APPENDIX C Cultural Resources Assessment Report Page intentionally left blank CULTURAL RESOURCES ASSESSMENT REPORT Lawrence Station Area Plan City of Santa Clara, Santa Clara County, California PREPARED FOR: Circlepoint 1814 Franklin Street, Suite 1000 Oakland, CA 94612 PREPARED BY: WSA, Inc. PO Box 2192 Orinda, CA 94563 July 2016 CULTURAL RESOURCES ASSESSMENT REPORT Lawrence Station Area Plan City of Santa Clara, Santa Clara County, California PREPARED BY: Christina Alonso, M.A., Aimee Arrigoni, M.A., Nazih Fino, M.A., and Thomas Young, B.A. SUBMITTED BY: James M. Allan, Ph.D., RPA, WSA Principal Archaeologist WSA Project No. 2015-56 WSA Report No. 2016-01 July 2016 CRAR WSA Lawrence Station Area Plan July 2016 Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 1 2.0 State Regulations (CEQA) .................................................................................... 6 3.0 Project Setting ....................................................................................................... 7 3.1 Environmental Setting ...................................................................................... 7 3.2 Cultural Setting ................................................................................................. 9 4.0 Results of the Records and Literature Search ...................................................... 34 5.0 Native American Consultation ............................................................................ 39 6.0 Evaluation Under CEQA ..................................................................................... 40 7.0 Results of the Archaeological Survey & Architectural Assessment ................... 41 7.1 Results of Archaeological Survey .................................................................. 41 7.2 Description of Built Resources ....................................................................... 41 7.3 Architectural Assessment ............................................................................... 52 8.0 Impacts and Mitigation ................................................................................... 53 9.0 References ........................................................................................................... 59 List of Figures Figure 1. LSAP Vicinity Map.………………...…..…………….…………..………….....2 Figure 2. LSAP Location Map …………….......…………….…………..………….....3 Figure 3. Study Area Map….........…………………...………….…………..………….....4 Figure 4. Applicant Boundaries Map...................................................................................5 Figure 5. 1876 Historical Atlas Map of Santa Clara County..................................……...25 Figure 6. 1899 San Jose USGS Quadrangle 15’ Topo Map..............................................26 Figure 7. 1943 San Jose USGS Quadrangle 15’ Topo Map ......…............................…...28 Figure 8. 1948 Aerial Photograph of the Study Area........................................................29 Figure 9. 1953 San Jose SGS Quadrangle 15' Topo Map.................................................30 Figure 10. 1956 Aerial Photograph of the Study Area......................................................31 Figure 11. 1961 San Jose USGS Quadrangle 15’ Topo Map ......….................................32 Figure 12. 1968 Aerial Photograph of the Study Area......................................................33 Figure 13. Architectural and Archaeological Survey Results.........................…………...42 List of Tables Table 1: Cultural Resources Studies that include Study Area ........................................................ 34 Table 2: Cultural Resources Studies within 1/4 mile of the Study Area ........................................ 36 Table 3: Additional overview reports within Study Area and surrounding 1/4 mile ..................... 36 Table 4: Previously recorded archaeological sites within the Project Area ................................... 39 Table 5: Known historic sites within 1/4 mile of the Project Area ................................................ 39 Table 6: Building H-1 ..................................................................................................................... 43 Table 7: Building H-1 Permits ....................................................................................................... 43 Table 8: Building I-1 ...................................................................................................................... 44 Table 9: Building I-1 Permits ......................................................................................................... 45 Table 10: Building J-1 .................................................................................................................... 46 CRAR WSA Lawrence Station Area Plan July 2016 Table 11: Building J-1 Permits ....................................................................................................... 46 Table 12: Building L-1 ................................................................................................................... 47 Table 13: Building L-1 Permits ...................................................................................................... 47 Table 14: Buildings M-1 through M-7 ........................................................................................... 47 Table 15: Building M-1 Permits ..................................................................................................... 49 Table 16: Building M-2 and M-3 Permits ...................................................................................... 49 Table 17: Building M-6 Permits ..................................................................................................... 50 Table 18: Building Z-1 ................................................................................................................... 51 Table 19: Building Z-1 Permits ...................................................................................................... 52 Appendices Appendix A NAHC Consultation & Native American Contacts Appendix B Photographs CRAR WSA Lawrence Station Area Plan July 2016 1.0 Introduction WSA has been contracted by Circlepoint to perform a historical resources assessment of the proposed Lawrence Station Area Plan (LSAP) in the City of Santa Clara, Santa Clara County, California. The LSAP consists of the residential and commercial development of 65 acres north of the Lawrence Caltrain Station, between Central Expressway to the north, Kifer Road to the south, Calabazas Creek to the east, and Lawrence Expressway to the west. It falls within Township 6 South, Range 1 West, Section 29, as depicted on the 1961 Milpitas U.S. Geological Survey 7.5 minute topographic quadrangle (Figures 1-3). Proposed development of the study area includes 3,500 residential dwelling units, 104,000 square feet of retail space, and 6.3 acres of public open space including paseos, walkways, and plazas. The 65-acre LSAP study area is located within the 92-acre Focus Area identified in the 2010-2035 Santa Clara General Plan. The LSAP requires an amendment to the General Plan in order to rezone from Light Industrial to Lawrence Station Area Plan zoning. In addition to Santa Clara planning efforts, three project applicants have submitted development plans for residential and commercial land uses within portions of the study area for the City’s consideration. The three applicants are 1) Westlake Urban, LLC, 2) Summerhill Housing Group, and 3) True Life Companies. Figure 4 depicts the boundaries of these specific project sites within the study area. In an effort to identify all potentially significant cultural resources that could be impacted by the build-out of the study area, WSA requested the Northwest Information Center (NWIC) at Sonoma State University to conduct a records search of the project area. The results of the records search indicate that one previously recorded archaeological site is located within the study area (P-43-000019/CA-SCL-134). CA-SCL-134 is a prehistoric habitation site with numerous features, including human burials, and is located on both sides of Corvin Drive within the eastern portion of the study area. Circlepoint and WSA contacted the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) by email to request information on known Native American sacred lands within the study area and to request a listing of individuals or groups with a cultural affiliation to the study area. The complete results of the records search as well as Native American consultation are included in this Cultural Resources Assessment Report (CRAR). CRAR 1 WSA Lawrence Station Area Plan July 2016 LSAP Vicinity ¯ 0 5 10 National Geographic, Esri, DeLorme, HERE, UNEP-WCMC, Miles USGS, NASA, ESA, METI, NRCAN, GEBCO, NOAA, increment P Corp. Figure 1 LSAP Vicinity Map CirclePoint Lawrence Station Area Plan Santa Clara County, CA LSAP Location ¯ 0 2.5 5 National Geographic, Esri, DeLorme, HERE, UNEP-WCMC, Miles USGS, NASA, ESA, METI, NRCAN, GEBCO, NOAA, increment P Corp. Figure 2 LSAP Location Map CirclePoint Lawrence Station Area Plan Santa Clara County, CA ¯ 0 0.25 0.5 Miles Study Area Study M ilpitas, CA USGS 7.5’ Quadrangle, 1961 revised 1980 revised 1961 Quadrangle, CAUSGS 7.5’ Milpitas, Copyright:© 2013 National Geographic Society, i-cubed Figure 3 Figure Study AreaMap Study CirclePoint Lawrence Station AreaPlan LawrenceStation Santa Clara County, CA County, Clara Santa
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