sm23-3_EN_p01_coverV1 copy_sm21-7_pXX 2017-11-01 7:16 AM Page 1 sm23-3_EN_p02-05_ads_sm21-7_pXX 2017-11-01 1:32 AM Page 2 sm23-3_EN_p02-05_ads_sm21-7_pXX 2017-11-01 1:32 AM Page 3 NOVEMBRE À NE PAS MANQUER/NOT TO BE MISSED NOVEMBER Les ch ralies Christmas Concerts December 2-23, 2017 Champ-de-Mars 514 987-6919 marguerite-bourgeoys.com www.L20.ca DAWN UPSHAW - BRENTANO STRING QUARTET Works by Mozart • Respighi • Webern • Schubert • Schönberg MONDAY DECEMBER 4, 8 PM Théâtre Maisonneuve, Place des Arts 175 rue Sainte-Catherine Ouest, Montréal ANNOUNCE Métro Place-des-Arts your event here! Tickets: 514-842-2112 / placedesarts.com Information: 514-845-0532 / promusica.qc.ca December 2, 8 pm Église St-Germain d'Outremont 2017-2018 • Canada www.ensemblescholastica.ca www.maSCENA.org www.imedici.mcgill.ca DĞƩĂŶƚĞŶǀĞĚĞƩĞͬFeaturing 11 artistes Gilles Auger sur scène chef d’orchestre|conductor Stéphane Tétreault ǀŝŽůŽŶĐĞůůŝƐƚĞ|cellist ŝŵĂŶĐŚĞ|Sunday ϭϵŶŽǀĞŵďƌĞͮϮϬϭϳͮEŽǀĞŵďĞƌϭϵ ϭϲŚͮϰWD Edward Elgar ŽŶĐĞƌƚŽƉŽƵƌǀŝŽůŽŶĐĞůůĞ Pjotr I. Tchaikovsky >͛ÉŐůŝƐĞ^ƚ͘ŶĚƌĞǁΘ^ƚ͘WĂƵůŚƵƌĐŚ ^LJŵƉŚŽŶLJEŽ͘ϲ ϯϰϭϱƌƵĞZĞĚƉĂƚŚ͕DŽŶƚƌĠĂů͕YƵĠďĞĐ,ϯ'Ϯ'Ϯ Guy Ϯϰ ϯϱϲ hŶĐŽŶĐĞƌƚĂƵďĠŶĠĮĐĞĚƵ&ŽŶĚƐ͚>ĂĐůŽĐŚĞ͛ŐƌąĐĞĂƵƋƵĞůƚŽƵƐ ůĞƐƉĂƟĞŶƚƐĂƩĞŝŶƚƐĚƵĐĂŶĐĞƌĂƵh^DƌĞĕŽŝǀĞŶƚĚĞƐƚƌŽƵƐƐĞƐƌĠĐŽŶĨŽƌƚƐ ŽŶĐĞƌƚďĞŶĞĮƫŶŐ͚dŚĞĞůů͛&ƵŶĚ͕͛ǁŚŝĐŚƉƌŽǀŝĚĞƐ͚ŽŵĨŽƌƚ<ŝƚƐ͛ƚŽ ĞǀĞƌLJŶĞǁůLJĚŝĂŐŶŽƐĞĚĐĂŶĐĞƌƉĂƟĞŶƚĂƚƚŚĞDh, ŝůůĞƚƐ/Tickets: 10 $ (ĠƚƵĚŝĂŶƚ/student); 30 $ (ƌĠŐƵůŝĞƌ/general) 90 $ (ƉĂƌƟƐĂŶ͕ƐŝğŐĞƐƌĠƐĞƌǀĠƐͬƉĂƚƌŽŶ͕ƐĞĂƚƐƌĞƐĞƌǀĞĚͿ͖ 150 $ (ĚŽŶĂƚĞƵƌ͕ƐŝğŐĞƐƌĠƐĞƌǀĠƐ͕ƌĠĐĞƉƟŽŶĚΖĂƉƌğƐͲĐŽŶĐĞƌƚ/ ĚŽŶŽƌƐ͕ƐĞĂƚƐƌĞƐĞƌǀĞĚ͕ƌĞĐĞƉƟŽŶĂŌĞƌĐŽŶĐĞƌƚͿ ĐŚĞƚĞnjǀŽƐďŝůůĞƚƐĞŶůŝŐŶĞă ƵLJƟĐŬĞƚƐŽŶůŝŶĞĂƚǁǁǁ͘ĐĞĚĂƌƐ͘ĐĂ ŝůůĞƚƐĚŝƐƉŽŶŝďůĞƐăůĂƉŽƌƚĞ/Tickets will be available at the door WŽƵƌƉůƵƐĚ͛ŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶ͕ĐŽŶƚĂĐƚĞnjͬ&ŽƌŵŽƌĞŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶ͕ĐŽŶƚĂĐƚ͗ :ƵůŝĂ<ĂƉůĂŶϱϭϰͲϲϱϲͲϲϲϲϮdžϮϮϵ sm23-3_EN_p02-05_ads_sm21-7_pXX 2017-11-01 1:32 AM Page 4 As part of the benefit event 30 ANS DÉJÀ ! BACH ET GRAUPNER RÉUNIS Laura Andriani Geneviève Soly violon harpsichord Les Idées heureuses Sunday November 19th at 3 pm Bourgie Hall of MMFA Concert 18 $ / 34 $ - 514 285 2000 # 4 sallebourgie.ca Benefit Event 200 $ - 514 843 5881 ideesheureuses.ca sm23-3_EN_p02-05_ads_sm21-7_pXX 2017-11-01 1:32 AM Page 5 KOERNER HALL IS: “a beautiful space for music” THE GLOBE AND MAIL Barbara Hannigan with Reinbert de Leeuw FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 8PM KOERNER HALL Soprano Barbara Hannigan, in her Koerner Hall debut with pianist Reinbert de Leeuw, will perform a curated look at the Second Viennese School, where new musical language Janine Jansen, Martin Fröst, was developed through extraordinary Torleif Thedéen, and Lucas Debargue collaboration between artists in the TUESDAY, DECEMBER 5, 8PM / PRE-CONCERT TALK 7PM salons and cafes of Vienna at the turn KOERNER HALL of the century. The program features Violinist Janine Jansen, clarinetist Martin Fröst, Swedish cellist works by Alban Berg, Anton Webern, Torleif Thedéen, and French pianist Lucas Debargue will perform Alma Mahler, and Hugo Wolf. Béla Bartók: Contrasts, Karol Szymanowski: Myths, op. 30 and Olivier Messiaen: Quartet for the End of Time. Generously supported by David G. Broadhurst. Presented in association with Alliance Francaise de Toronto TICKETS ON SALE NOW! 416.408.0208 www.rcmusic.com/performance 273 BLOOR STREET WEST (BLOOR ST. & AVENUE RD.) TORONTO MONTROSE TRIO th Sept. 10, 2017 season 126 piano trio 2017-2018 ANDRÉ LAPANTE Oct. 1, 2017 piano BORODIN QUARTET Oct. 22, 2017 strings ALBAN GERHARDT Nov. 12, 2017 Montrose Trio Calidore String Quartet cello MARTIN HELMCHEN Dec. 3, 2017 André Lapante Lise De La Salle piano CALIDORE STRING QUARTET Feb. 4, 2018 Borodin Quartet Jerusalem Quartet strings LISE DE LA SALL E Feb. 25, 2018 piano JERUSALEM QUARTET March 18, 2018 Martin Helmchen Alban Gerhardt Angela Hewitt Rachel Barton Pine strings SALLE POLLACK 555 Sherbrooke St. West RACHEL BARTON PINE Sundays at 3:30 p.m. April 8, 2018 violin Subscription: $300 / Students (26 yrs.): $80 ANGELA HEWITT Ticket: $50 / Students (26 yrs.): $20 April 29, 2018 Non-refundable - Taxes included piano LMMC 1980 Sherbrooke W, Suite 260, Montréal H3H 1E8 514 932-6796 www.lmmc.ca [email protected] sm23-3_EN_p06_TOC2 copy_sm21-7_pXX 2017-11-01 6:45 AM Page 6 Contents LSM VOL 23-3 November 2017 8 Editorial 10 Industry News 12 Susan Platts 16 Alexandre Da Costa 20 Great Canadian mezzos & contraltos 21 Julie Boulianne 22 Éva Gauthier (1885-1958) 24 Handel’s Messiah 26 Collegium 1704 & Vaclav Luks 27 Montreal Bach Festival 27 Saint-Joseph’s Oratory 28 Quatuor Brentano String Quartet 29 Qu4rtz 29 Les Idées heureuses 12 30 Jazz : « Actuelle » autrement 32 Concerts Reviews 34 CD Reviews 36 Special : Audio 46 Higher Education Guide 49 Life After School? 50 Activites at Music Faculties 52 A Singer’s To-Do List 62 Pierre Dury 16 21 54 Calendrar / Concert Picks RÉDACTEURS FONDATEURS / RÉDACTEUR JAZZ / JAZZ EDITOR TECHNICIEN COMPTABLE / LA SCENA MUSICALE as calendars. LSM is published by La Scène FOUNDING EDITORS Marc Chénard BOOKKEEPING 5409, rue Waverly, Montréal Musicale, a non-profit organization. La Scena Wah Keung Chan, Philip Anson COORDONATRICE À LA RÉDACTION Mourad Ben Achour (Québec) Canada H2T 2X8 Musicale is the Italian translation of The Music / COORDINATING EDITOR CALENDRIER RÉGIONAL / Tél. : (514) 948-2520 Scene. La Scena Musicale VOL. 23-3 Mélissa Brien REGIONAL CALENDAR [email protected], Le contenu de LSM ne peut être NOVEMBRE 2017 NOVEMBER RÉVISEURS / PROOFREADERS Olivier Delaire www.maSCENA.org reproduit, en tout ou en partie, sans Alain Cavenne, Marc Chénard, Tom COLLABORATEURS Production : [email protected] autorisation de l’éditeur. La direction n’est ÉDITEUR / PUBLISHER Holzinger, Brigitte Objois, Adrian Mathias Adamkiewicz, Natasha Ver : 2017-10-31 © La Scène Musicale responsable d’aucun document soumis à La Scène Musicale Rodriguez Beaudin Pearson, Pierre Chénier, la revue. / All rights reserved. No part of CONSEIL D’ADMINISTRATION / COUVERTURE / COVER Alexandre Da Costa, Nathalie De ABONNEMENTS / SUBSCRIPTIONS this publication may be reproduced BOARD OF DIRECTORS Tom Inoue, designer Han, Olivier Delaire, Marie-Claire L’abonnement postal (Canada) coûte 33$ / without the written permission of LSM. Wah Keung Chan (prés.), Martin GRAPHISME / GRAPHICS Fafard Blais, Gregory Finney, Marion an (taxes incluses). Veuillez envoyer nom, ISSN 1486-0317 Version imprimée/Print Duchesne, Sandro Scola, CN Bruno Dubois, Hefka, Ted Sancton Gerbier, Charles Geyer, Benjamin adresse, numéros de téléphone, télécopieur version (La Scena Musicale); COMITÉ CONSULTATIF / [email protected] Goron, Xenia Hanusiak, Viviane et courrier électronique. Tous les dons seront ISSN 1913-8237 Version imprimée/Print ADVISORY COMMITTEE GÉRANTE DU BUREAU / Jeanson-Delorme, Hassan Laghcha, appréciés et sont déductibles d’impôt version (La SCENA); Gilles Cloutier, Pierre Corriveau, OFFICE MANAGER Brigitte Objois, Maurice Rhéaume, (no 14199 6579 RR0001). ISSN 1206-9973 Version Internet/Online Maurice Forget, C.M., Ad. E, Jean- Brigitte Objois Adrian Rodriguez, Jenna Simeonov, version. Sébastien Gascon, Julius Grey, ABONNEMENT/SUBSCRIPTIONS & Dino Spaziani, Richard Todd, Nadia LA SCENA MUSICALE, publiée sept fois par Envois de publication canadienne / Virginia Lam, Margaret Lefebvre, DISTRIBUTION Turbide, Arnaud G. Veydarier année, est consacrée à la promotion de la Canada Post Publication Mail Sales Stephen Lloyd, Constance V. Pathy, Olivier Delaire TRADUCTEURS / TRANSLATORS musique classique et jazz. Chaque numéro Agreement, Contrat de vente C.Q., Jacques Robert, Joseph FINANCEMENT / FUNDRAISING Mélissa Brien, Isabel Garriga, Cecilia contient des articles et des critiques ainsi que No.40025257 Rouleau, Bernard Stotland, FCA Natasha Beaudin Pearson Grayson, Brigitte Objois, Karine des calendriers. LSM est publiée par La Scène ÉDITEUR / PUBLISHER WEB PROGRAMMER Poznanski, Dwain Richardson, Adrian Musicale, un organisme sans but lucratif. La Wah Keung Chan Raouf Ferdjani Rodriguez, Lina Scarpellini Scena Musicale est la traduction italienne de PUBLICITÉ / ADVERTISING BÉNÉVOLES / VOLUNTEERS La Scène Musicale. / LA SCENA MUSICALE, RÉDACTEUR EN CHEF / Adrian Sterling, Dino Spaziani Wah Wing Chan, Lilian I. Liganor published 7 times per year, is dedicated to the EDITOR-IN-CHIEF promotion of classical and jazz music. Each Wah Keung Chan edition contains articles and reviews as well 6 NOVEMBER 2017 sm23-3_EN_p07_Dury_ad_sm21-7_pXX 2017-11-01 6:14 AM Page 7 LES ANNÉES LIBRES PIERRE DURY photographe November 29, 2017 to January 14, 2018 The Centre d’art Diane-Dufresne is pleased to pay tribute to photographer Pierre Dury by offering a retrospective of the last 50 years of this poet of the image. On the menu, the thousand faces of Quebec. PIERREDURY.COM CENTRE D’ART DIANE-DUFRESNE 11, allée de la Création, Repentigny (Qc) J6A 0C2 450 470-3010 Wednesday to Friday / Mercredi au vendredi : 13 h à 17 h Saturday & Sunday / Samedi et dimance : 10 h 17 h FREE / ENTRÉ LIBRE / ville.repentigny.qc.ca/cadd sm23-3_EN_p08_Editorial2_sm21-7_pXX 2017-11-01 6:20 AM Page 8 editorial DE LA RÉDACTION elcome to the NEW La Scena Musicale in full The La SCENA Arts Magazine returns in the French evolution! You hold in your hands your mag- edition with a 7-page special on Dance. azine in a new all-colour, all-glossy format. We celebrate the 20th anniversary of It’s a key step in elevating our magazine to Danse Danse and offer interviews with the rank of a high-end publication, worthy of Ivan Cavallari — incoming artistic director Wthe prestige and reputation that La Scena has gar- of Les Grands Ballets — and Frédérick nered over its
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