DRAMA 2010 KBS PROGRAM GUIDE DRAMA HD MINI SERIES CAST Jang Hyuk Oh Ji-ho Lee Jong-hyuk Lee Da-hae The Slave Hunters 추노┃推奴┃チュノ Production year 2010 70min. X 24eps. Lee Dae-gil (Jang Hyuk): The best slave hunter of noble blood in Joseon Dynasty. Song Tae-ha (Oh Ji-ho): A general-turned-slave on the run. Kim Hye-won (Lee Da Hae): The hunter’s first love, and the hunted one’s last love. As a slave hunter, Dae-gil has been shunned as happens to accompany an unknown woman his former master, Lim Yeong-ho, but Hwang 'a person worse than a brute' by people. While named Hye-won. Cheol-wung has taken a shortcut to kill Lim doing his job, he gets proposed with huge Yeong-ho in advance and is waiting for Tae-ha. テギル(チャン・ヒョク)はひたすら奴婢を捕らえて入れ 训练院教官,人称朝鲜最神勇的武将-- 宋泰河。 amount of money as a reward for catching a Meanwhile, Lee Gyeong-seok can't call out the Tae-ha, Dae-gil, and Hwang Cheol-wung en- る中、正体不明の宮人(左議政のイ・ギョンソク)から 在追查毒杀昭显世子凶手的过程中,宋泰河被人诬 巨額のチュノの仕事の提議を受ける。あまりにも巨大 slave from an unknown government official governmental troops due to complicate po- counter each other at Lim Yeong-ho's house. 陷贬为官奴。后来,他得到秘密消息,得知昭显世 (Lee Gyeong-seok titled as the first vice-pre- litical problems and commands his son-in-law Using the opportunity of complicated fights, な金額に浮き立ったテギルは直ちにチュノを始める 子的小儿子还活着,在济州岛。泰河为了挽救最后 mier). Being overzealous for the fair money to as well as the most reliable associate, Hwang Tae-ha flees again. At the same time, Dae-gil が、相手はまさに元訓練院の教官出身で朝鮮最高の 一位王世孙,果断地决定逃走。好不容易死里逃生 gain sudden wealth, Dae-gil gets started with Cheol-wung (Lee Jong-hyuk) to kill Song Tae- tracks down him again and obscurely recog- 武将と呼ばれたソン・テハ(オ・ジホ)である。 后,遇到来历不明的惠媛。由于两个人都在被人追 杀,泰河与惠媛便开始了一同逃亡。而大吉在追杀 slave-hunting immediately. But, the target is ha. He aims at perfection by sending a profes- nizes Hye-won who is along with Tae-ha. 泰河的过程中发现了与其同行的惠媛,她就是大吉 nothing but the previous military instructor, sional slave-hunter on one hand and the best ソン・テハは昭顯王世子の毒殺に引き継いだ粛清で 那么拼命寻找的初恋。。。 Song Tae-ha, who called as the best military martial artist of Joseon, Chul Woong on the Under the same circumstance of being chased, 恥辱なぬれぎぬを着せられて官婢に落ちぶれた状態 commander of Joseon Dynasty. other hand. Above all, he takes this opportu- Tae-ha and Hye-won reluctantly keep going である。以後、済州島に昭顯王世子の末の息子が辛う nity to murder all of his political opponents. together and become attached to each other. じて食いつないでいるという内容の密旨をもらうよう With disgrace, Song Tae-ha has been wrongful- In the mean time, Hwang Cheol-wung fails になる。テハは最後の残った王世孫を救い出すため ly accused of poisoning Crown Prince So-hyun, Dae-gil has failed the first attempt of his salve- to catch Tae-ha and heads for Jeju Island to に脱出を決行する。元訓練院の教官らしく徹底的に along with the massacre for a clean sweep and hunting and continuously loses clues of pursu- kill Prince Seok-gyun, and Tae-ha tries to find 行方を隠しながら逃げるつもりだったが翌日から自 degraded to a state slave. Afterwards, he gets ing for several problems. He even gets threat- Seok-hyun earlier than Chul-wung. Having 分のしっぽをつかんだテギルと決戦をして、やっと逃 a secret message that the youngest son of ened to be killed by a group of slaves who chased Tae-ha, Dae-gil happens to know his げ出したテハはヘウォン(イ・ダへ)という正体不明の Crown Prince So-hyun, has been prolonging formed a party to assassinate nobles. family's enemy, Keunnomi's whereabouts and 女の人と同行するようになる。 his life in Jeju Island. Tae-ha makes his decision The pursuit becomes more and more rough changes his way... 为了活得像个人,冒死企图逃脱的奴隶和追踪他们 to save the eldest grandson of the King and and difficult. However, Dae-gil must succeed 的推奴之间的追击战! runs away. He thinks that he thoroughly cov- in catching the slave. He must catch Tae-ha ers his traces as a well-trained ex-professional who scratched on his pride and needs big 大吉从事“奴隶猎人”的行当,因此得了一个“禽 warrior while escaping. However, Dae-gil trac- money, especially for the ‘rich retirement’ he 兽不如”的骂名。一次,在他追捕奴隶的过程中, es him from the next day, and Tae-ha is forced used to say. 遇到了身份不明的一个官人(左议政 李景奭)。这 人愿出高价让大吉抓捕一个奴隶,大吉毫不犹豫地接 to fight a bloody fight with Dae-gil. After he 受并开始了追捕行动。殊不知他要追捕的人竟是前 has a narrow escape from the fierce fight, he Song Tae-ha goes to Chungju in order to meet 6_ 2010 PROGRAM GUIDE http://global.kbsmedia.co.kr _7 DRAMA HD MINI SERIES CAST Lee Byung-heon Kim Tae-hee Jeong Jun-ho Kim Seung-woo 707部隊の最精鋭隊員だったキム・ヒョンジュン (イ・ビョンホン)とチン・サウ(チョン・ジュンホ)は永 IRIS 遠の信頼と友情を約束したかけがえのない友達 である。 아이리스┃アイリス 二人は国家安全局(NSS)の最高要員として活動す るようになりそこで出 会ったチェ・スンヒ(キム・テ Production year 2009 70min. X 20eps. Kim So-yeon T.O.P ヒ)に同時に好感を持つようになる。NSSの幹部で あるペク・サン(キム・ヨンチョル)はヒョンジュンに 危ない単独任務を任せる。ヒョンジュンは任務を 成功的に遂行するが負傷を負って逃げるようにな る。息詰まる追撃戦のあげく人家に身を隠したヒョ ンジュンは信じていた友達サウに衝撃的な裏切り を受けるようになるがスンヒの助けで脱出を試み る。しかし逃げる途中、乗っていた車が爆発する事 Top 707 agents Kim Hyun-jun (Lee Byung- shockingly betrayed by his most trusted friend, 故が起こりスンヒが死んだと誤解するようになる。 heon) and Jin Sa-woo (Jeong Jun-ho) are Sa-woo. After getting a bullet wound from Sa- ヒョンジュンは正体のわからない‘声’によって命を blood brothers who swore to trust each other woo’s betrayal, Hyun-jun tries to escape with 救われ、その‘声’から‘アイリス’という秘密集団の存 and unchanging friendship for life. They stand Seung-hee’s help. However, Hyun-jun ends 在に関して聞かれるようになる。 out and get noticed by the National Security up losing Seung-hee. And his car, while being System (NSS) and become the top agents. They chased by the agents, also explodes. They are 金贤俊(李秉宪饰)和思佑(郑俊浩饰)曾是 meet agent Choi Seung-hee(Kim Tae-hee) both misled into thinking that the other had 707部队最优秀的队员,也是彼此相互珍惜和信 there and both fall in love with her. But Hyun- died. Hyun-jun gets saved by an unidentifiable 赖的朋友。 他们被国家安全局(NSS)选中,成为安全局最优 jun and Seung-hee become close and Sa-woo ‘Voice’ and learns the secret identity of a group 秀的要员。在那里他们遇到了特殊要员崔胜熙 fights to hide his feelings for Seung-hee. One called, ‘Iris’. (金泰熙饰),并同时爱上了她。但贤俊和胜熙 day, Hyun-jun and Seung-hee are immediately 已在不知不觉中发展成恋人,思佑只好将自己 sent on a mission to Hungary with Sa-woo. 1 year later, with the two Koreas about to be 的感情隐藏在心底,为朋友祝福两个人。 When they successfully finish off their job with reunified, Hyun-jun makes his return. After 有一天,NSS干部白山交给贤俊一个危险而绝密 immaculate teamwork and are celebrating it, spending a nightmarish life of being betrayed 的任务。贤俊突破保镖的重重严护而成功完成 了任务,但却不幸受伤。贤俊带伤逃脱穷追不 a message arrives to Hyun-jun asking him to and losing everything, Hyun-jun returns to 舍的追击,躲进一处居民楼内,然而迎接他的 meet in secret. get revenge on those who threw him into 却是思佑背叛的枪口。在胜熙的帮助下,带着 the living hell. With the help of the President, 枪伤的贤俊试图再一次的逃脱,但中途与胜熙 Baek-san (Kim Young-cheol), an executive of Hyun-jun returns to his post in the NSS. Start- 分开,贤俊乘坐的车也因追他而来的要员发生 NSS who had been waiting for Hyun-jun or- ing a fight against the secret society called, 爆炸。两人都以为对方已死。贤俊在一个“身 ders a solo mission. Despite the tight protec- ‘Iris’ which tries to interfere with reunification, 份不明的人”的帮助下逃脱,之后由他听到一 个叫做IRIS的秘密团伙。 tion of bodyguards, Hyun-jun succeeds his Hyun-jun now puts everything on the line for 一年后,贤俊回到了即将面临统一的韩国。他 mission. But before escaping, Hyun-jun gets the battle of his life. 为对抗秘密的反统一组织 - IRIS ,展开了人生 wounded by Chul-young (Kim Seung-woo) 最后的一场战斗。 and Sun-hwa (Kim So-yeon), his targets’ head security bodyguards. After an intense, suf- focating chase, Hyun-jun succeeds in escap- ing and hiding out in a house. But later he is 8_ 2010 PROGRAM GUIDE http://global.kbsmedia.co.kr _9 DRAMA HD MINI SERIES CAST Mun Geun-young Seo Woo Cheon Jeong-myung Taek Yeon Cinderella's Stepsister 灰姑娘的姐姐 신데렐라 언니┃ ┃シンデレラーの姉 娘的姐姐的内心被不断剖露,故事也向着人们意 Production year 2010 70min. X 20eps. 想不到的方向发展。 恩昭是继母的女儿,虽然内心愤世嫉俗,但却拥 有一种特有的冷静和敏锐的感觉。她和母亲一起 ‘Cinderella's Stepsister’ depicts a story of a stepsister’s process of establishing 进入了具大成的家庭,然而与孝善一生的战争却 her identity through watching Cinderella after she moves into Cinderella’s house. 是她始料未及的,否则她决不会迈入具家大门。 对于本来可有可无的东西,只要与孝善有关,就 会激发她抢夺的欲望。 Sweet love has been a luxury to Eun-jo(Moon tries to get back things that she used to have. 孝善是一个漂亮、善良、开朗的小女孩儿,也是 Geun-young), and on the other hand, Hyo- 具大成的独生女。具大成经营着一家酿酒厂-大成 'シンデレラーの姉”はシンデレラーの家で一緒に暮 ンド ガ ’ の 人 た ち の 意 志 な ど 。。。ヒョソ ン は 元 々 自 分 の seon(Seo Woo) has been raised in a loving Gi-hoon(Cheon Jeong-myung) is a man who 道家。孝善在关爱中成长,但是自从恩昭来了以 らし始めた継母の娘がシンデレラーを見て自分のア 物だったものを取り戻すために妬みで燃えあがる。 environment. These two girls come to live to- always fully supports Eun-jo and Hyo-seon. 后,父亲的关爱、自己单相思的对象-琦勋、大成 イデンティティを探し求めていく話を描いている。 gether, and as they hate each other and love Although he has scars in his mind, he doesn’t 道家员工们的信赖等等都被她夺走了。从而使孝 愛という甘い言葉なんかは贅沢だと思い込んでいるウ ギ フン(チョン・ジョンミョン )はウンジョとヒョソンの the same person, they hurt themselves behind reveal them to others and smiles all the time. 善产生了嫉妒的心理,誓要夺回自己的东西。 each other’s back. Moreover, the story has a He is a man of a strong will who does things he ンジョ(ムン・グンヨン)、人々の暖かい愛で育てられ 裏で物心両面でお世話をやってくれる、いわゆる‘の plot twist as the sister’s true mind and reasons has to do. He becomes the cause of the conflict たヒョソン(ソ・ウ)。二人の女の子が一つの家で一緒 っぽおじさん’のような存在である。自らは傷を抱いて 琦勋(千正明 饰)像长腿叔叔那样, why she has tormented Cinderella are reveal. between Eun-ho and Hoy-seon. に育てられるようになってお互いを憎んで、誰かを一 いながらも人にはその傷を見せないように柔らかくほ 默默地给予恩昭和孝善物质上的援助和精神上的 緒に愛しお互いの後ろで痛がる。またシンデレラーを ほ笑みながら黙々とやるべきことを成功させる。根性 支持。人前总是一幅微笑样子的他,在坚强的背 Being a stepsister of Hyo-seon, Eun-jo is cyni- Due to his difficult childhood, ‘eating’ is the いじめた姉の本音と事情が現われて反転が起きる。 のある男なのだ。このためウンジョとヒョソンの確執 后却隐藏着极大的伤痕,默默尽着自己的责任。 cal about life, but she is cool-headed and very most important thing in Jeong-woo’s life. Al- のきっかけにもなったりする。 后来因他的这种态度,引起了恩昭和孝善间的纠 talented. Although she moved into Gu Dae- though he is quite tough as a former athlete, 継母の娘で人生に対して冷笑的だが自分なりの冷徹 葛。 sung’s house with her mother, she would nev- he shows single-hearted devotion to Eun-jo, さと天賦的な感覚を兼備しているウンジョ。母に付い ジョンウは貧しかった幼い頃のため‘ご飯を食べるこ er do that if she knew she would compete with the only woman who cooked for him.
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