INDEX Ranks shown after the surnames of officers and men are the highest attained by each. Plates, Maps, and Sketches referred to after names of places are those which best indlcate their positions. Page-numbers followed by 15 lndicate that the relerence is to a footnote 011 the page specified. ABBASSIA,35 Forest, Tas.; b. Oatlands, Tas.), ABBEVILLE(Sk. p. 241), 237, 38s 180 ABn, BIR EL (Map p. 42), 37, 38, AWAZ (Map P. 41, 7 75 AINSWORTH,Capt. P. (of Lan- do.. .1 ABEELE,211, 212 cashire, Eng. ; b. Blackburn, ABU AWEICILA(Map p. 42), 46, Lancs.), 44 49 AIRCRAFT,increasing importance Aou KEMAL,390 of, in warfare, xvi-xvii; types AUULESAL. 124 and development of : xx-xxv, ABU SALIBIQ(Map p. 4), IO xxix, in 1916-17, 33, 38, 47, in ABU TELLUL.IZI 1917-18, 87-8, British, 398-411, ACCROCEEWOOD, 274 French, 411-6, German, 416-20; ACHIET-LE-GRAND,237, 437, 438 unsuitability of, in Mesopo- ACRE,162 tamia, 5-6, 9, 12, 18-9; German ADAIR.Lt. R. S. (b. Maryborough. superiority in, 1916-17, 38, 46-7, Q’land). 113-4, 131-2, 135, I42 71-3; Bristol Fighters arrive in ADAM, Capt. J. A. (of Dunedin, Palestine, July 1917, 74, issued N Z.; b. Timaru, N.Z.), 254 to No. 1 Sqn., Jan.-Afar. 1918, ADANS.Mal. A. B (of Sydney; b 88; British superiority in, 1917- London), xxvt 18, 81, 87-8, 97, 111-2; No. 2 ADAnis, Lt. A. G. (of South Sqn. equipped with S.E.Ss, Yarra, Vic. ; b. South Yarra), IQp, No. 4 Sqn. with Sopwith 37 Snipes, 370; repair work in a ADAMS,Lt. A. W. (b. Woodend, squadron, 440-2 Vic.), 219, 225, 239. 438 AIRCRAFTDESTROYED, methods of AnAhis, 44 Air-Mechanic F. L. reckoning up, xviii-xix. ALLIED, (of Spreydon, N.Z.; b. Syden- 21-25 Alar. 1918, 238. AUSTRA- ham, N.Z.), 26 LIAN: Half-Flight, IO; No. 1 An~nrs. Lt. V. H. (of Urana. Squadron, 96, 108, 116, 118, 131, N S.W.: b Kew. Vic.). xxviin 14;No. 2 Squadron, 180, 184, ADAMS,Lt. W. Q. (of Crystal 185, 186, 188, 258, 376; No. 3 City, Manitoba, Canada ; b. Edin- Squadron, 209, 210, 272, 310, burgh, North Dakota, U.S.A.), 334; No. 4 Squadron, 217, 242, 218, 256, 258 278,287,349.357-8,378. BRITISH, ADnIsoN, Maj. s. w. (b. Huon, 12, 63, 96, 108, 150. GERMAN:. Tas.). quoted, 97, 168n; men- in Sinai and Palestine, I9J7, 56, tioned, 94, 100, 109, 127, 133, I71 66, 80; 1918, 96, 111, 119, ADRIANOPLE,394 122, J239 127, 132, 134, 139-49, Aerial. 28 142, 144-7, 164, 165, 169; in AFION KARAHISSAR, 27 France and Belgium, 1917, 190, AFULE,EL (Map p. 137), 85, 86, 194, 195, 196, 202, 210; 1918, 9s I@, IS-L 155, 157, 158; 209, 212, 214, 219, 222, 224, 225, German aerodrome at, bombed, 226, 230, 231, 232, 235, 236, 238, 3 Jon. 1918, 96; town bombed, 239, 240. 243, 24g9 254 ct seq I 19 SCP, 152 267, 268, 274, 277, 278, 282 et AGNEW,Lt. I. C. F. (of Epping seq., 295 et seq., 310, 313, 317. 453 454 INDEX AIRCRAFT~ESTROY~~CO,,ti~,Ued. AIR RECONNAISSANCE,see ARTIL- 338, 339, 3-10, 341, 3-16-89 350, LERY RANGING,PATROLS, RECON- 351, 3549 3599 360,363, 3641 366, NAISSANCES 371 et seq. AIR SURVEY,xvi; methods of, AIRE (Map P. 1791, 259, 291, 344 70-1, 436; compilation of maps AIRE-LABASSLE CANAL, 344 from air-photos., 64, 93-5; im- AIR FIGHTING,61, 75-6, 87, 90-1, portance and growth of, 205-7; 96-7, 106-7, 114, 122, 131-2; de- in Mesopotamia, 20-1, of Turk- velopment and tactics of, xv- ish position at Es-Sinn, 13; in xviii, 64-5, ~zzn,337 ; battles : Sinai and Palestine: of El Arish No. 4 Sqn. and No. 110 British and Magdhaba, 43, 44, 454, Sqn., II May 1918, 278-80, No. Beersheba area, 72-4, 77, Es 4 S n., over Tournai, 29 Oct, Salt, 113, Damieh region, 122-3, 377-8, over Ath, 30 Orf., 379. Samaria-Nablus area, 126, 141, No. 1 Squadron, over Beer- Et Tire, ~36;on Western Front : sheba, 45, 72; at First Gaza, Go; of Messines Ridge, 205-7, Ville- July 1917, 71-2; at Third Gaza, sur-Ancre. 267, Ancre-Somme 79-80; at Amman, hfar. 1918, sector, 271, German position at 110-1; in second action of Es Hamel, 272-4, Cachy and Han- Salt, :16-8; May 1918, 123; gard. 307, Somme area, 313, June, 124-8, 131-2; July, 138-9; Mont St. Quentin, 322, Hinden- Aug., 142, 144-5. No. 2 Squad- burg Line, 326, 328, Joncourt ron, Oct. 1917, 178-81; Nov., defences, 328-9, Beaurevoir 190, 192-4; Dec., 195-7; Feb. Line, 333; see 0150 MAPS 1918, 217-9; Mar., 222-4. 229-30. AJJEH, 157 232, 235, 240; Jiitie, 256-9; over AKABA(Map P. qz), 53n, 148, 163 the Lys, July-Aug.. 294 297, AKYW 588, 390. 393, 396 298, 339-40, Lille, July-Oct.. ALBERRY,Lt. F. (of Hobart; b. 299, 359-60, 363-4, 371-5, Au- Hobart), 294, 360, 368, 376 bers Ridge, 31 July, 303-4, the ALBERT (Maps PP. 179, 3II), 234, Somme, 12-14 Aug., 313, Cam- 239, 240, 249, 255, 258, 261, 267, brai, 3 Sep., 354, Tournai, 0ct.- 271 Nov., 373-5, 380, Ath, 0ct.- ALCOCK,Capt. Sir J. W., 386n, Nov., 376-7,381-3. No. 3 Squad- 388, 409 ron, Ort. 1917, 181; Dec., 203- ALEP~(Map P. 1701, 169, 395; 4; Apr.. I~IS,212, 260, 261; captured, I71 with Richthofen’s Circus, 21 RLEXANDRETTA(Map p. I70), 169, Ap. 1918, 249-52; May, 265; 171 June, 268-9; July, 305; Sep., ALLAHABAD,390, 396 322, 325, 329. No. 4 Squadron. ALLAIN,367, 368 Feb. 1918, 217, 219; Mar., ALLEN, Capt A. D. W. (of 222-3, 231, 232, 236, 239; with Woollahra, N.S.W ; b. Ashfield, Richthofen’s Circus, 16 Mor. N.S.W.), xxviiri 1918, 225, 21 Mar., 226-7; over ALLEN, Capt. G. W. D. (of Arrnentieres, I I hlay, 278-80, May, 283; June, 287-8; over Woollahra ; b. Sydney), xxviirr the Lys, July-Aug., 291, 295-6, ALLENBY,Field-Marshal Viscount 303. 339-40, Aubers Ridge, (of Felixstowe, Eng.; b. Brac- 31 July, 303-4, the Somme. 12-14 kenhurst, Notts., Eng.), succeeds A?., 313, BrebiBres, 5-6 Sep., Murray, 63; his plans for Pales- 35 9. Lille. Sep.. 359-6~~Ath. tine campaign, 92, for final over- 0ct.-Nov..376-7,379,381-3.Tour- throw of Turkish forces, 151; nai, 0rt.-Nov., 375, 377-8. 380-3. quoted, 133, I71 ; mentioned See also AUSTRALIANFLYING 105, 134, 135, 146, 148 149, CORPS,BOMBING RAIDS, BRITISH 161, 168 AIR FORCE,GERMAN AIR FORCE ALLONVILLE,307n, 313 INDEX 455 ALLPORT,Capt. J. M. (of Mosman, ARABNORTHERN ARNY, 162-5; see N.S.W. ; b. North Sydney), also HEJAZ xsviiir ARABS,their treatment of prison- ANARA(Map P. 4), 9,.12, 15, 16, ers, 10-11, 12, 19; of Beni Sakr 28; occupied by British, 7 tribe, fail in Es Salt raid, 112. AMLRICA,31 115, 116; sce also BEDOUINS, AMERICANEXPEDITIONARY FORCES, HEJAZ 264.. II corps, 329n, 335. 27th ARAR,TEL, 162 Diznsion, attacks Hindenburg ARISH,EL (Map P. 421, 31, 36, 38, Line, 329, 330-1. 30th Dinnnon, 40, 41, 439 449 451 49! 52, 54, 58, 32yn ; attacks Hindenburg Line, 390 ; occupied by Light Horse, 33 I 48; British concentrate at, Feb. AMIENS(Maps pp. 179, 311; Sk. 1917, 56 P. 24I), 174, 211, 237, 240, 7-41? ARISH,WADY EL (Map p. qz), 41, 248, 24?, 259, 253, 263, 3157 325; 45. 48 strategical importance of, 276; ARGACEDDON.PLAIN OF, 121, 148, Battle of: British preparations 156; see also MECIDDO for, 306-9, opening phase of, ARhlENTIkRES (Map p. 279). 233, 309-10, No. 3 Syn. at, 310-2 242, 254, 255, 283, 285, 287, 289, AMMAN(Plate p. 123; Map p. 292, 295, 296, 298. 301. 302. 303, 101; Sk. P. 89), 92, 93, 95. 98, 304, 3399 341s 344, 345, 346, 353, 99, 105, 113, 116, 117, 118, 123, 354, 356, 361, 368. 369; airmen 124, 126, 131, 132, 135, 138. 140, raid, II May 1918. 278; Ger- 141, 142, 148, ISI, 158, 162, 165, mans refrain from shelling, 345; 166, 167, 168; airmen raid aero- British re-occupy, 365 drome at, 100, 125. 147; un- ARMISTICE,with Turkey, 171 successful mounted raid on, 21 ARMS,see BAYONET Mar.-a Apr. 1918. 108-12 HRMSTRONC, Lt. R. c. (b. Foots- AMMANRAILWAY STATION (Plate cray. Vic.), 268, 269-70 p. 126), 114, 119, 142, 162; air- ARMSTRONG.Sir W. G., 410 men raid, 110, 113 ARRABE(Map p. I37), 138, 156, AMMANROAD, 118 157 ANATQLIA,26 ARRAS(Maps pp. 179, 220; Sk. p. ANCRE,RIVER (Map p. 311; Sk. p. 2411, 173, 174, 177, 181, 216, 266). 234. 264, 271 219, 222, 230, 233, 237, 2399 249 ANDERSON,Lt. A. M. (b. Mel- 241,.291, 337, 344, 350; strategl- bourne), 213 cal importance of, 276 ANDERSON,Air Commodore W H. ARTILLERY(BRITISH), at Battle of (of Melbourne : b. Kew. Vic.), Nablus, 152; intensity of its 35, 181, 200 ’ fire at Ypres, 183; at Hamel, ANDREW,Lt. F. C. (of Narro- 274 ; bombards Hindenburg gin, w. Aust.; b. Perth, w. Line. 329, 330 Aust.), xxviirr ARTILLERY(GERMAN), intensity of ANFBTA (Map p. 137; Sks.
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