WEDNESDAY,JANUARY31, 2018 €1 LIMERICK AND PROUD facebook.com/limerickleader @limerick_leader www.limerickleader.ie Artistic takeover of BOI Workbench CBS students showcase works of art at bank in the city Page 3 INSIDE TAKING ALOOK BACKAT ALL OUR LIMERICK THROUGH THE DECADES YESTERDAYS RESIDENTS SEEK HELP AS TEENS ‘RUN RIOT’ Severalyouthsarrested in anti-social activitycrackdown theestateevery nightfor FINTAN WALSH teenage gangs in CheckitFits: Safetycampaign rolled out e-mail: [email protected] Thomondgate. over amonth. Twitter: @FintanYTWalsh One residenttoldthe KAREN Cunniffeand her three-month-old daughterAnna gettheir child seat checked by Ron Concerned residents in Leader that they have wit- GARDAI have deployeddog Richardson as part of the Road Safety Authority’sCheck it Fits campaign this TuesdayatSuper- Canon Breen Park have nessed theyouthsdrink al- Valu on the Dublin Road.The authority, in partnership with Toyota, is visiting anumber of loca- patrols as ameasureto called on gardai to tackle cohol,takedrugs, vandalise tions this week -including this WednesdayinSuperValu in Castleconnell -tohelpsavelives and crackdownonaspate of theproblem of 50 to 60 ▲ preventinjuriesbyensuring child car seats arecorrectly fittedincars. The RSAsaysthatstat- anti-social behaviour by teenagers “running riot”in TURN TO PAGE 2 istics showfour out of fivecar seatsare incorrectly fittednationwide PICTURE: ADRIAN BUTLER EARLY BIRD ENDS FEB9TH 2 LIMERICK LEADER www.limerickleader.ie Wednesday, January 31, 2018 TALK TO US @LIMERICKLEADER YOUR LEADER FACEBOOK.COM/LIMERICKLEADER CONTACTUS WEATHER Check updateson ABORTION: REFERENDUM LIKELYTOTAKE PLACE LATE IN MAY limerickleader.ie 54 O’Connell Street,Limerick www.limerickleader.ie Cabinetagree poll on EDITOR Eugene Phelan TODAY 061-214503 MOSTLYCLOUDY [email protected] WITH ACOUPLE OF SHOWERS COMMERICAL DIRECTOR Eighth Amendment -HIGH OF 8°C Fergal Deegan 061-214525 ALAN OWENS to life; it doesn’t claim to be [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] itsinitiator–merely its pro- Twitter: @alanowens_limk tector.Inthe coming weeks, it will become clearthatthe ● Main switchboard forour office at THE Cabinethas agreed to Government’sproposal 54 O’Connell Street, Limerick hold areferendum on the would lead to abortion on Call us on repeal of the Eighth demand if votedfor in the 061-214500 TOMORROW referendum. As people BEST DAYOFTHE Amendmentofthe Consti- cometorealise this, Ihave ● Tell us your story tution, potentially clearing E-mail us at WEEK -WITH every confidence they will [email protected] SUNSHINE AND the wayfor legislation on vote to retain theEighth PATCHY CLOUDS abortion in Ireland. Amendment withare- ● Place an advert newedcommitmentto E-mail us at Formal approval has been building amorewelcoming [email protected] giventothe holding of a TaoiseachLeo Varadkar with children's ministerKatherine societyfor expectant referendum, possibly in Zappone andhealth ministerSimon Harris briefing media mothers and theirunborn ● Photographic sales late May, TaoiseachLeo babies,”she added. Copiesofpictures takenbyour photo- Varadkar has confirmed. experience does that.As Eighth Amendmentwas "as graphersaswell as the archivephoto- The Abortion Rights graphs in all our editions can be ordered At apress conference on Minister forHealthIbe- badasanyonecouldhave en- Campaign saidthatthe re- from our office at 54 O’Connell Street, Lim- Monday night, accom- came convinced abortion visaged" in theremovalof peal and enable proposal erick. Theycan also be ordered online from FRIDAY panied by health minister hadnoplaceintheConstitu- legalprotection from un- putforwardbygovernment [email protected] or MORE CLOUDS SimonHarris and Minister tion. born babiesand providing through our website offered “a clear pathwayto www.limerickleader.ie THAN THURSDAY forChildren Katherine Zap- “If thereferendumis forabortionondemand. ensuringrealisticabortion BUT STAYING DRY pone,MrVaradkarsaid: passed, adoctor-led, safe Spokesperson Dr Ruth access”. -HIGH OF 12°C “Thisevening theCabinet and legalsystemfor theter- Cullen said: “Itisavery sad “While ARC has always As Limerick’s leading newspaper gave formal approval to the mination of pregnancy will and seriousmomentfor our campaigned forrepeal sim- group,wehavebeenserving gener- holding of areferendum on be introduced. Safe,legal country. TheGovernment ations of readersthroughout the The policyofthe Limerick pliciter as advised by the cityand county since 1889.Weare Leader is to provide our abortion whichwill be held and rare.Nolonger an art- brought forwardaproposal JointOireachtas Com- immensely proud of the Limerick readerswith anewsand in late Mayorearly June this icle in theConstitution, but that forthe first time in our mittee, it appears that the information service that year. rather aprivate and per- history would withdraw Leader’s heritageand tradition - is fair,accurateand bal- enabling provision pro- and thatofits sisterpaper the Lim- anced. This newspaper “Weknowthatthou- sonal matter forwomenand basichuman rights from a posed by theGovernment erick Chronicle -inreporting local adherestothe Code of sandsofIrish women -from doctors. group of vulnerable de- will remove theconstitu- life. Both in printand online,we Practice setout by the every county in Ireland -go “Inrecentweeks many fenceless individuals in- tional barrier to abortion contine to be the market leadersfor PressCouncil of Ireland abroad forabortions every people, mainly men, have stead of strengtheningtheir careand allowfor morepro- news,sport and much more-so if and is committedtothe highest standards of re- year.Weknowthatmany spoken aboutthe personal constitutional protections. gressive and compassionate you’vegot something to sayora women areobtaining abor- journeys they have been on. Theycan't disguise thefact business to promote thereisno porting. If we makea healthcaretobeprovided mistake,wewill en- bigger audience in anymedium in tion pills throughthe post to We should rememberthe that what’s being proposed forall those whocan get deavourtocorrect it at end theirpregnancies. So saddest and loneliest is solely aboutstripping un- Limerick than our newspapers.And the earliest opportunity. pregnant,”saidspokes- that’s afact. We have more In such instances, please we have abortion in Ireland, journeyismadebyIrish born babiesofall mean- person Linda Kavanagh. readersthan everyoneelse. writetothe editor at 54 butitisunsafe, unregulated women whotraveltoother ingful legalprotections. “Wewould still prefer if O’Connell Street,Lim- and illegal. countriesintheirthousands “The righttolifeisanin- abortion carewas not erick, or email ed- “The questionhas to be a to endtheir pregnancies. alienable right. It’s not [email protected] singled outinour Constitu- Alternatively youmay YesorNoone;dowereform These journeys don’thaveto something that can be con- tion, butweare willing to YOUR CITY YOUR PAPER contact the PressCouncil ourabortion laws or not? I happen,” he added. ferred or withheld by the supportthis provision, if of Ireland at 1-3 Westmo- will advocate foraYes vote. The ProLifeCampaign State at its pleasure. The worded properly,and heed reland Street, Dublin 2. My ownviews on abortion said theannouncement Eighth Amendmentac- Tel: (01) 6489130. Email: thelegal advice givenbythe [email protected] have evolvedovertime.Life from governmentonthe knowledges this basicright AttorneyGeneral.” Dogpatrols aredeployedtoThomondgate ▲ FROM PAGE 1 smashitoffthehouses,orthe isedto“calmasituationdown chase alcohol. nearest thing; theground, alot quickerthan just having “Thereare twooffences. property and fightinpublic thehouse,acar.It’sridicu- twoguards there”. It’s an offence forthe child to between 8pm and 2.30am lous,” thewitness added. He saidthatanumber of be in possession of thedrink. eachnightsince December SuperintendentDerek those arrested arenot from It’s alsoanoffencefor the 20. Smart hasmetwithresidents theThomondgatearea. adult to go buying drink and “The scaleofthe problem, and, in particular, with Supt Smart is urging par- supplying it to theyoung Ihavenever seen it this bad Deputy WillieO’Dea,Deputy ents to be “conscious that person in apublicplace.” before. Ihavehad abit in the Maurice Quinlivan, Cllr John when they aredropping their Deputy O’Deasaidthathe past, butthe scale has just Costelloe and Cllr Frankie kidsintoareaswheretheyare intends to speak withthe www.limerickleader.ie jumped tenfold,”awitness Daly in relation to theon- notfrom, just to advise them gardai about“getting some said. “Theyare coming after going matter. nottohang around in big sortofoverall plan to tryand Our websiteprovides the most comprehensiveand up to date news ourproperties and urinating Supt Smart,ofHenry gangs”. eradicatethis”. and sports servicesfor thepeople of Limerick, at home and on ourproperties. It is ob- Streetgarda station, saidhe Supt Smart added that he Describing thematteras abroad, sevendaysaweek. Logonfor thelatest developments scene. has putonextra patrols, in- has been informed by locals “very serious”,hesaidthatit broughttoyou by ourunrivalledteam. “When they arefinished cluding thedeploymentofa that peoplearebeingstopped is a“hugewasteofresources” withaglass bottle,theywill publicorderdogwhichisutil- inthestreetandaskedtopur- forgardai. Wedne sday, Januar y 3 1, 2018 w w w.limerickleader.ie LIMERICK LEADER 3 N EWS E D U CAT I O N : STUDENTS DISPLAY ART CREATED IN HUNT MUSEUM WORKSHOP J U ST I C E Deadline
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