August 23, 1965 CONGRESSIONA_L -RECORD - HOUSE 21243 the provisions of chapter 839, title,10,_of the Col. Louis T. Seith, 9756A, · Regular -Air and a sustaining power during the hours United States Code: Force. of this new week. · To be major generals - Col. David C. Jones, 98~7A, Regular Air Grant that the thoughts of our minds Force. Brig. Gen. William E. Creer l 742A, Regular Col. Sherman F. Martin, 9963A, Regular Air and the meditation of our hearts may Air Force. Force. be tempered and disciplined by the en­ Brig. Gen. Loren G. Mccollom 1632A, Reg­ Col. William V. McBride, 10077A, Regular trance of Thy word, giving us the spirit ular Air Force. Air Force. of charity and kindness, of tolerance and Brig. Gen. Thomas B. Whitehouse 1677A, Col. John S. Chandler, Jr., 10102A, Regular patience, as we seek to solve difficult Regular Air Force. Air Force. problems of human relationships. Brig. Gen. James W. Humphreys 19928A, Col. Henry L. Hogan III, 10151A, Regular Regular Air Force, Medical. May Thy words illumine and trans­ Brig. Gen. Joseph L. Dickman 1656A, Reg­ Air Force. form our loftiest aims and aspirations, ular Air Force. Col. August F. Tate, 4256A, Regular Air with insight and wisdom, and bring them Brig. Gen. Thomas R. Ford 2065A, Regular Force. in tune with a great faith, which will Air Force. Col. Frank J. Collins, 9330A, Regular Air Force. enable us to meet the unknown future, Brig. Gen. William W. Wisman 4990A, Reg­ however dark, without fear and confu­ ular Air Force. Col. Charles W. Carson, Jr., 10113A, Regu­ Brig. Gen. Joseph J. Cody, Jr., 5126A, Reg­ lar Air Force. sion. ular Air Force. Col. Burl W. McLaughlin, 10624A, Regular We thank Thee for Thy servant with Brig. Gen. Richard S. Abbey 1992A, Regu­ Air Force. whom we walked and worked for a little ular Air Force. Col. Russell K. Pierce, Jr., 18118A, Regular while upon this earth. Thou hast re­ Brig. Gen. William D. Greenfield 1899A, Air Force. ceived him into Thy nearer presence. Regular Air Force. PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE Give unto his family and loved ones the Brig. Gen. Howard A. Davis 3860A, Regu­ The following candidates for personnel ac­ ccnsolation of Thy grace. In Christ's lar Air Force. tion in the regular corps of the Public Health name we pray. Ame::i. Brig. Gen. Timothy F. O'Keefe 4608A, Reg­ · Service, subject to qualifications therefor as ular Air Force. provided by law and regulations: Brig. Gen. George S. Boylan, Jr., 4836A, I. For appointment: Regular Air Force. THE JOURNAL Brig. Gen. Lawrence S. Lightner 5219A, To be senior assistant veterinary officer The Journal of the proceedings of Regular Air Force. Stephen Potkay Thursday, August 19, 1965, was read and Brig. Gen. Richard H. Ellls 36867A (major, II. For permanent promotion: approved. Regular Air Force), U.S. Air Force. To be senior assistant surgeon To be brigadier generals Francisco Frias MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE Col. Roger E. Phelan 1659A, Regular Air To be senior assistant sanitary engineers Force. A message from the Senate by Mr. Col. Daniel E. Riley 3768A, Regular Air Paul D. Eckrich Kenneth J. Kronoveter Arrington, one of its clerks, announced Force. Alan C. Foose Russell S. Lo Galbo Barry L. Johnson that the Senate had passed without Col. Sterling P. Bettinger 3842A, Regular amendment bills of the House of the fol­ Air Force. To be senior assistant pharmacists lowing titles: Col. Stephen W. Henry 3907A, Regular Air Elmer W. Akin Michael J. Kopcho Force. Robert Brotman Jeremiah R. Toomey H.R. 485. An act to authorize the Secretary Col. Arthur E. Exon 3940A, Regular Air Jean P. Davignon of the Interior to construct, operate, and Force. maintain the Auburn-Folsom South unit, Col. James H. Thompson 4023A, Regular To be senior assistant scientist American River division, Central Valley Air Force. John J . Bartko project, California, under Federal reclama­ Col. Russell A. Berg 4376A, Regular Air To be senior assistant therapist tions laws; and Force. H.R. 10132. An act to authorize the Hon­ Col. James D. Kemp 4517A, Regular Air Dale E. Swett orable JOSEPH w. MARTIN, JR., of Massachu­ Force. To be health services officer setts, former Speaker of the House of Repre­ Col. Archie M. Burke 4642A, Regular Air Clifton R. Gravelle sentatives, to accept the award of the Mili­ tary Order of Ohrist with the rank of grand Force. To be senior assistant health service officers Col. John E. Frizen 4706A, Regular Air officer. Force. Gregory J. Barone Kenneth D. Howard Col. Leo A. Kiley 4953A, Regular Air Force. Wayne G. Brown Thomas J . Keast The message also announced that the Col. John W. Kline 5084A, Regular Air To be assistant sanitary engineer Senate had passed, with amendments in Force. John F. Walsh which the concurrence of the House is Col. David I. Liebman 5164A, Regular Air requested, a bill of the House of the fol­ Force. To be nurse director lowing title: Col. Carroll H. Bolender, 5243A, Regular Mary E. O'Connor H.R. 227. An act to amend title 38 of the Air Force. I. For permanent promotion: United States Code to entitle the children of Col. Lee M. Lightner, 18923A, Regular Air To be assistant sanitary engineers certain veterans who served in the Armed Force, Dental. Forces prior to September 16, 1940, to benefit Col. Thomas L. Hayes, Jr., 4672A, Regular Douglas L. Johnson Richard H. Mosbaugh Donald R. Kaiser. under the war orphans educational assistance Air Force. program. Col. Herman Rumsey 4723A, ;Regular Air IN THE Am FORCE Force. The nominations beginning John D. Best The message also announced that the Col. George V. Williams 7733A, Regular Air to be captain, and ending Michael R. Watts Senate had passed, with an amendment Force. in which the concurrence of the House Col. Edward M. Nichols, Jr., 7805A, Reg­ to be second lieutenant, which nominations ular Air Force. were received by the Senate and appeared in is requested, a bill of the House of the Col. Leo P . Geary 8037A, Regular Air Force. the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD on August 11, following title: Col. John A. Des Portes 8199A, Regular Air 1965. H.R. 8283. An act to expand the war on Force. poverty and enhance the effectiveness of pro­ Col. Henry B. Kucheman, Jr., 8353A, Reg­ grams under the Economic Opportunity Act ular Air Force. of 1964. Col. Francis W. Nye 8418A, Regular Air HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Force. The message also announced that the Col. Gerald W. Johnson 8671A, Regular MONDAY, AUGUST 23, 1965 Senate insists upon its amendment to the Air Force. foregoing bill, requests a conference with Col. John R. Murphy 8944A, Regular Air The House met at 12 o'clock noon. the House on the disagreeing votes of Force. The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Braskamp, the two Houses thereon, and appoints Col. James F. Kirkendall 9092A, Regular D.D., used this verse of Scripture: Psalm Mr. McNAMARA, Mr. MORSE, Mr. YAR­ Air Force. Thy word. is a lamp unto my 119: 105: _BOROUGH, Mr. NELSON, Mr. JAVITS, and Col. Frank K. Everest, Jr., 9100A, Regular feet, and a light unto my path. Air Force. Mr. PROUTY to be the conferees on the Col. Frederick E. Morris, Jr., 9166A, Reg­ Almighty God, who art always speak:. part of the Senate. ular Air Force. ing unto us through Thy Holy Word, The message also announced that the Col. Rockly Triantafellu 9504A, Regular Air may these words, with their message of Senate had passed, with amendments in Force. comfort and cheer, be a revealing light which the concurrence of the House is 21244 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSlf August 23, 1965 requested, a bill of the House of the fol­ MILITARY AUTHORIZATION ACT OF sion at any military installation in the lowing title: 1965-VETO MESSAGE FROM THE country if and when such becomes· H .R . 10323. An act making appropriations PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED necessary. for military construction for the Department STATES (H. DOC. NO. 272) The legislative and executive branches of Defense for the fiscal year ending June share responsibility for the security of 30, 1966, and for other purposes. The SPEAKER laid before the House the Nation, and each has a vital role to the following veto message from the play. But under the separation of pow­ The message also announced that the President of the United States: Senate insists upon its amendments to ers decreed by the Constitution, the re­ the foregoing bill, requests a conference sponsibility of each is distinct and each To the House of Representatives: must avoid interfering in the proper with the House on the disagreeing votes I regret that I must return H.R. 8439 of the two Houses thereon, and appoints sphere of the other. Under the Con­ without my approval. stitution, Congress has the power to en­ Mr. STENNIS, Mr. RUSSELL of Georgia, I have been advised by the Attorney Mr. BIBLE, Mr. ELLENDER, Mr. BYRD of act laws to "raise and support" Armed General that certain provisions of the Forces, and only Congress can provide Virginia, Mr. KUCHEL, Mr. SALTONSTALL, bill are repugnant to the Constitution. and Mr. HRUSKA to be the conferees on the necessary appropriations for main­ Its enactment would represent a funda­ taining our fighting forces. In turn, the the part of the Senate. mental encroachment on one of the great The message also announced that the President is responsible for the direction principles of the American constitu­ and operation of those forces, for the Senate had passed bills of the following tional system-the separation of powers titles, in which the concurrence of the faithful execution of the laws enacted between the legislative and executive by Congress, and for the most effective House is requested: branches.
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