<trrntral i1llahtr·.a 1llllrrkly Nrw.a ilagazinr Vol. 7, No. 13 Thursday, March 28, 1968 Ten Cents Star Installation Jet. Child Dies In Accide-nt Beth Zwicker, three year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Low­ ell Zwicker of Brownville died of accidental stxarigulation at her Main Street home when she became entangled in a rope on a swing. Dr. John B. Curtis, county medic:;:al examiner from Milo said that the Tuesday afternoon accident occurred when the girl ap­ parently fell fr om the back of a pick-up t r uck and her hea<i slip­ ped through a noose in the swing rope, suspending her a foot off the ground. Beth was playing with a friend, seven year old Laureen Earley, who notified her mother, Mrs. Carla Earley, of the accident. Mrs. Earley called for help. SAD 41 Spelling Winners r. At a semi-public installation held by the Aldworth Chapter #J9 Order of the Eastern Star last Saturday evening, Mrs. Ernest­ ine Folsom (left} was installed Worthy Matron and Mr. G eorge C. Folsom (right) was installed Worthy Patron. Mrs. Louise Newman (center) was installing Matron. Other installing officers were Installing Patron, Kenneth P ul­ len, Marshal, Inez Pullen, Chaplain, Hope Rideout, Organist, Carolyn Small, Soloist, Gloria Collins and the Flower Ceremo"' Winners of the M.S. A. D. #41 Spelling contest were Roland ny, Anne Howe. (Staff photo by Mike Brigham) Larrabee, ~therine Rhoda and Bonnie McLaughlin. See art- Cont'd on Page 13 icle on Page J,4 (Staff photo by Mike Brlgham) I THE TOWN CRIER Page 2 THE TOWN CRIER is pu]:>lished each Thursday '-1?1LLo eommc.u-tit\1 evening by the TOWN CRIER PUBLICATIONS. we hope to be of help to the citizens ofthe·tciwns in our coverage through NEWS, INFORMATION, ~o~pit'""L ~ew~ AND LOWER PRICED ADVERTISING. we accept no financial responsibility for errors Receptionists are: Friday, Bertha Howland; Saturday, Hilda in advertising but will gladly print corrections. Brown and Rosamond Golden; Sunday, Glennis Harmon and Max­ copies of most photos appearing in THE TOWN ine Scanlon; Monday, Lucille Richardson; Tuesday, Pearl CRIER mav be obtained through our office. Hamlin; Wednesday, Margaret Fisher; Thursday, Frances If you have news or available photos of any sort we urge you to call an editor or drop in. Dead- · Hamlin. Uno will be Monday Noon but we would appreciate ADMISSIONS WEEK OF MARCH 18TH: copy received earlier in the week. IVllLO: BROWNVILLE: Classified ads 50 cent minimum including up to Delwin Goddard Hazel Wright 12 words, 3 cents for each additional word. Dis­ Dorothy Douglass Edna Knight play ad space by the column inch. Elizabeth Weymouth James Miller Harry Pray Eva Cobb EDITOR - ,TOANNE BRIGHAM Jeanette Morrill Beverley Farrar Milo - 943-7384 Daniel Jay SANGERVILLE: Geraldine Rublee Rita Tibbetts Alyce Hoskins OLD TO\.VN: Daniel Marks Helen Ewer FOR SALE National Zip Code· Directory, SEBEC: ETNA: I1 you want to BUY, SELL, Fred Packard Thelma Small RENT or SWAP, try "Town available at The Milo Printing cner" Claasiiied. Company and at the Bradstreet DISCHARGES: home on Pleasant St. Milo.$1. MILO: CAMP FOR SALE Lucy Buck Olivia Dqble New camp, 24' x 28', 100ft. Charles A. Dean Jr. Delwin Goddard shore frontage , glassed-in FOR RENT Karen Jay and baby Pauline· Sleeper porch, at Knights Landing, L-arge desirable Lots, city Gregory McKusick Jeanette Morrill and baby Schoodic Lake. Gas lights, gas water and sewerage, $25. 00 Martha Gould Elizabeth Weymouth. and baby range, white sink, electricity a month. Lillie Sturtevant BRADFORD: available, furnished. Phone KNAPP TRAILER PARK Georgianna Jones Old Town 827-2198 . Kimble St., Milo- 943-2639 TRANSFERRED: Ward Scripture, Milo, to Togus. HOUSE FOR SALE Possible projects were dis­ NEIL HAMLIN NAMED In Brownville - 9 rooms .. next best thing cussed among them: a Senior DORlVIITORY PROCTOR to a friend's Citizens Club, cooking instruc­ Contact John Leathers recommendation. AT BOWDOIN COLLEGE 965-7733 tions, repairing toys and al­ . Professor Jerry W. Brown, tering clothes for needy chil­ Dean of Stltdents at Bowdoin REAL ESTATE dren, sewing classes, a sum­ College, has announced the MILO -Clark Apartments, 3 In Milo: mer Head Start program, and appointment of 12 students as modern apartments each with CLAUDE N. TRASK a Youth Center. Dormitory Proctors for the bath, lovely modern kitchens, DAGGETT'S PHARMACY Met>ting dates were discuss ­ 1968-69 academic year. large lot. Excellent investment, M. C. HORNE & SONS,INC. ed, and it was decided to stag­ Membership on the Board of $10, 000. H.A.BAILEY LUMBERCO. ger meeting nights to allow Proctors is one of the chief SCHOODIC LAKE - Summer In LaGrange: more people to attend. undergraduate honors at Bow­ camps from $27 50 to $6000 ARTHUR MAILMAN AUTO Attending were Mr. and Mrs. doin. Members are nominated all furnished. SALES Milton Carle Jr., Mr. Albert by the Student Council and ap­ Dorothy Monroe -Real Estate In Guilford: Hichborn, Mr. HaroldClukey, pointed by the Dean of Students Broker -Milo - 943-8837 GUILFORD DRY CLEANERS Mrs. Gladys Dickison, Mrs. with the approval of the Facul­ WORTHEN"S MA:::u<:ET Alice Campbell, Mrs. Pauline ty: Theproctors are respons­ Campbell, Mrs. Patricia Hig­ WILL DO sewing and mend­ ROSS DRUG ible for student conduct in gins, Mrs. Inez Pullyard, Mr. ing in my home. Mrs. Walter DAVIS BROS. Bowdoin's six dormitories. Alfred Clukey, Mrs. Blanche Lougee - 27 Albert Street, GUILFORD DAIRY Among the newly named proc­ Davis, Mrs. E.lizabeth Sim­ Milo, Maine TRIANGLE SERVICE tors, all members of Bow­ TRIPPS SPORTING GOODS mons, Miss Margaret Bennet, doin's Ciass of 1970, is Neil Mrs. ·Marilyn Burgoyne, and H. Hamlin, son of Mr. and CARD OF THANKS SANGERVILLE Mrs. Phyllis Burgess. Mrs. George E. Hamlin pf We \vish to express our ap­ COMMUNITY COMMITTEE The next meeting will be held (Church Street) Milo, Maine. preciation for the many acts of The Sangerville Community Wednesday, March 27, at 7:30 kindness extended to us during Committee met March 19 a.t p. m. at the Town Office. All our recent bereavement. the home of Miss Margaret interested citizens are urged The Family of a:arry Bain Martin in Sangerville. to attend, l THE TOWN CRIER Page 3 Dance Graduation Graduating in exercises held recently by the Sangerville Lords Also graduating were: in back, Richard Stocker, Fred Hersey and Ladies Square Dance Group were: back row L. to R. Steve and Vance Pratt; in front, Rose McLaughlin, Dorothy Hersey, Dauphinee, William Bemis and Henry Fitzsimmons , in front of and Laura Pratt. them are Linda Dauphinee, Kathy Fairbrother and Sandra Fitz-. simmons. The Sangerville Lords and Ladies Square Dance Club held their graduation Saturday, March 16 , at the Town Hall, The hall was decorated in keeping with St. Patr ick's Day with green and white streamers. Shamrocks decorated the front of the stage, and lar ge shamrocks with square dance s ilhouettes decorated the balcony. Ear1 Bonsey, the ins true tor, was the caller. T he graduating class, wearing their mortarboard caps, were led into the hall by the club presidents, Willard and Louine Starbird. After a grand march, Mr. Bonsey congratulated the class on their achievements, and presented their diplomas, club pins, and complimentary copies of the Square Reader. The class pre­ sented Mr. Bonsey and his wife with a gift. Members of the graduating class were Russell and Alice Moul­ ton, Harry and Shirley Drew, Vance and Laura Pratt, Fred and Dorothy Hersey, Henry and Sandra Fitzsimmons, Billy Bemis, More of those completing 20 weeks of lessons were Harry Dr­ StevenandLindaDauphinee (brother and sister), Kathy and Judy ew, Roy Fiarbrother, Russ Moulton and Ken Wilson. In frontof Fairbrother, Kathy Bonsey, Richard Stocker, and Rose Me- them are Shirley Drew, Julie Fairbr other, Alice Moulton a nd Laughlin. Kathy Bonsey. (S taff photos by Matt Troy) For their help during the lessons, Mr. ·Bonsey presented angel ,.------ ---------------- ------. pins to Muriel and Erland Herring, Barbara and Roy Fair­ brother, and Ruth and Bill Dauphinee. Bui I d i ng-Remod eli ng- Special Square Dance Emblem Flags for car aerials were presented to Willard and Louine Starbird, Errol and Phyllis Bemis for their help during the lessons. A Square Dance Bump­ ~ Ceramic & ~ er Sticker was presented to each member of the graduating class. A year's subscription to the Square Reader was given to Barry Complete Cabinet Work and Shirley Drew for perfect attendance. There were ten squares in attendance. Dancers were present Dover Phone from the Sebasticook Swingers, Newport; Center Squares, Dov- Foxcroft Clyde Burton 564- 8905 er-Foxcroft; Gay Blades and P r etty Maids, East Corinth; 1------------- -------------"' Whirling 8's, Hampden; Squa r e Knots and Polka Dots, Brad- Club officers for the coming year were elected as follows: ford; a lso dancers from Milo and BrGwnville J unction. Presidents, Roy and Barbara Fairbrother; Vice P residents I Caller Vince Connor of Hampden was introduced to the daa- Erland and Phyllis Herring; Secretary-Treasurer, Bill and cers, and he called a few tips. Ruth Dauphinee. THE TOWN CRIER page.~4~--------------~--------------------~---------------------------------- HATHAWAY I REPORTS Pastor Carlton Cockey United Baptist Church, Mil<' by Congressman William D. Hathaway THE TAUNT OF CHICKEN- ITS INFLUENCE OVER EASTER In just a few days a great exodus will be taking place. An _ex­ The difficulties currently besetting Maine's fishing industry odus from the college campus to select cities for a 'try anythtng' are of the first magnitude and constitute a problem that affects frolics that often end in the vulgarity and viciousness of youth not only the fishermen themselves, l;>ut processors, commercial riots.
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