An Assessment of Poaching and Wildlife traffic Traffi cking in the Garamba-Bili-Chinko REPORT Transboundary Landscape Gervais Ondoua Ondoua, Eustache Beodo Moundjim, Jean Claude DECEMBER 2017 Mambo Marindo, Rémi Jiagho, Leonard Usongo and Liz Williamson TRAFFIC REPORT TRAFFIC, the wild life trade monitoring net work, is the leading non-governmental organization working globally on trade in wild animals and plants in the context of both biodiversity conservation and sustainable development. TRAFFIC works closely with its founding organizations, IUCN and WWF. Reprod uction of material appearing in this report requires written permission from the publisher. The designations of geographical entities in this publication, and the presentation of the material, do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of TRAFFIC or its supporting organizations con cern ing the legal status of any country, territory, or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Published by TRAFFIC David Attenborough Building, Pembroke Street, Cambridge CB2 3QZ, UK. Tel: +44 (0)1223 277427 Email: [email protected] © TRAFFIC 2017. Copyright of material published in this report is vested in TRAFFIC. ISBN no: 978-1-85850-426-1 UK Registered Charity No. 1076722 Suggested citation: Ondoua Ondoua, G., Beodo Moundjim, E., Mambo Marindo, J.C., Jiagho, R., Usongo, L. and Williamson, L. (2017). An assessment of poaching and wildlife trafficking in the Garamba-Bili-Chinko transboundary landscape. TRAFFIC. Front cover photograph and credit: Soldiers in Garamba National Park © Jeremy T. Lock Design by: Hallie Sacks This report was made possible with support from the American people delivered through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of USAID or the U.S. Government. An Assessment of Poaching and Wildlife Trafficking in the Garamba-Bili-Chinko Transboundary Landscape Gervais Ondoua Ondoua, Eustache Beodo Moundjim, Jean Claude Mambo Marindo, Rémi Jiagho, Leonard Usongo and Liz Williamson Soldiers in Garamba National Park Garamba National Park and Azande hunting domain, separated by the Aka River © Naftali Honig/Garamba National Park/African Parks Network TABLE OF CONTENTS Abbreviations and Acronyms iv Acknowledgements ix Executive Summary x Résumé Exécutif xvi Introduction and Background 1 Methods 19 Results 25 Discussion 48 Conclusions 65 Recommendations 66 References 69 Appendices 80 ii ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS APN ....................................................................................... African Parks Network AU-RTF ................................................... African Union-Led Regional Task Force AUC-DREA .................................................................African Union Commission, Department of Rural Economy and Agriculture AWF .............................................................................African Wildlife Foundation CAR ....................................................................................Central African Republic CARPE ......................... Central African Regional Program for the Environment CBD ...................................................................Convention on Biological Diversity CDJP ........................................... Commission Diocésaine pour la Justice et la Paix (Diocesan Commission for Justice and Peace) CITES ..................................... Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora COOPI .......................................................International Cooperation Foundation CPA .............................................................................................Chinko Project Area CRS ........................................................................................ Catholic Relief Services CWC ............................................................................... Combating Wildlife Crime CWT .............................................................................Counter-Wildlife Trafficking DDR .........................................Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration DRC ....................................................................Democratic Republic of the Congo ESPA ...........................................................Endangered Species Protection Agency FACA ...................................Forces Armées Centrafricaines (CAR Armed Forces) iviv TRAFFIC report: Poaching and Wildlife Trafficking in the GBC Landscape FBO .................................................................................... faith-based organization FARDC .............................. Forces Armées de la RD Congo (DRC Armed Forces) FNEC ........................................ Fédération Nationale des Éleveurs Centrafricains (National Federation of Central African Livestock Producers) GBC ........................................................................................ Garamba-Bili-Chinko GNP ..................................................................................... Garamba National Park ICCN ....................................Institut Congolais pour la Conservation de la Nature (Congolese Institute for Nature Conservation) IIED ..........................International Institute for Environment and Development IPLCs ....................................................indigenous peoples and local communities IUCN. ..........................................International Union for Conservation of Nature LRA .......................................................................................Lord’s Resistance Army MEFET .............................................................. Ministère de l’Economie Forestière, de l’Environnement et du Tourisme (CAR) MINUSCA .........................Mission Intégrée Multidimensionnelle de Stabilisation des Nations Unies en République Centrafricaine (United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic) MONUSCO .........................Mission de l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour la Stabilisationen RD Congo (United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in DR Congo) NGO ...................................................................... non-governmental organization (both charities and private sector companies) NP ...........................................................................................................National Park NTFP .................................................................................non-timber forest product TRAFFIC report: Poaching and Wildlife Trafficking in the GBC Landscape vv OIE ......................................................Organisation mondiale de la santé animale (World Organisation for Animal Health) PA ........................................................................................................Protected Area PAA ................................................................................... Protected Area Authority SAIPED .........................Solidarity and Integrated Assistance to Affected People SECC ............................................ Secure, Empowered, Connected Communities SPLA/SPLA-iO .........................Sudan People’s Liberation Army (in Opposition) SPLM/SPLM-iO ............... Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (in Opposition) SSC ............................................................................. Species Survival Commission SULi ............................................... IUCN Sustainable Use and Livelihoods Group UNESCO .................................................... United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNGoE ................................................................United Nations Group of Experts on the Democratic Republic of the Congo UNHCR ...................................United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees UNODC ..............................................United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime UNPoE ......... United Nations Panel of Experts on the Central African Republic UPC .................................................................l’Union pour la Paix en Centrafrique (Union for Peace in the Central African Republic) USAID.................................United States Agency for International Development Wildlife TRAPS Project..........................................Wildlife Trafficking Response, Assessment and Priority Setting Project WISP ..................................................World Initiative for Sustainable Pastoralism 8vi TRAFFIC report: Poaching and Wildlife Trafficking in the GBC Landscape ALTERNATE NAMES AND SPELLINGS First given is the name used in this report, EN is English, FR is French Baka, Baaka, Aka, Biaka, M’Baka, Tara Baaka – an ethnic group (pygmies) Bomu (EN), Mbomou (FR) – name of a river and a wildlife reserve in DRC Fula (EN), Foula (FR) – the Fulani ethnic group Fulani (EN), Foulani (FR), Fulah, Fallata, Fellata – the Fula ethnic group Fulɓe, Fulbe, FulBe, Foulbe, Foulbé, Fuulbe – semi-sedentary Fulani; sometimes used to mean all Fulani Jafun, Jaafun, Djafun, Djafoun – a more urban Mbororo lineage or subgroup or clan Mbororo, Bororo, Bororo’en – a Fulani lineage or subgroup or clan; sometimes used to mean all nomadic Fulani Peul, Peulh, Peuhl – French for Fulani, sometimes used in English Ubangi (EN), Oubangui (FR) – name of a river and a region in CAR Uda (EN), Ouda (FR), Oudda, Uuda,
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