's after which tbe couple will be ruesls at the annual Christ­ sunny seas toward Pearl Harbor. blanca and plones circled Arnb mas party at the Iowa Union. The Identification of this mystery a letter Acheson wrote to Sen. have been approved by the stat~ The secretaries of state, treas­ Wiley (R-Wls.) almost two quarters dropplnll tear gns bombs board of education, SUI President lass will remain a secret until Wednesday. The IdentUication of the ury, interior and the attorney to disperse mobs shoullnl for In­ contest winner will be revealed Dec. 16 arter the judlin.. ot the months ago. He called the letter dependence from France. Virgil M. Hancher has announced. general of the incoming Republi­ "a shockingly weak protest." entries by members 01 the MagazIne X staff. Only SUI student. are Troops and pollee laid seige to Dr. Frederick B. Blodl was ellclble. can administration were present. According to O'Conor, the sec· named clinical assistant professor, The Korean war was believed retary of state told Wiley " we do more than 2,000 Moroccan union department of ophthalmology, the main subject of discussion, not regard the employment of members barricaded in the down­ town headquarters of the Moroc­ college of medicine, effective Nov. but whatever decisions reached United States citiz~ns who are 1. From 1947 through 1952 Dr. will not be announced. can General Labor confederation. Christmas Magazine X Communists as being In the best The riots erupted Sunday, after Blodi was assistant pathologist Subject. Are See ret Interests of the organzation (UN) with the Eye institute, New York Eisenhower'S press secretary, 8 24-hour general strike call by or of this government." the union. City. James C. Hagerty, made clear Acheson added that Communist Anna F. Overland was named To Be Sold Wednesday that even the subjects discussed Result. from AlIa loatlon employes of the UN secretariat do The call resulted from the un­ assistant professor In the college The holiday edition of Maga­ would not be disclosed, at this not have access to secret United TAKING TIME OUT FRO!\( more erloUi b IDe while on tour of 01 nursing, effective Nov. 10. She time, and probably not until after explained assassination or Tuni­ zine X will go on sale Wednesday, States Information because no Korea, Pretldeat·dellrna\e Dwlrbt D. B~nhoa'er aut.rr.pha a has been obstetrics supervisor and plete the following sentence in 25 the new administration takes ot­ sian Nationaltst Farhat Hached, according to editor Connie Ha~f­ classUied intormatlon is ~nt to pboto whlcb ,bow, an air force officer carr),inl anotber on hla back words or less: "1 would like a date nee Jan. 20. secretary general of the Tunisian usistant professor in the college ings, A3, Iowa City, and will con­ the UN. a. puott for .11 election bel The man dome the carrylo,. hal • with the Magazine X pin-up 0 However, one source close to Labor federation. He was slain of nursing and health, Cincinnati tain many special features. The Maryland senator said In a '1m 011 his back readlne "I love Jke oow." Both men In the photo­ General hospital. the month because -." Eisenhower squelched recurring Friday outside Tunis. Applicaijon blanks for the 'date statement the letter "does not In~ Itapb are unidentified. Police and troops in armored Dr. Garfield L. Sudsr has been contest" with the Magazine X pin­ The winner of the contest WJI reports that the general favored dlcate an awareness of the present cars and lI,ht tanks patrolled key appointed cHnlcal assistant pro­ enlarging the Korean war. up of the month, may be acquit'cd danger posed by the great num­ I pot 5 of Casablanca Mondoy fessor, department of urology, col­ have the privilege of an all ex "Nothing is definite yet," the by purchasing the magazine. The pense paid date with the "pin-up" source said. ber of subversives who have been nllht. Other tanks helped to block lege of medicine effective Nov. 1, identity of the girl will be an­ allowed to occupy key positions of! the 2,000 union members in for the period which he will serve Entries must be left at the Maga Eisenhower made clear at a 14 'New Mexico Prisoners nounced in the new issue, Miss where they could obtain confi­ the GGT build In,. zine X office ot mailed to Maga- press conference before leaving at the Veterans Administration Hastings said. I Authorities said Monday's death zine X, N2, East hall, by Dec. 13. Korea that while "much will be dential Information on economic hospital in Iowa City. Dr. Sudar All male contestants must com- and mlLitary matters." toll Included seven Europeans, just completed a two-year res!- I.-__~ __________ The Ma~azine X "pin-up" wil done" to improve the Allied posi­ Eighteen American employes of Give Up as Escape Plot ,Fails three Moroccan soldiers and at dency in urology at Veterans h06- be interviewed over radio station tion, he did not want to enlarge the UN secretariat have resigned SANTA FE, N. M. (JP)-Fourteen least 40 Arab demonstrators. An pital, Dayton, Ohio. WSUI Tuesday at noon on the the conmct. or been !ired by Secretary Gen­ New Mexico state prison convicts, separately. undetermined numb r of Arabs Kenneth F. Lampe w~s named Rhythm Rambles program. How Monday, Hagerty said flatly HighJanders' Director eral Trygve Lie recently for re­ their spur-of-the-moment e8cap~ With two shotguns and a rltle, were injured. Thr I' Europeans empcrary instructor, department ever, her identity wl11 remain S~- "we will make no statcment on fusing to answer questions about attempt a failure, Monday sur­ were reported s rlously injured. cret until Wednesday, Dec. 17. Korea." they captured guards on duty in of pharmacology, college of medi· alleged Communist connections. rendered and released unharm~d S.. necl to Death dne, effective Feb. 1, 1953. Lampe Named 'Scot of · '52' the prison yard, barricaded them­ Included in this issue of the Due In Thursday eight guards they held as hostages selves in cell block No. 2 and One European victim, Louis currently holds a teaching fellOW­ magazine is a two page picture se The Helena was due to complete William L. Adamson, director oI for 20 bours. shouted for Abram. Rib~s , former mayor of Agadir, ship in pharma~ogy. riels titled "Dog-mattsm." by Car its 3,300-mlle trip from Guam at Crom the SUI Scottish Highlanders, W:lS Promised softened punishment, was drag,ed his automobile Etta Rasmussen was appointed Turk, A4, Mason City. Turk has 9 a.m. Thursday HawaIIan time Talkinll wltb Abram throuah 3 and stoned to death by members named the outstanding "Scot of Escaped Convict Fails they capitulated abruptly to end porthole. they demanded a cor lor associate in practical nursing, col­ 1952" by the St. Andrew society of produced a foto-quiz for the mag· (1 p.m., Iowa time). Eisenhower what Gov. Edwin L. Mechem ot a mob of 6,000 attempting to ge of nursing, effective Oct. 23, azlne. and his staff are expected to C;on· their escape through th pris\Jn storm into the French sector.
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