THE OFFICIAI UK CHARTS w g âkDECEMBER "S 1998 \ ifei SPECIALIST INDIE FACTFILE INDIE 1 Good days for Space whose Bad Days EP Days and The Unluckiest Man In The World, 1 chart.and at It'snumber the Liverpool20 on the group's overall fourthsingles ThisSpace's Place, version which of is We used Gotta in TV Get adverts Dut Of REPORT J chartappearance in 1998, in followingthe top three the numberof the indie one hit fororiginaliy the Honda a number Accord. two This hit trackfor the was Animais 1I TomAvenging Jones Angels, (featuring the Cerysnumber from two Catatonia) Ballad Of in Space1965. completed a short sériés of live 91 andBad the Days number includes three new Begin mixes Again. of two threedates laterlast week,this month, and are the to last make two another on by ALAN JONES 1 tracks from their album Tin Planet ■ Bad home ground, at Liverpool's Royal Court. It'sbut notSteps' exactly double your A-sided identikit hit indle combming single toalbum occupy chart. a simiiar Step One position has beenon the in indiethe occupyenjoy ing six unprecedented of the top fourteen success, singles and chart SoniquePreviously reached better knownthe same for herposition DJ skills, with her Beethe Gees' ballad Tragedy Heartbeat enjoys with its a secondcover of week the numbercharts for one 11 before, weeks despitebut has sellingnever been298,000 Tampererplaces, with being the joinedaforementioned by Tina Cousins Steps and Simoneprevious hit single, I Put aA coverSpell ofOn the You old in June.Nina It etopits sales the indieboth inchart the thisindie week, sector increasing and on the Thecopies Tamperer to date. retain Fellow runners-up Zomba recordings spot to act (numberKeith Murray 11), Shamfeaturing Rock LL (numberCool J (number 12), hitFeels for Sothe Good Serious is the label second in a month,indie Top 10 main chart panel for the second week in a Steps on the singles chart, and début at 13) and R. Kelly featuring Kelth Murray followingComedy Blue albums Adonis" rarely Disco sh Cop hit. weekrow. After in the selling shops, 66,000 when copiesit was beatenon its firstto débutnumber offering 19 on Fabulous,the album thoughchart with its salestheir - Pinnacle(number -14). the The indie Zomba distribution presence company helps the indie chart throne by the Stéréophonies' tewer than 1,500 - are insufficient to win it which it acquired last year - to take chartSteve débutsPenk's thisthird week. album Capital of spoof Radio phone DJ 68,000Bartender on Andits secondThe Thief, week Steps and single69,000 sold last yeta place again in that the hitmain singles album (their chart two and have prove singles.distribution honours on 13 of the top 16 calls. Capital Punishment Volume 3. début; week. Andat it's Steps notjustthe w indie single sold a combined 700,000) do not guarantee thisThe week highest is Sonique, ranked whosewoman latest on the single chart It Eddieat number Izxard 38, earns while him the a offbeat number humour 50 début of R&B SINGLES DANCE SINGLES Dis last Tille Attisl Label CaL No. (Oistritalwl Plis Lasi rae Anisl label Cal No, IDisuteoil ;] 1 UD MIAMI Will Smith Columbia 66667821SM) 2 CD WAROF NEUVES Ail Saints London LONCD 421 (F) 32 31 WHATUPAND YA DOWN GOT 4 ME VeugaboysSignum lidy TraxPositiva TIDY118T 12TIV105IEI (BMG) 43 21 HAPPYHOMEEACHTIME 2PacE-17 EagleTelstarCDSTAS EAG12058(3MV/BMG) 3017(1/1/) ■(34 125 THESILENCESTRAIGHT FROM THE HEART MikeKoglinDoolally Locked On/CitybeatMultiplyTMULTY44(W) LOX 104T (W| 5 3 BLUE ANGELS Pras Rutfhouse6666215(SMI 75 m11 TRAUMA/TRANSMISS10NSUNTIDY DURS PRESENTS FUNKYGROOVE UnlidyOJsDom& Roland Renegade HardwareManifeste RH FESX 014 ISRDi 51 (F) 76 45 ANOTHERBECAUSE lONE GOT B1TES IT LIKE THE THAT DUST [lMl»flW(l«JlinfKLPjis|WJungla Brothers ™ GeeStreet/WGEEDreamworks DRMT22364(BMG1 500359313MV/P) 8 m IT FEELS SO GOOD Sonique Serious SERR004T(V| 8 El INCREDIBLE KeithMurrayfeaLU.CoolJ Jive0522102|P) 310 ça6 HIGHER/YOU'LLMOTHERSHIP RECONNECTION KNOW TraumaScott Grouves Suma TidyRecordings Trax TIDY S0MA7I 119(ADD) (VI 910 El6 ICANTSEEDAYDREAMIN' TatyanaAIiNicoleRay EastWestE380IT(WlEpie 6665465 |SM| 4 1211 1337 GODSPEEDDANCING IN OUTER SPACE AtmosfearBT RenaissanceDisorientRecordmgsSUSHIHIVI MusicRENI2 002IAD0I 1211 78 GUESSIWASAFOOLLITTLE BIT OF LOVIN" AnotherLevelKelcLeRoc lstAvenueAVildCard/Polydor5672812(F)Nonhwestside74321621202(BMGl 1413 en SENSEINCREDIBLE OF DANGER KeilhPresence Murray féal feaiLL Shara CoolNelson J PaganJive PAGAN 0522100IPI 024IVI 13 9 HOMEALONE R Kelly featuring Keilh Murray Ji»e0522390(P) 1615 CD16 TAKEREPEATED THE LONG LOVE WAY HOME ATGOCFaithless CheekyCHEK1203113MV/BMG)WunderbovWBOY012|F) 1415 1012 LOVEHOW DEEPLIKE THIS IS YOUR LOVE FaithDraHill Evans Puff Daddy/AnstaIsland BlackMusic 74321625591 12IS725IF) (BMGI 17 4 SKYDIVE Freefal! féal Jan Johnston Siressl2STR89(P) 16 El GOTS LIKE COME ON THRU BuddhaMonk/OI'DirtyBastard Edel 0039290 ERE |P| ,918 enin laGOT'S LIKE COME ON THRU MarcBuddhaMonk/OI'DirtyBastard El Claude PositivaEdel 0039290 12T1V104 ERE (PI|EI 1817 1311 TESTIFYHOLDON EnMPeople Vogue M People/BMGEastWestE3796T(WI 74321621742 (BMGI 20 en THE WORD DopeSmugglaz Mushroom PERFTS113MV/PI 20 14 WHAT'SYOURSIGN Des'ree SonyS26665165|SMI ^ ^ jihj DANCE ArtisiALBUMS Lanel Car No. (Disiributcr) 2322 2120 THEB0YISMINE000W0P(THATTHING) LaurvnHillBrandy&Monica Rufftiouse/Columbia6665152(SM)AllanticAT(1036T(W| 1 1 TICAL2000;JUDGEMENTDAY MothodMan ^ DelJamHSMW-IH 24 17 FRiEND 0FMINE KellyPnce Island Black MusieCID 723 (FI 3 CEI ESSENPAL SELECTION 98-TONG/DAKENFÛLD Various HRR 5659642|F| 25 19 THEFIRSTNIGHT Monica Rowdy/Arisla743216l9342(BMG| , 4 N01S Mariah Carey Columbia 4926041/4926044 (SMI 2627 2325 FINALLYGHETTO SUPASTARTHAT FOUND IS WHAT YOU ARE HoneyzPras Michel feat.0DB&int.Mya Ist Avenue/MercuryInterscope IND 95593 HNZCD1 (BMG) (F) G5 o5 THEMY ANNUALIVLOVE IS YOUR - JUDGE LOVE JULES St BOY GEORGE VanousWhitney Houston Minisrry Of SoundArista.;07822l30374(BMG) -/ANNMC 98 (3MV/SMI 28 16 FASHION98 GlammaKid WEA WEA179CD (W) 87 en2 BOBBYENTER THE DIGITAL DRU IN STEREO RZADruHill Gee Street/V2 GEE1003801/-(3MV/P)Island 5245422 |F) 2930 2228 SEXYARE YOU CINDERELLA THAT S0MEB0DY? AaliyahLynden David Hall CoollempoCDCOOLS340|EIAtlantic AT 0047CD(VV) 9 6 YOU'VE C0MEAL0NG WAY. BABY FatboySlim SkiraBRASSIC11LP/BRASSIC1IM^C|3MV/P| ©CIN S MUSIC VIDEO VIDEO This Last AnislTille LabelCatNo 1 [jjtleMERMA1D WaltOisneyD610602 21 21 RONANORIGINAL HARDIMAN;Mictiael CASTRECORDINGiCals Flatley's Feet 01 Fiantes PoiyGram VideoWL05S4523 479943 1617 1815 SIMPLYREDjUvoBACKSTREET BOYStA lu London Nigbt Ont With WarnerMuac wsion 1W) ^2 ^i Tnj SANTA CLAUSE WattFox Disney Video D273672 m 43 35 VARIOUSCUFF RICHARD:40th ARTISTSiHey Anniversary Mr Prnducerl Concert Video Collnc6onVC4147Collection VC4146 1819 2119 THECORRSiliyeAlThnUVE CASTRECORDINGiLes Royal Misérables Albert Ha In1 ConcertWarner Music Mon1 rartuu 6^ El^ STARSHIPTROOPERSM0USEH1J((r TcuchslnneCIC Video VHR9G02D6I0780 65 6, SPICEBOYZONEilive- GULSiLive Whera Al Wembley We Balong Sladium VirginWIC6866S3 V1D2874 2120 2317 STFRANK REOPHON SINAmMy CSlt.nA.Card.ff Way VM«m»ldMCnt «ta IS 563783 «7 32 JUIBWIMIMnWCMMAT1LDA ColumbiaTnsta,EVI2451W awferttoHK 7 7 ROBBIE WlLUAMSilive In Your Living Room Chiysnlis 492M Tl 20 Ali SAINTSiAR SamK fu 8 g 08IGINAL CAST BECORDINGiCats Po^raniVideo47990 8g |8 «LbMARYOUFFiGi.nAL.oLo.aVARIOUS ARTISTSiAndrew Lloyd Wathar-Celebration PnlyGiamVideo0573963™ ?23 22» SSL.DURANDURAN.Giaal st-The Videos ramoF„,Brta;n™,rFr,,6 9 7 EVITA EIVEVS1235 .. ^ ^ ^ =„omTo„ore.P„i5 , 998 PoNGtemVdeo^ 12» ii li LoABcCoGRDttSSOm^0,WillB^ ^ □ SZZBSC"SMO,. B™1™ ",0 ADirconURES OF PINOCCHIO PolycS^ MUSIC WEEK 5 DECEMBER 1998 .
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