VOL. 113 - NO. 14 BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS, APRIL 3, 2009 $.30 A COPY Walsh Gets Off “Third Rail,” Obama Gets One Right: Hands Job Back to Patrick GM PLAN REJECTED, WAGONER GONE by Sal Giarratani by Dan Calabrese State Senator Marian What did you think was sales in the tank, one won- cleaned-up balance sheet Walsh handed back her ap- going to happen when Gen- ders if it has occurred to and the more realistic strat- pointment to a quasi-state eral Motors went on its these same apologists that egy going forward to make board that had gone unfilled knees to the federal govern- it might have been a good GM profitable. and unnoticed for a dozen ment to be saved? Now GM idea not to lose $82 billion Wagoner failed — not once, years. Chairman Rick Wagoner is when the economy was good but twice — to do this. He Both Walsh and Governor out of a job at President — thus leaving a little cash failed in December, when he Deval Patrick have been liv- Obama’s insistence, and on hand to weather the bad presented a plan light on ing a political nightmare. many are wringing their times. substance and heavy on First, she tried to cut the hands over the fact — trou- Any way you look at it, fanciful assumptions about salary down by $55,000 to bling to be sure — that the Wagoner failed as GM’s the future. And now he has calm public outrage but that president of the United leader. It may well be that done it again. In fairness move seemed to satisfy very States was able to force out Obama’s insistence on oust- to Wagoner, he cannot force few. In the end she stated, the head of a private-sector ing him was merely to give the stakeholders to make “This was not going anyplace company. him a scalp to wave around, the necessary concessions, healthy. I feel this is the best But as much as I under- but sometimes people make and GM’s problems are so outcome. I don’t want to be a stand the instinct to say, “I the right moves for the wrong serious that the conces- distraction. I want to be just don’t like that,” how can reasons. (And with this presi- sions required are draconian leader.” you argue the merits of the dent, we’ll take what we can indeed. Patrick’s push to get move itself? get.) But a CEO’s job is to get Walsh hired at the Massa- Since 2004, GM has lost If Wagoner was the man to the key people behind the chusetts Health and Educa- $82 billion. $82 billion! Wag- lead GM, he would have right strategy. Wagoner has State Senator tional Facilities Authority oner deserved some credit shown it in the restruc- demonstrated beyond any Marian Walsh as executive director had for recognizing that GM turing plan he presented. It reasonable doubt that he is become a major distraction. Patrick has said he will not needed to change its ways, would have been a plan that incapable of doing this. Even The governor has been appoint anyone else to the but he could not or would got the concessions he worse, Wagoner insisted enduring intense criticism vacant post immediately. not force the changes fast needed from all the relevant over and over again that the and all attempts at damage Next year, will be election enough. And while GM’s stakeholders — bondhold- one move that could untangle control has only added to the time for Walsh. Will she run apologists argue that the ers, unions, creditors, sup- this whole mess — Chapter negative fallout. for re-election to her senate company was moving in the pliers, etc. — and it would 11 bankruptcy — was “not an The governor still says of seat or retire? Will other right direction before the have demonstrated the new Marian Walsh, “I am abso- strong candidates see her credit meltdown that put GM operational efficiencies, the (Continued on Page 14) lutely convinced (Walsh) was weak and take Walsh on in the right person for this as- the Senate primary? signment.” Only time will tell. Mayor’s Column by Thomas M. Menino, Mayor, City of Boston April marks National Autism Aware- our shared responsibility and National News Briefs ness Month, and it’s important that we Autism Awareness Month, we’ve con- take advantage of this time to hold a vened a first-of-a-kind Summit on by Sal Giarratani constructive conversation about how Autism in Boston on Friday, April, 3. we come together as a community to We want to bring together the best our strengthen services for and meet the City has to offer on ASD to level the play- Too Much CSI can be a Bad Thing needs of children with Autism Spectrum ing field for affected children and their I love those CSI shows. Whether, it’s New Diagnoses (ASD). Research tells us that families. York, Vegas or Miami. My favorite is starting Families of children with ASD are more While we look to the findings of the to be CSI Miami. David Caruso is Gaelic and affected in their everyday learning and Summit to shape the details of our col- garlic, but he’s typecast as Irish every time. play activities than children with other laborative approach, we have defined The red hair decides all for him. The other conditions, and it is often difficult for some broad principles to serve as a night, Spike TV had one of those marathons. these families to access the resources guide. Endless episodes. I watched four straight that they need for their children, despite • Families have to be at the heart of hours and had to drag myself away from the improvements in therapies and services. our efforts. They are the experts on their TV set. By the end of the night, I had watched Whether it’s out of pocket expenses, children. They know when programs so many, I thought I was going steady with time spent providing or coordinating work, and they see when poor quality one of the actresses on the show. care, or time lost from work, families services or fragmented systems deprive are ultimately left paying for the signifi- children of the care they need. Cops Do Love Cop Shows cant costs associated with autism. As a • Autism affects children and families Growing up as a kid before I became a police community, we have an obligation to in complex ways, and our efforts must officer, I always watched cop shows like Drag- help families so that they don’t face be equally broad, and cut across sectors, net or the Naked City. There was another se- these challenges alone. systems, and services. cret Gaelic-garlic actor in the city with eight We can’t afford to view autism simply • Our efforts must be guided by evi- million stories whose name was Paul Burke. as a public health issue or simply as an dence-based practices, and our City’s He also played an Irish cop in the Boston- education issue. In order to meet our experts in health and education will play based Hollywood movie, The Thomas Crowne responsibility, we need to broaden our an important role in identifying cutting Affair starring Steve McQueen. During the understanding of autism, and start edge programs and methods. movie shootings, he stopped off in the North looking at how we deliver a continuum • We have to level the field for all chil- End for some good pasta and came out of the of services to families of children with dren with ASD and work to eliminate closet as a proud Italian American. ASD. Everyone plays a role, from gov- disparities among children with special ernment, to community organizations, (Continued on Page 8) to the private sector. In recognition of (Continued on Page 15) THE POST-GAZETTE SATELLITE OFFICE IS NOW OPEN AT 35 BENNINGTON STREET, EAST BOSTON This office will be open on Mondays and Tuesdays from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM, for the convenience of our East Boston and North Shore clients and contributors Call 617-227-8929 for more information Page 2 POST-GAZETTE, APRIL 3, 2009 S imple TIMES . by Girard A. Plante The current economic ment Park seven days a crisis harbors several simi- week selling popcorn 12 ROMANO vs. RAPHAEL larities to the Great Depres- hours a day during summers. While we are on the theme gems, rare brocades, musi- Palace. The structure was sion. For those of us whose For a few years during his of Cupid, Psyche, and art, a cal instruments, paintings started in 1500 A.D., giving parents and grandparents youth, he too awoke at very interesting story tells and other works with which Michelangelo, Giacomo della toiled through the rough and 5:30 a.m. daily to peddle us about the community of she decorated her apart- Porta, and Antonio da San- tumble 1920s and 1930s, newspapers. After school, Mantua in northern Italy, ment. It was appropriately gallo an opportunity to con- there are timely lessons for Armando was a soda jerk the birthplace of Vergil. He called “Il Paradiso”. tribute to its design. The today being told by these in a candy store in his glorified the city’s palace in The Gonzagas also built owner of the palace was a sages of suffering. hometown, West Haven, his four books entitled a summer residence which banker, an enthusiastic ad- I will color the dreary pic- Connecticut.
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