STUDI E SAGGI – 147 – STUDI DI ITALIANISTICA MODERNA E CONTEMPORANEA NEL MONDO ANGLOFONO STUDIES IN MODERN AND CONTEMPORARY ITALIANISTICA IN THE ANGLOPHONE WORLD Comitato scientifico / Editorial Board Joseph Francese, Direttore / Editor-in-chief (Michigan State University) Zygmunt G. Barański (University of Cambridge) Laura Benedetti (Georgetown University) Joseph A. Buttigieg (University of Notre Dame) Michael Caesar (University of Birmingham) Fabio Camilletti (University of Warwick) Derek Duncan (University of Bristol) Stephen Gundle (University of Warwick) Charles Klopp (The Ohio State University) Marcia Landy (University of Pittsburgh) Silvestra Mariniello (Université de Montréal) Annamaria Pagliaro (Monash University) Lucia Re (University of California at Los Angeles) Silvia Ross (University College Cork) Suzanne Stewart-Steinberg (Brown University) Titoli pubblicati / Published Titles Francese J., Leonardo Sciascia e la funzione sociale degli intellettuali Rosengarten F., Through Partisan Eyes. My Friendships, Literary Education, and Political Encounters in Italy (1956-2013). With Sidelights on My Experiences in the United States, France, and the Soviet Union Ferrara M.E., Il realismo teatrale nella narrativa del Novecento: Vittorini, Pasolini, Calvino Francese J., Vincenzo Consolo: gli anni de «l’Unità» (1992-2012), ovvero la poetica della colpa-espiazione Bilenchi R., The Conservatory of Santa Teresa Ross S. and Honess C. (edited by), Identity and Conflict in Tuscany Identity and Conflict in Tuscany edited by Silvia Ross Claire Honess FIRENZE UNIVERSITY PRESS 2015 Identity and Conflict in Tuscany / edited by Claire Honess, Silvia Ross. – Firenze : Firenze University Press, 2015. (Studi e saggi ; 147) http://digital.casalini.it/9788866558620 ISBN 978-88-6655-861-3 (print) ISBN 978-88-6655-862-0 (online PDF) ISBN 978-88-6655-863-7 (online EPUB) Progetto grafico di Alberto Pizarro Fernández, Pagina Maestra snc Peer Review Process All publications are submitted to an external refereeing process under the responsibility of the FUP Editorial Board and the Scientific Committees of the individual series. The works published in the FUP catalogue are evaluated and approved by the Editorial Board of the publishing house. For a more detailed description of the refereeing process we refer to the official documents published on the website and in the online catalogue of the FUP (www.fupress.com). Firenze University Press Editorial Board G. Nigro (Co-ordinator), M.T. Bartoli, M. Boddi, R. Casalbuoni, C. Ciappei, R. Del Punta, A. Dolfi, V. Fargion, S. Ferrone, M. Garzaniti, P. Guarnieri, A. Mariani, M. Marini, A. Novelli, M.C. Torricelli, M. Verga, A. Zorzi. This book is printed on acid-free paper. © 2015 Firenze University Press Università degli Studi di Firenze Firenze University Press Borgo Albizi, 28, 50122 Firenze, Italy www.fupress.com Printed in Italy TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS vii INTRODUCTION: IDENTITY AND CONFLICT IN TUSCANY 1 Silvia Ross and Claire Honess WAR, VIRTUE AND MOBILIZATION IN THE RISORGIMENTO: MASSIMO D’AZEGLIO’S NICCOLÒ DE’ LAPI 11 Anne O’Connor INTERSECTIONS OF PLACE AND POLITICS: ANNA FRANCHI’S AVANTI IL DIVOR ZIO (1902) 23 Sharon Wood TUSCAN SUBJECTIVITIES: NARRATING GENDER, IDENTITY AND FAMILY IN RURAL WOMEN’S MEMOIR FROM FASCISM TO THE POST-WAR ECONOMIC BOOM 37 Niamh Cullen SOUND ARCHIVES AS RESOURCE FOR THE ANALYSIS OF IDENTITY AND CONFLICT IN TUSCANY 53 Silvia Calamai, Francesca Biliotti ROMA ALTERITY IN FLORENCE: TABUCCHI’S GLI ZINGARI E IL RINASCIMENTO (1999) 73 Silvia Ross “A LIFE OF METAL:” AN ECOCRITICAL READING OF SILVIA AVALLONE’S ACCIAIO (2010) 85 Enrico Cesaretti IN HER PLACE: SUBVERTING THE WOMAN/TERRORIST BINARY IN MARCO DE FRANCHI’S LA CARNE E IL SANGUE 101 Claire Buckley MEDIA REPRESENTATIONS OF PLACE, IDENTITY AND URBAN CONFLICTS IN PRATO AND FORTE DEI MARMI 119 Giulia De Dominicis Claire Honess, Silvia Ross (edited by), Identity and Conflict in Tuscany, ISBN 978-88-6655-861-3 (print), ISBN 978-88-6655-862-0 (online), ISBN 978-88-6655-863-7 (online EPUB) © 2015 Firenze University Press VI IDENTITY AND CONFLICT IN TUSCANY THE AUTHORS 131 WORKS CITED 135 INDEX OF NAMES 147 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Publication of this volume of selected essays has been financed by the publications grant of the National University of Ireland and the Publication Fund of the College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences, University College Cork, for which the editors are truly grateful. The forum within which this collection was initiated was an international, interdisciplinary conference held on 13 May 2013, at University College Cork, and the proj- ect has since developed into an international research network on the new field of “Tuscan Studies.” Papers presented at the original conference were from a wide array of disciplines, including literature, history, film, music, art history, archival studies, and photography. The conference programme and abstracts can be accessed at: http://www.ucc.ie/en/italian/conferences/ identityandconflictintuscany/. The editors also wish to acknowledge the support of the Strategic Research fund of the Office of the Vice-President for Research and Innovation, University College Cork, which provided generous support for the “Identity and Conflict in Tuscany” project and the development of the “Tuscan Studies” network; of the Department of Italian (UCC); of the Society for Italian Studies; and the School of Lan- guages, Cultures and Societies (Leeds University). Without the support of these various bodies this project would not have reached fruition. Finally, the editors would like to express their gratitude to Dr Simone Lomartire for his timely and meticulous support, which has been greatly and to Jo- seph Francese, for his constant encouragement of the project. Claire Honess, Silvia Ross (edited by), Identity and Conflict in Tuscany, ISBN 978-88-6655-861-3 (print), ISBN 978-88-6655-862-0 (online), ISBN 978-88-6655-863-7 (online EPUB) © 2015 Firenze University Press INTRODUCTION: IDENTITY AND CONFLICT IN TUSCANY Silvia Ross and Claire Honess Despite the prevailing image of Tuscany as the idealized cradle of the Renaissance, the region has also been characterized by a less positive por- trayal: as the architectural and geographical embodiment of conflict and factionalism. Since the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, Tuscan city states and their outlying territories have witnessed acute political clashes, such as those that characterized the reign of the Medici. Dante’s Commedia, to mention the most notable example, provides the paradigmatic literary depiction of Florentine conflict, in the poet’s insistence on the internecine clashes between Guelfs and Ghibellines, Blacks and Whites (see, for ex- ample, Honess, 2006), a trope on which generations of writers after him continue to capitalize, to a wide variety of ends. In the last century, Tuscany experienced conflict on its terrain as a di- rect result of World War II, where battles between Allies and partisans and the forces of Nazi-Fascism were played out in Florence’s neighborhoods, with the city occupied on its north side and liberated south of the Arno. Florence’s spatial configuration as divided city thus resurfaces particu- larly strongly in this period, as films like Rossellini’sPaisà have so aptly illustrated (see Marcus, 1999). Furthermore, demographic conflicts have characterized and still characterize Tuscan landscapes in the late twen- tieth and early twenty-first centuries: one need only think of the Roma camps on Florence’s outskirts, or the Chinese community in Prato, to see that tensions between so-called autochthonous and non-autochthonous populations endure in Tuscany. This interdisciplinary volume of essays is the result of a collaborative project which traces the concepts of identity and conflict in the regional space of Tuscany. It focuses on the period from the nineteenth century to the present, to illustrate the ways in which Tuscan conflicts emerge accord- ing to different modern and contemporary contexts, and the important role that identity formation plays in regional representations. The various contributions examine conflict in terms of outright war, but also as a form of struggle between different demographic groups or indeed conflict based on identity politics. In so doing, they also address key concepts relevant to society today: the interplay between conflict and identity and how clash- es between opposing identities are negotiated and represented in the hu- manities. Finally, the volume analyzes the question of region within the Claire Honess, Silvia Ross (edited by), Identity and Conflict in Tuscany, ISBN 978-88-6655-861-3 (print), ISBN 978-88-6655-862-0 (online), ISBN 978-88-6655-863-7 (online EPUB) © 2015 Firenze University Press 2 Silvia Ross and Claire Honess national and global contexts, using the renowned Region of Tuscany as a case study for a consideration of these questions. Thus, the collection rep- resents a targeted exploration of the theme of identity and conflict in the context of Tuscan Studies, an exploration that is enriched by the diverse disciplinary perspectives (history, literature, linguistics) it encompasses. Identity The term identity has assumed ever-greater importance since the 1980s, with critical theorists devoting enormous attention to the question from a variety of perspectives (sociological, philosophical, political, literary etc.). While our understanding of identity has deepened and expanded greatly with these developments in critical thought, a result of
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