University of Calgary PRISM: University of Calgary's Digital Repository University of Calgary Press University of Calgary Press Open Access Books 2011 Always an Adventure: An Autobiography Dempsey, Hugh A. University of Calgary Press Dempsey, Hugh A. "Always an adventure: an autobiography". The West Series, No. 3, University of Calgary Press, Calgary, Alberta, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/1880/48493 book http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives 3.0 Unported Downloaded from PRISM: https://prism.ucalgary.ca University of Calgary Press www.uofcpress.com ALWAYS AN ADVENTURE: AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY by Hugh A. Dempsey ISBN 978-1-55238-568-5 THIS BOOK IS AN OPEN ACCESS E-BOOK. It is an electronic version of a book that can be purchased in physical form through any bookseller or on-line retailer, or from our distributors. 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Acknowledgement: We acknowledge the wording around open access used by Australian publisher, re.press, and thank them for giving us permission to adapt their wording to our policy http://www.re-press.org/content/view/17/33/ NOTES 1 Interview with Lily Dempsey, 8 13 Letter, Mrs. Alicia C. Humphries July 1978. to author, 15 December 1950. 2 Ibid. 14 Edmonton Bulletin, 19 September 3 Ibid. 1950. In author’s possession. 4 Ibid. 15 Postcard, Laurie to author, 14 June 1950. In author’s possession. 5 My nickname came as the result of some imaginative and convo- 16 Edmonton Bulletin, 16 September luted gyrations with the English 1950. language. Somehow, my friends 17 Edmonton Bulletin, 20 January 1951. made the quantum leaps from 18 Letter, C.M. Elliott to author, Hugh, to Hughie, to Hugh-kie, 14 February 1951. In author’s to Kewkie, to Cucumber – and possession. then shortened it to Cuke. 19 Letter, Mildred Tennant to author, 6 Letter, McKinnon to Dempsey, 23 January 1951. 25 June 1948. In author’s possession. 20 Undated letter, Jim Sherbaniuk to author. 7 Edmonton Bulletin, 31 May 1950. 21 Letter, 19 September 1952. In au- 8 Ibid., 6 February 1950. thor’s possession. 9 Ibid., 13 June 1950. 22 “Alberta Government Acts to 10 Postcard, Laurie to author, 14 Fight Rabies Epidemic,” Within June 1950. In author’s possession. Our Borders, 1 November 1952. 11 Letter, Joseph William Hyde to 23 Letter, 21 September 1952. In au- author, 22 January 1951. In au- thor’s possession. thor’s possession. 24 Letter to Pauline, 9 March 1952. 12 Letter, Jennie Wright to author, 25 “Percy Two Gun Paints from his 16 January 1951. Bed,” The Native Voice, 5:7 (July 1951): 16. 385 26 Interview with Iron, 24 41 Letter from Percy Plain Woman, December 1951. In author’s 26 October 1955. In author’s possession. possession. 27 Letter, MacGregor to G. Rider 42 Interview with Mrs. Jennie Duck Davis and others, 10 October Chief, 14 March 1957. In author’s 1952. Historical Society of possession. Alberta Papers, M2059, file 10, 43 Interview with Bobtail Chief, Glenbow Archives, Calgary. 28 March 1959. In author’s 28 Idem., MacGregor to Edmonds, 4 possession. June 1953. 44 Interview with Charlie 29 Winter 1953: 65–72. Pantherbone, 24 July 1954. In 30 “Whiskey Forts of the Old West,” author’s possession. vol. 34 (1952): 29–32, and “Red 45 Letter, 27 August 1954. In au- Crow, White Man’s Friend,” vol. thor’s possession. 35 (1953): 65–73. 46 Letter to Douglas Leechman, 4 31 “Star Child,” 7:2 (1953): 6–16. January 1956. 32 “The Scarlet Trail,” vol. 34 47 Letter, 11 July 1955. (1951): 13–21. 48 Memo, Dempsey to Herbert, 33 “Social Dances of the Blood 31 December 1956. Glenbow Indians of Alberta, Canada,” Archives Files. Journal of American Folklore, 69:271 49 Letter, Lamb to Herbert, 7 March (January–March 1956): 47–52. 1957. Glenbow Archives Files. 34 Interview with Mrs. John 50 Diary entry, 30 June 1960. All Rabbit, 20 April 1952. In author’s diary entries are from the author’s possession. files. 35 Letter to Pauline, 9 July 1951. 51 Talk, “Archives in Review,” Staff 36 Minutes of general meeting, IAA, Conference file, 1958. Glenbow 12–13 June 1952, p.1. Gladstone Departmental Records. Papers, Glenbow Archives. 52 Calgary Herald, 15 February 1988. 37 Calgary Herald, 13 June 1952 53 Journal of the Washington Academy 38 Letter to James Gladstone, 25 of Sciences 46:6 (1956): 177–82. June 1952, Gladstone Papers. 54 Diary entry, 12 April 1960. 39 Interview with Jack Black Horse, 55 Diary entry, 23 August 1960. 22 October 1953. In author’s possession. 56 Diary entry, 14 October 1960. 40 Letter from Jack Black Horse, 7 57 Letter, Nat Owl Child to author, June. Year not indicated but likely 16 November 1961. In author’s 1955. In author’s possession. possession. 386 Always an Adventure 58 Ben Calf Robe, Siksika’: A Foundation” file, Dempsey Blackfoot Legacy (Invermere, B.C.: Papers. Good Medicine Books, 1979), 46. 76 Memo to E.J. Slatter, 22 July 59 Ibid. 1964, Glenbow Archives. 60 Letter, 9 July 1956. 77 Diary entry for 19 April 1966. 61 University of Oklahoma Press, 78 Letter, Wilder to McCloy, 1969. 19 September 1966. Copy in 62 Alberta Historical Review, 4:3 “Glenbow Foundation” file, (Summer 1956): 31. Dempsey Papers. 63 Alberta Historical Review, 7:2 79 Diary entry for 20 April 1967. (Spring 1959): 31. 80 Diary entry for 8 December 1967. 64 Interview with Clarence 81 Letter, Dempsey to Harvie, McHugh by Hugh Dempsey, 25 February 1968. Copy in 5 March 1961. In author’s “Glenbow Foundation” file, possession. Dempsey Papers. 65 Diary entry for 25 June 1961. 82 Diary entry for 18 November 18, 66 Diary entry for 24 June 1961. 1968. 67 Diary entry for 22 June 1963. 83 Ibid. 68 Letter, Ralph Steinhauer to Hugh 84 “Memorandum re Glenbow- Dempsey, 23 May 1965. Indian Alberta Institute,” undated Association of Alberta Papers, document by N.C. McDermid, Glenbow Archives, M7811. transmitted to Hugh Dempsey by his son, David McDermid, on 28 69 Cited in a report in Pauline January 2000. Copy in “Glenbow Dempsey Papers, Glenbow Foundation” file, Dempsey Archives, M6854. Papers. 70 Diary entry for 4 March 1963. 85 Ibid. 71 Letter, Grace Johnson to 86 Letter, Mackid to McDermid, 30 “President and Members of our July 1969. Original transmitted to Society,” 4 November 1963. Hugh Dempsey by his son, David Copy in Pauline Dempsey Papers, McDermid, on 28 January 2000. Glenbow Archives, M6854. Copy in “Glenbow Foundation” 72 Original petition in Pauline file, Dempsey Papers. Dempsey Papers, Glenbow 87 Letter, Harvie to McDermid, 6 Archives, M6854. October 1969. Original trans- 73 Diary entry, 17 December 1965. mitted to Hugh Dempsey by his son, David McDermid, on 28 74 Diary entry for 10 January 1966. January 2000. Copy in “Glenbow 75 Letter, Holowach to Harvie, 15 Foundation” file, Dempsey June 1964. Copy in “Glenbow Papers. 88 Ibid. NOTES 387 89 Ibid. Indians. Ottawa: Canadian 90 “Memorandum re Glenbow- Ethnology Service, 1974. Alberta Institute,” undated 104 Toronto Globe & Mail, 28 document by N.C. McDermid, September 1981. transmitted to Hugh Dempsey by 105 Ibid. his son, David McDermid, on 28 January 2000. Copy in “Glenbow 106 Diary entry for 26 October 1970. Foundation” file, Dempsey 107 Letter, Dempsey to Mrs. Harvie, Papers. 7 March 1975. Copy in author’s 91 Letter, Dick Gordon to James possession.
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