University of winnipeg’s campUs and commUnity weekly ISSUE 2008/09/18 VOLUME04 63 John travolta ain’t got nothin’ on these guys. Election winnipeg’s contemporary special dancers kick it NEWS page 7 artS & culturE where’d my arts page 17 funding go? polls demystified the highs and lows of last week local christian musician urges you to listen first, judge second artS & culturE page 13 september 18, 2008 the Uniter contact: [email protected] 02 NNEEwsws Streaming local MP3s at uniter.ca see page 14 “the government is iran destroys drawing without basically saying ‘we’re sexual freedom looking: artist takes not going to support with sex change his inspiration from any kind of culture’” surgeries the music News page 7 Election 2008 commENtS page 9 artS & culturE page 12 UNITER STAFF managing editor News Stacy Cardigan Smith » [email protected] BUsiness manager James D. Patterson » [email protected] Too much alcohol, not enough responsibility PRODUCTION MANAGER Melody Morrissette » [email protected] an dr copy and style editor neighbourhood group m ew Ashley Holmes » [email protected] C monagle pHoto editor wants to cut the Mark Reimer » [email protected] news assignment editor over-serving of alcohol Toban Dyck » [email protected] news prodUction editor Ksenia Prints » [email protected] arts and cUltUre editor Andrew McMonAgle Aaron Epp » [email protected] BeAt reporter comments editor Devin Morrow » [email protected] neighbourhood group is insisting sports editor Joshua Boulding [email protected] there is such a thing as too much » alcohol by advocating bars to stop listings coordinator Curran Faris [email protected] Aserving drunks. » As of this month, the Point Douglas Beat reporter Dan Huyghebaert [email protected] Residents’ Committee (PDRC) began a cam- » paign advocating that alcohol is not to be Beat reporter Joe Kornelson [email protected] served to those already intoxicated. » In their press release, the PDRC described Beat reporter Sandy Klowak [email protected] the complaints they’ve received about intoxi- » cated people still being able to get alcohol Beat reporter Andrew McMonagle [email protected] from beer vendors, calling it a “contraven- Despite pressure from the Point Douglas Residents’ Committee to stop serving those already drunk, club » tion of the Liquor Control Act.” Desire’s bartender Rebecca Sulkers believes bartenders alone can’t be responsible for enforcement. The Liquor Control Act (LCA) of Manitoba CONTRIBUTORS details that “no person shall… give, sell, or Brooke dmytriw, wesley flett Johnston, andrew tod, otherwise supply liquor to any person appar- “You can’t breathalyze comes through the door, it’s unrealistic,” she said. J. williamez, Jillian taylor, chris friesen, kiley dyck, ently under the influence of liquor.” everybody who comes melly ozubko, courtney schwegel, Jonathan dyck, rob The PDRC is working with the Manitoba Another issue lies with the identification mcgregor, Jennifer pawluk, Holly rose, cindy titus, Liquor Control Commission (MLCC) to en- through the door, it’s of intoxicated people. courtney schwegel, Jo villaverde, marko Bilandzija, “The training course has guidelines… kevin chaves, thomas asselin, Brad pennington, scott sure violations of the LCA are reported and unrealistic.” christiansen, adam peleshaty, mike collins, cory falvo. responded to promptly. TheMLCC has added there are tests that can be applied. There are a 24-hour voicemail to their tips line, allow- –rebecca Sulkers, a lot of things to look for, more than just the Uniter is the official student newspaper of the University of slurring and composure,” Soroka said. winnipeg and is published by mouseland press inc. mouseland ing concerned residents to report their mis- club Desire press inc. is a membership based organization in which students givings at any time. Getting mistaken for a drunkard is not an and community members are invited to participate. for more experience most bar-goers appreciate. information on how to become a member go to www.uniter.ca, or According to Diana Soroka, manager of call the office at 786-9790. the Uniter is a member of the canadian communications at the MLCC, the commis- But education might not be enough, said “Oftentimes people who communicate in University press and campus plus media services. Rebecca Sulkers, bartender at Club Desire. a different way are mistaken for intoxicated sion is aware of bars serving people beyond sUBMISSION OF ARTICLES, LETTERS, GRAPHICS AND pHOTOS ARE the point of inebriation. “There’s a fear of repercussion if you cut or having no intellect,” said Laura Schnellert, WELCOME. articles must be submitted in text (.rtf) or microsoft word (.doc) format to [email protected], “Server responsibility training is manda- somebody off,” said Sulkers. “If there is a membership and program director of the Cerebral Palsy Association. “There’s a good or the relevant section editor. deadline for submissions is 6:00 p.m. tory,” said Soroka. “Anyone who is employed group of intoxicated people willing to cause thursday, one week before publication. deadline for advertisements to serve alcohol undergoes it. It’s enforce- trouble if they don’t get served, it might not chance of that (confusion) happening… is noon friday, six days prior to publication. the Uniter reserves the There’s a lot of discrimination. It needs to be right to refuse to print submitted material. the Uniter will not print ment by education.” be worth getting beat up for.” submissions that are homophobic, misogynistic, racist, or libellous. The mandatory training details strategies Prevention could also be hard to enforce. addressed by the MLCC.” we also reserve the right to edit for length and/or style. “You can’t breathalyze everybody who on how to identify intoxicated people. With files from Nichole Dacey. CONTACT US » General Inquiries: 204.786.9790 Advertising: 204.786.9790 Editors: 204.786.9497 BY ANDREW MCMONAGLE Fax: 204.783.7080 DO YOU THINK THAT BARS SHOULD HAVE THE AUTHORITY E-mail: [email protected] TO CUT YOU OFF FROM ALCOHOL? Web: www.uniter.ca LOCATION » Room ORM14 University of Winnipeg Elliot Hanowski Kyle Morrissey Vanessa Russell 3rd year, history Events staff, MTS Centre Self-employed artist 515 Portage Avenue “I think it makes a lot of sense “I work at the MTS Centre and “It would be responsible to offer Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 2E9 that they should cut you off. It’s I wish they could cut people off friendly advice like ‘You’ve had not an absolute right to get as sooner. A lot less people would enough,’ to cut them off… people moUseland press Board of directors: drunk as you want, whenever get hurt. Personal freedom is can go out elsewhere and buy a david eisBrenner (chair), mary agnes welch, you want.” one thing, but people don’t bottle or whatever. There’s no way rob nay, nick tanchuk, Brian gagnon, devin king, know when to stop. I had to to control it. You may even [kick] meg mcgimpsey, Ben Zorn, kelly ross (UWSA), stop two people from peeing them out and into a car!” down the stairwell one time.” scott nosaty for inquiries email: [email protected] Kadin Gray Farooq Qureshi Mirza Calkic 3rd year, general arts 4th year, economics Retired truck driver, traveler “No. It’s cool to get super “I don’t think they should. “I think so. If you want to drink COVER IMAGE drunk and stuff. It’s fun to do I’m always with a couple of for 24 hours straight, who can bad shit.” friends [at the bar] and they’re stop you? Depends if they have the ones to cut me off. I’d be enough willpower and manpower plaster carvings by pretty irritated if the bartender [to cut someone off]. It’s hard colleen wolstenholme. cut me off.” dealing with drunks and it’s the same anywhere in the world.” part of platform gallery’s show when the mood strikes Us..., on until oct. 24. photo by mark reimer Ne w s As s i g N m e N t ed i t o r : to b an dy c k contact: [email protected] the Uniter september 18, 2008 e-m A i l : Ne w s @u N i t e r .c A Ph o N e : 786-9497 NEws 03 FA x : 783-7080 C in D y T i T u Cyclists? not on our streets S city needs solution to sidewalk cyclists “motorists need Boone feels the ticket is un- to be aware SAndy KlowAK fair and does not understand why BeAt reporter City Council is spending resources that cyclists are punishing citizens like her who are allowed to be on making green and healthy trans- hile Winnipeg cyclists portation choices. the roadway.” continue to be ticketed Though Boone normally rides –Brian Smiley, manitoba for riding on sidewalks, on the road, she understands why Wgroups look to infrastructure Public Insurance so many cyclists choose sidewalks changes and education in order to due to lack of proper bike lanes. Swanson feels Winnipeg roads create a safer climate for cycling in Still, Constable Jason are designed “intuitively” for mo- the city. Michalyshen of the Winnipeg torists, while cyclists are left to In early September, cyclist and Police Department maintains that their own devices among motorists University of Manitoba student the law against sidewalk cycling is who often don’t want to share the Stacy Boone was surprised when also for safety’s sake. roadway. she answered her door to a po- “It does cause a problem for “I think we need more cycling lice commissioner who served her pedestrians,” when adult cyclists infrastructure for sure,” he said. with a ticket for sidewalk cycling. choose to ride on the sidewalks, Swanson participated in the Operating a bicycle on the side- said Michalyshen.
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