Congress Thespian Life Petitions Trustees Very Unhappy (See Below) (See Page 5) TheTEXAS CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY Skill • * • • FORT WORTH, TEXAS VOL. 62, No. 21 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1963 8 PAGES Ease Race Barriers » TCU Congress Asks Academic Restriction Target of Resolution By MARY MARTIN By an overwhelming majority—unanimous except for three abstensions—Student Congress Tuesday called on the administration to open the TCU academic program to Ne- groes. The sole test for admission, Congress argued, should be scholastic qualification. The resolution, which asks the University's Board of Trustees "to remove any racial restriction from admission requirements to any part of our academic program and that this be done by the end of this academic year if possible," is to be forwarded to Chancellor M. E. Sadler. The move, began by Student Body President Mark Was- senich, brought the largest student crowd of the year when word spread that integration would be Congress' topic for the night. Action came during a fast-moving business session, dur- ing which Secretary Nancy Savage apologized for spilling Coke on the minutes. Social Barriers Untouched Wassenich introduced the integration resolution, say- ing that it did not call for integration of social functions but for the removal of admission requirement barriers. Congress raises hands of approval to a resolution son, freshman; Bill Peck, junior; and Harry Rob- The General' Information Catalog lists no racial restric- asking the University's Board of Trustees to ban inson, senior and Parliamentarian Mike Walsh tions, but Wassenich said that racial reins seemed a part racial restrictions to the school's academic pro- vote a positive ticket. Congresswomen Jan Haley gram. Class Presid-nts (left to right) Bill Harri- and Mary Beth Cash abstain. of University policy in parts of the academic program. Negroes currently are allowed in Brite Divinity School, Harris College of Nursing, and the Evening College, Wasse- nich noted. 9 Juniors. 28 Seniors He also pointed out that Harris and Brite students with deficiencies are now attending undergraduate day classes. Chosen For Who's Who In what many termed its most important action of the year, Congress adjourned to a committee of the whole for Nine juniors and 28 seniors have by a committee composed of fac- phenville; John Wayne Gaston, discussion of the resolution upon a motion by Congressman Fort Worth; Timothy Jay Griffin, been sleeted to represent TCU in ulty members from each college Palmer McCarter. "Who's Who Among American within the University. Pasadena; James Edison Hall, Fort Worth; Frances Ann Hawley, Colleges and Universities." The juniors named are Dorothy Sue Casper, Winterset, Iowa; Ran- Fort Worth; Ronald Wayne John- Congress as Committee The selections, announced by dall Keith Howard, Dawson; Har- son, Wichita Falls; Barbara Ann Dr. Laurence C. Smith, vice chan- ry Francis Joiner, Wichita Falls; Johnston, Dallas; Carolyn Sue Congress came to a momentary standstill as Wassenich; cellor for student life, were made Richard James Kazda, Abbott; Jones, Dallas; Margaret Ann Mc- McCarter, appointed committee chairman; and Parliamentari- Mary Eva Martin, LewisviUe; Lin- Adow, Houston; Carolyn Clarice an Mike Walsh tried to explain the procedure of "committee da Mary Pilcher, Tyler; Marth Moxley, Dallas; Patricia Ann H-Hour 8 p.m. Monday Jo Reitz, Bellaire; Irma Ned Ri- Mueller, Lytle; Nancy Pearl Rose, of the whole" to confused members. ley, Burkburnett; and Nancy Ann Fort Worth; Janey Schmidt, Fred- For Space Lecture Team Savage, Odessa. ericksburg; Perry Judith Smith, Wassenich explained the committee move as being an Hooks; Michael I. Walsh, Port- effort allowing Congress to discuss the integration prob- The forums committee of the • • • land, Ore.; Martha Lou Wyrick, Activities Council is sponsoring lem freely without, for the moment, placing itself on record. SENIORS chosen include Bar- Texarkana; and Mrs. Linda Sue the Air University Aerospace nett Wayne Adams, Del Rio; Paul Townley Woodson, Fort Worth. Congress, in the committee, seemed quite in favor of Presentations Team in a program Wayne Belew, Fort Worth; Sharon * • • the integration resolution, changing a mere one word—"test" Elizabeth Boston, McLean; San- on the "U.S. Mission in Space" to "requirement"—in the original Wassenich proposal which at 8 p.m. Monday, Dec. 9, in dra Kay Campbell, Troy, Mo.; "WHO'S WHO" selections in- James Warren Cory, Borger; Sara clude 14 from AddRan College read: TCU's Ed Landreth Auditorium. Jane Cunningham, Fort Stockton; of Arts and Science, nine from The team, composed of Majors Janet Curby, Dallas; Mary Sue the School of Business; six from We the Student Congress hereby convey to the Francis J. Sweeney, Jr., and Davis, Washington, DC; Warren the School of Education, and three Board of Trustees of Texas Christian University our James S. Wall, will illustrate the Leon Dentler, Fort Worth; Harold each from the School of Fine U.S. mission in space by lecture R. Dowler, Fort Worth; Mary Jac- Arts and Harris College of Nur- concern that any requirements (test) other than one es- and slides. queline Fatherree, Fort Worth. ing; two from Brite Divinity (Continued on Page 3) The public is invited. Also Patricia Ann Flory, Stc- School. I THE SKIFF Friday, December 6, 1963 Famed American Artist, Baroque Trio Mastered Use of Thomas Benton To Visit Thomas Hart Benton, famed mouth College, and Brynmawr. American artist, will arrive on the Benton's work is represented in outstanding museums throughout TCU campus Monday afternoon the world. Camp/ex Instruments of Yore by helicopter, following an add- By JON HILTUNEN ted experience—hearing music She added, "It is even a prob- ress at Arlington State College in from a particularly interesting lem to find the written music. the morning. Buy From Presenting "An Evening of music period on instruments for Most of our material comes from Early Chamber Music," Wednes- Tuesday morning the artist will which the melodies were original- the Library of Congress." speak to the art students. At 2:30 SKIFF say in Ed Landreth Auditorium, ly composed. the Krainis Baroque Trio provi- Rare Harpsichord Here p.m. he will have a classroom ded listeners with an unpreceden- Sponsored by the Select Series, lecture for graduate painting stu- Advertisers the four-year-old group is headed Before the trio accepts an en- dents and others art students by Bernard Krainis, whose spec- gagement, they must have a harp- At 3:30 there will be an open for- ialty is the recorder (a wind in- sichord on location. Fortunately um in Ed Landreth Auditorium. Bird-Watcher strument similar to the modern Texas Christian University owns Benton is the only surviving J FOX BARBER SHOP flute). a Sperrhake harpsichord, an in- member of the famous group of 1 2 blocks east and \h block William Read accompanies on strument with two key boards and midwestern "regionalist" artists. I south of Dan D. Rogers Hall Group Forming unique pedal arrangement that the harpsichord (a forerunner to He is associated with the Kansas h or across Berry from Cox's. Bird-watchers! If you aTe in- the piano) along with Barbara produces a variety of tones. City Institute, the Art Student terested in amateur ornithology Muesser, who performs on the Yet, because the group does League in New York City, Dart- j 3028 Sandage... WA 7-9061 and would like to go on field viola da gamba (early kin to not carry its own harpsichord, trips on weekends or during the cello). Read must reorient himself with Christmas vacation, contact Mrs. The trio presented eleven Bar- a different instrument before G. W. Parker Jr. at WAlnut 4- oque pieces from the seventeenth each performance. 3771. and eighteenth centuries. Among RECORD TOWN the selections were Veracini's So- nata Terza, and Handel's Satiate in E Minor. Class Favorites, Physics Grads Hear Fort Worth's No 1 Renders Solo Oak Ridge Staffer Mr., Miss TCU A solo number was played by Record Store The Physics Graduate Colloq- Miss Mueser, a musicoiogy grad- uim was to meet Thursday at uate from Columbia University. Poll Wednesday 4:30 p.m. in the Physics Lecture Her selection was composed by Favorite and Mr. and Miss TCU Room of the Winton-Scott science Tobias Hume and entitled, "Touch primaries will be held Wednes- 3025 University Dr. building. Me Lightly." day, Dec. 11, in the student cen- Dr. Michael K. Wilkinson, a Later, Read, harpsichordist and ter. staff member of the Oak Ridge pianist, played a solo. He played Polls will be open 8-5 p.m. National Laboratory, was speak- a movement written by Bach en- Students will be allowed to vote er, on "The Role of Neutron titled, "English Suite in A Minor." for one boy and one girl in their Diffraction in Solid State Phys- Krainis, past associate director class. Everyone will be allowed ics." of the New York Pro Musica and to vote for Mr. and Miss TCU. A brief coffee period preceded president of the American Recor- The requirement for voting will the meeting. der Society, alternated between be possession of a student activ- NOW sopranino, alto, tenor, bass, and ity card great bass recorders. WHAT'S When asked about the complex- • • • ity of their pieces, Miss Mueser A LIST of football players and NEW replied, "The music is difficult band members, who have no ac- because there is no one to copy, tivity cards will be at the polls. OPEN IN THE DECEMBER since what we play was written Only proper identification will be during the seventeenth and eigh- needed. ATLANTIC? teenth centuries. Consequently, we All students running for favor- "Berlin: The Broken City": A Special are a self-taught group." ite will need a 2.0 average.
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