April 10, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E725 have tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans united support in improving the safety and many of us in this country and sparked an than veterans benefits. Period. No other expla- welfare of our children. We cannot allow our emotional response from literally thousands of nation is plausible. It is almost impossible for law enforcement to lose step with an ever- people in all 50 states, including many of the me to believe that as the veterans population evolving electronic society. We cannot allow men and women who proudly wear the uni- rises and ages, that this House would elimi- these sexual predators to get away with the form of our military in defense of this great nate benefits. criminal acts they are committing against inno- country. Mr. Speaker, we have men and women on cent children. We cannot allow one of our Unlike so many of the speeches we hear in the field of battle in Iraq, fighting to make oth- greatest advancements to become a tool for this city, Beth Chapman’s remarks were not ers free. Should we not honor their sacrifice our biggest degenerates. The Cybermolester made with a particular slant that was either by keeping our promises to those that have al- Enforcement Act will ensure that these pro-Democrat or pro-Republican. Instead, ready served? Should we not eliminate these ‘‘cyberpredators’’ are suitably punished and Beth’s comments were simply ‘‘pro-American,’’ cuts in VA spending? The wealthy need a tax America’s children are properly protected. and after reading her words, it was obvious to cut less than veterans need the health care f me that the speech was made straight from they were promised. If our society has sunk to the heart. the point where we are choosing to dishonor NATIONAL FORMER PRISONER OF Mr. Speaker, in these uncertain times when service in order to make the rich richer, then WAR RECOGNITION DAY so many people have questions about where we surely are not the great nation we once we are going, what we are doing and who can were. HON. ELLEN O. TAUSCHER we trust, I found Beth Chapman’s words inspi- Mr. Speaker, we should honor those who OF CALIFORNIA rational and comforting. I ask that her speech have served, those who were POWs, and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES be entered into the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD in those that gave the ultimate sacrifice. Wednesday, April 9, 2003 its entirety, in hopes that even more people f can be encouraged to stop and think about Mrs. TAUSCHER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today INTRODUCTION OF THE the true price of liberty and who is making the to honor the Americans who are currently CYBERMOLESTERS ENFORCE- real sacrifices to preserve what is so dear to serving our country, and those who have MENT ACT OF 2003 us all: served so gallantly in the past. Particularly I’m here tonight because men and women during this time of war, America’s heroes of of the United States military have given HON. ROB SIMMONS the past, as well as the present, must be hon- their lives for my freedom. I am not here to- OF CONNECTICUT ored and remembered. As such, I join Con- night because Sheryl Crowe, Rosie IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES gressman HOYER and Congressman SKELTON O’Donnell, Jane Fonda, Martin Sheen, the Wednesday, April 9, 2003 to recognize today as National Former Pris- Dixie Chicks, Barbra Streisand, the Beastie oner of War Recognition Day. Boys, George Clooney or Phil Donahue, sac- Mr. SIMMONS. Mr. Speaker, I rise before rificed their lives for me. you today to introduce my ‘‘Cybermolesters These soldiers, captured while fighting for If my memory serves me correctly, it was Enforcement Act of 2003,’’ a bill that would freedom and the future of America, faced im- not movie stars or musicians, but the United bring today’s high-tech child molesters to jus- prisonment with their fates unknown. These States Military who fought on the shores of tice. brave men and women looked their enemy in Iwo Jima, the jungles of Vietnam, and the While the Internet has revolutionized com- the face, persevered with honor, courage, and beaches of Normandy. munication and business, it unfortunately pro- faith in their country—and survived. Many, Tonight, I say we should support the Presi- vides a tool for child molesters, and loopholes however, were not so fortunate. dent of the United States and the U.S. mili- in the current law allow some of these preda- The ordeal of being a prisoner of war does tary and tell the liberal, tree-hugging, hippy, Birkenstock wearing, tie-dyed liberals to go tors to escape without any real consequences. not end once rescued from behind enemy make their movies and music and whine And although it is already a federal crime to lines. The physical, emotional, and spiritual toll somewhere else. cross state lines to sexually molest a minor, in of internment can take years, even a lifetime, After all, if they lived in Iraq, they recent years the number of people using the to rebuild and overcome. wouldn’t be allowed the freedom of speech Internet to violate this law has skyrocketed. I As former prisoners of war, you have gone they’re being given here today—ironically, call these individuals ‘‘cybermolesters.’’ beyond the call of your duty. You put your life, they would be put to death at the hands of Cybermolesters are not easy to identify. your blood, your soul on the line. This is a Sadam Hussein or Osama Bin Laden. They typically are well educated; middle-class sacrifice most of us will never be able to com- I want to know how the very people who are against war because of the loss of life, citizens who have no previous criminal record prehend. That burden, that sacrifice, that un- can possibly be the same people who are for and, as a result, tend to escape with little or fettered dedication to our country will forever abortion? no jail time. For example, convicted child por- make you national heroes. They are the same people who are for ani- nographers receive ten-year mandatory sen- We owe an inexpressible debt of gratitude mal rights but against the rights of the un- tences, but those who use the Internet to meet to you, our former POWs, and to your families, born. children and commit criminal sexual acts can whose prayers for a safe return were an- The movie stars say they want to go to receive no jail time at all. This double standard swered. Iraq and serve as human shields for the gives lighter sentences to a special set of priv- Today we honor you for your bravery, Iraqis, I say let them buy a one-way ticket and go. ileged criminals. My bill would end this double strength, and sacrifice. And tomorrow we will No one likes war, I hate war. But the one standard by imposing a five-year mandatory not forget. thing I hate more is the fact that this coun- minimum sentence for cybermolesters. f try has been forced into war—innocent peo- My bill also provides law enforcement with ple have lost their lives—and there but for two important tools to combat those who prey TRIBUTE TO AMERICA’S REAL HE- the grace of God, it could have been my on our nation’s children. First, it would allow ROES AS OFFERED BY ALABAMA brother, my husband, or even worse my own law enforcement to obtain a federal wiretap on STATE AUDITOR BETH CHAPMAN son. those suspected of committing certain child On December 7, 1941, there are no records sexual exploitation offenses, such as transmit- of movie stars treading the blazing waters of HON. JO BONNER Pearl Harbor. ting computer-generated child pornography, OF ALABAMA On September 11, 2001; there are no photos enticing a minor to travel for sexual activity, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of movie stars standing as human shields and transporting a minor for sexual activity. Wednesday, April 9, 2003 against the debris and falling bodies descend- Second, it would classify child pornography as ing from the World Trade Center. There were ‘‘contraband,’’ which would enable law en- Mr. BONNER. Mr. Speaker, a few weeks only policemen and firemen—underpaid civil forcement to seize it based upon probable ago, a childhood friend, Beth Killough Chap- servants who gave their all with nothing ex- cause and to destroy it automatically after its man, who now serves my home state of Ala- pected in return. use, as evidence was no longer needed. This bama with distinction as our State Auditor, When the USS Cole was bombed, there were no movie stars guarding the ship—where measure has the support of the FBI’s ‘‘Inno- made a speech at a ‘‘Stand up for America were the human shields then? cent Images’’ Program, which is on the front Rally’’ in the city of Pelham, a suburb of Bir- If America’s movie stars want to be human lines of the battle against on-line pedophiles. mingham. shields, let them shield the gang-ridden Mr. Speaker, two weeks ago the passage of Beth’s remarks, although certainly unin- streets of Los Angeles, or New York City, let H.R. 1104 was a clear demonstration of our tended at the time, captured the views of them shield the lives of the children of North VerDate Jan 31 2003 06:19 Apr 11, 2003 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AP8.053 E10PT1 E726 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 10, 2003 Birmingham whose mothers lay them down denced by her lifetime membership in the 100 HONORING THE LIFE AND to sleep on the floor each night to shelter Club of New Hampshire and her past tenure ACHIEVEMENTS OF DONNELL D.
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