Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 9-27-1993 The BG News September 27, 1993 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News September 27, 1993" (1993). BG News (Student Newspaper). 5576. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/5576 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. 4? The BG News Monday, September 27, 1993 Bowling Green, Ohio Volume 76, Issue 24 Briefs GSS explores suspension policy Weather by Larlssa Hrltsko The GSS bill called for the the right to suspend a student if the agreement because it will de- it to the floor for discussion be- student government reporter University to change this policy it is necessary to preserve the crease the chances for graduate cause it was objected by the as- Rats -- it's Monday: so that students who were not good order of the university, students to find a job after grad- sembly as not being relevant to convicted would not be endang- Chavez said. uation. GSS at the present time. Showers are likely today, Two bills presented at the ered of being suspended. The bill has to be reexamined The bill, however, never made "The bill was objected be- with a high in the upper 50s. Graduate Student Senate meet- since that clause was found in the cause, in my opinion, there are Southwest winds 10 to IS ing Friday were dismissed in or- "The idea that the judicial state law, Chavez said. more problems GSS has to look at mph. Chance of rain is 70 der to be revised. system allows a suspect to walk "The idea that the locally such as day care," Cliavez percent. Tonight, mostly The first bill submitted by Ed- freely pending a jury decision "It basically gives the presi- said. cloudy with a low in the ward Eaton, GSS representative and the University not do the dent the right to act in the best judicial system allows a lower 40s. Chance of rain at large, concerned the right of same is in violation of the jury of interest of the university," he suspect to walk freely In other business, the guest will be 20 percent. the University to suspend stu- peers," Eaton said. said. pending a jury decision speaker at the meeting was Louis dents charged with committing a Katzner, associate vice president felony, whether or not they were The bill also called for the Uni- The withdrawn bill might be and the University not for research and dean of the Inside the News found guilty. Currently the Uni- versity to only be concerned with presented in the future, but with do the same is in graduate college. versity's policy is to summon actions which occur on Universi- the new information further He addressed concerns of Swamp shots: those students to hearings to de- ty property or at a campus event. research will be done before the violation of the jury of graduate students including pay cide whether they constitute a According to GSS senator R.J. issue is addressed again, Chavez peers." check distribution, courses, the News photo editor Teresa threat or danger to the Universi- Chavez, the University does have said. foreign language requirement Thomas captures scenes ty, according to the University the right to suspend a student The second bill represented an Edward Eaton, Gradu- and balancing GSS with studies. from the first Black Swamp Student Code, Appendix U. whether the action occurred on opposition to the North American ate Student Senate Repre- "The single greatest challenge Arts Festival. The University can then sus- or off University property. Free Trade Agreement bill. of GSS is the continuity problem See page 3. pend these students ~ even if The bill submitted by Solomon sentative faced year after year when there they are not convicted of the The Ohio Revised Code states Omo-Osagie, a political science is a new executive board and as- crime. that any university president has senator, called for GSS to oppose Looking for clues: sembly," Katzner said. Police said they are look- The BG Ncwi/Tcnu Thorn.! ing for three white men who were seen running from Oak Grove cemetery at about Area arts 2:30 am on Sept. 12. The men could be suspects in the vandalism of 1 IS grave festival markers that night. Bowling Green Police Sgt. Brad Connor said a $500 re- triumphs ward is being offered for in- formation leading to the arrest and conviction of the over rain vandals. byTaraStubbs Outside campus general assignment reporter ATHENS - A judge set a Despite gloomy skies and bond at $10 million for a cold weather, the first Black former Ohio University stu- Swamp Arts Festival was a dent charged in the death of success, organizers, artists another former student. and festival-goers said. Athens County Municipal Director of the Downtown Judge Doug Bennett on Fri- Business Association Jim Tin- day also scheduled a prelim- ker said everyone involved inary hearing for next Fri- with the festival did well, in- day for Charlie Park, 26. cluding area merchants, art- Park, who is from Pusan, ists and restaurants. He said South Korea, is charged he believes people were im- with aggravated murder in pressed with the event. the slaying of Andrew Jung, Fifth-grader Steven Hall, 10, draws on the wall In the youth art area mately 40 artists sold their work and 20 musical performers enter- 24, of Seoul, South Korea. See FESTIVAL, page 4. during the first Black Swamp Arts Festival last weekend. Approxi- tained hundreds of people. Steven Armstrong, Park's attorney, said his client would plead innocent. Park was arrested in Maryland Sept. 16. He was returned to Technology is _ Falcons: nine men out Athens Thursday. Jung's body was found along U.S. 50 in Preston n@rf Qf QClilCCltiOn Involvement of drugs confirmed by Blackney County, W.Va., Sept. 4, two days after he was last seen by Aaron Dorksen Shane Foster and senior defensive tackle Maurice in Athens. by Kelly Duquln sports editor Coles. student life reporter know the need for technological The other three players suspended, all second- education is enormous; we are teamers, were sophomore noseguard Tom Breiti- Celeste returns: now training people for jobs that BALTIMORE - A problem that coach Gary gam, sophomore cornerback Steve Ayers and State Sen. Betty Montgomery do not exist," she said. "Electing Blackney called "prevalent throughout society" freshman strong safety Steve Hartley. COLUMBUS - Former (R-Perrysburg) spoke on the ef- people who are aware of technol- led to the suspension of nine Falcon football Blackney said he heard a rumor the weekend of Gov. Richard Celeste has e- fects of technology and educa- ogy education, research and in- players last week. Sept. 19 that a number of players had broken team merged from private in- tion following a tour of the Te- tellectual finds are necessary. In a press conference at the team's hotel Friday training rules, although no police report was ever dustry to promote President chology Building Friday. Without the intellectual commu- evening, Blackney confirmed that drugs were in- filed. Clinton's health care pro- By touring the facility, Mont- nity we don't get our practical volved but avoided specifically naming the sub- "It was a totally in-house, internal in- posal and likely will profit gomery had a chance to see what work done." stance. vestigation," Blackney said. "We gathered infor- personally and politically in the University has contributed to Montgomery also addressed "It's a problem in society. I'm sure this kind of mation on Monday, Tuesday and part of Wednes- his role, a newspaper re- the advancement of technology. the importance of public policy- thing touches a lot of people," Blackney said. day." ported Sunday. makers and educators in the field "Doctors, attorneys, airline pilots and maybe even "Coming up with an appropriate penalty was The Democratic National "It is overwhelming to know of technology to collaborate to the president of the United States." difficult due to the fact that most of the players in- Committee in August ap- how much is out there and look- promote and increase technology Sources close to the team confirmed the drug volved we had never had any difficulty with," he pointed Celeste to promote ing at the University's grounds tin Northwest Ohio. was marijuana. said. Clinton's health care plan to gave all the more affirmation of "Public policy-makers need to "I've practically spelled it out like Vanna Blackney said he sought advice on how to deal the public and to act as liai- how quickly our lives are chang- be sensitive so that the people White," Blackney said. with the situation from attorneys and several high- son between state and local ing," Montgomery said. "Policy that make the wonderful widgets As The BG News first reported Friday morning, ranking university officials, including athletic di- government officials and must keep up with the processes of the world can come to us and nine players, including six starters, were given rector Jack Gregory. special-interest groups. that are constantly changing." tell us where technology is one-game suspensions for violations of team train- Because no police report was filed, the only evi- "It can only be a plus for critical." she said.
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