BURIALS AT BALLINCOLLIG MILITARY GRAVEYARD extracted from British Military Graveyard, 1810-1922, Ballincollig, Co. Cork, Ireland. Donaldson, Anne. Ballincollig Enterprise Board. 2003. Baker, Richard Golding, 14/01/1863, 4m, Adams, Mary,10/07/1825 parents, Gunner parents, Sergeant John & Mary Baker. & Catherine Adams. Baker, Thomas William, 23/10/1899, 5m, Adamson, Thomas, 19/04/1892, 29y 2m, B. Debility from birth, Father, Staff Sergeant found dead in bed at barracks, Result of Farrier Thomas Baker, 17th (Duke of weak and diseased heart and chronic Cambridge’s Own)) Lancers catarrh and acute congestion of lungs, ‘in all about 24 hours’. Private 13th Hussars. Barford, Harriet, 04/05/1872, 29y, MF. Paralysis 9 days, husband, Driver Barford. Anderson, George, 16/05/1888, Male, 37y, Barker, Margaret, 16/11/1839, Father, Tubercle of lung, unknown time, Private 4th Gunner G. Barker. Hussars. Barkham, Lillian Jessie, 09/08/1914, 2y Archer, Private David, 03/04/1848, 19y. B. 6m, Tubercular meningitis, 2 weeks, parents, Edward & Margaret Archer, 8th Father, Quartermaster Sergeant Royal Kings Royal Irish Hussars, (David). Field Artillery. Armitage, William, 03/05/ 1835, Male. Barnes, Mathew, 12/12/1860, 27y, Male, Corporal 4th Dragon Guards. Driver, No. 2 Battery 9 Brigade, Royal Artillery Armstrong, Sarah, 31/03/1829, MF, husband Sergeant Major Armstrong, Bastard, Edward, parents Surgeon James Police. G & Louis Elkington, 17th ((Duke of Cambridge’s Own)) Lancers. (could also Arnold, Catherine, 25/05/1845, F, Sgt read Bastardson). Arnold, 3rd Dragoon Guards. Atkins, Thomas, 22/12 /1870, 24y, B. Bednall, Joseph, 05/02/1833, 28y, Male, Injuries caused by a fall from a car Sergeant 12th Royal Lancers. proceeding from Cork to Ballincollig', accidental, Private 1st Royal Dragoons, Bevan, James, 28/01/1836, Male, Private 3rd Light Dragoons Attenborough, John, 05/09/1880, 42y, Male. Burial service by Canon Maguire Bexon, John, 15/03/1820, Male, Gunner, P.P., Army Chaplain Ballincollig. 8th Battalion Aungier, Robert, 13/10/1863, 2y 7m., Bishop, William George, 24/11/1862, 2y Father, Sgt Major Aungier, 5m, Father, Lt. Bishop, Lieutenant Riding- master, 8th Brigade Bailey, Mary Ann, 13/03/1866, 10w, Convulsions 1 day, Father, Corporal Bailey. Bishop, Fred Thomas, 29/11/1862, 1yr 2m, Father, Lt. Bishop, Lieutenant Riding Bain, William, 20/11/1831, Male. Farrier. master, 8th Brigade Blackwell, Benjamin, 16/07/1890, 21y, B. Brown, William, 28/11/1828, Father, enteric fever nine days, Private 3rd Richard Brown, Private Royal Dragoons. Hussars. Brown, Abraham, 18/02/1871, 60y, Male, Blake–Forster, William Edward,12/06/1915, Superior Barrack Sergeant of Ballincollig. Male, fall from a horse at exercise, accidentally killed in the execution of his Brunt, Private, 28/08/1836, Male, Private, duty at Ballincollig, 2nd Lieutenant, 29th 3rd Dragoon Guards. Reserve Battery , Royal Field Artillery Buckley, John, 16/03/1832, Father, William Bompton, Edward Herbert, 06/08/1878, 3y Buckley, Steward Ordnance Hospital . 2m, Buckley, William, 27/01/1833, 64y, Male, Bonniseau, Jean, 17/10/1882, 52y, Male Steward Ordnance Hospital. Apoplexy, 1 week, Band Master, Royal Scots Greys, 2nd Dragoons. Burnett, Thomas , 29/01/1882, 26y, B. Phthises Pallor for 8 days, Father, Private, Bouchier, Bombardier, 07/03/1822, Male, Royal Scots Greys. 2nd Dragoons. 2nd Battalion. Burry, Mary Joyce, 08/10/1911, 11w, 2m Boulton, James, 19/05/1876, 25y, Male, 20d, exhaustion, Father, John Barry, Sergeant Royal Field Artillery. Bowan, Barnabas, 22/07/1832, Male, Accidentally drowned while bathing in the Butler, Walter, 30/09/1903, 36y, Male, River Lee, 9th Batt, Major Scott's Malignant Recurrent fever, 6 days certified, Company. died suddenly. Lieutenant & Quartermaster, Manchester Regiment, (late Bowling, no 1st name, 30/12/1827, of Lancashire). Sergeant, City 0f Cork Militia Staff. Buxton, George, 15/11/1832, 13m, Father, Boyde, Hugh, 14/11/1827, Child, Father, Richard Buxton, 12th Royal Lancers Gunner & Driver Boyde, 8th Battalion. Buxton, Richard, 09/01/1833, Male, 12th Royal Lancers. Brady, Thomas, 18/05/1821, Male, Gunner, 2nd Battalion. Byartt, Annie, 08/01/1895, 41y, MF. Valve disease of heart, 3 months 8days, Angina Brampton, James, 03/04/1874, 1m 3d, Pectoris years, husband, Lieut. William Byartt, Regimental Quartermaster Bridge, Martha, 11/09/1817, MF. Husband, Sergeant, 10th Royal Hussars. Samuel Bridge, Gunner, 8th Battalion. Byrne, Thomas, 18/06/1873, 43y, Male, Apoplexy, 4 days, Farrier Sergeant, burial Bridgeman, Amelia, 19/07/1863, 5d, by Canon Maguire, P.P. Father, Gunner Bridgeman, born 06/08/1862 Calvert, Infant, 10/03/1844, Father, Sergeant Major Calvert, Queen's Boys. Brittain, Alfred Henry, 13/02/1882, 3m 18d, Convulsions, 3 days, Father, Trumpeter Alfred Brittain, Royal Scots Guards, born 28/10/1887 Cannon, William Frederick, 15/08/1914, 1yr Coles, Emma, 08/02/1874, 1y, Bronchitis, 2 6m, Tubercular meningitis, 3 weeks, months, Father, Gunner Coles. Parents, Sergeant & Nellie Cannon, Royal Field Artillery. Collins, John, 19/07/1832, Male, unfortunately drowned while bathing in the Carline, Henry, 20/08/1851, 49y, Male, River Lee, 8th Battalion, Major Mylers Assistant-surgeon, Carabineers for13 Company years. Collins, William, 24/06/1891, 26y, Male, Carlyle, Thomas, 25/12/1849, 40y, Male, Private 3rd Hussars. Troop Farrier, 12th Royal Lancers. Connor, Ernest, 01/02/1881, 3y 4m, Acute Carvosso, George Ernest, 20/06/1885, Bronchitis, 7 days, Father, Henry A 10m, Diarrhoea, 2 days, Father, Sergeant Connor, Fencing Lieutenant or Sergeant? Major, 11th Hussars. 3rd Dragoon Guards. Caustin, George, 07/06/1865, 31y, Male, Cook, Charlie, 29/02/1916, 19y, B. died after a short but very severe illness of Pneumonia, 7 days, Died in Military 3 days, Driver, E or F? Battery 8 Brigade, Hospital Ballincollig, parents, Richard & Royal Artillery. Harriet Cook, Gunner, 30th Battery, Royal Field Artillery. Cheeseman, William, 06/12/1899, 20y 5m, B. Pneumonia, 2 weeks, Private, 17th Cook, Joseph, 03/06/1827, Father, ((Duke of Cambridge’s Own)) Lancers. Sergeant Cook, 7th Battalion. Childs, Samuel, 22/06/1908, 30y, B. Cook, John, 11/06/1827, Father, Sergeant Atrophy of heart, 7days 20 hours, Died in Cook, 7th Battalion. Military Hospital, Private, No. 4717, Commonwealth War Graves. Cooker, James, 19/10/1826, Male, 2nd Batt, Captain Mallinger's Company. Clarke, Agnes, 03/10/1901, 8y, parents, Charles & Agnes Clarke, Lieutenant, 17th Cooper, Mary Ann, 09/05/1862, 12m, Lancers, (Duke of Cambridge’s Own), says parents, John & Margaret Cooper, Gunner. "dearly loved children" - only one name given on gravestone. Charles appointed Cooper, Samuel, 20/01/1888, 22y, B. Quartermaster to the regiment 21/12/1892. Pericarditis, 3 days, Corporal, 4th Hussars. Clegg, Mary Ann, 30/03/1874, 11w, Cordell, Herbert Stanley, 26/11/1901, 1yr Convulsions 4 days, Sergeant, 1st Dragoon 8m, Tubercular meningitis, 3 weeks, Guards. parents, Herbert & Helena Cordell, Sergeant Major, 12th Lancers. Clifton, Frederick, 22/03/1881, 23yr, Male. Craig, no 1st name, 04/01/1817, parents, Cline, William, 17/01/1840, Father, W. Joseph & Jane Craig, Gunner. Cline, Bombardier, Captain Stephens Company Crawford, James, 23/09/ 1835, Male, Private, 3rd Light Dragoons. Cogan, Sergeant, 17/03/1825, Male. Currin, John, 04/01/1817, parents, John & Mary Currin, Gunner, 9th Battalion. Davidge, William Henry, 05/02/1889, 1y Elkington, Edward, 23/10/1831, Father, 5m, Debility, 5 months, Father, Edward Driver Elkington, 17th (Duke of Davidge, Shoe Smith, 4th Hussars. Cambridge’s Own) Lancers Dennis, Richard, 08/04/1871, 33y, B. Valve Elsworth, Charles, 23/05/1865, 31y, Male, disease of the heart an uncertain time, parents, Charles & Elizabeth Elsworth, Bombardier. Gunner, E or F? Battery, 8 Brigade, Royal Artillery, parents address; Dorsetshire, Dignam, Wm., 16/01/1844, 3y 6m, Father, England. Jas. Dignam, Gunner, Royal Artillery. English, Herbert Victor, 17/06/1879, 3m, Dixon, D.C.M., John Charles, 02/08/1917, diarrhoea, 18days, Father, Canteen 54y, Male, Revolver wound in the head, Sergeant, 19th Hussars. self inflicted at Ballincollig barracks, Battery Quartermaster, Master Sergeant, 28th Evans, Henry, 06/12/1823, Male, 'of the Reserve, Royal Field Artillery, No. 508; City of Cork staff'. 39424. Ewan, Louisa Anne, 31/08/1863, Father, Dogherty, Elizabeth, 22/02/1822, MF. Driver E. Ewan, D Battery. Husband, John Dogherty, Gunner, 2nd Battalion. Fagan, James, 07/05/1907, 36y, B. Acute Bronchitis, 13 days, Enniskilling Dragoons, Done, Enoch, 26/08/1915, Male, Driver, 6th Dragoons, Died at Ballincollig after 21 28th Battalion, Royal Field Artillery, No years service in the Regiment. 459: 99840 Featherstone, Edward, 06/07/1901, 19y, B. Dowds, Barny, 16/01/1817, Male, Gunner, Drowning, accidental, ‘a few minutes’, died 9th Battalion. in River Lee at Carrigrohane, Private,17th (Duke of Cambridge’s Own) Lancers. Downes, George, 05/06/1825, Male, Gunner & Driver, 2nd Battalion. Ferguson, Sarah, 06/01/1824, parents, John & Ellen Ferguson, Sergeant 2nd Dowse, Lloyd, 20/12/1847, 60y, Male, Battalion. Lieutenant Colonel, Royal Artillery, Finny, Mary, 22/12/1818, MF. Husband, Drummond, Peter, 21/12/1836, Male, John Finny, Gunner, 7th Battery. Collarmaker. Ford, Rose Annie Mary Kate, 30/01/1876, Dunne, William, 16/12/1827, Father, John 10m, Jakes Inc.? 14 days, Father, soldier. Dunne, City 0f Cork Militia Staff, middle name added in another hand as? Alkaned. Forster, no 1st name, 12/06/1916, parents, Thomas & Anne Forster, Farrier Sergeant f. Dutton, John, 22/09/1833, Male, Private, Battery, 8th Brigade, Royal Artillery. 7th Dragoon Guards. Eaves, William, 12/03/1822, parents, Fox, Infant John, 18/04/1880, 8 hours, Thomas & Norah Eaves, pensioner. inward convulsions, Father, Walter Fox, soldier. Edwards, Thomas, 18/05/1824, Male, Gunner & Driver, 2nd Battalion. Fraser, Alexander McDonald, 09/05/1879, Glavister Sarah E. 10/03 1870, 1yr 6m, 16y 8m, Pneumonia, 26days, Trumpeter, Private Glavister, Father, Private, Royal B. Battalion, B Brigade, Royal Horse Dragoons Artillery. Goldie, Hannah 25/05/1834, 3y 6m, Geo. & Fraser, Alex, 28/01/1829, Male, Private, Hannah Goldie, parents, Sergeant, Royal Dragoons.
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