mATS, FAT8, ,.. lIamp. K! th,.arh Z AD' At tll.o.,h iii n... ,Oft'. paO{,1.8!'1FD '0008, bl.. .t .... , . r a &hroo,h Zt . n. Al throo,~ NI .. lid now. T 8 l 'OAll. b ••k fo"r , tamp :\6 rnotl fo,. live ,lttun'. E Partly Cloudy tbr.. ,b A.,. 31. SlIO ES. boo" Ih ... airplane .lamp. H I, ~ .". S , ••• Inde"nltel,. Nut ,t,,,,p .",1, ".1, I. OA80LINE, 16-04 ... po .. ! ,0.' 'or .1, ,aUon" ... It: .ti tVA: P rUy cloudy, sca Uered R·', 8 .. '. 0 .. ' , •• C-8 eoupona .. oed fnr live ,al1on_ ~ each. PUEL OIL, period one throu(h five C!oupo n. DAILY IOWAN lhnndershowers. ConUnued warm, , ••• tbroulh Aa,. 81: 1.. 1 ,OJ". p.,lod '"ur .n. II .. "'PO'" allo .. pl,o tho.. Ne .. 1I0rlo' 0.0 e •• pon. '0' Iowa Cit y • • M 0 r n In" ~J e w spa p • r IH~46 na •• " are_ no'!,. •• II-_' .========;::===:-==:::====::::==:=:=========-===========:::::~:===::=~=:: :=;:=::==::=:=~:::=.:=:=:=~=:=::=:=::=:=:::::=====~;::::;:::::==:-:::===~~======'=====:::::=====::::::=========--:>==l1lI TBa ...<JClAUD...... IOWA CITY, IOWA SATURDAY, JULY 21,1945 u. UlIOOIADD raul VOLUME XXI NUMBER 253 ====- = ar un" . 'g tri es' at aps RepO.rte , . SHADES OF PRE-WAR DAYS- THEY SAIL FOR EUROPE ZOO Bombers, f\Vis Claims S~perior~ty Over State Laws I Truman Says I'· I News Blackout WASHINGTON*** (AP) - The war ber~hip in ***a union. A United fighters Strike labol' board held yestel'day thaL the States district court recently held U. S. Fighting Blocks Details law under which iL operates is the amendment valid. The decision was appealed. superior to an anti-closcd shop The national board in its deci­ AfShanghai amendment to the Florida consti­ sion yesterday held that the war For Peace Of Fleet Blows tutiOn. labor disputes act is supreme when Rejecting a peUtion by the aL­ in conllict with either state law or Hope to Neutralize Lorney general of Florida, the state constijution. Iwo Jima Mustangs board upheld a maintenance of In reaching its decision the Does Not Seek Largest Jap Shipping, union membership directive from board said it was guided by article Territorial Conquest, Strafe Honshu, Follow Air Center in China Lhe regional WLB aL AtlanLa in a 6, section 2, of the United Sl,;Ites Record B-29 AHack case involving three AFL unions constitution, which states: Monetary Gain at the Ft. St. Joe, Fla., p<Jper mill. "This constiLution, and the laws GFAM, Balul'day (A P)­ ~lANILA, Satlll"fiay (A P) - IndusLry members dissented. of the United States which shall be BERLI (AP) - President More Ulan 200 far ast aiefor-ce J. Tom Watson, the state aLtor­ made in pursuance thereof or Truman told thl' m')rld yCllter­ While a secul'ily blackout still boDlbers and fighters I Il~hed ai l'­ ney genera I, asked ' the na tionlll which shall be made under the au~ day thal tht> 1 nifl'll StAfps rlnn<; barr-cd oetails of the American dromes and docks at ~han~ lt lli board to intervene becau~e of a thority oC the United States shall not propo c Lo h'ade its sacri­ anrl Brit ish f1cel!> , air-surface Wednesday f 0 1' th e second state constitutional amendment be the supreme law of the land, fices in th bloodlt'st ot Wilt' , lor' hlows at 'J'okyo bay Wednesday stl'Jlight . day, headqu811:Cl's an­ adopted last Novembel' declaring and the judges in every state shall territorial confjuc!o!t or monetary nounced today. Lhe right of persons to work shall be bound Lhereby, anything in the gain. and 'Thursday, navy and army noL be denied or abridged 011 ac­ constItution or laws of any state Continua tion of fu ll HC!tle pf.'aking only a few lUil !! llC8d(J ual·tcrs to day r ported count of membersnip or non-mem- Lo the conLrary notwithstanding." raids to knock out I he laql"l'Ht fl'om the fonner lIaisP('s' palace othe~ widespread aerial thrusts Japanese.held air and shippin~ whpl'p hI' is workin!:' with PI'imt> HERE'S SOMETHING YOU llAVEN'T EEN for a long tlme-clvlllau pa CIl/:"Crs, comfortably relaxed at the fe bly dl'fendt'd Japan­ center In China brought a tI ackll --------------------1 Mini tI'l' Chll l'ehil[ and O('nPI'a[­ OD five airdt'omcs by c lO Re for­ At a Glanc:e- on deck chairs, set sail for Europe aboard the . S. Erl~wn ont of New York. Obtaining pas Ilgc over L, ese rmpir-e. I Loggers Make Small i. imo , lalin on a fOl'mula for rela.tlvely easy, aUhoul"h travelers were warned they must await priorities to return. mations of I,iboratol' heayi('l>;, preserving EnrOll against fll­ Lumb ring search planes of Mitchell mediums and attack­ I ho fleet domaKl'd a medium bombers. IGain on Forest Fire tUft' war hI' declatwl poinledly: "We are not fighting for con­ cargo ship off astern Hon hu 'tM 'Seventh taJrlorce heavy Today's qUest. There is not a piece of ter- Natbers dropped 101}.J)()und gen­ Chinese Take Water· Conlrol Bretton Woods Pact Ji'l'idoy. Aumiral hester W . Rain Appears Only rltory or one thing of a monetary en1 purpOse bombs on Woos ung­ Nimitz announced, and 80 Mus­ aInIrome on the banks of the Way to Stop Blaze Inature we want oul of this war." The words were spoken at the I r tangs from Iwo Jimn strafed Turtle, clLuslnl" three fires. f Y' . 'R' B I Goes to While House Iowan Nearing Lumber Towns historic occasion of the raising oC ( central Honshu In the wake of Smoke rose 6,000 feet. a the Stars and Stripes over the en ter 0 Iyang In Ice ow United Nations Charter record pre-dawn sLrike by more Sixty - two Mitchells bombed .* PORTLAND, Ore. (AP)-Log- capital of Germany-"our greatesl than 600 B-29's. and strafed Tachang airdrome WI"c.~prcad aerial* * till lists at Due for Consideration gPl's from Lhe small lumber town adversary." Picked infantrymen Other Okinawa-based search northwesl oj ,Shanghai and Ting­ Jap empire reported. CHUNGKING (AP) - Chinese can fighters "in supporL of Chinese ai rcraft set flre to a small coastal hai air(ield, near tbe en trance 01 oC GLenwood a p pea red to be from the Second ("H e lion troops have captured Yiyang, key ground forces attacked mach inc­ In Senate Next Week Hangchow bay, cratering reveL­ 200 bombers, fig 11 t c r s r a i I'i slowly againing yesterday in a Wheels") armored division then waterway-control stronghold just gun p()!;itions at Caobong in cargo ship off soutflern Honshu battle to keep a 56 square mUe heard Lhis solemn wurnJng: south of Tung Ting lake in China's WASlllNGTON (AP)- Congrcss Thursday. m~nts and sLarting fires. Shanghai for seconl'i ("on 'ccuLive French Indo-China, mfJiding cas­ Woosung was hit for the second day. forest fire Crom enveloping their "We must not forget that we great "rice bowl," the Chinese high ualties." completed thl' economic frame- The speedy Mustangs from Iwo homes. are fighting lor peace and for the command announced yesterday as work for the UniLed States' wid- Jima, striking a few hours after lime by another group of hea vies, Yiyang, In Hunan province 55 which then pounded Kiangwan's Truman f'a.ys U. S. hilS flO terri­ But even as they halted the welfare of mankind." Premier 'lit V. Soong predicted vic­ ened place in world aUairs yester- the pre-dawn B-29 attacks on four ma'n force of the blale only 500 "We want peace and we wl\nt tory this year or early in 1946. mjles northwest of Changsha, Js a day by sending to the White House cities and an oil refinery on Hon­ lix runways and the hangar area. torial or moneLary designs. control point in enemy waterway to 100 feet away, a new spot fire to see the time come when we can On widespread fronls, the Chi­ the Bretton Woods m 0 n e I a r y shu isLand, shot up five airflelds One grounded enemy plane was communications between Chang­ destroyed in this attack. Chlnese fore<-s capture kcy wa­ to the norLhwest began rolling to- do the things in peace that we nese announced the clearing of 50 f1greements and a $2,800,000,000 and other targets in the Nagoya­ ward both Glenwood and Cochran have been able to do in war," the miles of the south China "invElsiori, sha and Tung Ting lake, which boost in the export-imporl bank's Osaka area. Two or \hr~e tJl()re parked air­ ter-control city in "rice-bowl" lies in the heart of the rice bowl . area. -small towns about 50 miles gray-haired Missourian assured coasL," and further advances to­ lending powers. One Mustang failed Lo return, craft were smashed when 44 A-26 A Chinese army spokesman allaclk lnnders smacked LUlIl"hwa northwesL of here. Lhe victorious ouHiL ward Kweilin, while an American The actions left the UniLed bringing the day's losses Lo three WLB claims its 3uthol ily super­ While women who refused evac- "If we can put this tremendous communique hinted at a Chinese meanwhile declared the Japanese Nation~ charter as the only pcnd- pianes. It was announced earlier alrdonne In the old Chinese city thrust at Caobang, 15 miles inside had moved 100,000 troops out of Itdlon of Shanghai. cedes state constiLutlOns or laws. uation plied hoses to Glenwood mUhlnc of ours, which bas made ing busilless connected with an that two B-29's were lost but that ......
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