1 LIBER No. 36

1 LIBER No. 36

1 LIBER No. 36 g YEAR NAME COUNTY FOLIO 1757 Abell, Enoch St. Marys 367 1754- 57 Abel, John St. Marys 33-345-367 1754- 55 Abel, Peter Talbot 13-56-209 1754- 57 Abel, Samuel St. Marys 33-545-367 1757 Abercombie, Robert Anne Arundel 372-384-398 1754 Abington, John Frederick 50 1757 Ackworth, Charles Somerset 373 1757 Acton, Henry Prince Geo 375 1757 Acton, Henry Prince Seo 375 1754 Acton, Richard Baltimore 43 1756 Adair, Robert Baltimore 266 1756 Adams, Benjamin Jr. Charles 312-333 1754- -55 Adams, Benjamin Prince Geo 89-97-137 1757 Adams, Benjamin S t. Mary s 395 1755- -56 Adams, Collins Somerset 139-265 or Addams 1756 Adams, Elizabeth Charles 312-333 1754 Adams, Francis Jr. Charles 41 1756 Adams, George Somerset 265-280 or Addams 1756- -57 Adams, George Worcester 265-276-324-340 357-369-379-385 404-422 1757 Adams, Hope Somerset 389 1754 Adams, Hopewell St. Marys 33 1756 Adams, Ignatius Charles 277 1756 Adams, Jacob Somerset 265 1755 Adams, James Jr. St. Marys 161 1757 Adams, John Charles 418 1755- -56 Adams, Josias Charles 194-390 1754 Adams, Martin Frederick 99 1754 Adams, Mary Frederick 99 1755 Adams, Samuel Somerset 139 1756 Adams, Samuel Somerset 265 1756 Adams, Roger Somerset 303 1755 Adam, Tabitha Somerset 139 3 YEAR NAME COUNTY FOLIO 1756 Adams, Thomas Charles 312-333 1756 Adams, Thomas Somerset 265 1754- 57 Adams, Thomas Worcester 100-325-427 1754- 55 Adams, William Dorchester 28-168 1754 Adams, William Dorchester 27 1756 Adams, William Somerset 265 1754 Adams, ’William Jr. Somerset 16 1754 Adams, William Talbot 26-56 or Addams 1755 Adderton, Jeremiah St. Marys 172 1755- •56 Addison, John(8heriff) Prince Geo 184-202-203-223 254-271-280 1754 Adkins, Robert Worcester 36 1754 Afford, Joseph Dorchester 63 1756 Aires, John Talbot 284 1754 Airey, Mary Talbot 101 1753- -57 Aisquith, Thomas(Depty. St. ^arys 5-65-241-277-434 Comm.) 1753 Aisquith, Thomas(Depty. Worcester Comm.) 1756 Aken, Archibald Cecil 286 1754 Aken, Margaret Cecil 49 1756 Akers, William Talbot 263-317 1754 Albridge, Fredus Cecil 1755 Aldem, Richard Talbot 1757 Alegood, William Worcester 1754- -57 Alexander, Arthur Cecil 1757 Alexander, David Talbot 1757 Alexander, Franklin Worcester 380 1757 Alexander, John Queen Anne 362 1754- -57 Alexander, Matthew Cecil 104-245-428 1754- -57 Alexander, Rosannah Cecil 104-245-428 1756 Allford, Edward Dorchester 305 1756- -57 Alford, Edward Jr. Dorchester 364-331-305 1757 Alford, James Dorchester 364 1754' -57 Alford, Joseph Dorchester 48-121-163-250 437 4 YEAR NAME COUNTY FOLIO 1757 Alford, Mary Dorchester 437 1757 Alford, William Jr. Dorchester 437 1755 All, William Queem Anne 174 1757 Allen, John Zachariah Anne Arundel 398 or Allein 1754' -55 Allen, Joseph Somerset 51-170 1755 Allen, Martha Prince Geo 190-313 1756' -55 Allen, Thomas Prince Geo 237-313 1754 Allen, William Anne Arundel 17 1754' -55 Allen, William Dorchester 48-158 1757 Allen, William(Sheriff) Somerset 431 1754 Allen, William Worcester 36 1756 Alley, John Queen Anne 289-324-350 1756 Alley, Margaret Queen Anne 289-324-350 1755- -56 Allison, John St. Marys 161-187-377 1755 Allison, Patrick Somerset 164 1755 Allison, Robert Somerset 164 1755- -57 Allison, Sarah St. Marys 161-187-377 1755- -57 Allison, Thomas St. '“arys 161-187-377 1754- -56 Allman, Abraham Cecil 105-237-336 1754- -56 Allman, Catharine Cecil 105-336 1756 Allnutt, William Calvert 354 1754- -55 Alstons, Thomas St. Marys 100-172 1756 Anderson, Alexander St. Marys 349 1756 Anderson, Anderson Anne Arundel 293 1755 Anderson, Ann Charles 147 1756- •57 Anderson, Elizabeth Anne Arundel 255-257-258-259 260-204-227-323 241-256-284-269 1756- -57 Anderson, James Anne Arundel 255-257-258-259- 260-204-227-271 323-341-356-369 1754- •56 Anderson, James Anne Arundel 12-34-35-184-228 280 1755- •56 Anderson, James Charles 194-229-247-290 291-294 1756 Anderson, James Kent 338 1756- •57 Anderson, John Anne Arundel 204-227-255-257 258-259-260-271 323-341-356-384 369 5 YEAR NAME COUNTY FOLIO 1754 Anderson, John Anne Arundel 107 1755 Anderson, John Charles 147 1755 -56 Anderson, John Charles 194-229-247-272 290-291-294 1754 Anderson, John Dorchester 27 1756 Anderson, John Queen Anne 290 1754' ■55 Anderson, John Somerset 51-140 1756' ■57 Anderson, Leonard Anne Arundel 204-227-255-257 258-259-260-271 323-341-356-334 369 1755- -56 Anderson, Mary Charles 194-229-247-272 29-291-294 1755' -54 Anderson, Rachel Somerset 51-140 1756 -57 Anderson, Richard Anne Arundel 204-227-255-257 258-259-260-271 323-341-356-384 369 1756 Anderson, William Anne Arundel 308 1756' ■57 Anderson, William Anne Arundel 204-227-255-257 258-259-260-271 323-341-356-369 384 1756 Anderson, William Kent 314 1756 Andrews, Isaac Dorchester 305 1754 Andrews, Joseph Dorchester 17 1754 Andrews, Nathaniel Dorchester 28 1754 Andrews, Thomas Dorchester 28 1757 Angel, Barnaby St. Marys 377 1757 Angler, John Kent 445 1757 Archee, Thomas Baltimore 376 1757 Armstrong, Edward Calvert 374-442 1755 Armstrong, Edward Cecil 123 1754' -55 Armstrong, Soloman Talbot 46-135 1754' -55 Armstrong, William Baltimore 26-120-215 1755' -56 Armstrong, William Cecil 244-336 1757 Armstrong, John St. Marys 377 1754 Arnold, David Calvert 35 1755 Arnold, David Charles 233 1757 Arnold, Joseph Frederick 433-441 6 YEAR NAME COUNTY FOLIO 1757 Arnold, Susannah Frederick 453-441 1756 Arrants, Johannes Cecil 334 1757 Arrunist, Johannes Cecil 365 1754-55 Arthur, John St. Marys 101-214 1757 Arthur, Robert Cecil 439 1754-55 Ascome, Samuel St. Marys 101-106-214 1754 Ash, John Cecil 49 1754- 5Ashercroft,7 Thomas Talbot 36-101-414-388 1755- 5Ashley, Isaac6 Kent 144-171-239-282 1754- 5Ashley, John5 Anne Arundel 107-112-131-311 1755- 5Ashley, Margaret6 Kent 144-171-239-282 1754 Ashley, William Kent 88 1754 Ashley, William Kent 88 1756 Ashman, George Baltimore 348 1754 Ashraft, Jacob Frederick 50 1755 Askew, Ann Calvert 4 1753 Askew, Michael Calvert 4, ' 1754- 5Askew, Thomas7 Anne Arundel 107-401 1754 Atcheson, James & Uxor Prince Geo 7 1756 Athey, Thomas Sr. Prince Geo 269 1756 Athey, Thomas Jr. Prince Geo 269 1754 Atkinson, Comfort Worcester 14-122 1756 Atkinson, Isaac Worcester 324 1757 Atkinson, James Worcester 379 1755 Atkinson, John Baltimore 120 1756 Atkinson, John Kent 288 1755 Atkinson, John Queen Anne 125-146 1757 Atkinson, John Jr. Queen Anne 420 1755 Atkinson, John Worcester 14-122 1754 Atkinson, John Worcester 324 1755- 5Atkinson, 7J shua Worcester 165-324-406 1757 Atkinson, Samuel Worcester 432 1757 Atkinson, Sarah Worcester 432 1755 Atkinson, William Worcester 239 1757 Atwell, Samuel Sample Talbot 443 7 YEAR NAME COUNTY FOLIO 1757 Atwell, Mary Talbot 443 1756 Aucterlong, Patrick Calvert 302 1754' -57 Auld, James Dorchester 10-22-39-119-134 158-163-167-174-191 212-217-250-303-317 331-346-363-414-420-436 1754' -57 Auld, Rosannah Dorchester 10-22-39-119-134 158-163-167-174-191 212-217-250-303-317 331-346-363-414-420-436 1754 Austin, Edv/ard St. Marys 83 1757 Austin, Lawrence Baltimore 376 1755 Austin, Samuel Calvert 167 1756 Autten, John Worcester 326 1755 Axe11, Jane Anne Arundel 142 1755 Axell, Luke Anne Arundel 142 1754 Ayres, William Kent 11-88 1756 Ayres, William Talbot 332 1755 Aynge, John St. tfiarys 241 8 YEAR NAME COUNTY FOLIO 1755 Baden, John Calvert 167 1756 Baden, John Calvert 302 1755 Baden, Robert Jr. Prince Geo 167 1755' -56 Baden, Thomas Prince Geo 167-313 1755 Baggat, John Charles 240 1755 Baggs, Elizabeth Queen Anne 125 1755 Baggs, John Queen Anne 125 1754 Bailey, Charity Cecil 105 1754 Bailey, Clement Dorchester 28 1756 Bailey, Daniel Frederick 268 or Baley 1755 Bailey, Deborah Talbot 193 1753 Bailey, Eleanor St. Marys 5 1754 Bailey, Elias Somerset 34-67 or Baley 1754 Bailey, Elizabeth Somerset 34-67 1755 Bailey, George Baltimore 69-129-196 or Baley 1755 Bailey, Ignatius St. Marys 154 1755 Bailey, Jabez Baltimore 69-129-196 or Baley 1755 Bailey, John Baltimore 129-196 1753 Bailey, John St. Marys 5 1755 Bailey, Macclan Baltimore 69-196 or Baley 1757 Bailey, Mark St. ^arys 404-423-431-432 1755 Bailey, Samuel Talbot 193 1757 Bailey, Thomas Queen Anne 430 1754 Bailey, William Cecil 105 1757 Bailey, William St. Marys 404-423-431-432 1754- •56 Baker, Elizabeth St. Marys 65-101-242-348 1754- ■57 Baker, Henry Cecil 48-104-244-245 334-365-366-440 1756- •57 Baker, James Queen Anne 338-420-430 1754- ■56 Baker, James Worcester 23-39-72-92-109 127-149-176-200-222 254-271 1754- ■56 Baker, John St. ^arys 65-101-242-348 1755 Baker, Morris Baltimore 120 9 YEAR NAME COUNTY FOLIO 1754- 5Baker, Nathan7 Cecil 48-104-244-245 334-365-366-440 1756-57 Baker, Rachel Queen Anne 338-420-430 1757 Baker, Thomas Queen Anne 426 1756 Baker, Thomas Worcester 292 1755 Balentine, Mary Charles 194 1755 Balentine, Wallace Charles 194 1757 Ball, John Baltimore 377 1754 Ball, Mary Baltimore 86 1757 Ball, Samuel Worcester 382 1755- 5Ballard, 7Henry Somerset 182-201-208-374 1754- 5Ballard, 5Henry(Sheriff) Somerset 95-129-132 1755- 5Ballard, 7Mary Somerset 182-201-208-374 1755- 5Ballard, 7Robert Somerset 182-201-208-374 1754 Barnes, James Baltimore 52 1754 Bames, Elizabeth Dorchester 81 1754 Bames, James Dorchester 81 1755 Bankhouse, Richard St. Marys 160 1755 Banks, W?illiam Queen Anne 146-276 1757 Bankson, Elizabeth Baltimore 429 >1757 Bankson, Joseph Baltimore 429 1757 Banning, Henry Talbot 387 1757 Banning, Jeremiah Talbot 387 1756 Banning, William Queen Anne 308 1753 Bansill, Nicholas Frederick 4 1754 Barber, Baptist St.

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