A PEACEFUL REVOLUTION 30 YEARS FALL OF THE BERLIN WALL PREFACES To watch the videos, scan the code with the camera on your mobile device. Dear Readers, Dear Readers, When I was your age, I lived in the German Even 30 years later, dealing with this On the eve of the 30th anniversary of the fall David Gill, the incumbent Consul General While the booklet and accompanying videos Democratic Republic. We knew neither epochal era that changed Germany, Europe, of the Berlin Wall, we invite German learners of the Federal Republic of Germany in New are mostly in English, there are plenty of democracy nor the rule of law in East and the world is extremely rewarding. The to explore the multitude of events, people, York, and Diana Erinna, who teaches German opportunities to test your German. We hope Germany, and limitations on freedom Peaceful Revolution and the fall of the Wall and narratives that marked the end of the in Boston, MA, will help you discover this you enjoy discovering the fascinating events of expression, freedom of the press and show what civil courage and fighting for Cold War and ushered in a new era in German fascinating chapter of post-war German from our recent history! religion, as well as insurmountable borders one’s rights and freedoms can do. and European history. history. Their eyewitness accounts will give Sincerely, to the West and restrictions on our choice It is said that history is the teacher of life. As a student of German, you have probably you a better understanding of what everyday of profession were part of our daily lives. So, immerse yourself in life in the GDR and already been acquainted with the facts and life felt like behind the Iron Curtain, what For more than 28 years, the Berlin Wall was the events of 1989. striking imagery surrounding the fall of it meant to be involved in politics, and German Consulate General New York the symbol of the division of Germany and the Berlin Wall in your history classes. This how that experience shaped their future Goethe-Institut New York the world. On November 9, 1989, something multimedia booklet is designed to give you a life trajectories. Their oral histories are Goethe-Institut Boston happened that no one could have imagined David Gill supplemented with facts to help you frame Consul General firsthand account of the events that led to the or foreseen: The Berlin Wall fell. of the Federal Republic of Germany and articulate major events in post-war New York collapse of the Iron Curtain in 1989. Germany (1945–1990). 1 th Brandenburg Gate US President Harry S. Truman, May 8 , 1945: 1945 1945 “The flags of freedom fly all over Europe!” Übung macht den Meister. Wortsalat Finden Sie die deutschen Namen der vier Alliierten! UNGARN MALTA VENEZUELA VIETNAM JAPAN Vereinigte STAaten von Amerika KUBA Glossary BRASILIEN FINnLAND Union der Sozialistischen allies Nazi Germany unconditionally die Alliierten surrendered to the Allies on Sowjetrepubliken ÄGYPTEN capital May 8, 1945, thus marking the ISRA EL GEORGIEN THAILAND die Hauptstadt end of World War II in Europe. occupation zone Frankreich MAURITIUS GHANA die Besatzungszone The four major victorious powers— TOGO IRLAND PORTUGAL the United States, the Soviet Union, unconditional surrender die bedingungslose Kapitulation Great Britain, and France — divided USBEKISTAN GroßbriTAnnien Germany’s territory as well as Berlin, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) ZYPERN MALI AUSTRALIEN die Union der Sozialistischen capital, into four occupation zones. Troops SÜDAFRIKA CHILE NEUSEELAND Sowjetrepubliken (UdSSR) from other countries, including Belgium, 2 victorious power Canada, Poland, Luxembourg, and Berlin Alexanderplatz SINGAPUR UKRAINE LITAUEN die Siegermacht 1945 a contingent of Danish and Norwegian SLOWENIEN TSCHAD BELGIEN World War II forces were also stationed in these zones. der Zweite Weltkrieg Use your phone to scan the QR code. 1949 Do you want to know more about BRD oder DDR? Germany after WWII, 1945–49? Kreuzen Sie an! Baden-Württemberg BRD DDR Bayern BRD DDR 3 Berlin BRD DDR Brandenburg Gate and Reichstag 1949 Brandenburg BRD DDR Bremen BRD DDR Hamburg BRD DDR Hessen BRD DDR Mecklenburg-Vorpommern BRD DDR Niedersachsen BRD DDR Nordrhein-Westfalen BRD DDR Rheinland-Pfalz BRD DDR Saarland BRD DDR Glossary In 1949, two states were formed on German Sachsen BRD DDR Sachsen-Anhalt territory: In the Soviet zone, socialism was BRD DDR parliamentary democracy introduced with the founding of the German Schleswig-Holstein BRD DDR die parlamentarische Demokratie Democratic Republic (GDR), an undemocratic Thüringen BRD DDR German Democratic Republic (GDR) satellite state of the Soviet Union. The three die Deutsche Demokratische Republik (DDR) other zones were merged into the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG), a parliamentary Wo war die Grenze zwischen BRD und DDR? Eastern Bloc der Ostblock democracy based on a social market Markieren Sie die Grenze auf der Karte! economy. Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) die Bundesrepublik Deutschland (BRD) Berlin was divided in two. Berlin’s Soviet socialism occupation zone was declared the capital of der Sozialismus the GDR, and Bonn became the capital of the social market economy Federal Republic of Germany. Answer: in the GDR. Saxony, and Thuringia were Saxony-Anhalt, Brandenburg, of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, The states by the Soviet Union) did not formally Berlin (administered Allies) and East by the Western Berlin (administered West Berlin had a special status: like part of the GDR treated Berlin was like part of the FRG, and East treated Berlin was West the FRG or GDR. Yet in everyday life, belong to capital. and its Thuringia, and Saxony as Saxony-Anhalt, of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, states along the present-day between the GDR and FRG ran The borders Berlin. Berlin and the GDR, including East well as between West die soziale Marktwirtschaft 4 Sign Translation: “STOP National Border! Trespassing prohibited!” People from the Soviet Zone had Wie heißen diese Wörter in Ihrer Sprache? been fleeing to the West since der/die Geflüchtete 1945. There were various reasons 2,738,566 people for this, including the forced collectivization of agriculture flüchten as well as dissatisfaction with Emigration 1949–1961 the political situation and career from East Germany to West Germany flüchtig prospects. 331,390 der Flüchtling This exodus of often well- 279,189 educated young people posed an 252,870 261,622 die Fluchthilfe existential threat to the economy 197,788 204,092 199,188 207,026 of the GDR. 165,648 182,393 184,198 129,245 143,917 Die der Fluchtweg Flucht die Zuflucht 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 die Fahnenflucht Source: www.chronik-der-mauer.de/material/?mType=8 die Massenflucht Glossary die Fluchtgefahr collectivization die Kollektivierung fluchtartig migrant der/die Übersiedler*in der Fluchtplan planned economy die Planwirtschaft der Fluchtversuch What is a communist regime? refugee 1945-1961 4a der Flüchtling 5 Brandenburg Gate on August 14, 1961, seen from the West. On August 13, 1961, the East German government closed down all checkpoints to West Berlin. Watch JFK’s speech: Wo auf der Berlin-Karte sind diese Sehenswürdigkeiten? Ordnen Sie zu! 6 7 West Berliners looking into the East with binoculars at Invalidenstraße. US President John F. Kennedy In the foreground, the Berlin Wall. during his Berlin speech on A Reichstag E Berliner Dom September 1961 June 26, 1963 B Alexanderplatz F Checkpoint Charlie C Brandenburger Tor G Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gedächtniskirche D Siegessäule Answer: F5, G1 E6, D2, C4, B7, A3, In August 1961, the leaders of the GDR decided to take radical measures to stop people from fleeing to West Germany. They closed the entire border with the 7 Federal Republic of Germany and built a wall through Berlin. This had fatal 3 6 Glossary consequences for the people in the East 4 and West, especially in Berlin: Many families were torn apart and visiting was 2 border die Grenze only possible under extremely difficult circumstances! Brandenburg Gate 8 das Brandenburger Tor On June 26, 1963, US President John F. National People´s Army (GDR) 5 refugee movement Kennedy, then on a visit to West Berlin, officer Conrad Schumann fleeing die Fluchtbewegung to West Berlin with a jump over 1 gave a speech that ended with the famous a barbed wire. August 15, 1961 building of the Berlin Wall 1961 sentence: “Ich bin ein Berliner.” der Mauerbau Ask David Gill: 1966 What was a typical The education system in the GDR school day like? Glossary David Gill 9 The education system in the GDR was centrally organized. The national educational objectives National People’s Army 10 focused on teaching students to be good members die Nationale Volksarmee (NVA) Leninism TESTIMONIAL der Leninismus of socialist society. All students initially attended 13 youth dedication ceremony the Polytechnische Oberschule (POS) for 10 years. die Jugendweihe Marxism Christian study group, der Marxismus This was a comprehensive general education school ca. 1974 confirmation (Catholic) divided into lower, middle, and upper class levels. die Firmung Marxist-Leninist ideology David Gill was born in 1966 die marxistisch-leninistische The very first day of school Jugendweihe ― Youth Dedication Ceremony and grew up in Herrnhut In addition to the natural sciences and technology, confirmation (Protestant) Weltanschauung 11 in Gnadau near Magdeburg in 1972 die Konfirmation (Saxony). He was one of the POS mainly focused on making sure there was The Jugendweihe is a coming of age seven children, and his a close relationship between theory and practical ceremony. In the GDR, this celebration congregation 12 die Kirchengemeinde father was a bishop in the training in the working world. After graduating was introduced as a socialist alternative to Moravian Church, a small from the POS, it was generally possible for students Protestant/Catholic confirmation ceremonies.
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