June 21, 2007 Vol. 43 No. 19 The University of Western Ontario’s newspaper of record www.westernnews.ca PM 41195534 Western ramps up retirement help B Y SCOTT MAY cally to members who are within ten years of retirement. All plan oes your retirement plan members are invited to partici- lean towards a “leave it pate in the workshop one time Dand let it grow” style? while employed at Western. Or perhaps you are a “constant The second new tool in the gardener” who loves to prune retirement planning toolkit offers your investment mix by rebal- access to an interactive website, ancing your account on a regular The Financial Educator, providing basis. a wide variety of on-line financial Preferences for managing calculators, financial education investments are as unique and var- and life management modules. ied as each of the more than 6,300 The website allows employees members of Western’s retirement to work through topics of interest plans. No matter what your style at their own pace. The financial the Western Retirement Plans and calculators assist in everything Joint Pension Board are offer- from a mortgage to education sav- ing three new services to help in ings and income needs in retire- financial planning and decision ment. The modules are easy to making. understand and cover the most Starting in July, Western Retire- important financial topics and the ment Plan members can register most popular investment prod- for new full-day financial and ucts. retirement planning workshops, Access to the new planning web- access online financial planning site will be available by logging tools and have online assistance in using a username and pass- for evaluating and establishing word available from the Human the asset mix of their plans. Resources Services website. “We really want to help our The third new feature is an retirement plan members under- innovative online asset allocation stand their investment options tool. By completing an electronic and make strong decisions based questionnaire, members will be on their own needs. These three provided with a personalized new services represent an invest- investor profile designed to assist ment in our member’s education them in making allocation deci- needs around their finances,” says sions on their plan. Martin Belanger, Associate Direc- So if you’ve always wondered tor of Retirement Plans. whether a diversified bond fund “Our task over the next few or a diversified equity fund might months is to educate pension plan be a better direction than a money members about these new ser- market fund, this new tool can vices and encourage all members help shed light on the situation. to give them a try.” The asset allocation recommen- The new full-day financial and dations you receive will include retirement planning workshops identification of specific invest- will be facilitated by the Finan- ment funds available under the cial Education Institute of Canada respective programs. and are geared towards providing These newly offered services members and spouses/partners an are available in addition to the Paul Mayne, Western News opportunity to engage in a focused other existing pension services Piano Prowess planning session. including one-on-one pension and Close to 500 competitors from across the province were looking to hit the right note at the Ontario Music Sessions will include informa- retirement counseling, Lunch and Festival Association’s provincial competition, held recently at Western. Students from 35 Ontario festivals, tion on the retirement plans, tax Learn education sessions and Pen- including Western’s own Rudin Lengo at work here, competed for a chance to move on to the national and estate planning, retirement sion News. level in Moncton, NB in August. income options, lifestyle consid- Visit www.uwo.ca/humanre- erations and are targeted specifi- sources or call 519-661-2194. The serious business of humour research B Y BO B KLANAC for more than 20 years. He has “I’ve revived the use of the considered to be a good thing, ing humour was executed well even come up with a definition word ‘mirth’ to reflect what it Martin says “people can be really but ultimately led to his death by ost people would agree -- “a specific positive emotion that means,” he says. funny but not all that psychologi- substance abuse at the age of 33. that a sense of humour is elicited by the perception of Martin shared his research cally healthy.” Along with self-defeating Mcan help in coping with playful incongruity.” with peers at a recent colloquium “There has been research done humour, Martin says other clas- personal crises. What few can “It usually occurs in the con- called Resilience: Protective fac- on people who are in the business sifications are affiliative humour, explain is how it works, what is text of interpersonal communica- tors in mental health: a multi-level of comedy that indicates that they self enhancing humour, and funny and when humour can be tion and is typically expressed by approach across the lifespan. The tend to die at a younger age.” aggressive humour. good – or even bad – for you. laughter,” he says. colloquium was organized by the Martin underlines the point “Affiliative humour is bonding Rod Martin of Western’s But, Martin notes, the emotion Consortium for Applied Research by noting the story of Saturday humour,” he says. “The kind of Psychology Department has associated with humour is hard and Evaluation in Mental Health. Night Live cast member Chris researched the issue of humour to define. Although humour is generally Farley, whose use of self-defeat- Continued on page 8 INSIDE: Academe 15 | Classifieds 14 | Coming Events 15 | Registrar’s Bulletin 13 | Public Space 5 2 JUNE 21, 2007 WESTERN NEWS We’re moving CAMPUS DIGEST ART EXHIBIT ith this final issue of West- Alumni Relations and Develop- ern News for 2006-07, we ment and Advancement Services. Under the heading of “What look forward to a summer The relocated University Lab professors do when classes W are over”, consider a short of … packing. Preschool will be just downstairs With good luck and diligent and the Department of Psychol- drive to New Hamburg to take project management, Western ogy is taking an entire wing. You’ll in paintings and photographs News and our Communications be hearing more in coming years by Stephen and Douglass and Public Affairs colleagues in about the broader Westminster St. Christian, professor of Media Relations, Alumni Gazette, lands as they begin to play an anthropology. The exhibit Creative Services, Community increasingly active part in campus begins June 23 at Meme’s Relations, Campus Communica- planning. Café, 102 Peel St. and runs to tions and Development Commu- To our friends, we encourage Aug. 21. The work is based nications will move soon to the you to incorporate a brisk walk to on a visit to Havana in 2006 renovated Westminster College on Westminster into your exercise “where we became caught up Windermere Road. regime. Drop by and learn more in the complexity of the old There’s hope our new third-floor about this part of campus. city.” The academic work of digs will be ready for Sept. 1. The In the meantime, we will con- Douglass St.Christian includes exact date has not been finalized. tinue to publish news on the DNS. exploration of photography as a We will keep you informed on Contact me at [email protected] narrative tool for understanding the Daily News Service (DNS) on To publicize campus events on the lives of others. Please Western’s homepage – www.uwo. the web calendar, write to Denise check www.anthropology. ca Jones at [email protected]. uwo.ca/stchristian and www. We’ve enjoyed our home in Ste- And a reminder, the deadline to memescafe.co. venson-Lawson for more than 30 advertise in the Welcome to West- years, yet we’re also anxious to ern issue is August 8, 4 p.m.. For CONVOCATION begin carving out a new niche on advertising information contact SPEECHES the banks of Medway Creek. [email protected]. The editor of We’ll certainly be in good com- this popular special issue is Paul Spring Convocation is over pany. Most of the External port- Mayne – [email protected]. but many of the addresses folio is also Westminster-bound, Have a great summer! have real staying power. The By Bob Klanac, Western News including Foundation Western, – David Dauphinee, editor Department of Communica- Sitting amidst packing boxes in the Dr. Mary J. Wright University Labora- tions and Public Affairs pro- tory Preschool, the facility’s founder and namesake made one last visit last vides online access to recent week on the preschool’s final day of operation in the Social Science Centre. Grad Studies review pending addresses for downloading The 92-year-old Wright, onetime chair of Psychology at Western, regaled or listening. To explore pre- director Mary Lou Vernon and guests with stories of the preschool’s early The Faculty of Graduate Studies process. The report will provide sentations on file, including years. The laboratory preschool celebrates its 35th year of operation this has been under review in recent the basis for further discussion for last week, please visit: fall after moving into the renovated Westminster College. months and a report outlining rec- throughout the summer. A final http://atwestern.typepad.com/ ommendations for its future will report will be presented to Senate convocation_addresses. be released next week. in the fall. ing Studies, Fanshawe College HAPPY BIRTHDAY Provost and Vice-President Most of the university’s enrol- BOREAL NEW and private school CDI in Gal- (Academic) Fred Longstaffe will ment growth in coming years is leria.
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