18 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. }fARcH -15, Second Lieut. Guy H .. Wyman, Eleventh Cavalry, to be first M.ESSAGE FR-OM THE PRESIDENT. lieutenant from March 10; 1913, yice First Lieut. John P. Has­ son~ Sixth Cavalry, promoted. A message in writing from the PreSid~t of the United .States was communicated to the Senate by · l\Ir. · Latta, one of his CORPS OF ENGINEERS. secretaries. Capt. 'Michael J. McDonough, Corps of Engineers, to be major STATEMENT OF APPROP~IA.TIONS . from February 27, 1913, vice Maj. Chester Jiarding, promoted. Mr. WARREN. Mr. President, I rise to ask unanimous con­ First Lieut. Harold S. Hetrick, Corps of Engineers, to be sent to print certain matter in the RECORD. I may say in ex­ captain from February 27, 1913, vice Capt. Michael J. Mc­ planation that it is usual for the Committees on Appropriations Donough, promoted. of the House and Senate to .submit on the last day of the sessjon First Lieut. William A. Johnson, Corps of Engineers, to be a statement giving a history of the appropriation bills und the captain from February 28, 1913, vice Capt. Edward M. Adams, sum total of the appropriations, also the estimates from the retired from active service February 27, 1913. departments and the amounts at the various stages ·Of progress APPOINTM.ENTS IN THE ARMY. of the bills-amounts of the bills as brought into the House and MEDICAL RESERVE CORPS. voted upon there, and as they came to the Senate, and so forth. The stress of business near the close of the last session of the To be fi1·st lieutenants with rank from Ma.1·ch.. 12, 1913. Sixty-second Oongress was such that the clerks of the committees Harry Loren Arnold, of Michigan. of the House and Senate were unable to complete the statement. Guy Cluxton Boughton, of Pennsylvania. The chairman of the Appropriations Committee of the House Athel Campbell Burnham, of New York. received permission to extend his remarks and print tables in Chrrrles Horace Francis, of Illinois. the IlECORD, I think, within 15 days after final adjoµrnment• Beverley Drake Harison, of l\fichigan. that is, as the RECORD is being printed from day to day contain­ John Barnes .Jack, of Illinois. ing speeches which were withheld. The appropriation matter Thomas Martin Joyce, of Minnesota. was released yesterday. Joseph Victor Klauder, of Pennsylvania. So~ on the part of the Senate, I now wish to submit this George Alexander Knowles, of Pennsylvania. table, which has been agreed upon by the accountants of both Walter Estell Lee, of Pennsylvania. committees. In fact, there a.re two tables-one which shows James Acker Mattison, of South Dakota. the totals and another which shows a comparison between the Wilhelm Weinberger, of New York. appropria.tion bills for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1913, and Luther Halsey Reichelderfer, of the District of Columbia. the fiscal year ending June 30, 1914. William Toy Shoemaker, of Pennsylvania, It is usual for the chairmen of such committees to make some­ Joseph Marius Shramek, of Nebraska. what extended remarks when they pres-~nt the matter. I shall Otto Augustus Wall, jr., of Missouri. not do that now. I observe from the printed proofs, which I have here before me, that the chairman of the Committee on Appropriations of the House and the former ranking member of CONFIRl\IATIONS. the minority of the House have submitted or will submit ex­ E xecutive nominations confirmed by the Senate March 13, 1913. tended remarks, and while they differ, as party statements al­ ways do, they unite upon one recommendation-that all appro­ FIRST ASSISTANT POSTMASTER GENERAL. priation bills should be handled by one committee. I shall offer Daniel C. Roper to be First Assistant Postmaster General. no remarks upon that statement, but shall ask those who are THIRD AsSISTANT POSTMASTER GENERAL. interested in the subject to turn to the record that will be made on the House side by the two Members chosen to represent their Alexander M:. Dockery to be Third Assistant Postmaster Gen­ parties in connection with this table. eral. I merely ask now that the table may be inserted in the FOURTH ASSISTANT POSTMASTER GENERAL. fuoo~ · James ·I. Blakslee to be Fourth Assistant Postmaster General. Mr. OVERMAN. Mr. President, I was taken rery much by PROMOTIONS AND A.rPOINTMENTS IN THE NAVY. surprise, I confess, yesterday when I was notified by the Sena­ tor from Wyoming, the chairman of the Committee on Appro­ Ensign Ralph D. Spalding to be an assistant civil engineer. priations, that he intended to make a financial statement. I Nathaniel M. Terry, a citizen of Maryland, to be a professor was not first upon the list of the_minority of the Committee on of ma them a tics. _ Ap11ropriations, and, as is well known by Senators, I have been William W. Johnson, a citizen of Maryland, to be a professor sick. If I had ln10wn that the Senator from Wyoming was of mathematics. going to make this statement, I should have tuken it upon Antoine J. Oorbesier, a citizen of .Maryland, to be a first lieu­ myself, as au individual member of that committl'e, to prepare tenant in the Marine Corps. a counter statement, because the statements of the views of the Henry P. Torrey to be a second lieutenant in the Marine Corps. minority and majority do not agree in many respects. I do not know that I shall now have time to make out n statement. I wish to say, however, 1\Ir. President, that many, many mil­ SENATE. lions of dollars were added to the appropriation bills. by the SATURDAY,. -illarch 15, 1913. Sennte, and 111nny great items in the legislative appropriation bill and othe1· bills that came from the House of Representa- The Senate met at 2 o'd c~ p. m; tiYes were increused aaainst my protest. , Prayer by · Rev. Ulysses G. B. Pierce, D. D., of the city of If I bad time I should like to make a statement. It is im­ Washington. · · possible to mate a statement without hav\ng the figures at The Secretary proceeded to read the Journal of the proceed­ hand ready to rend. I ham not, of course, examined the state­ ings of Thursday last, when, on request of l\Ir. GALLINGER ment submitted by tll.e Senator from Wyoming. It may be cor­ and by unanimous consent, the further reading was dispensed rect. I clo not say it is not correct, but I expect on many items with and the Journal was approl'ed. we will b;n·e some differeuces. I merely thought, as a member of the miuority of the committee and not a leading member, SEN ATOR FROM NEW HAMPSHIRE. but as an indh·idunl member--_ . l\1r. GALLINGER. Mr. President, I rise to a question of Mr. BACON. I should like to make a suggestion to the S~J+q.­ prhilege. I present the credentials of l\Ir. HEJ,'i'RY F. HOLLIS, tor, which I 1wesume. would be entirely acceptable to the. Sena­ elected a Senntor from the State of New Hampshire. I ask tor from \Yyowing. that the credentials mny be read. The \'ICE PHESIDENT. Does the Senator from North Carq- The VlCE PUESIDENT. The credentials will be read. lina yirld to the Senator from Georgia? · The credentials of HENRY F . HoLLrs, chosen by the Legis· l\Ir. O\'EIDl.L~. I yield. lature of tll.e State of New Hampshire a Senator from that l\Ir. H.\COX It is thnt in ·dew of the statement made by; the State for the ter~ beginning March 4, 1913, were read and Senator frum Xorth Carolina that he would desire to make such ordered to be filed. a statl'llwnt aud hns uot now time to do it that the Senator Mr. GALLIXGER. Mr. President, the Senator elect is present ft·om Wyoming will witllliold his statement until the extra se!:'!­ and prepared to take th·e oath. sion, jo order tlrnt tlle two statements may go into the IlECORD The VICE PHESIDEXT. · The newly elected Senn.tor will at the same time. present himself at the desk for that purpqse. l\Ir. WAHREN. My idea in offering it no\v is this: The l\Ir. HOLLIS wa~ escorted to the Vice P1·esident's desk by 1\Ir. country is always an:s:ion::; to know "·bat the expenses of a GALLINGER, and the oath pre~c;ribed _ by !a_w J~aving bee.µ adminis­ session are when it is oYer, and it is usual to lluve_the _ state· tered to him, lie took his seat in the Senate. ment prepared and submitted pn the Ia,st .dllY;. ~f the ·~session. 1913. CONGRESSIONAL ·RECORD-SEN ATE. il9 It was not the fault of the Senate any more than it was of the I wanted the statement that I make now to go in .the REcono House that we were unable to make it prior to March 4. with the statement made by the chairman of the committee. The statement itself does not make charges against any party Not having been able to examine his figures, I felt called upon nor does it affirm for any party any approbation. It simply at this time to make this statement, and later I will submit a gives tbe figures. and I may say to my friend from North Caro­ statement in detail. lina that it gtves in detail the additions made by tbe Senate, Mr. WARREN. I think I ought to correct the Senator in one which is exactly what the Senator will want to know.
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