I, j j , j ;ii ( I I 1 I I 'lJ I" J ta maid cries rape i By Ferdie de la Torre the rape case at DPS Wednesday nent" clan in Rota, is a govern­ Variety gathered that the beau­ ended up as a domestic helper. at2:01 p.m. ment employee working at the tiful woman was a former recep­ Sources howeversaid the com­ A PRETIY Filipina housemaid Sheu said the victim claimed island's health center. tionist at Manila Hotel, a famous plainant who had just arrived on surfaced the other day at the De­ she was sexually assaulted by her The housemaid was allegedly five-star hotel in Manila, Philip­ the island last month, usedto work partment of Public Safety in male employer in separate occa­ abused several times at the pines. in a Rota club before where she Saipan, complaining she was sions. suspect's ranch, said sources who It was not cleared yet why she Continued on Daae 20 raped recent!yby her employer in The DPS information officer requested anonymity. the island of Rota. said no arrest was made yet. The The same sources said the vic­ In yesterday's press briefing, case is being investigated by the tim failed to immediately report Department of Public Safety In­ Criminal Investigation Section. the incident to authorities for fear Labor pact signed formationOfficerCathy Sheu said Sources revealed that the sus­ of her employer. She has also no the 24-year-old housemaid filed pect, who belongs to a "prorni- fare money to Saipan. between R~ NMI Liaison office opens in Manila I Tenorio tells House: IN A JOINT effort aimed at making abuse of Philippine contract j workers in the CNMI history, representatives of the CNMI and I Philippine governments Wednesday signed an agrt?ement to, Stick to lawmaking "promoteand strengthenareas ofcooperation in the field oflabor, employment and manpower development." By Rafael H. Arroyo House to have the Attorney Gen­ As called for in the formal memorandum of understanding, the eral appoint a special prosecutor Commonwealth has also opened a liaison office in Manila which GOVERNOR Froilan C. Tenorio to bring a case'against the gover­ will coordinate the process ofhiring workers with the Philippine yesterday called on the House of nor for the alleged illegal' $6.2 Overseas Employment Agency (POEA). ,' Representatives to confine them­ million payment to Mitsubishi, The memorandum ofunderstanding between the two govern­ selves with the affairs ofthe leg­ Specifically, the chief execu­ ments was signed during a late afternoon ceremony at the Philip­ islativebranch ashebasically told tiveresented the House telling the pine DepartmentofLaborand Employment byCNMI Lieutenant lawmakers not to tell the execu­ Attorney General what it should Governor Jesus Co Borja and Acting Secretary of Labor and tive branch how to run its busi­ do.on the matter, especially since Employment for the Philippines, Bienvenido E. Laguesma. ness. the latter serves as legal counsel "The MOU is very significant," said Lt. Governor Borja. "and In a news conference yester­ to the executive branch. I want the entire world to see that we are doing something right, day, Tenorio reacted quite "I don't think they have the something in the right direction." strongly to reported plans by the authority totellmyAttorney Gen­ DiegoBenavente Continued on page 20 eral what to do. These people should better read the Constitu­ tion. The AG provides legal ad­ vice to the executive branch, ex­ cept in cases of litigation," said FreedomAir to stop Governor Tenorio. He maintained that as far as he knows, the House has no author­ ity to order the AG to name a serving Tinian route special prosecutor and that the AG has no obligation to follow. FREEDOM Air Aviation, the they claimed as "excessive" fees was brought to the attention of the "I don't tell them what to do, so main airline company serving levied on them by the Customs CPA board of directors in an Au­ Idon't want them telling me what Tinian, is terminating its bigger and Quarantine Divisions.• gust 24th letter, and was set to Continued on page 20 .flights to the island owing to what The plan to quit the Tinian route take effect August 31st. There were indications that the profit­ ability of the route was also a 'II',.• factor in the decision. ...... The airline company's prob­ lems with airport fees were dis­ cussed yesterday during a meet­ ing of the CPA board where pos­ sible solutions to the concerns, including a possible review or scrapping of the fees, were raised. During yesterday's meeting, board members took turns criti­ cizing the Freedom Air decision to stop serving Tinian, in that it would severely inconvenience the people ofthe island. "I think this is unfair. The fees would not justify termination of such an essential service," said CPA Boardmember Victor Hocog. "This is an insult to the integ­ rity of CPA and of the people of Tinian," he said. Boardmember'Manuel D.Muna CPAofficialsbrainstormon theFreedomAirproblemduringyesterday'S boardmeeting. Fromforegroundleft,clockwise areBoardmembers Juan also expressed his misgivings say- T. Guerrero and Rafaela Perry, Financial Consultant Rex PalaCIOS" Executive Director Roman Tudela, Chairman Roman Palacios, and Boardmembers David Q. Maratita (partly hidden), Manuel Munaand George Sablan. Continued on page 20 .: ,;' ''''., ; 2-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-SEPTEMBER 16,1994 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1994-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-3 Clinton: invasion 'is at hand' Bankers: No to any tax hike By TERENCE HUNT overwhelming majority ofAmeri­ the military rulers must leave. hundred peoplewouldbe needed to tal,mostviolent regimeanywhere in m~age cansalsoareopposed toaninvasion. "I'll have more to say about that bolster the active duty force in spe­ our hemisphere," responsible for approval to the SCC's version of rhetoric,Torres predictedthat new "We've got to our re­ WASlDNGTON (AP) • President "I am concerned about that and I tomorrow night," hesaid. "But!don't cificareas - suchascivilaffairs, mili­ 3,000 political murders since they the tax reform measure. taxes will result in further eco­ sources [well]," the local bankers Clinton said Wednesday the United am sony that the polls are the way wantto talkaboutanyspecific date. tary police, logistic and transporta­ tookpowerin 199 I. These groups described the nomic decline."Everybody is suf­ association president added. meHu~,whkhpropo~sa Torres made the comments on States has"exhausted everyavailable theyare,"Clinton said. All I can tell youis that thetimeisat tionunits. Moreover, Clintonsaidthatunless 10% fering," said the bank official, alternative" shortofmilitary invasion Nevertheless, he said,"I believe it hand. Callsspreadthrough Congress for themilitary rulers leave, therewill be across-the-board surtax, has been adding that the burden goes back the proposed tax increases a num­ tooustHaiti'smilitary rulers. is the right thing to do.... It is very "Itseems to me that wehaveliter­ thepresident notto invade, or at the another massive outpouring of Hai­ described as practical and easy to to the people. ber of days after he was unani­ "They'regoingtoleaveonewayor important forus to resolve thismat­ allyexhausted every available alter­ least, toletCongress votefirst onthe tianrefugees, beyondthe 14,000 al­ implement and administer than If banks would be taxed more, mously voted to head the seven­ theother.i'hewarned.evenas Ameri­ ter," native andthetimehas comeforthose issue. readyhoused at theU.S. navalbase at the House and Governor Froilan that would mean passing the bur­ member organization which in­ can warships sailed towardHaiti. "I am very angry," he said, that people to get out of there," Clinton Thepresident saida final decision Guailtanamo Bay,Cuba C. Tenorio's versions. Further, den on to consumers, he pointed cludes the Bank of Hawaii, Union Sounding angry and determined, Haiti'smilitary reneged onapromise said. to use force had not been made. He Third,ClintonsaidtheUnitedStates the powerful business out. Bank, Bank of Guam, City Trust Clintonsaidthere wasstilltimeforthe to leave voluntarily and persisted in As Clinton spoke, two American said that was up to Haiti's de facto has a bigstakein seeingdemocracy organization's version was re­ Torres did not elaborate as to Bank,GuamSavings& Loan,First military leaders toleaveontheirown. whathesaidwerewidespread human aircraftcarriers, theUSS Eisenhower leaders and whether they leavevol­ succeed in the hemisphere. He said garded as "more organized and how the banks could be impacted Savings & Loan, and BOS. "Tbey do not have to push this to a rights abuses. and USS America, were steaming untarily. otherleaders inthe region havetold gradualapproachto raisingtaxes." by impending tax increases. But "I feel veryhonored for my col­ leagues' confidence in me," he confrontation," he said in an inter­ Later Wednesday night, Haiti's toward Haiti carrying thousands of Ointonlisted threereasons forforc­ himthatifthemilitaryrulepersists in At the same time, the new in­ he did say that the proposals said when askedhow he felt about view withThe Associated Press and army-installed president, Emile combatforces. U.S. Defense Secre­ ingout the military leaders. He said Haiti ''thendeniocracyelsewherewi1l creasescontainedinthechamber's "double thetaxrateforthe banks." "We have to pay our fair share his election.Torres is thefirstlocal othernewsagencies. Jonassaint, vowedin a newsconfer­ tary William Perry said U.S. forces Haiti'sdictators werethe"mostbru- be morefragile." proposal were considered less to head the association. However, he underscored Ameri­ ence not to back down in face of werenearly inplace foran invasion. burdensome onthebusinesses and to the government, but not at this The former lawmaker said he can resolve to restore democracy to increasing U.S. invasion pressure, Thecanierscould beoffthecoast individual taxpayers. time," the senator-turned-banker will "demonstrate theexpectations theimpoverished country. saying "we will maintain thechosen of Haiti by the time of Clinton's9 Indonesia accused of torture While other groups in the busi­ said. they look at as president of the "TheUnited Stares mustnotbeina direction." p.rn.
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