STAMPERLAND PARISH CHURCH SUNDAY 29th OCTOBER 2017 INTERIM MODERATOR - Rev Gray Fletcher, BSc, BD LOCUM MINISTER Rev Jack Drummond CALL TO WORSHIP WELCOME AND INTIMATIONS HYMN CH4 741 GLORY TO YOU, O GOD CHILDREN’S ADDRESS HYMN ON SCREEN FATHER, I PLACE INTO YOUR HANDS PRAYER AND LORD’S PRAYER READING HEBREWS CH 11 V 32 - V 40 HYMN CH4 736 GIVE THANKS FOR LIFE READING HEBREWS CH 12 V 1 - V 6 HYMN CH4 743 BEHOLD WHAT WITNESSES UNSEEN SERMON OFFERING & OFFERTORY PRAYER PRAYERS OF INTERCESSION HYMN CH4 745 HOW BRIGHT THESE GLORIOUS SPIRITS SHINE BENEDICTION & THREE-FOLD AMEN (If it is possible for you, please stand as the Offering is brought to the table, and for the short Offertory Prayer) WELCOME TO STAMPERLAND PARISH CHURCH Registered Charity No SC003155 1. A warm welcome to any visitors worshiping with us this morn­ ing. Please sign th visitors book in the vestibule so that we can remember your time with us. 2. Flower Display The flowers are provided today by Miss O Greer 3. Glasgow Presbytery have confirmed the date for the induction of Rev Scott Blythe to Stamperland as Thursday, 30th November. The service of in­ duction will commence at 7.00 pm. The formal service of induction will be fol­ lowed by a more informal social event. 4. Netherlee Choir will be singing a simple anthem as part of the induction service for Rev Scott Blythe. The choirmaster, Steven Crawford, would like to invite members of Stamperland to join the choir not just for that occasion but also to sing with the choir for their traditional pre-Christmas service of lessons and carols which takes place in Netherlee Church. Rehearsals will be on Thursday evenings at 8.00 pm at Netherlee Church during November and De­ cember. If you are interested, please speak to our organist, Duncan McClure 5. Focus Magazine for November is now available for collection from the front pews as are named collection copies in the vestibule. Any visitors who would like a copy can also uplift one from the vestibule at the front door. 6. East Renfrewshire Foodbank The food chosen for the month of October is as follows: Tinned Soup Packet cuppa soup Tinned meat / fish Cooking sauces in jars Dried / Boil in the bag rice Breakfast cereals UHT Milk and Creamed Rice or Custard (Tinned) are acceptable at any time Thank you again for your continued support which is very much appreciated. Again we would ask that items donated are within the “best before” date. The Foodbank will not distribute food which is out of date. 7. Crossreach Christmas Cards catalogues are now available from Anne MacKenzie. Unfortunately there are no collection points this year so postage will have to be paid on “away orders. Today is the last day for orders. 8. The House Group will meet on Wednesday 1st November, 7.30pm at the 9. A Coffee Morning in support of Poppy Scotland will be held on the morning of 11th November in Netherlee Church Hall from 10.30 am till 12 noon. All welcome. 10. Nepal Earthquake - Build a House Appeal Update The Church of Scot­ land is organising a trip to Nepal to allow people to see the reconstruction pro­ gress following the earthquake in the Dhading area of Nepal. The trip will be from 7-17th April, 2018. The cost including travel, accommodation, food and insurance will be around £1,200. The only other costs are personal vaccina­ tion costs and spending money. As places are limited there will be a selection process. Applications will be considered by a committee of the Church of Scotland World Mission Council who will look favourably to those who are sup­ ported by a congregation or presbytery. Anyone interested should speak to Norrie Bolton who can provide an application form. 11. The Guild meets on Tuesday 31 st October at 7.30pm. All welcome. If you would like to join in a fun evening of Halloween games followed by a Fish Supper please feel free to come along. Fancy dress is optional. Wellington Church presents: Reformation W eek 2017 Monday 7.00 pm C h u r c h H is t o r y a n d Lu t h e r a n R e f o r m a t io n 30,h October Christ the King A |ecture by Rev Dr charlotte Methuen Hall, G44 5AP host€{j by Glasgow Churches Together Tuesday 2.15 pm B u s t r ip t o S t . A n d r e w s 31” October Departure to hear the Rt. Hon. Rev. Rowan Williams from £12 return, concession available, please book in advance Wellington by contacting [email protected] Wednesday 7.30 pm R e f o r m a t io n To d a y - a Ta l k a b o u t C h a l l e n g e s l ” November Crypt Cafe with Rev. Dr. Liam Fraser, pioneer minister at Wellington Church Edinburgh University, and Rev. Alastair Duncan, transition minister at St George's Tron Church Thursday 7.30 pm "L u t h e r " M o v ie N ig h t 2nd November Crypt Cafe A screening of the biopic starring Ralph Fiennes. Wellington Organised by the Student Hub @ Wellington Church Friday 7.30 pm W hy are there so many churches in the W est End? 3fd November Halls An evening organised by the Wellington Wellington International Welcome Club Church Saturday 10 am - W e l l in g t o n A u t u m n Fa ir 4th November 12 pm Stalls include: Hom e baking, Traidcraft, gifts, Halls Wellington books and cds, plant, brie a brae, and more. Church Tickets £2 (£5 for families) Sunday 7.00 pm R e f o r m a t io n H y m n s - E v e n in g S e r v ic e 5th November Wellington A worship with the Glasgow University Choir Church A ll W e l c o m e . A ll E v e n t s a r e f r e e u n l e s s s t a t e o o t h e r w i s e . For more info contact Rebecca@ wellingtonchurch.co.uk or visit w ww.wellingtonchurch.co.uk Wellington Church of Scotland, 77 Southpark Ave. Glasgow, G12 8LE Weekly Reminders Open Door The Church is open on a Wednesday morning from 10.00am until 12.00pm for quiet reflection and prayer. Tea, coffee, and biscuits are available in the vestibule over a friendly chat. Audio Recordings are made of most morning services. If you would like a CD of a service, please speak to Norrie Bolton. Diary Dates - October - November (Subject to Updates) Tue 31st 7.30 Guild, Halloween and fish suppers. November Wed 1st 7.30 House Group meets at 1 The Quadrant Sun 5th 11.00 Morning Worship Tue 7th 7.30 Guild, Mission Aviation Fellowship Sun 12th 10.45 Morning Worship & Parade of Uniformed Organisations Tue 14th 7.30 Guild, Street Pastors, PROJECT Sun 19th 11.00 Morning Worship Tue 21st 7.30 Guild, Strathaven Gift & Coffee Shop Sun 26th 11.00 Morning Worship Tue 28th 7.30 Guild, Musical Evening Thu 30th 7.00 Induction Service.
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