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Gelfand5 and Shamil Sunyaev3,6 1European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI), Hinxton Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge, UK CB10 1SD 2Max-Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, Ihnestrasse 73, 14195 Berlin, Germany 3European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), Meyerhofstrasse 1, 69117 Heidelberg, Germany 4Max-Delbruck Centre for Molecular Medicine, Robert-Roessle-Strasse 10, 13122 Berlin, Germany 5State Scientific Centre GosNIIGenetika, Dorozhny pr. 1, 113545 Moscow, Russia 6Present address: Genetics Division, Dept. Medicine, Brigham & Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, 20 Shattuck St., Thorn 914, Boston, Massachusetts 02115, USA A large-scale analysis of protein isoforms arising from changed ratio of expression of alternative splice variants. alternative splicing shows that alternative splicing With only rare exceptions, these observations were attrib- tends to insert or delete complete protein domains uted to insertions, deletions or substitutions of protein more frequently than expected by chance, whereas dis- domains or other protein structural modules. Therefore, ruption of domains and other structural modules is less the impact of alternative splicing on functional diversifica- frequent. If domain regions are disrupted, the functional tion can be analysed by quantifying the effect of alter- effect, as predicted from 3D structure, is frequently native splicing on protein domains and mapping of equivalent to removal of the entire domain. Also, short alternative splicing regions on protein functional and alternative splicing events within domains, which structural units. might preserve folded structure, target functional resi- We extracted all alternatively spliced protein isoforms dues more frequently than expected. Thus, it seems in higher organisms with fully sequenced genomes (Homo that positive selection has had a major role in the evolu- sapiens, Mus musculus, Drosophila melanogaster and tion of alternative splicing. Caenorhabditis elegans) from the SWISS-PROT database [13], producing a set of 4804 splicing variants of 1780 Several recent large-scale computational studies were proteins. We then mapped the alternatively spliced directed towards analysis of mRNA expression to quantify regions onto protein domain annotations of the InterPro the extent of alternative splicing [1–7], to identify groups resource [14], which combines entries from several major of genes with an increased level of alternative splicing [7], protein domain databases. Our data are presented as and to relate the level of alternative splicing to the supplementary information at http://archive.bmn.com/ organism complexity [8]. Experimental studies of indi- supp/tig/March_2003.pdf. vidual genes [9–12] revealed cases of functional differ- To interpret the mapping, we tested whether the ences between splice forms, differences in the cellular distribution of alternative splicing is random with regard localization, and even pathogenic consequences of a to the protein domain architecture. As we did not observe any bias of alternative splicing towards N-terminal, Corresponding author: Shamil Sunyaev ([email protected]). C-terminal or central parts of protein sequences http://tigs.trends.com Update TRENDS in Genetics Vol.19 No.3 March 2003 125 (a) Distribution of AS over protein regions (b) FT positions 100% (5) Part of functional affected 153 (6%) element FT positions 350 (13%) unaffected 90% Prosite 550 (21%) (4) Part of domain patterns 80% affected 70% 900 (34%) Prosite patterns unaffected 60% Expected Observed (3) No annotated 50% 1048 (40%) element affected (c) 40% 962 (37%) (3) No annotated 30% (2) Entire units affected 386 (15%) functional element 20% (2) Entire functional element 252 (10%) 10% 487 (18%) (1) Entire domain (1) Entire domain 161 (6%) 0% Expected Observed Expected Observed TRENDS in Genetics Fig. 1. The distribution of alternatively spliced regions in human with respect to the functional domains and structures in the proteins. (a) The observed distribution is com- pared with the distribution expected if alternative splicing were randomly located throughout the protein sequence. The events are divided into different classes: (1) alterna- tive splicing inserts or deletes a complete protein domain (according to PROSITE profiles); (2) alternative splicing inserts or deletes entire functional elements that are not domains (i.e. transmembrane segments, signal peptides and coiled-coil regions); (3) alternative splicing does not affect any annotated or predicted protein functional elements; (4) alternative splicing inserts or deletes only part of a domain; (5) alternative splicing inserts or deletes only part of a non-domain functional element. The num- bers of alternative splicing events in each class are shown and the percentage of the total for each class is in parentheses. (b) For cases where alternative splicing inserts or deletes a short fragment of a protein domain (less than 50 aa), the figure depicts the expected numbers of affected and unaffected functional sites. Only proteins with func- tional amino acids annotated in SWISS-PROT or in PROSITE were included in the analysis. The upper part of the figure corresponds to functional sites annotated in feature table (FT) in the SWISS-PROT entries. The lower part corresponds to sites annotated as PROSITE patterns. We focused solely on short alternative splicing within domains because long events are likely to destroy the domain structure. It is seen that short alternative splicing events within domains have a propensity to affect functional resi- dues. (c) The expected and observed relative frequencies of alternative splicing events that either (1) insert or delete complete domains; (2) insert or delete complete non- domain functional elements or (3) have no effect on domains and other functional units. As opposed to (a), here partially affected elements are disregarded from the analysis. (data not shown), our random model assumes a uniform even stronger for elements that are not domains but that placement of alternative splicing regions along the protein are structurally important, such as transmembrane sequences while retaining the annotated domain archi- regions, signal peptides and coiled-coil sequences (Fig. 1a). tecture of proteins. The number of alternative splicing The tendency of alternative splicing to occur outside of regions per protein and their length were assumed to domains and other structural elements might, at a first match that of observed alternative splicing. glance, indicate that function is little affected by alternative As shown in Fig. 1a, the proportion of alternative splicing. However, here we show that alternative splicing splicing boundaries within annotated domains is much that inserts or deletes whole domains affects function more lower than expected by chance; that is, alternative splicing than expected. To prove this, we modified our random tends not to occur within protein domains. This effect can expectation model and only considered
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