Green KaravanGhar !.*$38Fv(&='86$+88@:=/6@q$38Fv(8?@$6B(3*B?$.8B?* IMPLEMENTATION REPORT District Swat, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa August 2010 - February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`(X#"",(Q&#&?&,X2&#.(Q*#&R(H&C;.(GV&% a&=8(H*?"#`(b$"V(*: (G2$,'&#-&#&(G%+;&.(GV&% Introduction 2 The Green KaravanGhar 6 Philosophical Basis 10 The Project 11 Success of the Program 15 1 Green KaravanGhar Implementation, Swat IDPs had arrived near the Heritage has led to women’s empowerment and Introduction Foundation Base Camp in Hazara, they better quality of life. We were therefore were also provided as much assistance /&.\'#.!$!")!$)$1*&2*)--#$&*2). - Background as possible, while those residing in Ab- ized on similar lines for revitalization wat, once a verdant land of peace bottabad were provided machines and of traditional crafts would also lead to and promise, was shaken by garments, gifts for children and food income generation and empowerment militancy and strife in the last few S items. of women. years. After the launching of military operation in 2009, forcing a huge exo- Having had close interaction with the Initially, the UNESCO-DFID program dus into relief camps, it again suffered brave women and children of Swat, requirement of achieving craft train- the onslaught of nature’s fury when in spite of the harsh conditions in the ing of 500 women in just over three !"#$]&&'$()!#*+$()+"#'$)(),$-).,$+#! - area, we took up the gauntlet when the months seemed unattainable. Even tllements. opportunity was presented to provide under normal circumstances the task of further assistance – Though in fact it 3'#.!3\/)!3&.$).'$+#4#/!3&.$5&*$!*)3. - The association with Swat communities was with considerable trepidation that ing of such a large number of skilled of the Heritage Foundation volunteer the project of crafts and livelihoods women from marginalized communities wing, the Karavan Volunteers, began was undertaken. Since the women, by seems daunting. Usually, it would take when we set up camp for Internally returning to their homes in early 2010, several months for training and aware- Displaced Persons (IDPs) at Shaikh had shown their determination to with- ness regarding acceptable quality of Shahzad Camp in Mardan. Working stand the onslaught of militancy, we felt )*!3+).+"31$).'$1*&'6/!$\.3+"3.27$8"#$ mainly with women and children, the it was now our duty as a civil society realization of these objectives in post- project began with the distribution of organization to be on hand during their disaster Swat, where militancy contin- food and non-food items that had been hour of need. ued to surface, required a great deal of collected through the generosity of grit, and a resolute determination for friends and well wishers. In cooperation Post-Disaster Strategy showing solidarity and support at this with the camp authorities, lead by Mr. Since a massive earthquake struck in perilous juncture in Swat’s history. Muddassir Malik, community kitchens October 2005 the support provided to were constructed, providing a cool traditional bead craft, under the Herit- The programme structure was designed haven in the intense heat of Mardan. age for Rehabilitation and Development with sensitivity towards prevalent The speedy construction of the su- Program organized by Heritage Foun- norms and ground conditions, along perstructure was based on the use of dation-Nokia-Nokia Siemens Network, with built-in motivational factors to sustainable materials, such as bamboo, mud, lime and matting that provided eminently suitable accommodation. In addition, a large tent was set up as an assembly venue for women where activities such as sewing for livelihoods, literacy classes, and instructions on hygiene practices were carried out. In another large tent daily classes were held for children to encourage sports and crafts activities. The assembly tents were ‘summarized’ i.e. made cool through the use of sustainable con- struction materials on the same pattern as the community kitchens. Since many 2 Children’s gathering, Marghazar, August 2010 INTRODUCTION ensure enhanced results. The outcome was beyond our expectations. The women came forward with extraordi- nary zeal to make a success of the pro- gramme. They worked hard to become skilled and made products that they had not been aware of – indeed had never seen before. Through the project selected for further training in 6 union /&6./34+$&9#*$:;;$<#/)-#$1*&\/3#.!$ with embroidery products, while an- other 200 women, who had been pro- vided with small household handlooms, became instrumental in revitalizing handloom industry of Islampur. A majority of the women trained through Women at the Karavan Mini Craft Centre in Swat, 2010 the programme have become wage earners through their craft skills. The women from our programme are now providing handloom skills to women in Upper Swat, in the Women’s Center built by HF in Biha, and a vocational training centre built by Pakistan Army in Piyochar. The next major disaster that hit the /&6.!*,$()+$!"#$=;>;$]&&'+$!")!$14),#'$ havoc with lives of millions of people. ?()!$()+$!"#$\*+!$93/!3-$&5$!"#$'#9)+ - !)!3.2$]&&'+7$@)93.2$")'$/&.+3'#*)<4#$ experience in working with post-disas- ter communities, Heritage Foundation Experimental Unit, Green KaravanGhar, Heritage Foundation Base Camp, Mansehra, 2010 felt compelled to provide relief in the material from collapsed houses, HF Green KaravanGhar form of food packages and household had continued to experiment with The Green KaravanGhar thus evolved goods to 500 affected families in Lower local materials and techniques over as a robust, low carbon footprint, low Swat, who had been part of the Crafts the years. Among the most promising cost unit that could be built quickly in programme earlier in the year. Soon it was the experimentation with bamboo order for the communities to restart became clear that more than rations structures that was being carried out at their lives on an immediate basis. Dur- and supplies were needed on an urgent the KIRAT Campus, HF Base Camp ing the winter of 2011 it has success- basis – it was a roof over their heads fully proved to be strong enough to in Chattar, Hazara. A single room ac- that most families were in desperate withstand loads of 3’0” of snow as well commodation 15’x10’ was constructed need of. as excessive rain. The philosophical &.$1*3&*3!,$<)+3+$5&*$!"#$]&&'$)55#/!#'A$ basis of the Green KaravanGhar is the which was completed through the HF immediately began to review op- use of local materials, engagement of cooperation of Civil Engineer Mr. tions for shelter. Having built almost local workforce, involvement of com- Amin Tariq. munity and student volunteers. 1200 KaravanGhar (emergency units) after 2005 Earthquake utilizing salvaged 3 Green KaravanGhar Implementation, Swat The structure relies on the use of bam- boo, extensively grown in Swabi in KP and in Lower Punjab and Upper Sindh and is readily available in local markets. It is extremely economical in its use as an alternative building material that, if popularized, can result in the protection of the few surviving wooded areas in Pakistan. The process of ‘Green KaravanGhar’ BCDCE$3+$)+$+32.3\/).!$)+$!"#$\.3+"#'$ shelter itself. The mechanism pro- vides an opportunity to young student volunteers to participate in activities which are at the same time technical as they are humanitarian in nature, al- !"#"P%&'()*+,'#-+*./,+&-"*0&+*121*/#&,
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