PACE SIXTEEN COMMERCIAL LEADER AND SOUTH BERGEN REVIEW THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29,196? Canned Figures Tlir thrrr ranipUM-> now havr a tolal Wild-Life Museum Opens In OrodeN of I6.1M *ludrnl*. Thi* mran* thal in Commercial leader W. B. M urphy, pri-siilem of (.„ :i[>b II lhr space of a grnrralion thr iwhool. The doors twung oprn a| 1 P.M. Saturday, Nov. AND THF SOtTH BERGEN REVlt W soup (.oinpinji, «iy> sri^ntifir di*iovri~* whirh bi-jtai^ki Ruthrrford. ha* arhirvrd 17, for a special rxhihit, at lhe Blauvell-Demarr*! Wild- I vUMixhrd lttl irr fc<>iii|t lo rnnkr Ihr processing xml lhr *iir of a giant. life Mu*rum, Kindrramark Road, Oradell, lor niRmbrm TW fMMMrrul Inkier Is the oAr tal aewlfipw littrihulion o f fmwl farter mul mart rro- Ul lhat *taggrring total 10.2.10 arr and friend* of the Bergen Community Musrum. Fifty persons attended dur-p ----------------,------------ lom ical. A f lhr annual Hireling of Iii* rvrning undrrgradualr*. Thr nrrd for LYNDHURST HOME OF CHAMPIONS ing th e three-hour exhibit. M iss ipportunity to learn and *x- ompany hr hail some inlrrrsting lliin?s community rollegca lhat ran br rrarhrd Alicia King led troop* of Cublplore th* wonderful collection Puhli*licl n rr\ n « r^ < bi The tom m rcial Leader Printing Lonpaiy o uy about lhr ilisrov rrir* madr bv il* aftrr working hours it thu* undrrlinrd. Scout* a n d other viaiton thru gatherad at their Muaeum al 2 5 1 R iJ g r RmJ. |.vndhur>L Y J. Trlrphonr GEjK-va 8-8700470) •ollstrni. llie itfrti)!c hiiutrhiilil. lit- mhI. Uni lhr nui*l intrrrating farl rrprr- the building, pointing outiteim;" ' — . of interest- The children wrrt y ^ n , . •*ervr* prrfwred MHip. about onr.- rs.rv srntrd bv lhr nirolliHrnl ia thal whilr particularly impretted by the T °«n9 O .U .P. Club JOHN SAVINO i* day*, prepared bean products om r in over-all thr numlirr ol *ludrnt* ha* in­ family of South Pole polar A nnounce D ane* Plan E d ito r bear*, originally belonging to w a n e * r i a n hrrr hirk*. M ^rlublt; j ll irr- onrr rvrry creased b\ I6A • thr day frr*hman rla**. K rnnt J. Da In nett Admiral Byrd, a hippopotamus Frederick W Kuechenmeitter •i* week*. prepared spaghrtti produrl* with 1.103, i* down 201 from that of a trophy Jhot by Theodore Root- CTlairtnan of the Bergen County |M»'tage p.n.l at R utherford, N. J. ibout onrr r \ t i y Iwo month* anil fro/ert w a r ago. * v e lt. and the skin of a man- Young Republican Club, an- eating iiger which had wiped prrparnl dinner* onrr r\rry two anil ;i Mr*. I’rtrr Sammartino. rlran of ail- nounced th* appointment of Subarnption $ 2 . 5 0 IV r > ear Ten O n ta Per Copy out two village*, that Col. Jim Chart** Ferrara of Fort Lao aa lalf month*." • * mi**ion*. *ay* lhat thr frosh rla** shrank Corbet had shot chairman ot th* Club't Eighth 1 \ ri«llinr«t. V J.. No\«‘m hrr 2V. I*H»2 Our own *tatUlirian -ramr up w i t h I tiT lu r r o l thr low birth ratr of lhr war After viewing the African Annual Snow Ball. The danc* intelopr trophies ihot by Mr hr»r drdurtiun*: In an a\eragr two ami year*. Thr po*t war high birth ratr* will win be held at the Surburban B la u v e lt, the guetu were in­ Keitaurant. Route t, Paramut, a half month* perim! in an avrrage Iioiim* lirg in In rrflert lhrni*rlvr» in 1964, Mr*. vited to compare them to the on Saturday. Dec. 8th. P a s s a ic h r ro o k s r r v r d u p MMip 12 u n d on. h a l f Sam martino *aiil. animals in ‘ the African grats- T h e P o o r ands as depicted in the dia-j Mr Forrara report______ ad that ___ I imr*. bran* lour lintr*. spaghrtti onr and rama. hy Louis Paul Jonas Mr plant are well under way and m » a half tim r., vrgrtalilr juices twi<,. -|ia- lonat was both a tculpter and all tignt point to a moat sue- ghelti dinner onr und a hall tim -. ami Government Change j taxidermist. The diaramt icenful affair. A full bullet din- vn* originally prepared for the ner will b* aerved at tl p.m. frtwrn prrpared dinner-, onrr. l\x|»i*rience xhow* it i* ea*\ to «*liangf Maharaja Gaewan of Baroda.! Stan Valonta't Esquires will Sinrr in lhat *pan thrrr w rrr HI .I i\ - niliu for his private muteum provide the muaic for the third tin* piwrfimrnt form in th^M* «l;«\It or 2.12 mral* and thr rook turned lo |.r<>- Many adults were interested conaecutive year The hand ha* nl o >l»oHn ili.il it im huril to cliaii^c llir n the exhibit showing the entertained at the Eta*x House rr*»rd food* onlv 2 0 timr*. our »tali-liiian covrrniiinit t\}H*. comparative bone and ivory Newark; the Wettmount Coun’ ■crimshuw and carvings done try Club. West Paterton; and •a id lh r I r r lir l th a t l h r A n irrira n !inn-»* lit H t'lln ill** llirn* ha- Iippii turhiilenrr w ilr i* a r a n o p e n in g f<•• >I i- a The Rounders, Paramut. and are fo r l Iit#*#* %rar**. riu* fo rm o f )Eovrriim i‘n t ka. Si-andanavia and Africa tegaided locally aa a top attrac­ canard. Indigestion ionics. it i» ap|>.irrul. curk>s was w alk - fa n a l l \ v m * r l i a n ^ d in t r o d urine a ritv One of the ^ u ^a tion. from othrr »ourrr»! i i i.» * . , , * ,nK cane made of shark verte m iiM K cr. Il«* l.i- h - d ahout right Werk*. b r a e Tickets may be obtained by M r wa-* f ir rd ky a majority of tlir nc%% Because of the invitation of' contacting any member of the Enrollment Figures L'owrum rnt oftiriaU lthe B,auve,t Demarest Wildlife Club or b y writnc to the com %« t . ’ -ii, i Museum, many more Bergen j mttae at 6 Pasaac St.. Hacken ' l o r e proot |* tim- pro\n|ei| that gov- County children had a unique sack. N. J. Enrollmrnl (gdtni from tlir ll.r.-.- < rmnrnt rlianpe i tar If ia not tlir un-vver ' '' ^ . ■., ~ ranipnsrs ol Fnirlrigh Dirkin .011 I iiiv.-r for pooil ^o\eminent. Tlir m rn who run j**1********** • i l y ,,ffrr interesting item* f..r mn- ili«* j:o\eminent—any go\rrnm rnt ( w tu r r . d r- J l rniinr it* rffrrtivrnr«M. » ’63 Christmas Clubs Now we reap This harvest mav be 2> materially, spiritually or plain - Forming - - JOIN TODAY! Woman In The Leader *atisfaction but it is a fine pro a duet. W ash in g to n Irx in g om r ra ile d tin- l*a«- »to|»|»rd. And thr inuniripalitira on thr ^ Am* I hope to continue doing aft- jS Miir River thr mo«t lieantiful in Anirrira. bank* of tbr ri\rr h«%r Iragirally nrg- Mia* Mary T. Bello. Frtnrl er my teaching career. As l*>nr R A rrntury ago tin* pracrful -trrani ran Irrird an opportunity lo hrlp it* rrbirth. !*.!...^ l yadhnr-it s ta a tlk aa God givea me the physical . " L . i .i.- School, has ju st rom plrtrd ror- and mental capabilities I shall i brtwrrn hank- rovrrrd nilli \rrdant t llir pholiigraplirr look Iht* p ic tu re ty .tw o ^ a of , continue to go “Onward.” CLASSES grow th. It wa^i a |»la> g ro u n d on ^ h irli la-1 w rrk from llir B rllrvillr *idr of llir teaching carver in the publir ] lioatmen vinl v%illi rarli olln r. a Mmrrr ri\rr. It *how* how thr bank of lhr rivrr j _______, Save Have , . .. , .1 imr would turatise she 1* of CihhI that |»ro\n!e«l •mTiilent li-he- in N orth Arlington look-— lilthy. rork-. looking forward to a ion« re»t Fire Drills 1 1 per week S sa.at and a highway on whirh pa»»enger hoat- -trrw n. *oarrrd by ligly and balrrrd y*er all those year* of tearh 2 - ” . IBBjBB ine and slodv For So. Bergen 3 " 1SOOO frrrird tra%rllrr* from town lo city. frnrr» tin- ritrrhank i* an indirtm rnl of Not so, according to the en­ 5 - * Tlir ri\rr t«Mla> i* a noi-onir -tmrli. our indiflrrenrr to thr dr*poiltnrnt of ergetic l»llie woman wi*h the Recently Lyndhurst Fire Chief 250 00 Adam Kwiatkowski directed 10 - " 500.00 FfTort- lo rontim ir llir i Iran-np joh ha%r vs hut •hould lir a inagnifirrnt rr*ottrrr. grey-speckled brown hair and ihe flash'nv dark eyes» whose drill in the Lackawanna Shops ^ 20 * 1,000.00 motto is ‘'O nw ard ” urea for members of the South £ Be'gen Chiefs Mutual Aid As- S Miss Belln WlO ,lw ni hi New There’s One For York City but moved with her sociation. which includes 1-vnd- ft hurst.
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