The Actors Studio and Hollywood in the 1950S: a History of Theatrical

The Actors Studio and Hollywood in the 1950S: a History of Theatrical

THE ACTORS STUDIO AND HOLLYWOOD IN THE 1950s A History of Theatrical Realism Mario Beguiristain The Edwin Mellen Press Lewiston •Queenston• Lampeter Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Beguiristain, Mario. The actors studio and Hollywood in the 1950s : a history of theatrical realism I Mario Beguiristain. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN-·13: 978-0-7734-.5703-4 ISBN-10: 0-7734-.5703-8 L Title. hors serie. A CIP catalog record for this book is available from the British Library .. Copyright © 2006 Mario Beguiristain All rights reserved.. For information contact The Edwin Mellen Press The Edwin Mellen Press Box450 Box67 Lewiston, New York Queenston, Ontario USA 14092-0450 CANADA LOS 1LO The Edwin Mellen Press, Ltd. Lampeter, Ceredigion, Wales UNITED KINGDOM SA48 8LT Printed in the United States of America The Actors Studio and Hollywood in the 1950s A History of Theatrical Realism For my parents, Rosa and Rodolfo, and in memory of my professor, Arthur Knight TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword by Peter Krikes, Ph.D. i Preface iii Acknowledgments v Chapters I. THE SEARCH FOR A FILM STYLE Intro0A/@5;: 1 -@A>1-:0"A><;?1;2@41%@A0E 3 1102;>@41%@A0E 5 &;C->0-125:5@5;:;2%@E81 7 125:5@5;:;2&41-@>5/-8$1-85?9 9 1@4;0;8;3E 13 >5@5/-8<<>;-/4 16 $1B51C;2@415@1>-@A>1 21 II. REALISM IN FILM AND THEATRE: 5?@;>5/-8:@1>-/tion 29 $1-85?9;:@41%/>11: 34 589-:0&41-@>1 41 III. THEATRICAL REALISM: THE GENESIS OF A FILM STYLE Artistic Roots 53 %@-:5?8-B?75-:0@41;?/;C>@&41-@>1 53 &41>;A<&41-@>1 57 &41-@>5/-8$1-85?9!:@41%@-31 65 1??-31;B51? 70 @-85-: Neo-$1-85?9 81 Socio-Political Roots 87 &418-/785?@– 1:1>-@5;:;:&>5-8 87 >1A05-:5?9 100 1C*;>7B?;88EC;;0 106 &41";?@C->A8@A>-8%8A9<;9<81D 113 Economic Roots 115 &411/85:1;2@41%@A05;?-:0$5?1!2:01<1:01:@? 115 0-<@-@5;:?;2">1?;80-@1>5-8 120 IV. THE ACTORS STUDIO AND HOLLYWOOD 125 ;>9-@5;: 126 11%@>-?.1>3L?:B;8B191:@ 129 &411@4;0-:0@41;:@>;B1>?E 132 &419-31;2@411@4;0/@;> 137 %@->?-@@41/@;>?%@A05; 144 /@;>?%@A05;">;0A/@5;:? 155 -F-:%@>-?.1>3-:0@41%@A05;>52@<->@ 165 V. FIVE REPRESENTATIVE THEATRICAL REALISM FILMS :@>;0A/@5;: 169 The Rose Tattoo -?@-:0>105@? 172 %E:;<?5? 173 5?/A??5;: 173 The Bachelor Party -?@-:0>105@? 196 %E:;<?5? 197 5?/Assion 197 Edge of the City -?@-:0>105@? 219 %E:;<?5? 220 5?/A??5;: 221 A Face in the Crowd -?@-:0>105@? 249 %E:;<?5? 249 5?/A??5;: 250 The Pawnbroker -?@-:0>105@? 272 %E:;<?5? 273 5?/A??5;: 274 VI. THE ICONOGRAPHY OF THEATRICAL REALISM 299 VII. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 305 Appendices A. Listing of Theatrical Realism Films and Personnel 317 &41 1C*;>7589 319 &41%;A@41>:>-9- 321 &41%;/5-81??-31589 323 &41"?E/4;8;35/-8>-9- 325 :8534@1:1091>5/-:- 327 &41-@>5/-8$1-85?95>1/@;>? 329 &41-@>5/-8$1-85?9/@;>? 331 &41-@>5/-8$1-85?9)>5@1>? 335 &41-@>5/-8$1-85?9">;0A/1>? 337 &41-@>5/-8$1-85?9">;0A/@5;:1?53:1>$5/4->0%E8.1>@ 339 &41-@>5/-8$1-85?9/;:;3>-<4E 341 B. The Fugitive Kind Program Notes 343 C. 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