Quebec's Mining Industry

Quebec's Mining Industry

Quebec’s mining industry Innovation, knowledge and institutional support fuel a world-class mining jurisdiction. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction..................................................p48 This report was researched and prepared by Metals and Materials of the Future......................p51 Global Business Reports ( for *ROG([SORUDWLRQLQ4XÃEHFp55 Engineering & Mining Journal. Iron Ore & Base Metals......................................p58 Innovative Solutions..........................................p59 Editorial researched and written by Lina Jafari, Services..................................................p63 Ben Cherrington, Carl-johan Karlsson and Lucrezia Conclusion..................................................p66 Falcidia. For more details, please contact [email protected]. Cover photo courtesy of VanadiumCorp. A REPORT BY GBR FOR E&MJ MAY 2019 EMJ_pg47-66.indd 47 5/8/19 3:07 PM MINING IN QUEBEC Energy and Natural Resources, Government RI4XÃEHF 2Q WKH EDFN RI VWURQJ LQVWLWXWLRQDO VXS- Introduction port, the industry remains in an enviable position on both a national and global lev- Institutional and financial support sustain a el. From mining-related associations, the timeless history 4XÃEHF 0LQLQJ $VVRFLDWLRQ 40$ DQG WKH 4XÃEHF 0LQHUDO ([SORUDWLRQ $VVRFLDWLRQ (QMEA), to financial organizations stimu- lating resource development (La Caisse de GÃSÎWHWSODFHPHQWGX4XÃEHF5HVVRXUFHV 4XÃEHF6248(06,'(;DQG%02&DSLWDO 0DUNHWV 4XÃEHFKDVWKHNQRZOHGJHPHDQV and geological endowment to prosper as JOREDOPDUNHWFRQGLWLRQVLPSURYH Balancing sustainability and Towns of Labrador City and Wabush. Photo courtesy of Alderon Iron Ore. permitting ,Q WKH 40$ HQWHUHG LQWR DQ DJUHH- ment with the Mining Association of Canada 4XÃEHFnVPLQLQJKLVWRU\FDQEHWUDFHGEDFN Today, mining remains the foundation (MAC) for a four-year mandate to ensure as far as the discovery of North America, RI 4XÃEHFnV HFRQRP\ o7KH PLQLQJ VHFWRU that all mining installations implement the when Jacques Cartier discovered quartz SOD\VDQHXUDOJLFUROHLQ4XÃEHFnVHFRQRP\ Towards Sustainable Mining (TSM) initiative and pyrite on the slopes of Cap Diamant. and in the dynamism of our regions. Our r D SHUIRUPDQFH V\VWHP WKDW KHOSV PLQLQJ Since the discovery of lead in 1686 in the government relies on the significant contri- companies evaluate and manage their envi- $ELWLEL7ÃPLVFDPLQJXH UHJLRQ IROORZHG E\ bution of this sector in a more sustainable ronmental and social responsibilities. Having 4XÃEHFnVILUVWJROGUXVKLQWKHVDIWHU economy, especially with regard to the chal- already achieved 92% of this target by Q3 the discovery of a gold nugget in the Beauce lenges of energy transition. Our vision is to -RVÃH 0ÃWKRW 40$nV SUHVLGHQW DQG region by Clothilde Gilbert, mining has been have a responsible development of our min- &(2VSRNHRIWKHZLOOLQJQHVVRIWKH4XÃEHF IXQGDPHQWDOWRWKHGHYHORSPHQWRIm/D%HOOH eral resources for the durable prosperity of mining community to demonstrate its com- 3URYLQFHn 4XÃEHFp VDLG -RQDWDQ -XOLHQ 0LQLVWHU RI PLWPHQW WR VXVWDLQDELOLW\ o>PLQLQJ FRPSD- QLHV@ WRRN WKH FKDOOHQJH KHDGRQ WKHUHIRUH we did not have to implement tactics to influence them, they simply agreed to the SURFHVVp Despite its numerous advantages as a mature and predictable jurisdiction, the chal- lenges of advancing an exploration project to production run deeper than commodity-mar- NHWG\QDPLFV/HQJWK\SHUPLWWLQJSURFHVVHV at the provincial and federal levels are driving up costs and, in a challenging investment cli- mate, undermining the economic feasibility RIDSURMHFW0ÃWKRWODPHQWHGWKHDPRXQWRI WLPHLWWDNHVIRUH[SORUHUVWRREWDLQHQYLURQ- mental authorizations, emphasizing the need Jonatan Julien, Minister of Energy and Natural 5HVRXUFHV*RYHUQPHQWRI4XÃEHF 48 E&MJ t MAY 2019 EMJ_pg47-66.indd 48 5/8/19 3:07 PM MINING IN QUEBEC -RVÃH0ÃWKRW3UHVLGHQWDQG&(24XÃEHF 0DWKLHX6DYDUGSUHVLGHQW4XÃEHF0LQHUDO([SOR- )UDQN0DULDJHIRUPHUSUHVLGHQW40($DQG 0LQLQJ$VVRFLDWLRQ 40$ UDWLRQ$VVRFLDWLRQ 40($ SDUWQHU)DVNHQ WRVWUHDPOLQHWKHSURFHVVHVo:HQHHGWKLV H[SHQVHV DQG DGGUHVVHG VRFLDO LVVXHV o,W PLQLQJ FRPSDQLHV DFWLYH LQ 4XÃEHF r WKH WREHVLPSOLILHGZHQHHGWRLPSURYHLQWHUDF- ZRXOGEHSUXGHQWWKDWDQ\QHZUHJXODWLRQV WD[ EHQHILWV o,I D FRPSDQ\ LV QRW ILQDQFHG WLRQVDQGKDUPRQL]DWLRQEHWZHHQWKHIHGHUDO VKRXOGEHLQWURGXFHGZLWKWKHSDVWLQPLQGp WKURXJK IORZWKURXJK VKDUHV )76 RU GRHV DQGSURYLQFLDOSURFHVVHVpVKHVWDWHG KHUHIOHFWHG QRW UHQRXQFH LWV H[SORUDWLRQ ZRUN WR LQYHV- 0DWKLHX6DYDUGSUHVLGHQWRIWKH40($ )UDQN 0DULDJH IRUPHU SUHVLGHQW RI WKH WRUVLWKDVDFFHVVWRODUJHDPRXQWVRIFUHG- HFKRHG WKLV VHQWLPHQW VXJJHVWLQJ WKDW WKH 40($DQGSDUWQHUDW)DVNHQZDVPRUHEXOO- LWV DQG FDQ UHFRYHU XS WR RI WKH FRVW QXPEHURIDGPLQLVWUDWLYHVWHSVUHTXLUHGIRU LVKUHJDUGLQJIXWXUHPDUNHWG\QDPLFVo7KH LQFXUUHGIRUH[SORUDWLRQZRUNpKHH[SODLQHG SHUPLWWLQJ EH UHGXFHG o7KH SURFHVV LV YL- PLQLQJLQGXVWU\KDVJRQHWKURXJKDFKDOOHQJ- WDOEXWWKHGHOD\LQREWDLQLQJWKHVHSHUPLWV LQJ SHULRG SDUWLFXODUO\ ZLWK WKH ULVH RI WKH Can metals and innovation ZDVWHVVKDUHKROGHUVnDQGLQYHVWRUVnPRQH\p FDQQDELVPDUNHWOLPLWLQJWKHIORZRILQYHVW- finance the future? ,QKLVLQWHUYLHZZLWK*OREDO%XVLQHVV5H- PHQWFDSLWDOLQWRWKHMXQLRUVSDFH+RZHYHU )LQDQFLDO LQFHQWLYHV VXFK DV WKH WR SRUWVDWWKH4XÃEHF0LQHV(QHUJ\ WKH IXQGDPHQWDOV RI PHWDOV DUH VROLG DQG WD[ FUHGLW DYDLODEOH IRU H[SORUDWLRQ FRQIHUHQFH6DYDUGRXWOLQHGWKH40($nVFRUH FRPSDQLHV ZLOO QHHG WR LQYHVW WR PDLQWDLQ DFWLYLWLHV PDNH 4XÃEHF D KLJKO\ DWWUDFWLYH SULRULWLHVIRUWRPDLQWDLQDQGLQFUHDVH VXSSO\pKHVDLG PLQLQJ GHVWLQDWLRQ EXW PHDQ OLWWOH ZLWKRXW DFFHVVWRWHUULWRU\GHILQHWKHSDUDPHWHUVRI $QRWKHU0RQWUÃ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Ã DFURVV&DQDGDFRPPHQWHGWKDW4XÃEHFKDG FKDQJHVLQDVKRUWSHULRGRIWLPHVKRXOGEH %UDQFKDXG 6XJJHVWLQJ WKDW PRUH OHHZD\ the financial clout to back up its commitment DYRLGHG5HIHUHQFLQJKRZSUHYLRXVFKDQJHV FRXOGEHJUDQWHGWRORFDODXWKRULWLHVVXFKDV WRWKHLQGXVWU\o,Q4XÃEHF\RXQRWRQO\KDYH WRWKHPLQLQJELOOKDGUHVXOWHGLQDODFNRI FLYLO VHUYDQWV DQG PD\RUV WR VSHHG XS WKH DMXULVGLFWLRQWKDWLVZLOOLQJWRVXSSRUWPLQ- FODULW\*DJQRQPDLQWDLQHGWKDWFHUWDLQUHJX- SHUPLWWLQJSURFHVV%UDQFKDXGDOVRWRXFKHG LQJ DW D FRPPXQLW\ OHYHO EXW WKHUH LV DOVR ODWLRQV KDYH SURPRWHG H[SORUDWLRQ UHGXFHG RQRQHRIWKHPDMRUDGYDQWDJHVDIIRUGHGWR HQRXJKFDSLWDOWRILQDQFHWKHGHYHORSPHQWp E&MJ t MAY 2019 49 EMJ_pg47-66.indd 49 5/8/19 3:07 PM MINING IN QUEBEC Nicolas Brunet, managing director of investment Michel Champagne, CEO and general manager, DQGFRUSRUDWHEDQNLQJ%02 ,\D7RXUÃ935HVVRXUFHV4XÃEHF 6,'(; %02&DSLWDO0DUNHWVQDPHGE\*OREDO)LQDQFHDVWKHZRUOGnV $V D VXEVLGLDU\ RI ,QYHVWLVVHPHQW 4XÃEHF 5HVVRXUFHV 4XÃEHF EHVWPHWDOVDQGPLQLQJLQYHVWPHQWEDQNIRUWKHODVWQLQHFRQVHFX- LV WKH JDWHZD\ IRU FRPSDQLHV VHHNLQJ WR LQYHVW LQ WKH PLQLQJ DQG tive years, assists mining clients through the development cycle hydrocarbon industries. In collaboration with the government, it has DQGKHOSVSDLUWKRVHVHHNLQJFDSLWDO LVVXHUV ZLWKWKHULJKWVRXUFHV access to C$1.5 billion to support mining projects in the region. In and structures. Nicolas Brunet, managing director of investment recent years, the organization has modified its mandate to add re- DQGFRUSRUDWHEDQNLQJDW%02KLJKOLJKWHGWKHILUPnVUHFHQWO\HV- newable energy as one of its focus areas, and has adapted its ap- WDEOLVKHGQHZDJHPHWDOVWHDPWKDWWDUJHWVLVVXHUVZRUNLQJLQWKH proach to form partnerships with major producers such as Agnico lithium, cobalt and graphite space. Commenting on how BMO col- Eagle, Glencore, IAMGOLD, and Hecla Mining, in addition to new ODERUDWHGZLWKRWKHUIXQGVWRIDFLOLWDWHWKHILQDQFLQJIRU1HPDVND SURMHFWGHYHORSPHQW,\D7RXUÃ93RI5HVVRXUFHV4XÃEHFHODERUDW- Lithium, the largest stand-alone lithium-financing operation to- HGRQWKHHYROXWLRQRIWKHRUJDQL]DWLRQnVPDQGDWHo7KHFXUUHQWJUHHQ GDWH%UXQHWVWDWHGo,WZDVFULWLFDOIRUDOOILQDQFLQJVRXUFHVWKDW movement in the mining industry is having an impact on Ressources WKHILQDQFLQJSDFNDJHEHFRPSOHWHLHWKDWWKHIXQGVUDLVHGEH 4XÃEHFnVSROLFLHVDQGVWUDWHJ\7KH1HPDVND/LWKLXPSURMHFWIRUH[- sufficient to build the mine and transformation plant. It is highly ample, has huge potential due to the growing interest in the electric XQOLNHO\WKDWRQHVRXUFHDORQHFRXOGKDYHDFKLHYHGWKLVFRRSHUD- YHKLFOH (9 PDUNHWpKHH[SODLQHGFRQWLQXLQJo7KHFKDOOHQJHQRZ WLRQZDVFULWLFDOp LV WR EULQJ WKH SURMHFWV WR PDUNHW 5HVVRXUFHV 4XÃEHFnV FUHGLELOLW\ relies on these projects and we want to ensure that they are delivered RQWLPH7KH4XÃEHFPLQLQJHFRV\VWHPDOVRUHOLHVRQWKHVHSURMHFWV DQGZHEHOLHYHWKDWWKHLUVXFFHVVZLOODWWUDFWPRUHLQYHVWPHQWp 6248(0DVXEVLGLDU\RI5HVVRXUFHV4XÃEHFZRUNVZLWKLWVSDUW- ners to develop projects at all stages of the exploration cycle. Inno- YDWLRQKDVEHHQDNH\GULYHUIRU6248(0LQLOOXVWUDWHGE\D big data approach that succeeded in identifying six new exploration targets in partnership with Azimut Exploration, four of which led to discoveries. The future, however, needs more than just new technol- RJ\DQGPHWDOV:KLOHPLQLQJKDVDOZD\VUHTXLUHGORQJWHUPWKLQNLQJ on behalf of investors, the pursuit of short-term financial gains often characterized mining operations of the past. Today, the vision for an operation needs to stretch beyond financial gains and even

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