SCHILLER INSTITUTTET * [email protected] * www.schillerinstitut.dk * Pope Francis in Albania: ”Don’t forget your history” By Feride Istogu Gillesberg An historic moment unfolded in Albania, when Pope Francis pointed out that already in the Apos- Pope Francis visited Tirana, on September 21, 2014. tle Paul's day, the Gospel was preached in Illyria, as the More than 300,000 Albanians came to Albania's capital ancestral land of the Albanians was called. Most people to personally see and hear the Pope. We, the entire Alba- do not know that Albanians had been Christian until the nian population in the Balkans, experienced an over- mid-15th century. Then, the brutal invasion of the Otto- whelming enthusiasm. It is a great honor that Pope Fran- man Empire came. After the death of our national hero cis chose to visit our country on his first trip in Europe Skanderbeg, the Ottoman Empire, in a most cruel way, outside of Italy! Pope Francis was seen as the Pope for all set an example to prevent people from converting to of us, even though the country is mainly Muslim. The Christianity. The Ottoman Empire ruled throughout the people received him with open hearts, and most Albani- Balkans for 500 years. ans are proud that he has chosen to visit the homeland of our beloved Mother Teresa and Scanderbeg. Because of Skanderbeg (1405-1468), whose Albanian name his visit, the Pope has put Albania on the world map. was Gjergj Kastrioti, was the son of Gjon Kastrioti, the ruler of Epirus. The Kastrioti family was the rallying Pope Francis chose his name from Saint Francis, point for all Albanians. When the Ottomans invaded the because he is wholeheartedly dedicated to serving and area, they forced Gjon Kastrioti to his knees, due to the helping the poorest people. An important model for this destruction already imposed on the area. He could not mission is Mother Teresa, who, in a tireless manner, defend his people, and was forced to make an agreement. helped the poorest of the poor in India. With boundless As assurance that the agreement would be kept, the Sul- agape, she sought out the poor, sick and dying on the tan took Gjon’s sons to Constantinople as hostages. The streets of Kolkata, to help them. She gave them shelter, sons were killed on the road, with the exception of Gjergj and nursed them. She founded schools for the poor and Kastrioti, who was the youngest, and still a child. The orphans, built care centers for lepers, and organized a Sultan spared Gjergj because he developed sympathy for place for the dying. Mother Teresa’s enormous effort the boy, who was very talented. The boy was converted gave Pope John Paul II a reason to beatify her. Mother to Islam, and the Sultan took him to his palace, where he Teresa's devotion to humanity has given Albanians a reared and trained him as his own son. When Gjergj good reputation in the world, and all Albanians love her, turned 18, the Sultan gave him the honor of being called and are proud of her. 'Skanderbeg' (Alexander the Great), as he already was a leading general at a young age. His talent in the art of war was exceptional. Furthermore, Skanderbeg trans- formed the Ottoman army into a civilized army, which Scanderbeg’s history earned him even greater favor with the Sultan. The Sul- In order to understand, why Pope Francis touched tan really treated Skanderbeg as his own son. When the something very deep in the soul of the Albanian people, news of Gjon Kastrioti’s death reached Constantinople, one must know the history of Christianity in Albania. the Sultan sent Skanderbeg to Albania to suppress any The Pope himself said that he spent two months studying possible uprisings. On his return to his beloved country, our history, in order to be prepared for this day. From the Skanderbeg seized the opportunity of the moment. He very beginning, he radiated such a great compassion for mobilized a resistance movement, under our flag, the our country, as our people have never before experi- two-headed eagle, and fought against the Ottoman Em- enced, which has given him a place of honor in the hearts pire, and for his country's freedom, and Christian values, of the people. until his death. During the reign of Pope Pius II, the Vatican estab- lished relations with Skanderbeg, in order to help him, as Redaktion: Tom Gillesberg (ansvh.); Michelle Rasmussen; Anne Stjernstrøm * KONTAKT OS: Skt. Knuds Vej 11, kld. t.v., 1903 Frederiksberg C, tlf.: 35 43 00 33 * Eget tryk * Støt Schiller Instituttets arbejde: Medlemskab: 1 år: 500 kr., 6 mdr.: 275 kr., 3 mdr. Intro: 100 kr. * Giro: 564-8408, Homebanking: 1551-5648408 2 he not only fought for his people's freedom, but also for Muslims, we can say that Albania was a land of martyrs: the whole Christian world. Pope Pius gave him the hon- many bishops, priests, men and women religious, laity, orary title 'Atletha Christi "(a fighter for Christ). While and clerics and ministers of other religions paid for their Skanderbeg kept the Ottoman Empire at bay on one side fidelity with their lives.” of the Ionian Sea, the other side of the Ionian Sea had its back free, which allowed the Italian Renaissance to take place. Unfortunately, only a few people are knowledgea- ble about Albanian history. Bridge between religions Before our eyes, our history came alive, as Pope At the same time, the Pope built a bridge between Francis said the following in his sermon in Tirana: religions. In his speech to the interfaith meeting in Tira- “The Lord was close to you, dear brothers and sisters, to na, he began by saying: “In reality, as John Paul II stated sustain you; he led you and consoled you and in the end during his historic visit to Albania in 1993, “Religious he has raised you up on eagle’s wings .... The eagle, de- freedom […] is not only a precious gift from the Lord for picted on your nation’s flag, calls to mind hope, and the those who have faith: it is a gift for each person, because need to always place your trust in God, who does not it is the basic guarantee of every other expression of lead us astray and who is ever at our side, especially in freedom […]. Only faith reminds us that, if we have one moments of difficulty…. Today, I have come to thank Creator, we are therefore all brothers and sisters. Reli- you for your witness and also to encourage you to culti- gious freedom is a safeguard against all forms of totali- vate hope among yourselves and within your hearts. tarianism and contributes decisively to human fraternity” Never forget the eagle! The eagle does not forget its nest, (Message to the Albanian People, 25 April 1993).” but flies into the heights. All of you, fly into the heights! Go high! I have also come to involve the young genera- In addition, continuing in his own words, Pope tions …. To the Church which is alive in this land of Francis also said, “Authentic religion is a source of peace Albania, I say “thank you” for the example of fidelity to and not of violence! No one must use the name of God to the Gospel. Do not forget the nest, your long history, or commit violence! To kill in the name of God is a grave your trials. Do not forget the wounds, but also do not be sacrilege. To discriminate in the name of God is inhu- vengeful. Go forward to work with hope for a great fu- man…. Rather religious freedom is a shared space – like ture. So many of the sons and daughters of Albania have this one – an atmosphere of respect and cooperation that suffered, even to the point of sacrificing their lives. May must be built with everyone’s participation …. Allow me their witness sustain your steps today and tomorrow as to outline two attitudes, which can be especially helpful you journey along the way of love, of freedom, of justice in the advancement of this fundamental freedom. and, above all, of peace. So may it be.” The first attitude is that of regarding every man and woman, even those of different religious traditions, not as rivals, less still enemies, but rather as brothers and sis- ters…. Deep down, we are all pilgrims on this earth, and Mother Teresa on this pilgrim journey, as we yearn for truth and eterni- ty, we do not live autonomous and self-sufficient indi- When Mother Teresa (1910-1997) was born, the vidual lives … Ottoman Empire still ruled in the Balkans, but its days were numbered. After World War II, the Albanians once The second attitude, which fosters the promotion again experienced dark times. The country was divided, of religious freedom, is the work done in service of the and people were murdered, forcibly deported, and isolat- common good. Whenever adherence to a specific reli- ed. In Kosova, ethnic cleansing took place under gious tradition gives birth to service that shows convic- Rankovi´c, which very few are aware of. Countless peo- tion, generosity and concern for the whole of society ple were liquidated, and forcibly deported to Turkey, without making distinctions, then there too exists an au- because they were 'Muslims.' In Albania, the dictator thentic and mature living out of religious freedom…. The Enver Hoxha took power in the country, with British more men and women are at the service of others, the help.
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