The Initiation Gaurishankar Conservation Area - A Prime Habitat for Red Panda (Ailurus fulgens) in Central Nepal Arjun Thapa1 Sunil Thapa1 and Shambu Poudel2 Corresponding email: [email protected] Abstract: Globally threatened Red Panda is found in isolated high mountain’s bamboo- forest patches in Nepal, India, Bhutan, China and Burma. This study was focused in Gaurishankar Conservation Area, one of the newly declared protected areas of Nepal, with aim to glean baseline information regarding existence of Red Panda, its habitat status and conservation issues. Methods like altitudinal line intercept, key informant survey and consultation (with local people, herders, conservation stakeholder) were used to address the objectives. Marbu, Kalinchok, Gaurishankar (Dolkha District), Chuchure, Gumdel (Ramechhap District) and Fulpingkatti (Sindupalchok District) area were surveyed in first phase of study and presence of Red Panda distribution was recorded from Marbu, Kalinchok, Chuchure and Fulpingkatti forests areas through sign evidence (fecal pellets). A total of 24 transects were established randomly in the whole area and only 16 transects were worked effectively because of topographical barrier. Distribution of Red Panda was found as clumped pattern ( ). Among these sites, frequent sign encounter was recorded in Marbu (5.45/km) area followed by Fulpingkatti (5.06/km), Kalinchok (3.73/km) and Chuchre (1.67/km). Like in other areas, conservation issues like habitat destruction, livestock pressure, fire wood collection and illegal poaching were rampant in Gaurishankar also. This study recommended for detail survey on population status and conservation activities should be elaborated in current identified habitat as well as further survey should be focused on other possible habitats within conservation area. Key Words: Distribution, Fecal pellets, Gaurishankar Conservaton Area, Red Panda, Transect Introduction Nepal’s high priority in biodiversity conservation is reflected in the increasing number of protected areas which covers more than 20% of the total area of the country. In fact, such creation process plays significant role in biodiversity, results in protection and conservation 1 Small Mammals Conservation and Research Foundation 2 Assistant lecture, Kathmandu Forestry College, Balkumari, Kathmandu SUFFREC | 43 The Initiation of endangered and rare species. Recently, Government of Nepal proclaimed Gaurishankar Conservation Area (GCA) as new conservation area, that appended a protected area in Sacred Himalayan Landscap (SHL) and extends in three districts comprising six VDCs (Gumba, Tatopani, Listikot, Fulpingkatti, Marming, and Ghorthali) of Sindhupalchok district, fourteen VDCs (Kalinchok, Bigu, Alampu, Chilankha, Lambagar, Orang, Bulung, Laduk, Gaurishankar, Khare, Marbu, Chankhu, Suri, and Syama) of Dolakha district and Chuchure and Gumdel VDCs of Ramechhap district with an area of about 2179 km2. It lies between the Langtang National Park in the West and the Sagarmatha National Park in the east and thus act as biological corridor for large home range high altitude’s fauna. The Red Panda (Ailurus fulgens) is recorded in isolated pockets of high mountain ranges in The Red Panda (Ailuruswestern China fulgens (Sichuan,) is recorded Yunnan and in Tibetisolated provinces) pockets and theof highHimalayan mountain mountain ranges chain ofin Nepal, India, Bhutan and Burma, with a separate population on the Meghalaya Plateau in western China (Snorth-easternichuan, Yunnan India (Roberts and Tibet and Gittlemanprovinces) 1984, and Glatston the H 1994,imalayan Wei et. mountain al. 1999, Yonzon chain of Nepal, India, 1989,Bhutan Reid and et al.Burma,1991, Pradhan with a et separate al., 2001). population The global populationon the Meghalaya of the Red PlateauPanda is in north-eastern estimatedIndia (R atoberts 16 000 andto 20 Gittleman, 000 individuals 1984; based Glatston, on ecological 1994; density Wei (Choudhary, et. al., 1999;2001). Now its population is estimatedat 10,000 in wild (IUCN, 2008). Nepal hosts about 1.9 % of Yonzon, 1989; Rtheeid total et al., global 1991 population and Pradhan of the Red et alPanda., 2001). and estimated The global 314 individuals population based of on the habitat Red Panda is estimatedsuitability at 16 000 (Yonzon to 20et al.,000 1997). individuals Population based of Red on Panda ecological is declining density day by(C dayhoudhary, from its 2001). Now its populationviable habitat is of estimatedat the world and 10,000IUCN has in ma wildndated (I UCNit as endangered, 2008). speciesNepal since hosts 1996 about but now it is listed under Vulnerable category (IUCN2008) and also legally protected by 1.9 % of the totalGovernment global population of Nepal underof the Schedule Red Panda I (sec andtion estimated10) of National 314 individualsParks and Wildlife based on habitat suitabilityConservation (Yonzon Actet 2029 al., (1973). 1997). PAs Population network of Nepal of R covered Panda about 20% is declining of the total area,day butby day from its viablemore habitat than 62% of of the the world Red Panda and potential IUCN habitathas mandated remains outside it as the endangered protected areas species which may have higher risk due to human pressure (Yonzon et al. 1997), still research works are since 1996 but nowconcentrated it is listed within under protected Vulnerable areas only (Yonzoncategory 1989, (IUCN Mahato, 2008) 2004, Sharma and also 2008, legally Thapa protected by Government2009, Kandel of 2009). Nepal This under study Saimedchedule to glean I (section base line 10) information of National of Red Parks Panda; and its Wildlife Conservationdistribution Act and 2029 cons (1973).ervation issues.PAs network of Nepal cover about 20% of the total area, but more thanMaterial 62% and of Methodsthe Red Panda potential habitat remains outside the protected areas which may Studyhave Area higher risk due to human pressure (Yonzon et al., 1997), still research works are concentrated within protected Newly designed Gaurishankar areas only (Yonzon,Conservation 1989; AreaMahato, (85047.4’and 2004; 86034.8’ East longitude and Sharma, 2008; Thapa,0 2009 and0 Kandel, 2009). This study27 aimed34.2’and to glean28 10’ base Northline Latitude) was gazette in July 19, information of R2010ed Panda;that fall its underdistribution Sacred and conservationHimalayan issues. landscape. GCA harbor rich floral and faunal diversity along with cultural Material and Methodssignificance. Varied physiography and climatic condition provides Study Area the existence of diversified vegetation composition viz. subtropical forest (Pine forest, Newly designed GaurishankarSchima-Castonopsis Conservation forest etc.) to Area (85047.4’andalpine 86 0shrub34.8’ land.East Inlongitude addition, 0 agricultural0 lands, human and 27 34.2’andsettlements, 28 10’ Ncliffsorth andLatitude) aquatic was gazette in Julyhabitats 19, 2010are also that present. fall under This Sacred Himalayanconservation landscape. area actGCA as refuge harbor for more than 34 mammals species rich floral and faunalincluding diversityglobally concern along species with cultural significance.like Red Varied Panda, physiographySnow leopard and climatic alongcondition with other provides bird, herpeto- the fauna and fishes (NTNC2009). FigureFigure 1: 1: Map Map of Studyof Study area area 44 | SUFFREC The Initiation existence of diversified vegetation composition viz. subtropical forest (Pine forest,Schima- Methods Castonopsis forest etc.) to alpine shrub land. In addition, agricultural lands, human Field survey was carried out in the monthssettlements, of July, 2011. cliffs During and aquaticthis peri habitatsod, altitudinal are also line present. This conservation area act as refuge intercept method was used for sign (fecalfor pellet more, pugmark) than 34 survey. mammals As well species as other including potential globally concern species like Red Panda, Red Panda habitats and conservation issuesSnow were leopard identified along fromwith otherthe secondary bird, herpeto-fauna sources, and fishes (NTNC, 2009). literatures, semi structural questionnaires and informal interviews with local villagers, herders, conservation hotel staffs near the Methodsstudy areas. Fecal pellet is an effective indicator for sign survey of Red Panda due to their shy nature. The recognized probable habitat of animal in conservation area was surveyed Field survey was carried out in the following Williams (2004), Mahato (2004) and Kandel (2009). Horizontal months of July, 2011. During this period, transects were laid in each block along altitudinal line intercept method was used contour lines between elevations of Methods for sign (fecal pellet, pugmark) survey. 2600 m and 3600 m with an Field survey was carried out in the Amonthss well of July, as 2011.other During potential this period, R altitudinaled Panda line altitudinal spacing by 200m. In intercept method was used for sign (fecal pellet, pugmark) survey. As well as other potential Red Panda habitats and conservationhabitats issues wereand identified conservation from the secondaryissues sources,were transects, signs encountered were literatures, semi structural questionnairesidentified and informal from intervthe iewssecondary with local sources,villagers, recorded keeping limitation on transect herders, conservation hotel staffs near the study areas. Fecal pellet is an effective indicator for lengths due to varied topography (cliff, sign survey of Red Panda due to theirliteratures, shy nature. The semi recognized structural
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