IT % “T-nr-nniiT iïii u;n -..j -7i READ I HE MS WHILE IT IS NEWS i n C Fill O IN YOUR i WORLD VOLUME 30, ‘NUMBER 39 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1960 J. i ‘.r. J.l h .j iw,.-. 7 W, ’. V Jb City Is Given JO Justice Dept. Ta Bus Restaurant Action In N. Orleans ■ Days By Court To NEW ORLEANS-The U.S. government;e.Mt|H leans school desegregation crisis Monday: wltet End Segregation federal Injunction against a new law of ture setting up a new school board for. Integration Is JACKSONVILLE, Fla. - (UPI) white children at one of the desegregatei.whhol$;rO9e( - Federal Court Judge Bryant when they got past a blockade of angry^waUin^f i Simpson signed an order Wednes­ day requiring the city of Jack­ In Its first direct aotion since cri­ sonville to desegregate all public sis began two weeks ago, the Jus­ recreational facilities here within tice Department was granted the 30 days. Injunction by a three-judge court. Backed By Court The order covers city - owned swimming pools, tennis courts, The law empowered the new board to only borrow money, which It parks, the municipal zoo, Gator Bowl, baseball park and a new $3 would turn over to the legislature; Says Negro Entitled To Service million sports coliseum which open thereby making the legislature ac­ ed Thanksgiving. tually run the schools. ' Simpson announced last i The state Supreme Court agreed he would issue the order "In to rule on the constitutionality of Where Interstate Service Used few days” after six Negroes asked the law after the federal court l?i him for a summary decree in an sued the injunction. However,’ no integration suit against the city matter how the state court rules, By CHARLOTTE G. MOULTON filed last year. It would still be contempt of court to attempt to enforce It in lieu Of i Court Wfedijes (United Press International) Simpson’s order gave the city the federal injunction. the, angry,,#) 30 days to make preparations. The He that, WASHINGTON (UPD—The Supreme Court ruled Monday that order apparently will have ho ef­ The housewives - known as "the egging» a Negro is entitled to service in a bus station restaurant if it is an fect on this year’s Gator Bowl cheerleaders" • who surrounded city .ojj, football game, scheduled Dec. 31. Frantz school last week were de­ "integral part" of an interstate line's service to its customers. Simpson noted that the city pleted In numbers Monday and stata "need not operate nor make avail­ made little effort to harass F. G On behalf of the majority in the Tom C. Clark. able to its citizens any recreation­ children and their parents whjn suspend 7-2 decision, Justice Hugo L. Black A spokesman for the bus com­ al facilities whatever. they went Into the school. held that racial discrimination at pany involved in the case said “The city may close all such But they hurled eggs at one of that within the last 60 days the such terminal restaurants violates facilities, It may close some and the parents' cars and at a news­ independent firm which operates the Interstate Commission. In­ continue to operate the remainder man for a Parish newspaper, restaurant facilities in 22 termln* cluded In Monday’s ruling were or it may keep all such facilities screaming "We don't want no Jews Justices Charles E. Whittaker and open," the order declared. around here,” (Continued on Page Eight) , l.Vv Cl But the judge directed that any FREEDOM RALLY SPEAKER - Memphis civic lead- more than 1,000 citizens. Pictured (left facilities owned, operated or leased BOYCOTT REMAINS COMPLETE ers gathered after the NAACP Freedom Rally to right) Dr. Vasco A. Smith, Jr., local 'dentist; oütexééj by the city must be “devoid of dis­ Despite the steadily Increasing crimination In any form upon the last Thursday at Metropolitan Baptist Church, Jesse H. Turner, vice president of Tri-State Bank; attendance at Frantz, a white boy­ basis of race or color." to pay tribute to Rev. S. S. Seay, of Montgom­ Rev. S. S. Seay, and Rev. D. S. Cunningham. cott remained complete at . Mo- Wednesday's order to Integrate ery, Ala., main speaker for the affdir that drew (Photo by Withers) Donogh 19, the other Integrated Jacksonville's jiocreaHional facul­ school; Three Negro girls have Mo- ties followed by one day a suit filed Donogh to themselves. One Negro by NAACP attorneys In federal girl, Ruby Nell Bridges, Is attend­ court Tuesday to tear down all ra­ ing Frantz. cial barriers at public schools in Duval County, Florida’s second lar­ Meet Morehouse, Rumors spread rapidly around gest county. the schools that another elemen­ In other racial developments in Clark in Atlanta tary school • Gayerre * was about the city, county authorities Wed­ to be Integrated. A crowd of more nesday took a young Negro dem­ LeMoyne College’s debate than 100 persons'-. rtany more onstrator into protective custody of 13 members will go to Atlanta, than were at the integrated fechool# today after he and four others Ga. this weekend for engagements Monday - stood around GayerLe, contenant'1 staged sit-ins at three separate with Clark and Morehouse colleges. insisting that it .would.be integrat­ ed. One woman, anticl“"'............. variety stores. It was the seventh The LeMoynites will meet Clark a mbve, took her child day of sit-ins which started here on Monday, Dec. 12, and take on But’school superIn Nov. 29. , Morehouse. Tuesday, Deq. 13. -- ■' '■ . VX'' • - A James Redmpnd heatet. Harrison E: Lee, associate prof­ f? 'i>7 He said that it would be.fllegglhi essor of social sciences and debate transfer ahy.'other' Negro .phUdren Mobutu Denies coach at LeMoyne, said the fdllow- 7 ff to all-white schools this year; ■ ■ ■ ing student debaters will make the trip: ' M. Stewart Truly, Josephine Wat­ lesslM'4Mr,..., kins, Ernest Withers, Johnnie Rog­ ers, Ora Jean Johnson, Ulysses Harvey, Edgar Young, Carolyn Holy Convocalional Meets In Treated Inhuman Jones, James Netters, Thurmond By REV. TITUS M. GILHAM THIS ! LEOPOLDVILLE, The Congo - Snyder, Joyce Lynom, Sara Lewis and Warren Moore. Dr. Arena ■ Q Mallory, President hhrtr a (UPI) — Army strongman Joseph of the Saints Junior College of Lex­ Mobutu said Tuesday deposed The debaters will travel by stat­ ington. Mississippi .presided'. dur­ Premier Patrloe Lumumba is re­ ion wagons. ing educational night, December S. ceiving “humane” treatment as his She was presented by the president prisoner but he refused to, let Red of the board of directors Bishop B. Cross and United Nations officials Tennessee State B. Lyles of Clarksdale,i Mississippi check repdrts he had been tor­ Bishop Lyles presented her 'lh a of eldeÆ tured. standing ovation... - ./ $i,ooo;oa ( Col. Mobutu refused also to make Alumni To Meet; ■f:;'the ahtob e ’ public a report by a doctor who On ' the platform -also were Sen­ 'n. wtS’i had examined Lumumba but vol­ Drive For Members ior Bishop 0. H. Mason,. Memphis, ' iDr.iW GRIDIRON GREATEST - Eugene Davis, the wiggled-hipped little unteered that his health was “sat­ Alumni everywhere are urged to Tenn., Dr. L. B. Coffey, Chicago, choir isfactory." An. honor## 145-lb. Manassas High School halfback, beams handsomely as give active support to the Unlver-, BELATED GIFT - Earl L. Smith, 82, bothered with a lingering ill- Illinois, Bishop S M. Crouch, Los Mobutu rushed army reinforce­ slty program geared to the 60's, to Angeles, California, Bishop 0. T. upon thé1 he shows off the big trophy he received for winning the title of ments Tuesday to rebellious Orien­ foster academic, cultural and social nbss for several years, phoned the local NAACP recently to in­ Jones, Philadelphia, Pa„ Bishop O. "Gridiron Greatest" to six of his female admirers. Eugene, who tal Province where repeated dash­ development. form them that he was holding a $1.00 donation, However it was E. Bennett, Gary, Indiana Bishop was also voted "Most Outstanding Player" of the year, plans to es have been reported between his later learned that Mr. Smith has had this donation since 1947. 0. M. Kelley, New York City,' N. troops and forces loyal to the de­ Tennessee State University’s na­ Y., and other executives. attend Langston University in Oklahoma upon graduation from If was further revealed that a solicitor for the NAACP (since de­ posed premier. Stanleyville, capital tional alumni association has Dr. Mallory was presented and Manassas. Flanking the football hero is Mildred Miles (left) and of the secessionist province, Is launched its annual membership ceased) gave the contribution to Mr. Smith in '47. Smith, in stated < that the Saints Junior Col­ Yvonne Luster (right), Memphis World school columnists. The other Lumumba’s main stronghold. drive. The membership goal Is making a check of his personal effects, found the donation and lege was the only accredited Jun­ r~';'. 2,000 members. lovely young coeds on picture are Helen Coleman, Beverly Guy, is seen above presenting the donation to Jesse H. Turner (right) ior college, accredited by the State The army strongman said his Department, of the ChurcheB of i ¿ecrr-T. Bobbie Hall and Norma Bowie. - (Staff Photo by Clayton Pal- The Memphis chapter will meet in the above picture. - (Photo by Withers) God in Christ. , . at Beulah’s Tavern, 271 Hernando, i.'A*. (Continued on Page Eight) She also thanked those Who . 4 ; m’oore) Tuesday Dec. 13, at 7 p. m. An­ Com have made special contributions to Elder and drew C. Williams, promotions con­ the school in the past year, (After­ sultant at WDIA is president.
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