Weekly AlewsBeBfer &a.2 +I'89 SUBB~~.~,YdJan~sw, 9999 11.OO am Sung Eucharist, Serrnon and Sunday Schooi. Prayer Book p.45, Celebrant & Preacher: Fr J.Furst. Hymns: 63, 57, This is My Body, Antlrem, Rec.: I WiBl Sing Your Praises (sfrest 21). Anthem: His Ow Begcatten Son {George Befcheo. Setting: Nic.t)olson.Agnus [lei: C./V.C)o(;. 6.30 prn Evensong. Officiant: Fr Ken Marfin. Introit: Father, Bet me dedicate all this year to thee. Psalm 85. I-lymrrs: 592, Anthem: Bow Down Thine Ear (&H.Maunder), 222. Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: A. Sornervell in F. Readings: Proverbs 8, 22-end. Ephesians 2, %f-end. In the world-wide Church we pray today for the United Churches of Bangladesh, North Bndia, Pakistan and South India. We pray for those who were iwld hostage in Yemen, remembering the relatives of those who died. In this diocese we pray for the Archdeaconsy of LLandaff and Archdeacon William Thomas, and the RurraI Dealsew of Bridgend and Rural Dean Edward Evans. We pray for all who suffer at this tirne of year as a result of the cold weather, remembering especially the elderly, tho infirm and the homeless. \Ne pray for the sick, remetmberirig especially Janet Munday, Winifred Paxton, Raynnafld Page, Gwen Wopkins. We pray for the repose of the souls of the faithfut departed. TMlS WEEK Monday &til 6.00 pn? Parish Surgery. Parish ORce, Roafh Church House Tgesdak~ 10.00 ain Holy Eucharist. St Philip's, 5th 7.30 pm bfoly Eucharist. Sf Anne's. Wedutesdey The Eprphany of Our Lord Gtl* 10 00 am EfOlY EUCHARIST. Prayer Book p 4% Followed by coff'ee 2.30 pm Senior Citizens. Roafh Church Wo~lse. 7.00 pm Eucharist. St Philip's. JESUS CHRBST 7.30 pm ,bung Euct-~arist.Sf Margaref's. be performed at St Edward's on FrilSat 29/30 Jan 1999 P,nvonc TBl~rsday 9.00 am Ifoty Eucharist. Sf Anne's. who WOUIC~like lo take part or-help 1 7th 6.30 prn Full Practice for Jesus Christ Superstar. with the performance, on-'stage, 8.30 pni Full Choir Pracdice. back-stage, sound, lights! rnake- up, publicity, choreography etc, Se$~rde~ 9.00 am i-doly Euch;3rist. Sf Margaret's. please speak to Alan, Kathie or 9th 10.00 am Costume arrangements for Jesus Christ Superstar. Heather. Practice %hisweek is on 6.00 pm Evening Prayer. St Margaret's. Thursday, 6,3Q-8,30pm. @ex$ S~ndayis the Fiwt Sunday After the Epiphany The Holy 1- -2 Eucharist witi be celebrated in St Edwards at l'I am, the Sundajr Sc&ao&r%will rrleet at 11 am, and Evensong w~llbe sung at 6 30 prn COFFEE will be served in the vestry after the Eucharist this morning, and the draw for the 400 Club will take place. Newcomers in particular are very welcome to join us. The Sunday School and Junior Choir wili contin~dethe Bine of coins - please give them your supporl:. COSTUME ARWNGEMENTS FOR JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR. Could everyone who is taking part in fhe perfornanca piease come to St Edward's some time between 10am and Ilam on Saturday (dh)to have costumes selected and fitted? WELCOME. We extend a warm welcome to all visitors and newcomers. Please make yocrrself known to one of the sidesmen if you are new with us. Internet: http:/linfo.cf .ac.uk/ccin/main/soceconlroalhlchurchisted.html TAE~SERVlCES take place at St Edward's every other month on Wednesdays at 7 30pm. Next services: 10 Feb, 24 Mar. NOTELETS incorporating six very attractive floral designs are being sold at 22 a pack in aid of RCH2000. Available from the Parish Office. OFFERWRY ENVELOPES for 1999 are at the back of the church If you cannot f~ndone w~thyour name on ~t, please speak to Mrs Megan Martin. JUBILEE 2000. C:hristian Aid have been working hard with their Jubilee 2000 petition to "Break THE FEAST OF THE EPIPHANY wtil be celebraled at the chains sf world debt". St Edwards at the loam Euckransi on Wednesday You lnay have seen rnornrng There wtll he no eventng celebratton at someone wearing one of $1 Edward's, but there are celebratrons at St Phtlrp's their three iink chains (-/PITI) and St Margaret's (7 30pm'i (available from Christian CYTUPJ. There will be a meeting of Churches Together Aid for El). They have in Roath Park on Wed 13 ,Jan at 7.30pm in Roath Park just iss~!ed two new URC, Penywain Road. If you have any packs of material to back crp the campaign. One is suggestions for joint projects c.r aimed at young people and is called "Ttie Debt services (remernbsring that we Collectors". It is in cadoon format and has lots of have a common interest in activities and ideas, inclmc.ling a youth version of the stressing real meaning of the Jubilee 2000 petition. Both packs and more information 'illn~ii Celebrations") are available froin Christian Aid, 27 Church Road, please speak to Tricia or Alan. t Whitchurch, Cardiff, CF4 2E3X B614435. WEEK OF PRAYER FOR ALPHA COURSE.. We hope to start a new Alpha CHRBS'TIAN UMlW begins on Mcjn course early in the new year. Anyone interested in joining the course, or helping wtth it, please have a ,I8 Jar.!. On the Tuesday (Igth) there will be a United Service at CM%Un word with Heather or Alan. Albany Road Baptisl: Churcti at 7.38pm, ST EDWARD'S 2600. We intend to set up a Mission organised by Roath Park Cytun. Please put this in your Group to discuss, plan and pray for an effective mission diar!y; arid corns 2nd give your support. to our area through our churches. Please support this DAY OF WORKSHOPS at Suliy Parrsh Church Mzall on work - rnost importantly by praying, but also wherever possible by giving your time, and also supporting Sat 16 Jan, loam-4prn Workshops OP Rules of b~fe, Stmplicify of Lifestyle Sptrttual D~rsctton,and Worshtp financially (through the offel-tsry at our services - if you Bring fcsod for shared lunch Coffee & tea prov~ded would like to co\~enantyour giving, or increase an Contaci Amanda Thompson %01446-701814 existing covenant! please ask Alan for a form). If you would like to be involved in the discussions of the BBG NATIONAL CHOWUS OF WALES. Join Wales' Mission Group, please t-rave a word with Heather or National Symphony Chorus for a day at St David's Hati Alan. Please think about how you can help in our on Sun 17 Jan to sing (from scratt;h) Handel: Zadok the mission for the millennium. Priest, The King Shall Rejoice, Hallelujah Chorus; Haydn: Sanctus (Nelson Mass), Achieved is the MbSRN1NG 23 EVENlNG PRAYER are normally said Glorious Vdork (Crtsaiion); Rutler: The Lord Bless You daily at 9 am and Ei pm except Thursdays and Fridays in and Keep You. Arrive 2.30pm. A11 music supplied, also St Margaret's Church. tea/cuRee during the afternoon break. Perfornlance ai IF THE SERVICES OF A PRIEST ARE 6.30pm. It is essential to book in advance: E5 per person. Write to the Chorus Manager, BUC National REQUIRED, please cot?tac%Fr Gaw PowelO. Chorus of Wales, Room E4101, Broadcasting House, B493940. Carcliff, CF5 2YQ ctnclosing SAE & cheque for £5 per He is availsble to minister fo the needs of the person (payable to BBC NOLY). No experience reqi.jired & no aye restriction; but urider 16's must be sick and dying. The sick and hgrusehound may accompanied by an adult. receive Holy Communion at home. For the CBWBPLIME 1s sung app~ox~matelyonce a rnonth at Sacraments of Healing and Confession speak St Edward's on Th~irsdaysat 9pm Compline is a 15- to fheri af any time. Advice and Insfrucfian in rn~riuteservice of plalnchant - the last of the monastrc matters of the Faith are alvv8ys av8ilable. "hours" Next serv1c:e 21 Jan Internet: l~ttp://info.cf.ac.uWccinhain/socecoi~!roath/church!sted.h~tnl The First Sundry Afiter the Epipltany Weekly Afewsleuer No. ? 180 Sunday, ?dhSanesay, g993 11.00 am Sung Eucharist, Procession, Sermon and Sunday Schooi. Prayer Elook p.56. Celebrant & Preacher: Fr Ken Marfin. Hymns: 79 ($roc.), 595, 32gMP), Anthem: Three Kings of Orient, Rec.: 2391MP) Setting: Nicholson. AQ~USUei: C.N.Doe. 6.30 pm Evensong. Officiant: Fr Ken Marti/?. Introit: Almighty Power [Handslr). Psalm 84. Hymns: 76(S),Anthem: O How Amiable (&aton Fandng], 75 Magnificat R Nunc Dirniftis: A.SomeweNin F, Readings: 1 Kings 8, 22-36. Wevelaficsn 21, 9-14 & 22-end. In the world-wide Church we pray today for the Church of North India, and Moderafor Dhiuendra MohanQ. In this diocese we pray for David Adlington, Diocesan Director for Statutory Education. We pray For Fr Robert Dsnkin who will be instituted and inducted as Rector of Penarth with Lavernock on Wednesday. We pray for those suffering from the influenza virus: the doctors and nurses who are struggling to cope with it in our hospitals, and those whose operations have been postponed because of the crisis. We pray for our own sick, remembering especially Janet Munday, Winifred Paxton, Raymond Page. We pray for the repose of the souls of the faithful departed, especially Mary Stark, Lilian Mary Hayman and Elsie Victoria Nlayer, whose anniversaries occur at this time. Ei.30pm on Sun 31 Jan at Parish Surgery Parish Office, Roath Church House st for cl-,aice St Edward's Orchestra Practice. of hymnlreading are availatrle in Holy Eucharist.
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