YOUR ONE -STOP SOURCE OF ELECTRONICS INFORMATION ICD 08559 MARCH 1987 $1.95 CANADA $2.50 THE MAGAZINE FOR ELECTRONICS & COMPUTER ENTHUSIASTS A DISTRIBUTION AMP PROJECT FOR CLEAN AUDIO & VIDEO 40 USING AN OSCILLOSCOPE TO MAKE DIGITAL LOGIC MEASUREMENTS nw TO ADD A HARD-DISK Keychain Electronic Project ; p. 68) C'? TO O !R CARD " ONAL COMPUTER he EPROM Programw 4K and 128K EPRC te Telephone Bell itlStand-Alone Annurt ia (Ia. 48i Adding A Hard -Disk Drive to a Personal Computer(p.26) Solid -State Phone Bell Replacement /Annunciator Bulk Rate Also: Forrest Mims' Keychain Electronic Projects Using SMTs Eric Grevstad's Permit No. 79 First Impressions of the Tandy 3000HL and Words & Figures Don Lancaster U.S. Postage Paid on Genlocking Videc Images, WF Converters, & an Easy Printed -Circuit Process, Gordonsville. 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Degree independent -study program. explains the COUPON Grantham B.S. and mail in Name Age Degree Program, envelope or offered by inde- paste on Address pendent study to postal those who work Zip card. City State in electronics. www.americanradiohistory.com EDITORIAL STAFF RN Art Salsberg Editor -in -Chief EL ICS Alexander W. Burawa THE MAGAZINE FOR ELECTRONICS & COMPUTER ENTHUSIASTS Managing Editor Dorothy Kehrwieder MARCH 1987 VOLUME 4, NUMBER 3 Production Manager Elizabeth Ryan Art Director FEATURES Barbara Scully Artist 16 Logic Signal Measurements Pat Le Blanc Using an oscilloscope to make basic measurements in Florence Martin digital logic circuits. By Robert Ramirez Phototypographers Hal Keith 26 Adding a Hard -Disk Drive Illustrator Installing standard hard drives and hard -disk cards: Bruce Morgan Seagate's ST225 internal hard disk. By TJByers Photographer Western Digital's "FileCard." By Joe Desposito Maynard Electronics' "OnBoard." By Art Salsberg Joseph Desposito, Leonard Feldman, 26 Eric Grevstad, Glenn Hauser, Don Lancaster, Forrest Mims III, 34 An Audio /Video Distribution Amplifier Stan Prentiss Eliminates signal -loss problems when integrating a Contributing Editors variety of audio and video components into a home - entertainment system. By Jack Cunkelman BUSINESS STAFF Richard A. Ross 44 Stand -Alone EPROM Programmer Publisher (Conclusion) Art Salsberg Plug -in module allows basic Programmer to handle Associate Publisher 64K and 128K EPROMs. By Walter W. Schopp Dorothy Kehrwieder General Manager 48 The Ringer Frank V. Fuzia 34 Solid -state telephone bell replacement and stand- Controller alone incoming-call annunciator. By C.R. Ball Arlene Caggiano Accounting Cheryl Chomicki COLUMNS Subscriber Services 58 Hardware Hacker o SALES OFFICES O Author answers readers' questions. Modern Electronics By Don Lancaster o 76 North Broadway Hicksville, NY 11801 64 Software Focus (516) 681-2922 MacPublisher II for Plenty of Desktop Publishing Eastern Advertising Representative Power. By Mike Nikolich Herb Pressman 44 76 North Broadway 68 Electronics Notebook Hicksville, NY 11801 Keychain Electronic Projects. By Forrest M. Mims III (516) 681-2922 LE Midwest & West Advertising Representative /y Z 78 PC Papers Market /Media Associates 339 i Two Hybrids: Tandy 3000HL, Words & Figures. 1150 Wilmette Ave. By Eric Grevstad Wilmette, IL 60091 (312) 251 -2541 L Ted Rickard 1 /4 1 DEPARTMENTS Kevin Sullivan 339 Offices: 76 North Broadway, Hicksville, NY 11801. Tele- phone: (516) 681 -2922. Modern Electronics (ISSN 0748- 4 Editorial 9889) is published monthly by Modern Electronics, Inc. Consumer Rights & Wrongs. By Art Salsberg Application to mail at second class rates pending at Hicksville, NY and other points. 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