Vol. 23, No.2 MarchiApril 1996 ASPPNEWS The Newsletter of the American Society of Plant Physiologists Inside This Issue.... Plant Biology '96: San Antonio Beckons All 4 ASPP Annual Meeting Reaches Out to All Plant Biologists President's Letter 5 A bright horizon is in view for our ASPP a year, each of us looks for a different Turning Point by Melvin Calvin annual meetings in 1996 and into the fu­ blend of information for intellectual sus­ ture. The Program Committee's name for tenance. Truly, we are all excited by the 7·10 the 1996 annual meeting symbolizes questions of how plants work, just as Public Affairs breadth and inclusiveness: Plant Biology Stephen Hales was. However, the tech­ • Agriculture Testimony '96. We recognize that many plant biolo­ niques we use, the model systems we • DOE Testimony gists look to ASPP as a place to publish, choose, the stages of development of our • Status of NSF Funding to advance their science, to learn, and to scientific knowledge and experience, the • ACI in Conference share ideas. We want the name of the endeavors to which we dedicate our sci­ • Ad Supports USDA Research meeting to make an inclusive statement entific lives, and our institutions all func­ and thereby attract an even greater num­ tion to diversify us. 11 ber of our colleagues to join us. Our annual meetings are designed to Education Forum serve the needs of the diverse populations Serving the Diverse Populations of of plant biologists in many ways. The 12 Plant Biologists central, time-honored scientific program Obituaries What is a plant physiologist? No one of our meeting is increasingly supple- description would fit all who attend our 13 ASPP annual meetings. As we gather once continued on page 3 Letter from Hlroh Shibaoka 14 Affirmative Action/Copying Policy Liberalized 15 Section News/People 16 World Wibe Web Site Announced/ Jobs Go On Line 18 Staff Changes 21 Gatherings 27 Jobs Deadline for the May/June 1996 issue of ASPPNEWS is April 26, 1996. Photograph courtesy at the Son Antonio Convention & Visitors' Bureau 2 ASPPNEWS ASPP Officers and Staff President Bob B. Buchanan (510-642-3590) ASPP Headquarters Telephone Extension and President-Elect E-Mail Directory Donald art (217-333-2093) Immediate Past President James N. Siedow (919-684-6573) Secretan) For your convenience, keep this listing of extension numbers and e-mail ad- Mary Jo Vesper (513-229-2502) dresses handy when you contact ASPP headquarters so that you can reach the Treasurer Mark Jacobs (215-328-8039) person best able to assist you. Our office telephone number is 301-251-0560. Chair, Board ofTn/stees Larry N. Vanderhoef (916-752-2067) Chair, Publications Committee If your subject is, contact ext. # e-mail address Stanley Roux (512-471-4238) Chair, Committee on the Status ofWomen in Plant Physiology Elizabeth A. Bray (909-787-4548) Missing journal issues, books Sharon Kelly 29 [email protected] Elected Members Kenneth Keegstra (517-353-2270) Subscriptions, individual* Sharon Kelly 29 [email protected] Elizabeth Vierling (602-621-1601) Wendy F. Boss (919-515-3496) Plant Physiology Sectional Representatives Midwestern (except missing issues) Deborah Weiner 18 [email protected] Daniel R. Bush (217-333-6109) Northeastern THE PLANT CELL Subhash Minocha (603-862-3840) Southern Disposition of a manuscript Annette Kessler 20 [email protected] William H. Outlaw Jr. (904-644-4020) Washington, DC All other questions Jerry D. Cohen (301-504-5632) Western (except missing issues) Judith GroHman 19 [email protected] Sharman O'Neill (916-752-2435) Newsletter Jody Carlson 17 [email protected] Headquarters Office 15501 Monona Drive Advertising Rockville, MD 20855-2768 USA Phone: 301-251-0560 • Fax: 301-279-2996 Plant Physiology Deborah Weiner 18 [email protected] Executive director, Kenneth M. Beam, ext. 15 ([email protected]) THE PLANT CELL Judith Grollman 19 [email protected] Director offinance and administration, Susan K. Chambers, ext. 11 Newsletter Jody Carlson 17 [email protected] ([email protected]) Accountant, Thomas M. Dushney, ext. 10 Address changes Sharon Kelly 29 [email protected] ([email protected]) Information specialist, Perry Masciana, ext. 46 Membership applications Sharon Kelly 29 [email protected] ([email protected]) Member services coordinator, Membership problems Sharon Kelly 29 [email protected] Sharon Y; Kelly, ext. 29 ([email protected]) Accounts payable Thomas Dushney 10 [email protected] Receptionist, Estella Coley, ext. 22 ([email protected]) Accounts receivable Estella Coley 22 [email protected] Mail room clerk, Marian Osuji, ext. 12 ([email protected]) Accounts payable/ Public affairs director, Brian M. Hyps, ext. 14 ([email protected]) receivable problems Susan Chambers 11 [email protected] Publications director, Jody Carlson, ext. 17 [email protected]) Annual meeting Susan Chambers 11 [email protected] Publications assistant, Sylvia Braxton, ext. 33 ([email protected]) Public affairs/ Managing editor, Plant Physiology Deborah I. Weiner, ext. 18 government relations Brian Hyps 14 [email protected] (dweiner®aspp.org) Managing editor, THE PLANT CELL, Education Brian Hyps 14 [email protected] Judith E. GroHman, ext. 19 ([email protected]) Society governance Ken Beam 15 [email protected] News and Reviews editor, THE PLANT CELL, Crispin B. Taylor ASPP Education Foundation Ken Beam 15 [email protected] Production editor, Plant Physiology, Position to be filled. International issues Ken Beam 15 [email protected] Production editor, Plant Physiology, Lauren Ransome, ext. 30 Awards Ken Beam 15 [email protected] ([email protected]) Production editor, THE PLANT CELL, *Subscriptions, institutional: Brenda Reynolds, Fulco, 201-627-2427 Catherine A. Balogh, ext. 16 ([email protected]) Manuscript manager, Annette Kessler, ext. 20 ASPP NEWS is distributed to all ASPP members and is published six times annually, in odd-numbered months. It is edited and ([email protected]) prepared by A5PP staff from material provided by A5PP members and other interested parties. Copy deadline is about the Manuscript assistant, Kimberly A. Davis, ext. 24 fifteenth day of the preceding even-numbered month (,.g., December 15 for January/February publication). Submit copy by e­ ([email protected]) mail whenever possible; submit all other copy by mail, not by fax. Contact: Jody Carlson, Editor, ASPP NEWS, 15501 Monona Manuscript assistant, Aphrodite Knoop, ext. 25 Drive, Rockville, MD 20855-2768 USA; e-mail [email protected]; telephone 301-251-0560, ext. 17. ([email protected]) MarchlApril1996, Vol. 23, No.2 3 continued from page 1 Sanchez and Hector Perez from lnstituto A very significant development is un­ Biotecnologia in Cuernavaca attended derway which will serve to combine the mented by inclusion workshops and fo­ ASPP program committee meetings in talents of researchers in two sometimes cused gatherings to address the diverse which the design and format of the scien­ overlapping but distinctive communities: needs of our attendees. tific program for Plant Biology '96 were ASPP and the Arabidopsis research com­ Workshops are developed each year to established. Plant biologists from Mexico munity. Madison, Wisconsin, is the well­ target specific needs in critical areas. Pre­ will be participating in all aspects of Plant known U.S. meeting site for the meeting workshops provide opportuni­ Biology '96. Arabidopsis group. In 1998 ASPP will ties for hands-on learning research tech­ This year is only the beginning of our hold its annual meeting in Madison so niques (e.g., the tissue printing workshop efforts at internationalizing the annual that a back-to-back meeting with the to be held this year). At Plant Biology meeting. From here we head full speed Arabidopsis researchers can be planned. '96 you will also see booths in the poster into developing the 1997 meeting in Meeting dates will be set shortly. A joint area with displays and demonstrations Vancouver, B.C., now titled: Plant Biology symposium will be a highlight of our of advanced and/or updated techniques '97: A View from the Pacific Rim. For Plant collaboration, which will likely include (e.g., Arabidopsis transformation). The Biology '97, ASPP will continue its long­ other opportunities for interaction among Education Committee is continuing standing joint meetings with our col­ attendees at both conferences. ASPP's commitment to outreach through leagues in the Canadian Society of Plant ASPP has grown to play a significant a pre-meeting workshop for San Anto­ Physiologists. Again the meeting site pro­ leadership role within the scientific re­ nio area high school teachers. At a work­ vided the opportunity to invite additional search community. A notable achievement shop on Saturday afternoon, the Com­ international colleagues to join us. The is the establishment our public affairs mittee on Public Affairs will discuss the Australian and Japanese societies of plant office which initiates effective contacts in "how to" of increasing public awareness physiologists have been in contact with Washington, D.C., to advance the fund­ of the significance of plant biology re­ ASPP president, Bob Buchanan, as the ing and appreciation for plant biology search. Two engaging evening work­ agenda for Plant Biology '97 is formulated. research in both basic and applied areas. shops are planned as well: on Sunday We hope to see in attendance many Pa­ The program committee is applying its there will be a discussion on ethics in cific rim colleagues we see far too seldom energies similarly to establish ASSP's publishing and on Monday career op­ and to make acquaintances that will en­ annual meeting as a focal point which tions for plant biologists will be ad­ rich our research, teaching, and learning. serves the larger plant biology commu­ dressed. Major symposia are planned in areas of nity. Our breadth will encourage "cross­ Both the Committee on the Status of signal transduction, ATPase, metabolic pollination", bringing the excitement of Women in Plant Physiology and the engineering, regulation of root develop­ collaborative work closer to us all.
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