AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT FOR AID USE ONLY WASHINGTON. 0. C. 20523 f4// BIBLIOGRAPHIC INPUT SHEET V- 0 A. PRIMARY I.SUBJECT Bibliography Z-AEI0-0000-G31'0 CLASSI- N B. SECONDARY FICATIO Agriculture--Agricultural economics--Caribbean 2. TITLE AND SUBTITLE Agriculture in the economy of the Caribbean,a bibliography 3. AUTHOR(S) (101) Wis. Univ. Land Tenure Center. Library 4. DOCUMENT DATE 1S. NUMBER OF PAGES 6. ARC NUMBER 1974 1 87p. ARC 7. REFERENCE ORGANIZATION NAME AND ADDRESS Wis. 8. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES (Sponsorlng Organlzatlons Publishers, Availability) (In Training & methods ser.,no.24) 9. ABSTRACT 10. CONTROL NUMBER I1. PRICE OF DOCUMENT PN-RAA- 890 12. DESCRIPTORS 13. PROJECT NUMBER Caribbean 14. CONTRACT NUMBER CSD-2263 211(d) 15. TYPE OF DOCUMENT AID 590-1 (4-74) Number 24 Training & Methods Series June 1974 U.S. ISSN 0084-0823 LAND TENURE CENTER Vtt Agriculture in the Economy of the Caribbean: A Bibliography University of Wisconsin-Madison 53706 Number 24 Training& ethods Series June 1974 AGRICULTURE IN THE ECONOlfY OF THE CARIBBLAN: A BIBLIOGRAPHY A bibliography of materials dealing with the Caribbean Area in the LAND TENURL CLNTER LIBRARY 434 Steenbock remorial Library University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin 53706 Compiled by tue staff of the Land Tenure Center Library Teresa Anderson, Librarian June 1974 U1ALE OF CO1TENTS GEAgricul ture .. .. 1 Economy .. .... .... 5 2 Common Markets &Regidnal Integration . .... 7 Trade, Domestic & Foreign . .. ..... Politics & Government 8 Society ... ....... 8 . 10 WEST INDIES, BRITISH ...... 12 WEST INDIES, DUTCH . ... .......... 14 WEST INDIES, FRENCH . .......... .15 A.NTGUNGUILLA A .... ........... ... ......... 16 16 ANTIGUA o. ARUBA 0 .16 o oo. o.1 BAHAmxAS . .0.. .1 BARBADOS . 1.i General .................... .18 Agriculture . Economy . lLd . o. 20 BARBUDA . .* . ..20 BER,1UDA . .. 21 BONAIRE see WEST INDIES, DUTCH CAYMAN ISLANDS . 21 CURA . .O . .... ........................ DOHINICA . 21 . 22 EconomyAgriculture . * . * . o . o. .. ............ 2 22 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC ..... .......... General ........ 23 . 0. 23 Agriculture . Colonization&Settlement . 24 . .28 Land tenure and reform Economy . .. .. 29 . 32 Politics & Government . ... 35 Foreign Aid and Affairs . ................. Society 3 8 . 39 Human resources . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 40 GRENADA . *.. 41 THE GRENADINES see WEST INDIES, BRITISH; and INDWARD ISLANDS GUADELOUPE . * . 41 HAITI c r. .. .42 Agriculture .. .. .. ... ... 43 Economy . 0 . ............ ..... 45 Politics & Government . o . ................... 46 Society . .... e . .. 47 JAMAICA . 9 . ... .48 AgricultureGeneral . .e. .. *. o... .. .*. .. .. 49 458 Economay . .0 . 52 Labor 0.. .. .. ..0 54 Politics & Government &.... .. .. ....... 55 Society . .0 .0... .0.. ..... ... 56 LEEWARD ISLANDS . .57 1,1RIL-GALAN4TE ........ ...... o... 58 MARTIN4IQUE .. .. ... .. 56 MONTSERRAT . 59 NEVIS see ST. KITTS V S PUERTO RICO . General . .59 ...... 0.5 Agriculture . .. ............ 60 Land reform, tenure & use . .62 Economy .. ... .. .. 64 Labor .. .. 6 Politics & Government .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 69 Society REDONDA .... ........ 71 7 SABA see LEEW4ARD ISLANDS and WEST INDIES, DUTCH * *4 ST. BARTHOLOMEW see LEEWARD ISLANDS; and WEST INDIES, FRENCH, ST. CHRISTOPHER see ST. KITTS-NEVIS ST. EUSTATIUS see LEEWARD ISLANDS; and WEST INDIES, DUTCH ST. KITTS-NEVIS . ... 74 ST. MARTIN see LEEWARD ISLANDS; and WEST INDIES, DUTCH ST. VI CENT .... .. .75 ST I NCENTA . TOAG . .76 TRINIDAD& Tur . 76 General ..ver . n . 76 Agriculture . 76 Economy . .. .0. *.... .• . 78 Politics & Government .. 81 Society . .:9 0I*. .6 TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 82 VIRGIN ISLANDS . .................. .. 82 WINDWARD ISLANDS . 83 GENERAL BeltrasEnrique. "Report on'the*Caribbean Region." (In Unesco. PROBLEMS OF IIUMID TROPICAL REGIONS. Paris, 1958. p.. 25-42) (C 515 U52) Butland, Gilbert J. "The West Indies." (In his LATIN AMERICA, A REGIONAL GEOGRAPHY. 1960. p. 96-133) (F 1409.2 B8) Caribbean Scholars' Conference, 2nd, Mona, Jamaica, 1964. THE CARIBBEAN IN TRANSITION: PAPERS ON SOCIAL, POLITICAL, AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico, Institute of Caribbean Studies, University of Puerto Rico, 1965. xi'j, 353 p. (HC 151 C3 1964) _ 3rd, Georgetown, Guyana, 1966. CARIBBEAN INTEGRATION: PAPERS ON SOCIAL, POLITICAL, AND ECONOMIC INTEGRATION. Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico, Institute of Caribbean Studies, University of Puerto Rico, 1967. 258 p. (TIC 151 C3 1966) Di Giovanni, Norman Thomas. "Caribbean Isles: sullenness under the sun." (From NATION, 196:14, 1963. p. 287-289) (Files VI 1 D43) Dimitrev, P.N. ,and Begunov, P.L. AARICA LATINA HOY. (Traducci~n directa de ruso por A. Quimbaya) Bogota, Ediciones Suramnrica, 1963. 153 p. (F 1410 D45) Fagg, John Edwin. CUBA, HAITI, AND THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. Enplewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall, 1965. 181 p. (F 1740 F3) . "The Caribbean Island Nations." (In his LATIN AMERICA, A GENERAL HISTORY. 1963. p. 743-780) (F 1410 F25) Hills, Theo L. "Random thoughts on the significance of smallness in the Caribbean." Draft. n.p., n.d. Paper for Conference of Latin Avericanist Geographers,University of Calgary, 1973. 5 1. (Files WI 1 1145) James, Preston E. "The Antilles and the Guianas? Introduction." (In his LATIN AMERICA. 4 ed. 1969. p. 223-238) (F 1408 J28 1969) Mathews, Thomas G. "The Caribbean Kaleidoscope." (In CH, 48:281, 1965. p. 32-39) Mitchell, Sir Harold Paton. CONTEMPORARY POLITICS AND ECONOMICS IN THE CARIBBEAN. Athens, Ohio University Press, 1968 (c1967) xix, 520 p. (TIC 157 C28 N57) "Islands of the Caribbean." (In CH, 58:342, 1970. p. 107-110, 117) Pearcy, George Etzel. THE T.WEST INDIAN SCENE. Princeton, N.J., Van Nostrand, 1965. 136 p. (F 1608 P4) -2- Perkins, Dexter. THE UNITED STATES AND THE CARIBBEAN. Rev. ed. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1966. 197 p. (F 2171 P4 1966) Ragatz, Lowell. "Supplement to 'Writinps on the Caribbean dependencies, 1 8'." 1928­ 95 Pre-print ed.' n.p.: n.d. 113 1. (Files WI 1 R13) Sherlock, Philip. WEST INDIES. New York, Walker (c1966) 215 p. West, (F 1621 S5 1966) Robert Cooper; and Augelli, John P. MIDDLE A]MERICA, ITS LANDS AND ITS PEOPLES. Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice-Hall, 1966. 482 p. (F 1408 1144) Wilgus, Alva Curtis. ed. THE CARIBBEAN: BRITISH, FRENCH, UNITED STATES. A publication of the School of Interamerican Studies, series 1, v. 8. Gainesville, University of Florida Press, 1958. xix, 331 p. (F 1601 U45 1957) "The Caribbean today and tomorrow." A selection (In CONTEMPORARY LATIN AMERICA. of papers presented at the 2d. Annual America, Conference on Latin April 27-29, 1967. 1968. p. 17-20) (F 1408 C65 197) and d'Eca, Raul. "The Caribbean insular states." 1ATIN A14ERICAN (In their HISTORY. 5th ed. 1963. p. 353-377) (F 1410 157 1963) AGRICULTURE "Agricultural planninp course, Port of Spain, Trinidad, 17 Nov.- 12 Dec. 1969." Planning studies no. 13, Rome, 1970. 79 p. (Files 5.8 A37) "The agriculture of the Caribbean and its future needs." (From THE 76:7/8, 1971. p. 241-289) FARMER, (Files WI 7 A37) Beckford, George L.F. "The economics of agricultural resource use and development in plantation economies." (In SES, 18:4, 1969. p. 321-347) .• THE WEST INDIAN BANANA INDUSTRY. Studies in regional integration, 2:3. (Mona) economic Jamaica, Intitute of Social and University Economic Research, of the West Indies, 1967. 33 p. (Files WI 46 G21) ; and Guscott, M.H. INTRA-CARIBBEAN AGRICULTURAL TRADE. Studies regional economic integration in 2:2. (Mona) Jamaica, Institute Social and Economic Research, of University of the West Indies, 30 p. 1967. (Files IUI 94.7 B21) Blume, Helmut. "Types of agricultural regions and land tenure Indies." in the West (In RG, no. 67, 1967. p. 1-20) Buckmire, George E. "Land use and agricultural development." Kingston, Jamaican Agricultural Society. 1972. 27 p. (From THE FARMER, 1972. p. 69-95) 77:3, (Files WI 57.5 B8) -3- Corten, Andrg. "Sous-emploi et unit s budgetaires familiales dans 1'conomie sucriire des Antilles." (In CARS, 12:1, 1972 p. 15-31) Edel, Matthew. "The Brazilian.sugar cycle of the'seventeenth century and the rise of West Indian competition.." (In CARS, 9:1, 1969. p. 24-44) Edwards, David. "The Economics of food crop production." n.p., Dept. of Agricultural Economics and Farm Management, Faculty of Agriculture, U.W.I. (Trinidad) 1965. 12 p. (Files VI 37.5 E29) Enochian, Robert V. PROSPECTS FOR AGRICULTURE IN THE CARIBBEAN. Foreign agricultural economic reports, no. 58. Washington, U.S.D.A. Economic Research Servido-for sale by the Supeiintendent of1DoUiments,"U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1970. 'Viii, 31 p. (files LA 4 E56) Harris, Marshall. "Summary and analysis of the symposium." Washington, 1946. 20 p. Mimeograph. Reprinted from Caribean toMIlission, CAR'IBBEAN LAND"TENURE SYMPOSIU11-M, Washlngton, 1546. (Files LA 58 1117) Hooks, Thomas B. "Problems in stimulating increased use of fertiliser in the Caribbean." (In West Indies Agricultural Economics Conference, ist. St. Augustine, Trinidad, 1966. PROCEEDINGS. p. 194-206) (liD 1405 W27 1966) International Seminar on the Development of Agricultural Marketing and Cooperatives in Latin America and the Caribbean, 1st, Kingston, 1959. REPORT. Sponsored by the Govt. of Jamaica and the International Cooperation Administration of the United States of America, in cooperation with the University College of the West Indies. (Washington) International Cooperation Administration, n.d. 357 p. (11D 9014 A15 158) Mahadevan, P. "The future for dairyinp in the West Indies." n.p., n.d.
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