. · 1997 WFU Puhi1Cdtrons Board, All l~1ghls RescrvC'd ..... · Films LD LD . ' : :V owtvffi 8.0,No. 22. > "COVERS THE CAMPUS LIKE THE MAGNOLL4.S." .• J~cial system leaves some ·students ·reeling unhappy E 'M E ):IJ T : A s s s s LAST IN AN•,, E'I G H T··. PART IN V E.S T I GAT IV E SERIES 0 N THE STUDENT H 0 N 0 R AND JUDICIAL SYSTEMS . : B~ KATE COSGROVE victimized," said junior dents who-may not be very knowle~geable cil or Judicial Board be subject to a more good knowledge of the student culture." Ow.Gow MID BLAcK REf~!RrER Brian Dentori, who is in about the system. stringent screening process: · "The intention of the Judicial System is to -. · ·, '_charge of the: Student '.'There is unfairness in the fact that a fresh­ A member of the Judicial Council who be non-adversarial,'' Zick said. "The real . Wh~l)~sked\aboutthejudicialsystematth~ Counselors program-: man can be elected to the Honor Council, and often hears complaints about the system, Ken question that remains is, how do you create university, it is difficult·for most Students· to "Sometimes this is war­ with such little experience can determine the Zick, the vice president of student life and such anon-adversarial truth-finding system?" give: an' accurate; Knowledgeable answer. -"1 . ninted and. sometimes verdiCts of juniors and seniors," he said. instructional resources, said that he some­ The student whose case is currently in don't know . .I've never'been involved," is a this·isnot." The student also said he was irritated with times disagrees with the way cases have been progress first appeared before the Honor . ci:mirtiqn rt;spqi.se: . ' . ' ' ' . One student, who pre- a system that aliows members to be elected by handled. Council in Oct. 1996, after which he was '. Few~f those:who 3t:e tried; whether' they. fers tp remain anon y­ peers who may not be fully aware of their "Students on the Honor Council and Judi­ found guilty and suspendeCI. He appealed his are :found iimocent or guilty, conie away mous because his case is qualifications. Several administrators and fac­ cial Board have a good grasp of the facts," he case and was again found guilty. (ee~llg.good about theju~icial system. "Many still in :progress, said he felt it was unfair that ulty have in rece~t years proposed that stu­ said, "It's been my impression that students But he later reintroduced evidence to the s.tmtents:' watk away from the trials· feeling the fate of a student be determined by stu- 'dents.who s.eek positions on the Honor Coun- labor over the facts and bring to hearings a See Judicial, Page A3 ''StDn.tnit .presents Trustee DWllegislation . ' . ' Bv MEREDITH BoREL. drunk driving education be added to selection jl OLD GoLD.AND !lLACK R!!PoRTI!R :the written drivers test administered by the Department ofMotor Vehicles • A Governor's Summit meeting to to all citizens getting a driver's li- discussanewlegislationpackage·of .. cense. _;. , .. ~ . ", :: 1 DWI laws was held Feb; 27 in Pugh : M:oore believes thatthe'iegislation begins Auditorium. The-package will be of- ·.package will probably pass relatively ficially presented t~ 'the North Caro- intact and be implemented by Oct. 1. lina General Assembly this week. "I know that (Gov.) Jim Hunt is not The summit resembled a town going to sign a watered-down ver­ Students to vote meeting. Richard Moore, the state's sionofwhatisimplemented,"Moore secretary of crime coritrol and public said. safety, attended to addiess the legis- ·Mitchell asked Moore to address after spring break lation. Also on the. panel were junior . the past opposition to DWilaws in (;atherine Mitchell ~d sophomore the state Congress, There is a delicate BY KATE COSGROVE Fiona Penney, theorg3nizers of Stu- balance between assuring safety of Ow Gow AND BLACK REPDR1ER dentActionforEliininatfug Reckless the roads while still allowing people Drivers(SAfERds.),a.SwellasPresi- a means of making a living, Moore The election to select the next student trustee dent Thomas K. Hearn-Jr. and senior said. The main problem was a lack of will be held March 18. The six. candidates Tina Schippers'; the Student Govern- public transportation to allow people selected by Student Government to run from an ment president,.. · ·: . to get to and from·. work if their li­ initial pool of 13 said they planned to use the . At the Suminit, Moore said that the cense is revoked, he_ said. position to increase diversity at the school and new refomdegislation package will "NorthCarolinai~stillby.andlarge- maintain close contact with the board of trustees '1 include stricter sentencing of DWI aruralstate,';Moore.said. "Ifsa . to advance student concerns. offenders" Curr~ndY.. e.vc:;n habitual After the election, in. which all stugents may. offen~ders .rarely ·get any jail ,time; vote, is held, the Student Life Committee will tli¢f ofu:n'·receiv,i!; qrily''propation. · ·. rrie · · · . taii:'w,bic:h choose its nominee for student trustee from the Mooresirid'thissenteiicingcoJll(l_ev~ri· ·killed sophOmores Julie and top-three vote-getters in the election .. The,board result in ta!dng ?ffenders' c.ars away · Maia,Witzl, Hurit visited campus and of trustees must then confirm its-clloicel; ··· · in some· cases. Habitual. offenders held a forum to discuss student ron­ Candidates included fre.shmen·W~~er May, W,ould' also .be,:required to receive· cerns about the pro!)lem of driving Matt Wilson and Laurie Hunt and sophomores treatment for their illness. whileintoxicated.Attheforum~Hunt . Jennifer Steinberg, Omarr Hena and Bill The pa~kage will also emphasize .asked students to address this prob­ Goodwin. betterawareness and education train- lem and raise awareness of it. · May said that if chosen for trustee he would . ing for young' people about the dan- . "This Summit meeting is the rec­ exan1ine ways the university can save money ·' gers of drunk d(iving. Among other ognition and realization of these ef­ and use its'resources more efficiently. He felt thiitgsr tl}is wpuldinvolye an· expan- forts," Mitchell said. that as a member of the Class of 2000, his sion ofth~ DARE. program taught in · Moore encouraged student partici­ experience wvuld enable him to communicate many .elementary schools. There was pation in the rally to be held in Ra­ A facilities management employee cleans the windows.on the outside of Carswell Hall. with the trustees on matters involving the Plan ~so a suggestion at the Summit that See Governor, Page A3 See Trustee, Page A3 SG committees question beer prices, grading issues • •h,.:: .. BY TIM .MAcPHAIL cemed with high prices for coffee and beer at '·pany .which handles food services at the uni- t~ ·~pp~o~ed th~ ptevimisly~discussed Pro­ house in Washington, D.C. The house would _Ow GoLD AND BLAcK REPORTER the newly-opened Shorty's, where a 16 oz. versity. · · fessor Comment Page, which would provide be used as a residence for students on intern­ beer costs $3 and a regular coffee is $i.I5. The committee has also questioned the an i:Iectronic forum in which students could ships or semester study programs. The ques­ i· .. High beer prices at Shorty's, a Student Menus from similar establishments, such policy requi~ing students to pay for parking at convey their criticism or praise for a profes­ tion will be a part of the door-to-door survey Government-sponsored outdoor party and as a coffeehouse at Elon College, show con- basketball games at Joel Coliseum. An SO sor. Students would input these evaluations that SO administers each semester, he said. grading policies were among issues discussed siderably cheaper prices for the beverages, representative will meet with a staff member through the SO homepage, where the remarks The committee is still considering two grad­ at SO committee meetings Tuesday, as the six said junior DeborahTyson, the co-chair- ofthe'athletic department to further investi­ would be posted after being screened by SG ing issues. The possibility of changing to a committees considered both on-going projects woman of the committee. A member of the gate this question, Tyson said. for vulgarity, Plumridge said. Plumridge also plus/minus grading system and the question and new business: committee is scheduled to meet with Scott JuniorScottPiumridge,thechairrnanofthe said the committee will su~ey students about of whether or not grade inflation is a problem The Can1pus Life Committee was con- Ownby,thedirectorofARAMARK, the com- Academic Committee, said that the commit- their interest in the university purchasing a See SG, Page A3 Reynolds recalls experiences Graduate comments on need to reestablish spirit ofcommunity Bv CHARLES STARKS came to North Carolina from Ghana, of trustees, in their wisdom, decided NEwsEunoo He attributed his success at the not to integrate the undergraduate university to both the campus com­ college," he said. Instead, they an­ Ed Reynolds, '64, the first black munity and the Winston-Salem com­ nounced that blacks would only be graduate of the university, spoke to a , munity. allowed in as graduate students. crowd of about 60 Feb. 27 in Pugh "Often this seems as though (i nte­ Still, a number of students had Auditorium about his experiences as gration) was something Wake Forest raised money to pay for Reynolds to the only black undergraduate student did, and it's true thatthere was a lot of travel to this country and enroll, so he on campus. support from the Wake Forest com­ spent the 1961-62 academic year at He also discussed the need for black munity," Reynolds said. "But I want Shaw University, a historically black people in today's society ~o reestab­ you to know that the black commu­ college in Raleigh, which he said lish a spirit of community.
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