Colby College Digital Commons @ Colby The Waterville Mail (Waterville, Maine) Waterville Materials 4-19-1895 The Waterville Mail (Vol. 48, No. 47): April 19, 1895 Prince & Wyman Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.colby.edu/waterville_mail Part of the Agriculture Commons, American Popular Culture Commons, Journalism Studies Commons, and the United States History Commons Recommended Citation Prince & Wyman, "The Waterville Mail (Vol. 48, No. 47): April 19, 1895" (1895). The Waterville Mail (Waterville, Maine). 1588. https://digitalcommons.colby.edu/waterville_mail/1588 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Waterville Materials at Digital Commons @ Colby. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Waterville Mail (Waterville, Maine) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Colby. ppPKMniqpi ^OLIIMK XLVIII. WATERVILLE, xMAINE, FRIDAY\ APRIL 19, 1896. NO. 47. YANKEES IN OURA INSULTED. CTRUTOBKI. Maine Matters. Highest of all in Leavening Power.— Latest U. S. Gov’t Report THE OREAT 5-geiit AHD BARBAIN STOjlE. The Spaalarda Galtlng Oay wlUi AwMrl- Where aad BewTkttj Are arade—Cralche^ eaa Raaldawta. Trimmed with Gold.l Thn town of lloiiUon biu voted to build A letter received at Tampa, Fla*, from Nearly all the emtohea made in ^hin GREAT SEVEN DAYS’ SALE n ateel and tmii bridge over thn Meduzne* --OF- Santiago de Cuba reoeotly, aaya: oonntry for tiae here and for ex|K>rt to for­ keag river at a cost of $10,00(1. The con­ "Spanish feeling against the *Yaakee' eign- oonntriea, principally to thn Wrxt Baking Notice! tract Imn lieon given to the Hcrlin Hridgp residents of Cuba is eunniag high sieoe Indiaa, to Mexico, Central .America, and TUflBLERS and GOBLETS Company. tbo Allianoa was fired upon off Cai Sooth America, are made in four or five COMMENCING - - SATURDAY. APRIL 20th, Maysi. Mere in Santiago, and in near!rby Tbe large stable of the Soarsport liutnl, viUa«B and towoa, where tbe newly at- faetoriea in New EugUnd and two or three Powder W. C. Grinneil, proprietor, was burned CLOSING, - - SATURDAY, APRIL 27th. rivedfg«>. govv-rnment troops have been quar­ fhotoriaa in other parte of the country ABiAOUITELY pure early Monday morning. Eight horses, tered, army sub-lieutenants and lieuten­ Perfaapa tbree-fbnrtbe or more of them are To All Lovers of Delicious The best Tumblers sold anywhere at $1.00 per dozen, owned by Newell Shute, wbu leased thei ants, and even members of tbe so-oalled made in New England, a great number •table, perished. The boiiHc of Charles 'home guards,* many of them as ignoraut IPor So. eaoli. as haughty, seem to mske it their busini baiog produced by a tingle factory in Now Sullivan, in the rear of the stable, mia to eaitso resident or visiting Americans M Hampahire. A few orotoboe are made to l.l'RKN K»U Wll.v TIUU’T. Condiments, Nice ten-ceiit Goblets, an excellent bargain. consumed. All tbo bnildingn destroyed much inconvenience as possible. One order ooteide of the factory, but they are THE MOON’S CLIMATE. were now, having been built to replace cuuipellud to show bis passport, in some Dslsl IlHlIn for r’lnli Thm Fllfn Will Not Oo. eciolx. very few. Almoet without exception, and Triiiiit Nt ,tll. those burned n year ago. Tbe loss is about oases, half a dozen times s day, and is Why Our OiilrllllM I« 8nljrct (<> (lr«-At Es- asked all kinds of impudent questions, tnoludiog tboaa made to order, crutches trrnirii uf llc*«t autl ('olil. " I lie fly iNliernmu jn too apt to regard ID. ROTTITESIjXj dh OCD- $6000. "If you are not ■uffloieiitly fluent in tbe are made in the factories. Most of the In nhiHYrntiuM of (liu iinportuiit r-lt- his iMiok of guy ffnthors hh thu solo arma- Delectable Compounds, and Good 85 MAim 8T. WATERVII.I.E, MAUVE. BelfaNt as got a dose of thn mumps, Siwiiiiali language to explain everything to factories are located where they are so as matin ofTi'Ota of nii nttnoKphoru, I ii<>c<| the satisinction of these officials they draw iiiciit iiuudud,’' -»aid iiti old aoglur. "If and at present hidds the coronet as tho to be as near aa poasibie to forests of suit­ do Ilttlo nioru tkun cite tho cufo of Iho their swords and maroh you off to jsil as moon. OnrHatulIito U praotioally at (lio iTfHit rufuA»» ouu lly ho Irys aiiolhur, but cheekiest town in (he slate. Tho viva- able timber, aud because of the greater 'suspect,' to coiitraot their yellow fever or zamodlatancofroin tho xnn oh thoo.irth, when .tlu> list is exfiniiAtud ho is withuiit Living, Generally; uioiis iiel/nst Age aays: "It is supposed ohotcra morbus, uiaybe. cbeapnaM of labor. Praotioally no cnitobes and In Ita onno alHolntonial iioiit IinM no udn-r ri'Huiin'o. Dui he hut know it, one that nininpa originated with the man who "/Vn American raerchaut doing busim are imported. prcHOiit olTuct on tlio toiniH'nituru of ita WALL t PAPERS. in one of these suburban villages, a itstion of tho yolUiw huutlos on tho old willow got ttll his friends to save nil tboir old Rock maple is tbe wood most used In saperfioial purtions. It Tvould thoroforo that uvorhaitgs tho piHtl might have wuii If you inteiiil to |m)>er jrour rooina, do not fall oil the railroad leading into the interior, seem that, so far as auu hoaHaonuoern- localionine. I have tbe Uiieof aaiiiplra Hlainps for him and tlien invited them to tbe manufacture of orutohea; they are him H glorious fUh ; u cricket from under Your attention is called to the fact that within the walls of lobe Men in the oily. Sniiiplt!« abown at yuur lately put a fiagpola on his building ed, the inotiii munt ho In much thoHuine o(r|i home. Drop m« a earU. his house one night as they thought to a intending to raise the star spangled banner made also of lanoewood, rosewood, liirk HU ovortiirnod Mtoiio might tompt a mot- ^"’a dilapidated, lop sided, forlorn-looking Establishment, should the occasion require, but was ory, and other woods, and of bamboo. Tbe condition ns tho earth. Rut If wo thciK'O CAN SAVE YOU »0 PER CENT. nice little banquet or something like that. dodutMid thoinforoiico that the tonipf ra* llod giunt from tho Hhadowtul crot'k, and But no, when his frieiida arrived tho man warned not to do so, and was acoused of great majority of crutches are now made known “in Song and Story,’’ as syiiipalhv with the revolutionists. turn oonditloiiH provailing on our mitol- ofton a hit 4»f tho »nowy holly »/f one of tho PAPER HANGING A SPECIALTT. set them at work stenmmg the slampa ulT "The Virginius case is almost every day of the modern style, tbe spread or double­ lito boar any rnsenihlanco to tho tom- Nmiill catfish or olmlw ono in hothorod tho parts of the envelopes to which they tlmiwn into the teeth of Americans as an bar crutch, so familiar to the eye; but the peraturu oondltiona provuiling on thu willi, urrangoil duinlily on tho hook and PAINTING AND GLAZING. earth wo Hhotild luuko a groat mlKtako. were attached. That was obeekv enough incident of the Yankee government’s oow- old-style orutob has by no means gone on Hldllfiilly nkilforcd down a long ripple, to start mnin|)8 on a hrass monkey.” amlice, and as proof that Spain will never tirely out of use. Perhaps ten |>er cent, of ObsorvatioiiH of tliunuHm'N hoiit itbow H, O. PIERCE, THE LATK8T STYLES, submit to Secretary Gresham’s demand in that ita Hnrfm'u la ('xponed to a treiuon- will lond to a mighty tuHnlo. NEATEST DESIGNS, • our orutobes are still made of tbe old-foali- "Ono (*f tliO Atmill greon frogs, not the Residence: 22 ASH STREET. Secretary Herbert has awarded the con­ tho Allinucncaso. dnnn rango.i)f tonipcrntnro, exttuidiiig to REST FINISHED "The n'sident British oonsul has as ^et iooed style, a single straight bar, with an buhdredii of dogreuH. It hiia bern doni- hrowii and yollow mottiod sort, liooked And Moet ReMonable Priced Goode Kullt, tract for building the three sea-going tor­ arm-oifoe aoroea at tbe top. Crutches taken no steps to investigate the shooting onstratod that tho tompi’raturo of tho ligliiiy through tho Hkiii of one thigh FULL PINT BOTTLES Oi I iiave a ianre line of OonoonI Waaone. Conitiis pedo boats to the Coliinibian Iron Works, of tho kiiglish sailor from tbe l.«aurestioa this kind are eometimea made of ash or Carrlagee.---- ... Phaetooe,----------- low— down tVellTery aiui Kx- uinon under tho full glare of the Aun mnkoH nil irrcsistihlo hait iu sumo wontli- press Wfagniie, - “fine "Cut-Under ‘ '* ■ nod' ^0|>eD ---------- Surreys. of Baltimore. tho other day. 'I'he subieota of her rasjes- oak; they are more commonly sold where rlAoa to a point in exooAHof that of boil­ STRONG ammonia Call and see my gootlt anil get niy prioee. ty here blame Captain (lavana for having but a single orutob is desired, and where, ing water, whilo it iH('<|uuIly certain that i ers. It lA Imrd-livcil anddumhio, too, and can be found as fine a line of FOR 10 CENTS at ALL GOODS FULLY GUABANTBBD. WILL UK IIIKUKU OUT. sailed without advising the oonsul offloislly therefore, greater streugth and stiffness wim ami kick nhoiit fur a couplu of are needed. when thu HiinlieainA are withdrawn tho of the matter. toinpernturoof th^ninon NiiikH to n point I hourA, uuIcsh hooiut attucko My old DORR*M DRLXO »T01*15.
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