MS-603: Rabbi Marc H. Tanenbaum Collection, 1945-1992. Series C: lnterreligious Activities. 1952-1992 Box 44, Folder 7, Religious Heritage of America, 1974. 3101 Clifton Ave, Cincinnati, Ohio 45220 (513) 221-1875 phone, (513) 221-7812 fax americanjewisharchives.org j• -:pd vft</(1)' Liigious Heritage of America FOUNDED- 1951 November 4, 19 7 4 Rabbi Marc H. Tanenbaum 33-15 80th Street New York, N.Y. 11372 W. ClementStone President I Wallace E. Johnson .. Chairman, Executive Committee · e-a-r-Ra-bb~- - I ·- . ., Eddy C. Scurlock I Chairman, National Program You know many people across the country who should Kenneth L. Hansen be honored by Religious Heritage of America, and Executive Vice President you know the kind of persons we recognize. In order to have another successful Awards Program Dr. Edward L.R. Elson in 1975 we must secure the very best .nominations Vice President from every part of the country. Dr. James M. Hudgins Vice President Will you give me a few moments and send us your nominations on the enclosed forms. I need them Harold McNaughton Vice President as soon as possible to begin processing them for the Selection Juries. (Nomination deadline is Dr. Herbert E. Richards De~ember 15th). Vice President Elton Whisenhunt Our 25th Annual National Awards Program will be Secretary held on June 26, 1975, at the Washington Hilton Mrs. Edward C. Moynihan Hotel. For this Silver Anniversary we are asking Assistant Secretary all former Award Recipients to be present for Herbert- S ..Colton recognition. Please block out that date and make Treasurer plans to be with us next summer.. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Thanks in advance for sending ·you nominations. May God continue to bless you in all things. Wallace E. Johnson W. Clement Stone Robert P. Gerholz Lisle M. Ramsey Myron L. Boardman Dr. James F. Eaves Pat Boone Mrs·. Erica R. Hanse Eddy C. Scurlock Paul Brandel Director John Latshaw National Awards Program Norman Carignan Lawrence Welk ERH:ef . Suite 1100 • 1OOo Connecticut Ave. N.W . • Washington, D.C. 20036 • (202) 466-2017 . August 16, 1974 Dr. Simon Greenberg The Jewish Theological Seminary of America 6, Balfour Street Jerusalem, Israel Dear Dr. Greenberg: Thank you for your gracious note to Rabbi Tanenbaum which arrived while he is away on vacation. Your note will be brought to his attention when he returns to the off ice after Labor Day . Sincerely, Miriam S. Binder Secretary to Rabbi Tanenbaum MSB :mm ... / ' · ~ _.,, ~'. -· ~ . .. ' . ..........·. ··. .: •.. ·::- ·,~ ...... :-,· •' . .. .. ... .. ' . ...,.,,.. - ··- • ·.r ....,.. : . ... ~- : ...:~ · . ·. ~·· ~ .i .. ' " July 11, 1974 Dr. Kenneth L. · Hansen Ex~cutive Vfce President Relig1oys Heritage of J!mer1ca ! I want to express to you and your ·associates my grat1tude for "· .... th~ privilege of having been selected to receive the special Awa rd of· Re 11.gi ous Her1·tage ·of America. · One of the . gre~ t challenges that face.s our country f s .how to preserve·the unity of our nation whfle recognizing the grea.t enrfchm@nt t~at is to be derived from the pluralistic religious and ethnic he~itage of all of our people. Reltgjous ~eritage . of America performs a very spec,al role in holding up th~t dialectic ·between unity and diversity and you are to. be congratulated for that d1stin~tive ~ontrfbution. ' . ""~·- ·· ! I . am confident ·that as we approach the bicentennial year of the bi~th of our nation that your function in our stic1ety will beco.ma even more richly appreciated by people tn ~very corner of the · land. .. ' I look forward to our further collaboration 1n pursu1t of the common objectives which we sha~ e both in terms of strengthening .· · the.. ··democratic fibre o.f America as well as the deepening. o.f. the re 1ig1_ous co mm itments of our peop1 e and our soc1 ~ty. I May God bless you and the work of your hands. I . I Cor.d1a11y, \ Rabbi Marc H. Tanenbaum National D1~ecto~ · MHT:ps Interrelfgious Affairs Bee: Hyma.n Bo~9kb i nder •,»· '" ... ~;_ ·. I ~ ~ ... i .. ' , .. f\J Religious H~ritage of America FOUNDED-1951 July 1, 1974 Rabbi Marc H. Tanenbaum W. Clement"Stone President National Director, Interreligious Affairs American Jewish Commi ttee Wallace E. Johnson 165 East 56 Street Chairman, Executive Committee .· . ·-. - .. ....:.. ~ --: --·- .·- ..... .. New York, New York 10022 Eddy C. Scurlock Chairman, National Program Dear Rabbi Tanenbaum: Kenneth L. Hansen Executive Vice President We are still in the clouds of success after this year's Awards Program, and we did put all our enthusiasm into the planning·.·of the event. · Now we Dr. Edward L.R. Elson Vice President rook forward to our 25th Anniversary next year. Dr. James M. Hudgins Vice President For that, I need your help! Harold McNaughton Vice President In order to prepare new Nomination Forms and to Dr. Herbert E. Richards irnpres.s upon many people the need to respond we Vice President want to arrange a collage of letters from several Elton Whisenhunt of the Awards recipients from this year. Enclosed Secretary is a nomination form we used last year and you can Mrs. Edward C. Moynihan see the kind of letters we used. Assistant Secretary Herbert S. Colton Would you send us a brief letter stating how you Treasurer feel personally about receiveing the Award, or commending Religious Heritage of America for its EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE effort. Write whatever is on your heart. Wallace E. Johnson W. Clement Stone Robert P. Gerholz · This will help us to get the interest of people all Lisle M. Ramsey Myron L. Boardman over the nation so they will nominate their friends Dr. James F. Eaves and associates. Pat Boone Eddy C. Scurlock Paul Brandel I'm grateful to you for taking time to do this, and John Latshaw Norman Carignan it will be such a help. Lawrence Welk We will keep in touch with you throughout the coming Suite 1100 • 1000 Connecticut Ave. N.W. • Washington, D.C. 20036 • (202) 466-2017 ... Q - \~ • July 1, 1974 Page 2 Rabbi Marc H. Tanenbaum year and of course we are counting on all our Award recipients joining together for our Silver Anniversary nexr year! The date is ~une 26, 1975. May God continue to bless and use you. Sincerely~ &a~~ Mrs. Erica R. Hansen Director, National Awards Program ERH:vm encl. '.:, . (Please check category) MAJOR AWARDS FAITH AND FREEDOM BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL AWARDS LEADER OF THE YEAR AWARDS 0 Glergyman of the Year 0 Press 0 Churchman of the Year 0 Television 0 finance D Public Utilities 0 Churchwoman of the Year D Radio 0 Commu11ications 0 Business Services 0 Gold Medal Hall of Fame OFilm 0 Transportation D Insurance Carriers 0 Special Award .D Special Award (MEDIA) 0 Retail Trades D Lodging Industry 0 Wholesale Trades 0 Constructi6,n I nd~stry 0 Entertainment 0 Manufacturing Industry 0 Publishing 0 Oil and Mining 0 Education 0 Medicine Please conform to all rules on the following page -0 Government 0 Law CITY __________~STATE __-'----~~CITY~---'-----'------'--'---------STATE~------ ZIP CODE ZIP CODE------ . BUSINESSADDRESS _____________________'-----'---'--""---'--- -------""'----------------------------- Please give brief outline of _nominee's activity during the past year in the field of religion that is outstanding·;. or the nominee's practical . application of religion to his business life. A separate sheet may be attached. : . , .. , ·, ' (Continuf!d on re11f!rsB sidB) Resume of religious service contributions and human welfare contributions to the community. A separate sheet may be attache51. Additional information you feel may be of interest to the Awards Committee. A separate sheet may be attached. THE HOW NOMINATIONS ARE MADE PURPOSE Religious Heritage of America Inc., founded In 1951, Is a . national, OF non·sectarlan, .nonprofit organ· Names of· candidates may be submitted by individuals, churches or R.H.A. lzatlon seeking the following: other organizations; or regional RHA awardees may be submitted by the regional leadership. TO PRESERVE THE RICH. DIVERSE RELIGIOUS HERITAGE OF AMERICA, AND THROUGH IT STRENGTHEN AND ENRICH ALL ASPECTS OF AMERICAN LIFE. RULES IFOR NOMINATIONS ' GOALS 1. Each entry must include a biographical sketch and glossy photograph of the nominee. If photograph is not currently available it 1. To provide a forum which brings together religious. may be sent at any time before the nominations deadline. News clips. education, business, professional and government leaders of varying religious and political opinions in dialogue about magazine articles and books relating to the nominee may be included. religion in American llife. 2. JOURNALISM entries should be limited to twelve clips or articles. 2. To foster the legal and appropriate teaching about Previous award recipients may be renominated after a lapse of one year. religion and the religious heritage of America in elementary. 3. RADIO entries should include a transcript or detailed description secondary and higher education. · of the program and production staff, plus a tape of the program 3. To identify and establish appropriate religious nominated. landmarks and symbols which dramatize the religious 4. TELEVISION and FILM nominations should include a t ranscript heritage of our nation. or detailed description of the entry and production staff. Television and 4. To challenge youth to discover and appreciate their film entries must be at least 30 minutes in length and a videotape or religious heritage in its historic and contemporary film must be submitted. dimensions, and to relate it to their lives today. 5. All journalism, radio, television and film entries must be of work 5. To increase the knowledge of the place of religion in done during the past year. All tapes and films will be returned. the history. of our nation; to strengthen religious values in America, and, to encourage their application in all aspects 6. Nominations must be made by DECEMBER 15 of each year.
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