THE OMAHA DAILY BEJSH TirTRSDAY , JULY -I , 1895. company has been organized , with I'd Mar- pnrk of Omaha's franchise In the Western TlTe Plantation stakes of C sover- ¬ VALKYRIE FINISHED LAST president , Kthel Haynes vli e presi- Hoyer mat- FAILED TO! If EACH HIS MARK , ) III quis ns association. Mr. has taken the , eigns each for starters with severegns- BUTCHERED FOR HIS JIONEH TORfUREl THIRTY YEARS dent , H. C' . Morln secretary nnd Herbert ter under advisement , nnd the prospect ? aildcd ; lialf the aweopstakes to the second ; Oliver treasurer. It Is styled the North are that the offer will be accepted before for 2-year-old colts and llllles. colts to carry n- They lenseil t . K 12 - Side Athletic club. lmv the end of the week- stone pound * nnd Illlles 8 stotii- a ! I (Continued from Kirp Page. ) acres on hi- north side of the old Hewitt pounds. The course wns over ttu last live Britannia nnd Alhn Defeat tbo Wai- property for three years nnd will rommencc KN- Directly Sent fiiMilo Against Timontthc- furlongs of the Manbnry mile. Mr. Both to- .IIAI.L AMI bl'ltl.Nd CHICK Porter's locked hltu.oplf in his room early Tuojdny The Agonies ol Hi ; IniiuisKlon KndiireJ- work nt once to got In shape. They are Chlnk.irn won , Mr. Douglas llalrd'H Done ¬ eon Crack on Actual Time , hav one of the best bicycle tracks to be- St.. Joseph Meeting. gal second and Ijoril Radnor's Longford morning , nnd that they had neen nothing ol f"iind In the stnte , anil their object is tn Oinnlm Trnm I'leniitntlr Hntertnlned by Iho- Lady third. him sine ? then , llecomlng suspicious , they by Rheumatic Sufferers.- . have some llrst-class rares here before nnd > prlngllrlil I'ruplc. determined to get Into the room throiiRli during the relink n , The ground will also IJrnvrrVtieohnrii Through , the window , when they were mot by the , , Yesterday the Omaha Western association CORRECTED TIME MAKES MATTERS WORSE be used for ba. e linll feint ball shooting GOOD WORK DONE BY THE YOUNGSTERS Yp .torday afternoon nt 1:30: n special train sight which the Interior presented. No key , to Springfield to play an exhi- matches ote. Those who have charge ol team went of three cars pulled Into Union to , nl- the matter are pushing It hard.- . bition game club It was the depot the door has so far b n discovered An Ortogoimrl :) !! Toll nVondcrfulHtoryol with the there. with 100 Denver wheelmen and wheelwotneii though It can be fastened by a catch on the made 11 general holiday by the people there Ills Itfiimrknhlo Cure. Opcnln of Ilia .Mud Honk Yacht t.'AMKS Ol- : NTIUNAL , HnrnoM to lln n Dr.iwlug- who are on their way to the annual league lock. ? Krents Till and royal was afforded the Horses. t ontlnno , entertainment meet which opens lit Asbury Park cm July When Wcckbnck looked Into the window John L. 0111. residing nt nt North Oranl Club It.iro4 n NurprUo In Several , Fox , Cnrdln Spllo Of Threatening cutlior- 12. only In Otraha visitors. Mews. Spearman They remained the city ten he did not notice whether the door to the - * n Tighter nn- , , O. , SS , says- I lialtliiioro Take l.lltlo drip , but 'luring' whooped avenue Columbus aged years for bo rollovtcri of Taylor , Hamilton anil Burbank were the 1'uur Gatill on the minute' that time they room was open. When he entered , however l I'lnrn In the Knee. In the things up with their yells at the depot In- suffered from rheumatism for over 30- Ilr prime movers Iho alfalr. t'nder a moment later he found that it was open , "I the Sport. , 3. H a manner surprised NEW YOUK July Now Yorks lost limit spreading boughs of line old grove tables that the attendants. years. very severe s-erved They call the isar, The lock was examined and It was found that The pains were and often eighth straight game. This time the Haiti- were prepared and there was such themselves "Denver > League Meet , " th door had not been forced. I was unable to move around. I have doc- mores Into oatnp. It took ten n dinner as only the good women of Spring- club and their cars weto took them , 5 lcntlfull > with emblems The river In the neighborhood of the spot , of , July 3. Held rouhl prepare. Omaha's ball players ° - adorned their and tored with many physicians and taken all HUNTERS QUAY Firtli Forth , , to do Score : ST. Mo. July ,,. (Special Tele- Innings however the trick. accustomed to hotel lure , hail ilscu and JOSEPH. iiiottoes. The men wore all attired In neat wlurq the coat , vest and hat were found cap , Val- 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 ft I kinds of patent medicine , but never received The challenger for the America's New York 0 0 gone without br-akfac-t to catch the train Brain. ) A strong south wind proventel fast brown p.intalnoiis and swenteis and woie- was dragged for two hours List evening with 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 whltu cups , any 1 began Munyon's kyrie started this morning In the race Humiliate 1-C that bore them thither , ami so had the the summer race meeting today. with an emblem of the club no result. The chief Is of th ? opinion that relief until using lit. 11 ; , 10. : tlmo at colors , old gold only Hits : New York. Haltlmore Errors usually keen edge of a beulthv athlete's and black. The Omaha the clothes were placed on bank Uhoitmallsm Cure , Within twelve hours cup , competitors ( the river for the Mulr challenge- her , 3 ; 2. runs doubly Did they Several small showers Interfered with the wheelman who olncd the party was David New York Baltimore. Earned appetite whetted. simply as n blind to lead ppnplo to suppose 1 I ; , 1. ? Man- ¬ 1. o Itrlen. Is by n- nftcr taking the lirst dose was free from To the dismay New York. Baltimore First base by do Jii'tlce to the meal Ask , present The party accompanied being Ailsi and Ilrltannla. 1. attendance hut 4,000 people wore that Srdjan had suicided , nnd that the body errors : New Y .rk , 1 ; Baltimore , First ager McVlttle how many spring laigo number of frlemU- lulu and am now completely cured. " hopes on Lord 1. ¬ ultimately he In neighborhood of those who had built great buffl on balls : Off Untie , 1 ; off Hemming. chickens Louis Napoleon linl. z con The track was fast and In prime condition will found the U- ! . Munyon's Rheumatism Is guaranteed : , 7 ; ! . MlU at Del rent- where crime was committed. Kvery Cure Dunravcn's now yacht , Valkyrlo was s ) uarelv Left on bases New Yoik Baltimore sumed. and you'll gain a faint Idea of the nnd every race was hotly contested and ex- lr the : , to .Throetm p hit : Btodle. Stolen ba es D.ivls performance team at the tablo.- . .DKTROIT. July raco. selling , six hole , vacant building and box car In thr euro rheumatism In any part of the and of the . 3.Flrst beaten In a good breeze by bath Allsa ; : Hem- , citing. Ono of Ihu events of the day was the Jcnlng" , 2 Glcasoti. Double idays Kvery chance was clearly accepted the furlongs : Kmper.x (3( to 1) won , Rupler ( If- neighborhood will Bg.tln be searched today body. Acute or muscular rheumatism cured by ; Jennings to- mar- ¬ S- ° Urltatinla. Ilrltannla beat the new yacht ming to Olenson to Clarke piny at the plato being something to attempt of Dlroclly lo lower thu world's 1) , ( I 1)) under the personal supervision of the chl t. : , lto second Stone Mason to third. In from ono to live to Chuke. by pitched ball McGraw vel n game of ball was days. It never falls Hit at. After dinner ; a large man , Is thought seven minutes ten seconds , corrected tltne : : and 4-year-old pacing record. The horse was Time Il4ij. and It Urodl" Passed halls Kan-el. Batteries played. It was royal outing for the team. euro sharp , shooting pains In the arms. legs , ; nnd- : Hint his Indy would have made too large a and AMaa defeated her by ono minute fifty- Husle and Knrrel Hemming , Esper Score of the game : driven by Andy McDowell and made the Second race. nlne-sKteenths of a mile : llnrry Lewis (7( to 1)) won , ( cvnn ) burden not to have the attention sides , back or breast , or soreness In any part allow Hoblnson. Umpires Emslle nnd Tuthlll. Pprlnglleld Musfelman attracted eight seconds , exclusive of her tlmo : At- ¬ prettiest mile ever feen on the St. Joseph second , Sublto (5( to 1) : : , Time Two hours and cloven minutes. 000001000-11 0 0 0 2 0 1 2 * third. Time 0V4. of someone. The railroad tracks which of the body In from one to three hours. H- Omaha - , , ) a In c , . , In Third race Russel house stakes on ance. Valkyrie heeled over great deal tendance 2000. : track making the circuit without a break 52,00for load directly to the spot the river where la : , 7 ; , 5. : guaranteed to promptly cure lameness , . Hits Springfield Omaha Krrors 3-yenr-olds , mile and an eighth Maurice COLONELS NO FFN NOW- : : : the clothes were found , however , are within , with her working top. , fi ; C. the following time quarter , ) fairly stiff breeze and to- - Sprlnglleld Omaha. Two-base hits First 0:32Ui O to 20) won , Frank K do to 1)) second , stiff nnd swollen Joints , stiff back , and all , July 3.
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