Eos, Vol. 68, No. 2, January 13, 1987 Rep. 4, Bur. Gravimetrique Int., Toulouse, data, terrestrial gravity and other data, Rep. Bernard Moynot re­ France, 1982. 322, Dep. of Geodetic Sci. and Surveying, ceived his degree in mathe­ Balmino, G., C. Brossier, A. Cazenave, and F. Ohio State Univ., Columbus, 1982. matics from the Ecole Nor­ Nouel, Geoid of the Kerguelen Islands area Rapp, R. H., The determination of geoid un­ male Superieure of Paris determined from GEOS 3 Altimeter data, dulations and gravity anomalies from Sea­ in 1963. In 1956, he be­ /. Geophys. Res., 84, 3827, 1979. sat altimeter data,/ Geophys. Res., 88, 1552, gan working with the Cen­ Cazenave, A., B. Lago, and K. Dominh, 1983a. tre National d'Etudes Spa­ Thermal parameters of the oceanic litho- Rapp, R. H., The development of the Janu­ tiales, performing research sphere estimated from geoid height data, J. ary 1983 1° x 1° mean free-air anomaly in satellite geodesy and nu­ Geophys. Res., 88, 1105, 1983. data tape, internal report, Dept. of Geodet­ merical analysis. He is now Haxby, W. F., G. D. Karner, J. F. Labrecque, ic Sci. and Surveying, Ohio State Univ., Co­ with the Bureau Gravime­ and J. K. Weissel, Digital images of com­ lumbus, 1983ft. trique International in Toulouse. bined oceanic and continental data sets and Reigber, C, H. Muller, W. Bosch, G. Bal­ Michel Sarrailh gradu­ their use in tectonic studies, Eos Trans. mino, and B. Moynot, GRIM gravity model ated from the Institut de AGU, 64, 995, 1983. improvement using LAGEOS (GRIM 3- Physique du Globe in Lazarewicz, A. R., and D. C. Schwank, Detec­ L1)J. Geophys. Res., 90, 9285, 1985. Strasbourg, France, and tion of uncharted seamounts using satellite Torge, W., G. Weber, and H. G. Wenzel, received an engineering de­ altimeter data, Geophys. Res. Lett., 9, 385, High-resolution gravimetric geoid heights gree in geophysics in 1971. 1982. and gravimetric vertical deflections of Eu­ After working for 2 years Lerch, F. J., B. H. Putney, C. A. Wagner, and rope including marine areas, Mar. Geophys. with the SAP A Geophysical S. M. Klosko, Goddard earth models for Res., 7, 447, 1984. Company, he taught geo­ oceanographic applications (GEM 10B and physics at the Institut Al- 10C), Mar. Geodesy, 5, 145, 1981. gerien du Petrole (Algeria) Levitus, S., Climatological Atlas of the World and then joined the Paris Institut de Physique du Ocean, NOAA Prof. Publ. 13, Geophys. Flu­ Globe in 1978. Since 1980, Sarrailh has been id Dyn. Lab., Princeton, N.J., 1982. Georges Balmino working with the Bureau Gravimetrique Interna­ Marsh, J. G., and T. V. Martin, The Seasat graduated from the Ecole tional in Toulouse. altimeter mean sea surface model, J. Normale Superieure of St. Geophys. Res., 87, 3269, 1982. Cloud and then received a Nicole Vales received Marsh, J. G., A. Brenner, B. D. Beckley, and master's degree in mathe­ degrees in physics and T. V. Martin, Global mean sea surface matics and a Ph.D. in chemistry from Toulouse computation using GEOS 3 altimeter data, physics (in 1973) from University in 1972. She J. Geophys. Res., 87, 955, 1982. Paris University. After sev­ then worked in computer Marsh, J. G., R. E. Cheney, J. J. McCarthy, eral years with the Meudon sciences at Informatique and T. V. Martin, Regional mean sea sur­ Astronomical Observatory, Internationale. Since faces based upon GEOS 3 and Seasat altim­ he joined the Centre Na­ 1981, she has been with eter data, Mar. Geodesy, 8, 385, 1984. tional d'Etudes Spatiales in Toulouse (1974), the Centre National d'E­ Rapp, R. H., Global anomaly and undulation where he led the French part of the team involved tudes Spatiales. Vales is in­ recovery using GEOS 3 altimeter data, OSU in the Franco-German GRIM geopotential models. volved with earth and Rep. 285, Dep. of Geodetic Sci. and Survey­ Balmino has been director of the Bureau Gravime­ planetary science computations at the Groupe de ing, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, 1979. trique International since 1980. His current re­ Recherches de Giodisie Spatiale, a department of Rapp, R. H., The earth gravity field to de­ search interests involve celestial mechanics, satellite the Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales that hosts gree and order 180 using Seasat altimeter geodesy, and planetology. the Bureau Gravimetrique International. ment and deployment activities, coupled with related theoretical modeling work using a CEDAR: fully coordinated approach to a series of ma­ jor outstanding scientific questions. The sec­ ond volume, in two parts, contains the collat­ An Aeronomy Initiative ed reports from the seven subcommittees charged with the specific areas of theoretical modeling, spectroscopy, interferometry, im­ PAGES 19-21 aging, LIDAR, ionospheric/thermospheric ra­ 1 2 3 dar, and lower-thermospheric/mesospheric G.J. Romick, T. L. Killeen, D. G. Torr, radar. 4 5 5 The CEDAR plan is in response to the call B. A. Tinsley, * and R. A. Behnke from the National Academy of Sciences for a National Solar-Terrestrial Research Program, Introduction outlining a comprehensive 7-year plan for the or NSTP (see the report "National Solar-Ter­ ground-based study of the earth's upper at­ restrial Research Program" by the Committee A 3-year process of committee delibera­ mosphere. The two-volume report, entitled on Solar Terrestrial Research, National Acad­ tions and community-wide annual workshops "CEDAR: Coupling, Energetics, and Dynam­ emy of Sciences, Washington, D.C, 1984). by scientists involved in aeronomical studies ics of the Atmospheric Regions," was assem­ NSTP, as defined by the academy, incorpo­ has led recently to the presentation of a final bled under the aegis of the Aeronomy Pro­ rates three elements: a spaceborne compo­ report to the National Science Foundation, gram of NSF and involved the efforts of a nent, a theory and data analysis program, team of 66 active researchers from 32 U.S. and a strong program of ground-based ex­ 1Geophysical Institute, University of Alas­ and Canadian institutes. The volumes, taken perimental studies. CEDAR represents an im­ ka, Fairbanks together, contain a review of the present state portant contribution to the latter two NSTP 2Space Physics Research Laboratory, Uni­ of the art in current and projected experi­ elements, as it provides a link and a comple­ versity of Michigan, Ann Arbor mental and theoretical capabilities for the ment to the upcoming NASA Upper Atmo­ department of Physics, University of Ala­ field, ranging from the middle atmosphere sphere Research Satellite (UARS) and the In­ bama at Huntsville (mesosphere) through the thermosphere and ternational Solar Terrestrial Program (ISTP), 4Center for Space Sciences, University of ionosphere and into the exosphere and pro- whose national component has been recently Texas at Dallas, Richardson tonosphere of the earth. The first volume relabelled the Global Geospace System (GGS). 5Division of Atmospheric Sciences, National contains the scientific rationale for a program The initial impetus for the CEDAR effort Science Foundation, Washington, D.C. of careful, measured instrumental develop­ came from a general realization that the in- 0096-3941/87/6802-19$ 1.00 Copyright 1987 by the American Geophysical Union Eos, Vol. 68, No. 2, January 13, 1987 whole, including, for example, the effects of 5 SEC. • energy, momentum, and compositional inter­ change between regions. To meet this chal­ lenge will require not only new and improved instruments but will also necessitate global- 1970S TECHNOLOGY scale coverage of many parameters, as well as measurements of the critical parameters re­ lated to the important couplings between at­ mospheric regions. Such measurements will POST 1980 TECHNOLOGY require coordination and collaboration among experimentalists and between experi­ mentalists and theoreticians. They will also require a pooling and common use of data collected from networks of observatories and facilities. The process of reviewing both the theoreti­ cal and experimental status of aeronomy by the CEDAR subcommittees and the develop­ ment of a 7-year program plan representing the consensus view of the U.S. Aeronomy Community lasted 3 years. During this peri­ od, well-attended annual summer workshops were held (at Utah State University, Logan, in 1983; at the University of Michigan, Ann 4000 4400 4800 5200 5600 6000 6400 6800 7200 7600 8000 Arbor, in 1984; at the University of Seattle, WAVELENGTH (ANGSTROMS) Seattle, Wash., in 1985; and at the High Alti­ tude Observatory of the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), Boulder, 5 SECONDS ^ Colo., in 1986) to ensure the full participa­ Fig. 1. Illustration of the great improvement in data-taking ability of high-resolution tion of the broad community. Focused steer­ spectrometers afforded by modern technology. Rapid coverage of an extensive spectral re­ ing committee and subcommittee meetings gion is required for many problems in quantitative atmospheric spectroscopy. Similar, dra­ were also conducted at more frequent inter­ matic improvements in the capabilities of the various optical and radar instruments used in vals. aeronomical studies are possible by using existing technology and will provide significant This relatively lengthy review process has observational benefits over a broad range of scientific topics in atmospheric physics and already created a new atmosphere of cooper­ chemistry. ation and collaboration within the aeronomy community, cooperation that is paying off in terms of significant collaborative projects. strumental techniques deployed in aeronomi­ execution of many future aeronomical stud­ Furthermore, the many workshops and the cal field campaigns used technology that was ies. This last requirement represents a signifi­ increasingly intensive interaction between at­ 2 decades old. Experimentalists were con­ cant change in approach for a scientific com­ mospheric scientists with closely related and cerned that existing modern designs and munity nurtured on the idea of single investi­ complementary interests has led to a spirit of techniques were not being used to benefit gators contributing first-rate science from collegiality that bodes well for the future ground-based aeronomy.
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